
138 lines
4.6 KiB
Protocol Buffer
Raw Normal View History

syntax = "proto3";
package cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1;
import "gogoproto/gogo.proto";
import "tendermint/abci/types.proto";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
option go_package = "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types";
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer_all) = false;
// TxResponse defines a structure containing relevant tx data and metadata. The
// tags are stringified and the log is JSON decoded.
message TxResponse {
option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false;
// The block height
int64 height = 1;
// The transaction hash.
string txhash = 2 [(gogoproto.customname) = "TxHash"];
// Namespace for the Code
string codespace = 3;
// Response code.
uint32 code = 4;
// Result bytes, if any.
string data = 5;
// The output of the application's logger (raw string). May be
// non-deterministic.
string raw_log = 6;
// The output of the application's logger (typed). May be non-deterministic.
repeated ABCIMessageLog logs = 7 [(gogoproto.castrepeated) = "ABCIMessageLogs", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Additional information. May be non-deterministic.
string info = 8;
// Amount of gas requested for transaction.
int64 gas_wanted = 9;
// Amount of gas consumed by transaction.
int64 gas_used = 10;
// The request transaction bytes.
google.protobuf.Any tx = 11;
// Time of the previous block. For heights > 1, it's the weighted median of
// the timestamps of the valid votes in the block.LastCommit. For height == 1,
// it's genesis time.
string timestamp = 12;
// ABCIMessageLog defines a structure containing an indexed tx ABCI message log.
message ABCIMessageLog {
option (gogoproto.stringer) = true;
uint32 msg_index = 1;
string log = 2;
// Events contains a slice of Event objects that were emitted during some
// execution.
repeated StringEvent events = 3 [(gogoproto.castrepeated) = "StringEvents", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// StringEvent defines en Event object wrapper where all the attributes
// contain key/value pairs that are strings instead of raw bytes.
message StringEvent {
option (gogoproto.stringer) = true;
string type = 1;
repeated Attribute attributes = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Attribute defines an attribute wrapper where the key and value are
// strings instead of raw bytes.
message Attribute {
string key = 1;
string value = 2;
// GasInfo defines tx execution gas context.
message GasInfo {
// GasWanted is the maximum units of work we allow this tx to perform.
uint64 gas_wanted = 1 [(gogoproto.moretags) = "yaml:\"gas_wanted\""];
// GasUsed is the amount of gas actually consumed.
uint64 gas_used = 2 [(gogoproto.moretags) = "yaml:\"gas_used\""];
// Result is the union of ResponseFormat and ResponseCheckTx.
message Result {
option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false;
// Data is any data returned from message or handler execution. It MUST be
// length prefixed in order to separate data from multiple message executions.
bytes data = 1;
// Log contains the log information from message or handler execution.
string log = 2;
// Events contains a slice of Event objects that were emitted during message
// or handler execution.
repeated tendermint.abci.Event events = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// SimulationResponse defines the response generated when a transaction is
// successfully simulated.
message SimulationResponse {
GasInfo gas_info = 1 [(gogoproto.embed) = true, (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
Result result = 2;
// MsgData defines the data returned in a Result object during message
// execution.
message MsgData {
option (gogoproto.stringer) = true;
string msg_type = 1;
bytes data = 2;
// TxMsgData defines a list of MsgData. A transaction will have a MsgData object
// for each message.
message TxMsgData {
option (gogoproto.stringer) = true;
repeated MsgData data = 1;
// SearchTxsResult defines a structure for querying txs pageable
message SearchTxsResult {
option (gogoproto.stringer) = true;
// Count of all txs
uint64 total_count = 1 [(gogoproto.moretags) = "yaml:\"total_count\"", (gogoproto.jsontag) = "total_count"];
// Count of txs in current page
uint64 count = 2;
// Index of current page, start from 1
uint64 page_number = 3 [(gogoproto.moretags) = "yaml:\"page_number\"", (gogoproto.jsontag) = "page_number"];
// Count of total pages
uint64 page_total = 4 [(gogoproto.moretags) = "yaml:\"page_total\"", (gogoproto.jsontag) = "page_total"];
// Max count txs per page
uint64 limit = 5;
// List of txs in current page
repeated TxResponse txs = 6;