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# end-2-end tests for kava
These tests use [`kvtool`](https://github.com/kava-labs/kvtool) to spin up a kava node configuration
and then runs tests against the running network. It is a git sub-repository in this directory. If not
present, you must initialize the subrepo: `git submodule update --init`.
Steps to run
1. Build a Kava docker image tagged `kava/kava:local`: `make build-docker`
2. Ensure latest `kvtool` is installed: `make update-kvtool`
3. Run the test suite: `make test-e2e`
**Note:** The suite will use your locally installed `kvtool` if present. If not present, it will be
installed. If the `kvtool` repo is updated, you must manually update your existing local binary: `make update-kvtool`
## Configuration
The test suite uses env variables that can be set in [`.env`](.env). See that file for a complete list
of options. The variables are parsed and imported into a `SuiteConfig` in [`testutil/config.go`](testutil/config.go).
The variables in `.env` will not override variables that are already present in the environment.
ie. Running `E2E_INCLUDE_IBC_TESTS=false make test-e2e` will disable the ibc tests regardless of how
the variable is set in `.env`.
## `Chain`s
A `testutil.Chain` is the abstraction around details, query clients, & signing accounts for interacting with a
network. After networks are running, a `Chain` is initialized & attached to the main test suite `testutil.E2eTestSuite`.
The primary Kava network is accessible via `suite.Kava`.
Details about the chains can be found [here](runner/chain.go#L62-84).
## `SigningAccount`s
Each `Chain` wraps a map of signing clients for that network. The `SigningAccount` contains clients
for both the Kava EVM and Cosmos-Sdk co-chains.
The methods `SignAndBroadcastKavaTx` and `SignAndBroadcastEvmTx` are used to submit transactions to
the sdk and evm chains, respectively.
### Creating a new account
// create an account on the Kava network, initially funded with 10 KAVA
acc := suite.Kava.NewFundedAccount("account-name", sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin("ukava", 10e6)))
// you can also access accounts by the name with which they were registered to the suite
acc := suite.Kava.GetAccount("account-name")
Funds for new accounts are distributed from the account with the mnemonic from the `E2E_KAVA_FUNDED_ACCOUNT_MNEMONIC`
env variable. The account will be generated with HD coin type 60 & the `ethsecp256k1` private key signing algorithm.
The initial funding account is registered with the name `"whale"`.
## IBC tests
When IBC tests are enabled, an additional network is spun up with a different chain id & an IBC channel is
opened between it and the primary Kava network.
The IBC network runs kava with a different chain id and staking denom (see [runner/chain.go](runner/chain.go)).
The IBC chain queriers & accounts are accessible via `suite.Ibc`.
IBC tests can be disabled by setting `E2E_INCLUDE_IBC_TESTS` to `false`.