mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 12:08:07 +00:00
Add IBC chain to E2E test suite (#1486)
* add kvtool as a subrepo * use kvtool instead of hardcoded configurations * encapsulate chain port numbers * refactor query clients * include ibc in test suite * track & create accounts per chain * setup test suite env & toggle for IBC tests * support different denoms on different chains * add E2E_SKIP_SHUTDOWN flag * test ibc transfer of funds! * include submodules in necessary github checkout action * update readme w/ details about e2e git submodules
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,3 +3,6 @@ out/
@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ jobs:
- name: checkout repo from current commit
uses: actions/checkout@v3
submodules: true
- name: Set up Go
uses: actions/setup-go@v3
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
[submodule "tests/e2e/kvtool"]
path = tests/e2e/kvtool
url = https://github.com/kava-labs/kvtool
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Reference implementation of Kava, a blockchain for cross-chain DeFi. Built using
## Mainnet
The current recommended version of the software for mainnet is [v0.19.0](https://github.com/Kava-Labs/kava/releases/tag/v0.19.0). The master branch of this repository often contains considerable development work since the last mainnet release and is __not__ runnable on mainnet.
The current recommended version of the software for mainnet is [v0.21.0](https://github.com/Kava-Labs/kava/releases/tag/v0.21.0). The master branch of this repository often contains considerable development work since the last mainnet release and is __not__ runnable on mainnet.
### Installation and Setup
For detailed instructions see [the Kava docs](https://docs.kava.io/docs/participate/validator-node).
@ -34,6 +34,16 @@ git checkout v0.21.0
make install
End-to-end tests of Kava use a tool for generating networks with different configurations: [kvtool](https://github.com/Kava-Labs/kvtool).
This is included as a git submodule at [`tests/e2e/kvtool`](tests/e2e/kvtool/).
When first cloning the repository, if you intend to run the e2e integration tests, you must also
clone the submodules:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/Kava-Labs/kava.git
Or, if you have already cloned the repo: `git submodule update --init`
## Testnet
For further information on joining the testnet, head over to the [testnet repo](https://github.com/Kava-Labs/kava-testnets).
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module github.com/kava-labs/kava
go 1.18
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# E2E_KAVA_FUNDED_ACCOUNT_MNEMONIC is for a funded account used to intialize all new testing accounts.
E2E_KAVA_FUNDED_ACCOUNT_MNEMONIC='tent fitness boat among census primary pipe nose dream glance cave turtle electric fabric jacket shaft easy myself genuine this sibling pulse word unfold'
# E2E_INCLUDE_IBC_TESTS when true will start a 2nd chain & open an IBC channel. It will enable all IBC tests.
@ -3,13 +3,17 @@ package e2e_test
import (
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
banktypes "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/bank/types"
ibctypes "github.com/cosmos/ibc-go/v3/modules/apps/transfer/types"
ibcclienttypes "github.com/cosmos/ibc-go/v3/modules/core/02-client/types"
ethtypes "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/types"
emtypes "github.com/tharsis/ethermint/types"
@ -41,12 +45,12 @@ func (suite *IntegrationTestSuite) TestChainID() {
// EVM query
evmNetworkId, err := suite.EvmClient.NetworkID(context.Background())
evmNetworkId, err := suite.Kava.EvmClient.NetworkID(context.Background())
suite.Equal(expectedEvmNetworkId, evmNetworkId)
// SDK query
nodeInfo, err := suite.Tm.GetNodeInfo(context.Background(), &tmservice.GetNodeInfoRequest{})
nodeInfo, err := suite.Kava.Tm.GetNodeInfo(context.Background(), &tmservice.GetNodeInfoRequest{})
suite.Equal(testutil.ChainId, nodeInfo.DefaultNodeInfo.Network)
@ -54,21 +58,21 @@ func (suite *IntegrationTestSuite) TestChainID() {
// example test that funds a new account & queries its balance
func (suite *IntegrationTestSuite) TestFundedAccount() {
funds := ukava(1e7)
acc := suite.NewFundedAccount("example-acc", sdk.NewCoins(funds))
acc := suite.Kava.NewFundedAccount("example-acc", sdk.NewCoins(funds))
// check that the sdk & evm signers are for the same account
suite.Equal(acc.SdkAddress.String(), util.EvmToSdkAddress(acc.EvmAddress).String())
suite.Equal(acc.EvmAddress.Hex(), util.SdkToEvmAddress(acc.SdkAddress).Hex())
// check balance via SDK query
res, err := suite.Bank.Balance(context.Background(), banktypes.NewQueryBalanceRequest(
res, err := suite.Kava.Bank.Balance(context.Background(), banktypes.NewQueryBalanceRequest(
acc.SdkAddress, "ukava",
suite.Equal(funds, *res.Balance)
// check balance via EVM query
akavaBal, err := suite.EvmClient.BalanceAt(context.Background(), acc.EvmAddress, nil)
akavaBal, err := suite.Kava.EvmClient.BalanceAt(context.Background(), acc.EvmAddress, nil)
suite.Equal(funds.Amount.MulRaw(1e12).BigInt(), akavaBal)
@ -77,14 +81,14 @@ func (suite *IntegrationTestSuite) TestFundedAccount() {
func (suite *IntegrationTestSuite) TestTransferOverEVM() {
// fund an account that can perform the transfer
initialFunds := ukava(1e7) // 10 KAVA
acc := suite.NewFundedAccount("evm-test-transfer", sdk.NewCoins(initialFunds))
acc := suite.Kava.NewFundedAccount("evm-test-transfer", sdk.NewCoins(initialFunds))
// get a rando account to send kava to
randomAddr := app.RandomAddress()
to := util.SdkToEvmAddress(randomAddr)
// example fetching of nonce (account sequence)
nonce, err := suite.EvmClient.PendingNonceAt(context.Background(), acc.EvmAddress)
nonce, err := suite.Kava.EvmClient.PendingNonceAt(context.Background(), acc.EvmAddress)
suite.Equal(uint64(0), nonce) // sanity check. the account should have no prior txs
@ -104,6 +108,68 @@ func (suite *IntegrationTestSuite) TestTransferOverEVM() {
QuoRaw(1e12) // convert akava to ukava
// expect (9 - gas used) KAVA remaining in account.
balance := suite.QuerySdkForBalances(acc.SdkAddress)
balance := suite.Kava.QuerySdkForBalances(acc.SdkAddress)
suite.Equal(sdk.NewInt(9e6).Sub(ukavaUsedForGas), balance.AmountOf("ukava"))
// TestIbcTransfer transfers KAVA from the primary kava chain (suite.Kava) to the ibc chain (suite.Ibc).
// Note that because the IBC chain also runs kava's binary, this tests both the sending & receiving.
func (suite *IntegrationTestSuite) TestIbcTransfer() {
// setup kava account
funds := ukava(1e7) // 10 KAVA
kavaAcc := suite.Kava.NewFundedAccount("ibc-transfer-kava-side", sdk.NewCoins(funds))
// setup ibc account
ibcAcc := suite.Ibc.NewFundedAccount("ibc-transfer-ibc-side", sdk.NewCoins())
gasLimit := int64(2e5)
fee := ukava(7500)
fundsToSend := ukava(5e6) // 5 KAVA
transferMsg := ibctypes.NewMsgTransfer(
ibcclienttypes.NewHeight(0, 0), // timeout height disabled when 0
// initial - sent - fee
expectedSrcBalance := funds.Sub(fundsToSend).Sub(fee)
// ACT
// IBC transfer from kava -> ibc
transferTo := util.KavaMsgRequest{
Msgs: []sdk.Msg{transferMsg},
GasLimit: uint64(gasLimit),
FeeAmount: sdk.NewCoins(fee),
Memo: "sent from Kava!",
res := kavaAcc.SignAndBroadcastKavaTx(transferTo)
// the balance should be deducted from kava account
suite.Eventually(func() bool {
balance := suite.Kava.QuerySdkForBalances(kavaAcc.SdkAddress)
return balance.AmountOf("ukava").Equal(expectedSrcBalance.Amount)
}, 10*time.Second, 1*time.Second)
// expect the balance to be transferred to the ibc chain!
suite.Eventually(func() bool {
balance := suite.Ibc.QuerySdkForBalances(ibcAcc.SdkAddress)
found := false
for _, c := range balance {
// find the ibc denom coin
if strings.HasPrefix(c.Denom, "ibc/") {
suite.Equal(fundsToSend.Amount, c.Amount)
found = true
return found
}, 10*time.Second, 1*time.Second)
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
"key": "a8235b98e65b6890091537ac",
"addrs": []
@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
# This is a TOML config file.
# For more information, see https://github.com/toml-lang/toml
### Base Configuration ###
# The minimum gas prices a validator is willing to accept for processing a
# transaction. A transaction's fees must meet the minimum of any denomination
# specified in this config (e.g. 0.25token1;0.0001token2).
minimum-gas-prices = "0.001ukava;1000000000akava"
# default: the last 100 states are kept in addition to every 500th state; pruning at 10 block intervals
# nothing: all historic states will be saved, nothing will be deleted (i.e. archiving node)
# everything: all saved states will be deleted, storing only the current and previous state; pruning at 10 block intervals
# custom: allow pruning options to be manually specified through 'pruning-keep-recent', 'pruning-keep-every', and 'pruning-interval'
pruning = "nothing"
# These are applied if and only if the pruning strategy is custom.
pruning-keep-recent = "0"
pruning-keep-every = "0"
pruning-interval = "0"
# HaltHeight contains a non-zero block height at which a node will gracefully
# halt and shutdown that can be used to assist upgrades and testing.
# Note: Commitment of state will be attempted on the corresponding block.
halt-height = 0
# HaltTime contains a non-zero minimum block time (in Unix seconds) at which
# a node will gracefully halt and shutdown that can be used to assist upgrades
# and testing.
# Note: Commitment of state will be attempted on the corresponding block.
halt-time = 0
# MinRetainBlocks defines the minimum block height offset from the current
# block being committed, such that all blocks past this offset are pruned
# from Tendermint. It is used as part of the process of determining the
# ResponseCommit.RetainHeight value during ABCI Commit. A value of 0 indicates
# that no blocks should be pruned.
# This configuration value is only responsible for pruning Tendermint blocks.
# It has no bearing on application state pruning which is determined by the
# "pruning-*" configurations.
# Note: Tendermint block pruning is dependant on this parameter in conunction
# with the unbonding (safety threshold) period, state pruning and state sync
# snapshot parameters to determine the correct minimum value of
# ResponseCommit.RetainHeight.
min-retain-blocks = 0
# InterBlockCache enables inter-block caching.
inter-block-cache = true
# IndexEvents defines the set of events in the form {eventType}.{attributeKey},
# which informs Tendermint what to index. If empty, all events will be indexed.
# Example:
# ["message.sender", "message.recipient"]
index-events = []
# IavlCacheSize set the size of the iavl tree cache.
# Default cache size is 50mb.
iavl-cache-size = 781250
trace = true
# IAVLDisableFastNode enables or disables the fast node feature of IAVL.
# Default is true.
iavl-disable-fastnode = true
### Telemetry Configuration ###
# Prefixed with keys to separate services.
service-name = ""
# Enabled enables the application telemetry functionality. When enabled,
# an in-memory sink is also enabled by default. Operators may also enabled
# other sinks such as Prometheus.
enabled = false
# Enable prefixing gauge values with hostname.
enable-hostname = false
# Enable adding hostname to labels.
enable-hostname-label = false
# Enable adding service to labels.
enable-service-label = false
# PrometheusRetentionTime, when positive, enables a Prometheus metrics sink.
prometheus-retention-time = 0
# GlobalLabels defines a global set of name/value label tuples applied to all
# metrics emitted using the wrapper functions defined in telemetry package.
# Example:
# [["chain_id", "cosmoshub-1"]]
global-labels = [
### API Configuration ###
# Enable defines if the API server should be enabled.
enable = true
# Swagger defines if swagger documentation should automatically be registered.
swagger = false
# Address defines the API server to listen on.
address = "tcp://"
# MaxOpenConnections defines the number of maximum open connections.
max-open-connections = 1000
# RPCReadTimeout defines the Tendermint RPC read timeout (in seconds).
rpc-read-timeout = 10
# RPCWriteTimeout defines the Tendermint RPC write timeout (in seconds).
rpc-write-timeout = 0
# RPCMaxBodyBytes defines the Tendermint maximum response body (in bytes).
rpc-max-body-bytes = 1000000
# EnableUnsafeCORS defines if CORS should be enabled (unsafe - use it at your own risk).
enabled-unsafe-cors = true
### Rosetta Configuration ###
# Enable defines if the Rosetta API server should be enabled.
enable = true
# Address defines the Rosetta API server to listen on.
address = ":8080"
# Network defines the name of the blockchain that will be returned by Rosetta.
blockchain = "app"
# Network defines the name of the network that will be returned by Rosetta.
network = "network"
# Retries defines the number of retries when connecting to the node before failing.
retries = 3
# Offline defines if Rosetta server should run in offline mode.
offline = false
### gRPC Configuration ###
# Enable defines if the gRPC server should be enabled.
enable = true
# Address defines the gRPC server address to bind to.
address = ""
### gRPC Web Configuration ###
# GRPCWebEnable defines if the gRPC-web should be enabled.
# NOTE: gRPC must also be enabled, otherwise, this configuration is a no-op.
enable = true
# Address defines the gRPC-web server address to bind to.
address = ""
# EnableUnsafeCORS defines if CORS should be enabled (unsafe - use it at your own risk).
enable-unsafe-cors = false
### State Sync Configuration ###
# State sync snapshots allow other nodes to rapidly join the network without replaying historical
# blocks, instead downloading and applying a snapshot of the application state at a given height.
# snapshot-interval specifies the block interval at which local state sync snapshots are
# taken (0 to disable). Must be a multiple of pruning-keep-every.
snapshot-interval = 0
# snapshot-keep-recent specifies the number of recent snapshots to keep and serve (0 to keep all).
snapshot-keep-recent = 2
### EVM Configuration ###
# Tracer defines the 'vm.Tracer' type that the EVM will use when the node is run in
# debug mode. To enable tracing use the '--evm.tracer' flag when starting your node.
# Valid types are: json|struct|access_list|markdown
tracer = "json"
# MaxTxGasWanted defines the gas wanted for each eth tx returned in ante handler in check tx mode.
max-tx-gas-wanted = 500000
### JSON RPC Configuration ###
# Enable defines if the gRPC server should be enabled.
enable = true
# Address defines the EVM RPC HTTP server address to bind to.
address = ""
# Address defines the EVM WebSocket server address to bind to.
ws-address = ""
# API defines a list of JSON-RPC namespaces that should be enabled
# Example: "eth,txpool,personal,net,debug,web3"
api = "eth,net,web3"
# GasCap sets a cap on gas that can be used in eth_call/estimateGas (0=infinite). Default: 25,000,000.
gas-cap = 25000000
# EVMTimeout is the global timeout for eth_call. Default: 5s.
evm-timeout = "5s"
# TxFeeCap is the global tx-fee cap for send transaction. Default: 1eth.
txfee-cap = 1
# FilterCap sets the global cap for total number of filters that can be created
filter-cap = 200
# FeeHistoryCap sets the global cap for total number of blocks that can be fetched
feehistory-cap = 100
# LogsCap defines the max number of results can be returned from single 'eth_getLogs' query.
logs-cap = 10000
# BlockRangeCap defines the max block range allowed for 'eth_getLogs' query.
block-range-cap = 10000
# HTTPTimeout is the read/write timeout of http json-rpc server.
http-timeout = "30s"
# HTTPIdleTimeout is the idle timeout of http json-rpc server.
http-idle-timeout = "2m0s"
### TLS Configuration ###
# Certificate path defines the cert.pem file path for the TLS configuration.
certificate-path = ""
# Key path defines the key.pem file path for the TLS configuration.
key-path = ""
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
# This is a TOML config file.
# For more information, see https://github.com/toml-lang/toml
### Client Configuration ###
# The network chain ID
chain-id = "kavalocalnet_8888-1"
# The keyring's backend, where the keys are stored (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory)
keyring-backend = "test"
# CLI output format (text|json)
output = "text"
# <host>:<port> to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain
node = "tcp://localhost:26657"
# Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async|block)
broadcast-mode = "block"
@ -1,466 +0,0 @@
# This is a TOML config file.
# For more information, see https://github.com/toml-lang/toml
# NOTE: Any path below can be absolute (e.g. "/var/myawesomeapp/data") or
# relative to the home directory (e.g. "data"). The home directory is
# "$HOME/.tendermint" by default, but could be changed via $TMHOME env variable
# or --home cmd flag.
### Main Base Config Options ###
# TCP or UNIX socket address of the ABCI application,
# or the name of an ABCI application compiled in with the Tendermint binary
proxy_app = "tcp://"
# A custom human readable name for this node
moniker = "validator"
# If this node is many blocks behind the tip of the chain, FastSync
# allows them to catchup quickly by downloading blocks in parallel
# and verifying their commits
fast_sync = true
# Database backend: goleveldb | cleveldb | boltdb | rocksdb | badgerdb
# * goleveldb (github.com/syndtr/goleveldb - most popular implementation)
# - pure go
# - stable
# * cleveldb (uses levigo wrapper)
# - fast
# - requires gcc
# - use cleveldb build tag (go build -tags cleveldb)
# * boltdb (uses etcd's fork of bolt - github.com/etcd-io/bbolt)
# - may be faster is some use-cases (random reads - indexer)
# - use boltdb build tag (go build -tags boltdb)
# * rocksdb (uses github.com/tecbot/gorocksdb)
# - requires gcc
# - use rocksdb build tag (go build -tags rocksdb)
# * badgerdb (uses github.com/dgraph-io/badger)
# - use badgerdb build tag (go build -tags badgerdb)
db_backend = "goleveldb"
# Database directory
db_dir = "data"
# Output level for logging, including package level options
log_level = "info"
# Output format: 'plain' (colored text) or 'json'
log_format = "plain"
##### additional base config options #####
# Path to the JSON file containing the initial validator set and other meta data
genesis_file = "config/genesis.json"
# Path to the JSON file containing the private key to use as a validator in the consensus protocol
priv_validator_key_file = "config/priv_validator_key.json"
# Path to the JSON file containing the last sign state of a validator
priv_validator_state_file = "data/priv_validator_state.json"
# TCP or UNIX socket address for Tendermint to listen on for
# connections from an external PrivValidator process
priv_validator_laddr = ""
# Path to the JSON file containing the private key to use for node authentication in the p2p protocol
node_key_file = "config/node_key.json"
# Mechanism to connect to the ABCI application: socket | grpc
abci = "socket"
# If true, query the ABCI app on connecting to a new peer
# so the app can decide if we should keep the connection or not
filter_peers = false
### Advanced Configuration Options ###
### RPC Server Configuration Options ###
# TCP or UNIX socket address for the RPC server to listen on
laddr = "tcp://"
# A list of origins a cross-domain request can be executed from
# Default value '[]' disables cors support
# Use '["*"]' to allow any origin
cors_allowed_origins = []
# A list of methods the client is allowed to use with cross-domain requests
cors_allowed_methods = ["HEAD", "GET", "POST", ]
# A list of non simple headers the client is allowed to use with cross-domain requests
cors_allowed_headers = ["Origin", "Accept", "Content-Type", "X-Requested-With", "X-Server-Time", ]
# TCP or UNIX socket address for the gRPC server to listen on
# NOTE: This server only supports /broadcast_tx_commit
grpc_laddr = ""
# Maximum number of simultaneous connections.
# Does not include RPC (HTTP&WebSocket) connections. See max_open_connections
# If you want to accept a larger number than the default, make sure
# you increase your OS limits.
# 0 - unlimited.
# Should be < {ulimit -Sn} - {MaxNumInboundPeers} - {MaxNumOutboundPeers} - {N of wal, db and other open files}
# 1024 - 40 - 10 - 50 = 924 = ~900
grpc_max_open_connections = 900
# Activate unsafe RPC commands like /dial_seeds and /unsafe_flush_mempool
unsafe = false
# Maximum number of simultaneous connections (including WebSocket).
# Does not include gRPC connections. See grpc_max_open_connections
# If you want to accept a larger number than the default, make sure
# you increase your OS limits.
# 0 - unlimited.
# Should be < {ulimit -Sn} - {MaxNumInboundPeers} - {MaxNumOutboundPeers} - {N of wal, db and other open files}
# 1024 - 40 - 10 - 50 = 924 = ~900
max_open_connections = 900
# Maximum number of unique clientIDs that can /subscribe
# If you're using /broadcast_tx_commit, set to the estimated maximum number
# of broadcast_tx_commit calls per block.
max_subscription_clients = 100
# Maximum number of unique queries a given client can /subscribe to
# If you're using GRPC (or Local RPC client) and /broadcast_tx_commit, set to
# the estimated # maximum number of broadcast_tx_commit calls per block.
max_subscriptions_per_client = 5
# Experimental parameter to specify the maximum number of events a node will
# buffer, per subscription, before returning an error and closing the
# subscription. Must be set to at least 100, but higher values will accommodate
# higher event throughput rates (and will use more memory).
experimental_subscription_buffer_size = 200
# Experimental parameter to specify the maximum number of RPC responses that
# can be buffered per WebSocket client. If clients cannot read from the
# WebSocket endpoint fast enough, they will be disconnected, so increasing this
# parameter may reduce the chances of them being disconnected (but will cause
# the node to use more memory).
# Must be at least the same as "experimental_subscription_buffer_size",
# otherwise connections could be dropped unnecessarily. This value should
# ideally be somewhat higher than "experimental_subscription_buffer_size" to
# accommodate non-subscription-related RPC responses.
experimental_websocket_write_buffer_size = 200
# If a WebSocket client cannot read fast enough, at present we may
# silently drop events instead of generating an error or disconnecting the
# client.
# Enabling this experimental parameter will cause the WebSocket connection to
# be closed instead if it cannot read fast enough, allowing for greater
# predictability in subscription behaviour.
experimental_close_on_slow_client = false
# How long to wait for a tx to be committed during /broadcast_tx_commit.
# WARNING: Using a value larger than 10s will result in increasing the
# global HTTP write timeout, which applies to all connections and endpoints.
# See https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/issues/3435
timeout_broadcast_tx_commit = "10s"
# Maximum size of request body, in bytes
max_body_bytes = 1000000
# Maximum size of request header, in bytes
max_header_bytes = 1048576
# The path to a file containing certificate that is used to create the HTTPS server.
# Might be either absolute path or path related to Tendermint's config directory.
# If the certificate is signed by a certificate authority,
# the certFile should be the concatenation of the server's certificate, any intermediates,
# and the CA's certificate.
# NOTE: both tls_cert_file and tls_key_file must be present for Tendermint to create HTTPS server.
# Otherwise, HTTP server is run.
tls_cert_file = ""
# The path to a file containing matching private key that is used to create the HTTPS server.
# Might be either absolute path or path related to Tendermint's config directory.
# NOTE: both tls-cert-file and tls-key-file must be present for Tendermint to create HTTPS server.
# Otherwise, HTTP server is run.
tls_key_file = ""
# pprof listen address (https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/pprof)
pprof_laddr = "localhost:6060"
### P2P Configuration Options ###
# Address to listen for incoming connections
laddr = "tcp://"
# Address to advertise to peers for them to dial
# If empty, will use the same port as the laddr,
# and will introspect on the listener or use UPnP
# to figure out the address. ip and port are required
# example:
external_address = ""
# Comma separated list of seed nodes to connect to
seeds = ""
# Comma separated list of nodes to keep persistent connections to
persistent_peers = ""
# UPNP port forwarding
upnp = false
# Path to address book
addr_book_file = "config/addrbook.json"
# Set true for strict address routability rules
# Set false for private or local networks
addr_book_strict = true
# Maximum number of inbound peers
max_num_inbound_peers = 40
# Maximum number of outbound peers to connect to, excluding persistent peers
max_num_outbound_peers = 10
# List of node IDs, to which a connection will be (re)established ignoring any existing limits
unconditional_peer_ids = ""
# Maximum pause when redialing a persistent peer (if zero, exponential backoff is used)
persistent_peers_max_dial_period = "0s"
# Time to wait before flushing messages out on the connection
flush_throttle_timeout = "100ms"
# Maximum size of a message packet payload, in bytes
max_packet_msg_payload_size = 1024
# Rate at which packets can be sent, in bytes/second
send_rate = 5120000
# Rate at which packets can be received, in bytes/second
recv_rate = 5120000
# Set true to enable the peer-exchange reactor
pex = true
# Seed mode, in which node constantly crawls the network and looks for
# peers. If another node asks it for addresses, it responds and disconnects.
# Does not work if the peer-exchange reactor is disabled.
seed_mode = false
# Comma separated list of peer IDs to keep private (will not be gossiped to other peers)
private_peer_ids = ""
# Toggle to disable guard against peers connecting from the same ip.
allow_duplicate_ip = false
# Peer connection configuration.
handshake_timeout = "20s"
dial_timeout = "3s"
### Mempool Configuration Option ###
# Mempool version to use:
# 1) "v0" - (default) FIFO mempool.
# 2) "v1" - prioritized mempool.
version = "v0"
recheck = true
broadcast = true
wal_dir = ""
# Maximum number of transactions in the mempool
size = 5000
# Limit the total size of all txs in the mempool.
# This only accounts for raw transactions (e.g. given 1MB transactions and
# max_txs_bytes=5MB, mempool will only accept 5 transactions).
max_txs_bytes = 1073741824
# Size of the cache (used to filter transactions we saw earlier) in transactions
cache_size = 10000
# Do not remove invalid transactions from the cache (default: false)
# Set to true if it's not possible for any invalid transaction to become valid
# again in the future.
keep-invalid-txs-in-cache = false
# Maximum size of a single transaction.
# NOTE: the max size of a tx transmitted over the network is {max_tx_bytes}.
max_tx_bytes = 1048576
# Maximum size of a batch of transactions to send to a peer
# Including space needed by encoding (one varint per transaction).
# XXX: Unused due to https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/issues/5796
max_batch_bytes = 0
# ttl-duration, if non-zero, defines the maximum amount of time a transaction
# can exist for in the mempool.
# Note, if ttl-num-blocks is also defined, a transaction will be removed if it
# has existed in the mempool at least ttl-num-blocks number of blocks or if it's
# insertion time into the mempool is beyond ttl-duration.
ttl-duration = "0s"
# ttl-num-blocks, if non-zero, defines the maximum number of blocks a transaction
# can exist for in the mempool.
# Note, if ttl-duration is also defined, a transaction will be removed if it
# has existed in the mempool at least ttl-num-blocks number of blocks or if
# it's insertion time into the mempool is beyond ttl-duration.
ttl-num-blocks = 0
### State Sync Configuration Options ###
# State sync rapidly bootstraps a new node by discovering, fetching, and restoring a state machine
# snapshot from peers instead of fetching and replaying historical blocks. Requires some peers in
# the network to take and serve state machine snapshots. State sync is not attempted if the node
# has any local state (LastBlockHeight > 0). The node will have a truncated block history,
# starting from the height of the snapshot.
enable = false
# RPC servers (comma-separated) for light client verification of the synced state machine and
# retrieval of state data for node bootstrapping. Also needs a trusted height and corresponding
# header hash obtained from a trusted source, and a period during which validators can be trusted.
# For Cosmos SDK-based chains, trust_period should usually be about 2/3 of the unbonding time (~2
# weeks) during which they can be financially punished (slashed) for misbehavior.
rpc_servers = ""
trust_height = 0
trust_hash = ""
trust_period = "168h0m0s"
# Time to spend discovering snapshots before initiating a restore.
discovery_time = "15s"
# Temporary directory for state sync snapshot chunks, defaults to the OS tempdir (typically /tmp).
# Will create a new, randomly named directory within, and remove it when done.
temp_dir = ""
# The timeout duration before re-requesting a chunk, possibly from a different
# peer (default: 1 minute).
chunk_request_timeout = "10s"
# The number of concurrent chunk fetchers to run (default: 1).
chunk_fetchers = "4"
### Fast Sync Configuration Connections ###
# Fast Sync version to use:
# 1) "v0" (default) - the legacy fast sync implementation
# 2) "v1" - refactor of v0 version for better testability
# 2) "v2" - complete redesign of v0, optimized for testability & readability
version = "v0"
### Consensus Configuration Options ###
wal_file = "data/cs.wal/wal"
# How long we wait for a proposal block before prevoting nil
timeout_propose = "3s"
# How much timeout_propose increases with each round
timeout_propose_delta = "500ms"
# How long we wait after receiving +2/3 prevotes for “anything” (ie. not a single block or nil)
timeout_prevote = "1s"
# How much the timeout_prevote increases with each round
timeout_prevote_delta = "500ms"
# How long we wait after receiving +2/3 precommits for “anything” (ie. not a single block or nil)
timeout_precommit = "1s"
# How much the timeout_precommit increases with each round
timeout_precommit_delta = "500ms"
# How long we wait after committing a block, before starting on the new
# height (this gives us a chance to receive some more precommits, even
# though we already have +2/3).
timeout_commit = "1s"
# How many blocks to look back to check existence of the node's consensus votes before joining consensus
# When non-zero, the node will panic upon restart
# if the same consensus key was used to sign {double_sign_check_height} last blocks.
# So, validators should stop the state machine, wait for some blocks, and then restart the state machine to avoid panic.
double_sign_check_height = 0
# Make progress as soon as we have all the precommits (as if TimeoutCommit = 0)
skip_timeout_commit = false
# EmptyBlocks mode and possible interval between empty blocks
create_empty_blocks = true
create_empty_blocks_interval = "0s"
# Reactor sleep duration parameters
peer_gossip_sleep_duration = "100ms"
peer_query_maj23_sleep_duration = "2s"
### Storage Configuration Options ###
# Set to true to discard ABCI responses from the state store, which can save a
# considerable amount of disk space. Set to false to ensure ABCI responses are
# persisted. ABCI responses are required for /block_results RPC queries, and to
# reindex events in the command-line tool.
discard_abci_responses = false
### Transaction Indexer Configuration Options ###
# What indexer to use for transactions
# The application will set which txs to index. In some cases a node operator will be able
# to decide which txs to index based on configuration set in the application.
# Options:
# 1) "null"
# 2) "kv" (default) - the simplest possible indexer, backed by key-value storage (defaults to levelDB; see DBBackend).
# - When "kv" is chosen "tx.height" and "tx.hash" will always be indexed.
# 3) "psql" - the indexer services backed by PostgreSQL.
# When "kv" or "psql" is chosen "tx.height" and "tx.hash" will always be indexed.
indexer = "kv"
# The PostgreSQL connection configuration, the connection format:
# postgresql://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<db>?<opts>
psql-conn = ""
### Instrumentation Configuration Options ###
# When true, Prometheus metrics are served under /metrics on
# PrometheusListenAddr.
# Check out the documentation for the list of available metrics.
prometheus = false
# Address to listen for Prometheus collector(s) connections
prometheus_listen_addr = ":26660"
# Maximum number of simultaneous connections.
# If you want to accept a larger number than the default, make sure
# you increase your OS limits.
# 0 - unlimited.
max_open_connections = 3
# Instrumentation namespace
namespace = "tendermint"
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
#! /bin/sh
set -e
# This script creates a data directory if one doesn't exist.
# It's designed to run before the chain starts to properly initialize the data directory in case `kvd init` was not run.
# This behaviour should probably live in tendermint.
if ! test -f "$valStateFile"; then
echo "$valStateFile doesn't exist, creating it"
mkdir -p $dataDir
cp $configDir/priv_validator_state.json.example "$valStateFile"
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
"address": "8A635482445A7726F17DEB53014D8E8E3E6DA6B6",
"pub_key": {
"type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
"value": "/iEtt5/G+7hUT4FJ4p29yi2DCRut5Bm1Zx6doestjUA="
"priv_key": {
"type": "tendermint/PrivKeyEd25519",
"value": "w+2nJVmnZb0NEaf6mDWy85/EOvELbPtXjeioUGfBUqn+IS23n8b7uFRPgUninb3KLYMJG63kGbVnHp2h6y2NQA=="
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
"height": "0",
"round": 0,
"step": 0
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit c80093f2b9133c30e9e24da32a74a870d6e33b57
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
package runner
import (
var (
ErrChainAlreadyExists = errors.New("chain already exists")
// ChainDetails wraps information about the ports exposed to the host that endpoints could be access on.
type ChainDetails struct {
RpcPort string
GrpcPort string
RestPort string
EvmPort string
StakingDenom string
func (c ChainDetails) EvmClient() (*ethclient.Client, error) {
evmRpcUrl := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%s", c.EvmPort)
return ethclient.Dial(evmRpcUrl)
func (c ChainDetails) GrpcConn() (*grpc.ClientConn, error) {
grpcUrl := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%s", c.GrpcPort)
return util.NewGrpcConnection(grpcUrl)
type Chains struct {
byName map[string]*ChainDetails
func NewChains() Chains {
return Chains{byName: make(map[string]*ChainDetails, 0)}
func (c Chains) MustGetChain(name string) *ChainDetails {
chain, found := c.byName[name]
if !found {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("no chain with name %s found", name))
return chain
func (c *Chains) Register(name string, chain *ChainDetails) error {
if _, found := c.byName[name]; found {
return ErrChainAlreadyExists
c.byName[name] = chain
return nil
// the Chain details are all hardcoded because they are currently fixed by kvtool.
// some day they may be configurable, at which point `runner` can determine the ports
// and generate these details dynamically
var (
kavaChain = ChainDetails{
RpcPort: "26657",
RestPort: "1317",
GrpcPort: "9090",
EvmPort: "8545",
StakingDenom: "ukava",
ibcChain = ChainDetails{
RpcPort: "26658",
RestPort: "1318",
GrpcPort: "9092",
EvmPort: "8547",
StakingDenom: "uatom",
@ -4,124 +4,104 @@ import (
type Config struct {
ConfigDir string
ImageTag string
KavaRpcPort string
KavaGrpcPort string
KavaRestPort string
KavaEvmPort string
ImageTag string
IncludeIBC bool
// NodeRunner is responsible for starting and managing docker containers to run a node.
type NodeRunner interface {
StartChains() Chains
// SingleKavaNodeRunner manages and runs a single Kava node.
type SingleKavaNodeRunner struct {
config Config
pool *dockertest.Pool
resource *dockertest.Resource
// KavaNodeRunner manages and runs a single Kava node.
type KavaNodeRunner struct {
config Config
kavaChain *ChainDetails
var _ NodeRunner = &SingleKavaNodeRunner{}
var _ NodeRunner = &KavaNodeRunner{}
func NewSingleKavaNode(config Config) *SingleKavaNodeRunner {
return &SingleKavaNodeRunner{
func NewKavaNode(config Config) *KavaNodeRunner {
return &KavaNodeRunner{
config: config,
func (k *SingleKavaNodeRunner) StartChains() {
func (k *KavaNodeRunner) StartChains() Chains {
installKvtoolCmd := exec.Command("./scripts/install-kvtool.sh")
installKvtoolCmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
installKvtoolCmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
if err := installKvtoolCmd.Run(); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to install kvtool: %s", err.Error()))
log.Println("starting kava node")
kvtoolArgs := []string{"testnet", "bootstrap"}
if k.config.IncludeIBC {
kvtoolArgs = append(kvtoolArgs, "--ibc")
startKavaCmd := exec.Command("kvtool", kvtoolArgs...)
startKavaCmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
startKavaCmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
if err := startKavaCmd.Run(); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to start kava: %s", err.Error()))
k.kavaChain = &kavaChain
err := k.waitForChainStart()
if err != nil {
log.Println("kava is started!")
chains := NewChains()
chains.Register("kava", k.kavaChain)
if k.config.IncludeIBC {
chains.Register("ibc", &ibcChain)
return chains
func (k *SingleKavaNodeRunner) Shutdown() {
func (k *KavaNodeRunner) Shutdown() {
log.Println("shutting down kava node")
shutdownKavaCmd := exec.Command("kvtool", "testnet", "down")
shutdownKavaCmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
shutdownKavaCmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
if err := shutdownKavaCmd.Run(); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to shutdown kvtool: %s", err.Error()))
func (k *SingleKavaNodeRunner) setupDockerPool() {
pool, err := dockertest.NewPool("")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to make docker pool: %s", err)
k.pool = pool
err = pool.Client.Ping()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to connect to docker: %s", err)
resource, err := k.pool.RunWithOptions(&dockertest.RunOptions{
Name: "kavanode",
Repository: "kava/kava",
Tag: k.config.ImageTag,
Cmd: []string{
"/root/.kava/config/init-data-directory.sh && kava start --rpc.laddr=tcp://",
Mounts: []string{
fmt.Sprintf("%s:/root/.kava/config", k.config.ConfigDir),
ExposedPorts: []string{
"26657", // port inside container for Kava RPC
"1317", // port inside container for Kava REST API
"9090", // port inside container for Kava GRPC
"8545", // port inside container for EVM JSON-RPC
// expose the internal ports on the configured ports
PortBindings: map[docker.Port][]docker.PortBinding{
"26657": {{HostIP: "", HostPort: k.config.KavaRpcPort}},
"1327": {{HostIP: "", HostPort: k.config.KavaRestPort}},
"9090": {{HostIP: "", HostPort: k.config.KavaGrpcPort}},
"8545": {{HostIP: "", HostPort: k.config.KavaEvmPort}},
}, func(config *docker.HostConfig) {
// set AutoRemove to true so that stopped container goes away by itself
config.AutoRemove = true
config.RestartPolicy = docker.RestartPolicy{Name: "no"}
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to start kava node: %s", err)
k.resource = resource
func (k *SingleKavaNodeRunner) waitForChainStart() error {
func (k *KavaNodeRunner) waitForChainStart() error {
// exponential backoff on trying to ping the node, timeout after 30 seconds
k.pool.MaxWait = 30 * time.Second
if err := k.pool.Retry(k.pingKava); err != nil {
b := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
b.MaxInterval = 5 * time.Second
b.MaxElapsedTime = 30 * time.Second
if err := backoff.Retry(k.pingKava, b); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to start & connect to chain: %s", err)
// the evm takes a bit longer to start up. wait for it to start as well.
if err := k.pool.Retry(k.pingEvm); err != nil {
if err := backoff.Retry(k.pingEvm, b); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to start & connect to chain: %s", err)
return nil
func (k *SingleKavaNodeRunner) pingKava() error {
func (k *KavaNodeRunner) pingKava() error {
log.Println("pinging kava chain...")
url := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%s/status", k.config.KavaRpcPort)
url := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%s/status", k.kavaChain.RpcPort)
res, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -134,9 +114,9 @@ func (k *SingleKavaNodeRunner) pingKava() error {
return nil
func (k *SingleKavaNodeRunner) pingEvm() error {
func (k *KavaNodeRunner) pingEvm() error {
log.Println("pinging evm...")
url := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%s", k.config.KavaEvmPort)
url := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%s", k.kavaChain.EvmPort)
res, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
return err
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
if hash kvtool 2>/dev/null; then
echo "[install-kvtool.sh] kvtool is already installed. skipping installation."
exit 0
echo "[install-kvtool.sh] installing kvtool."
cd kvtool || exit 1
make install
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import (
ethtypes "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/types"
emtypes "github.com/tharsis/ethermint/types"
@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ import (
var BroadcastTimeoutErr = errors.New("timed out waiting for tx to be committed to block")
var ErrBroadcastTimeout = errors.New("timed out waiting for tx to be committed to block")
type SigningAccount struct {
name string
@ -44,58 +45,58 @@ type SigningAccount struct {
l *log.Logger
// GetAccount returns the account with the given name or fails
func (suite *E2eTestSuite) GetAccount(name string) *SigningAccount {
acc, found := suite.accounts[name]
// GetAccount returns the account with the given name or fails.
func (chain *Chain) GetAccount(name string) *SigningAccount {
acc, found := chain.accounts[name]
if !found {
suite.Failf("account does not exist", "failed to find account with name %s", name)
chain.t.Fatalf("failed to find account with name %s", name)
return acc
// AddNewSigningAccount sets up a new account with a signer.
func (suite *E2eTestSuite) AddNewSigningAccount(name string, hdPath *hd.BIP44Params, chainId, mnemonic string) *SigningAccount {
if _, found := suite.accounts[name]; found {
suite.Failf("can't create signing account", "account with name %s already exists", name)
// AddNewSigningAccount sets up a new account with a signer for SDK and EVM transactions.
func (chain *Chain) AddNewSigningAccount(name string, hdPath *hd.BIP44Params, chainId, mnemonic string) *SigningAccount {
if _, found := chain.accounts[name]; found {
chain.t.Fatalf("account with name %s already exists", name)
// Kava signing account for SDK side
privKeyBytes, err := hd.Secp256k1.Derive()(mnemonic, "", hdPath.String())
suite.NoErrorf(err, "failed to derive private key from mnemonic for %s: %s", name, err)
require.NoErrorf(chain.t, err, "failed to derive private key from mnemonic for %s: %s", name, err)
privKey := ðsecp256k1.PrivKey{Key: privKeyBytes}
kavaSigner := util.NewKavaSigner(
sdkReqChan := make(chan util.KavaMsgRequest)
sdkResChan, err := kavaSigner.Run(sdkReqChan)
suite.NoErrorf(err, "failed to start signer for account %s: %s", name, err)
require.NoErrorf(chain.t, err, "failed to start signer for account %s: %s", name, err)
// Kava signing account for EVM side
evmChainId, err := emtypes.ParseChainID(chainId)
suite.NoErrorf(err, "unable to parse ethermint-compatible chain id from %s", chainId)
require.NoErrorf(chain.t, err, "unable to parse ethermint-compatible chain id from %s", chainId)
ecdsaPrivKey, err := crypto.HexToECDSA(hex.EncodeToString(privKeyBytes))
suite.NoError(err, "failed to generate ECDSA private key from bytes")
require.NoError(chain.t, err, "failed to generate ECDSA private key from bytes")
evmSigner, err := util.NewEvmSigner(
suite.NoErrorf(err, "failed to create evm signer")
require.NoErrorf(chain.t, err, "failed to create evm signer")
evmReqChan := make(chan util.EvmTxRequest)
evmResChan := evmSigner.Run(evmReqChan)
logger := log.New(os.Stdout, fmt.Sprintf("[%s] ", name), log.LstdFlags)
suite.accounts[name] = &SigningAccount{
chain.accounts[name] = &SigningAccount{
name: name,
mnemonic: mnemonic,
l: logger,
@ -112,12 +113,12 @@ func (suite *E2eTestSuite) AddNewSigningAccount(name string, hdPath *hd.BIP44Par
SdkAddress: kavaSigner.Address(),
return suite.accounts[name]
return chain.accounts[name]
// SignAndBroadcastKavaTx sends a request to the signer and awaits its response.
func (a *SigningAccount) SignAndBroadcastKavaTx(req util.KavaMsgRequest) util.KavaMsgResponse {
a.l.Printf("broadcasting sdk tx %+v\n", req.Data)
a.l.Printf("broadcasting sdk tx. has data = %+v\n", req.Data)
// send the request to signer
a.sdkReqChan <- req
@ -165,7 +166,7 @@ func (a *SigningAccount) SignAndBroadcastEvmTx(req util.EvmTxRequest) EvmTxRespo
for {
select {
case <-timeout:
response.Err = BroadcastTimeoutErr
response.Err = ErrBroadcastTimeout
response.Receipt, response.Err = a.evmSigner.EvmClient.TransactionReceipt(context.Background(), res.TxHash)
if errors.Is(response.Err, ethereum.NotFound) {
@ -180,20 +181,26 @@ func (a *SigningAccount) SignAndBroadcastEvmTx(req util.EvmTxRequest) EvmTxRespo
return response
func (suite *E2eTestSuite) NewFundedAccount(name string, funds sdk.Coins) *SigningAccount {
// NewFundedAccount creates a SigningAccount for a random account & funds the account from the whale.
func (chain *Chain) NewFundedAccount(name string, funds sdk.Coins) *SigningAccount {
entropy, err := bip39.NewEntropy(128)
suite.NoErrorf(err, "failed to generate entropy for account %s: %s", name, err)
require.NoErrorf(chain.t, err, "failed to generate entropy for account %s: %s", name, err)
mnemonic, err := bip39.NewMnemonic(entropy)
suite.NoErrorf(err, "failed to create new mnemonic for account %s: %s", name, err)
require.NoErrorf(chain.t, err, "failed to create new mnemonic for account %s: %s", name, err)
acc := suite.AddNewSigningAccount(
acc := chain.AddNewSigningAccount(
hd.CreateHDPath(app.Bip44CoinType, 0, 0),
whale := suite.GetAccount(FundedAccountName)
// don't attempt to fund when no funds are desired
if funds.IsZero() {
return acc
whale := chain.GetAccount(FundedAccountName)
whale.l.Printf("attempting to fund created account (%s=%s)\n", name, acc.SdkAddress.String())
res := whale.SignAndBroadcastKavaTx(
@ -201,12 +208,12 @@ func (suite *E2eTestSuite) NewFundedAccount(name string, funds sdk.Coins) *Signi
banktypes.NewMsgSend(whale.SdkAddress, acc.SdkAddress, funds),
GasLimit: 2e5,
FeeAmount: sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(StakingDenom, sdk.NewInt(75000))),
FeeAmount: sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(chain.details.StakingDenom, sdk.NewInt(75000))),
Data: fmt.Sprintf("initial funding of account %s", name),
suite.NoErrorf(res.Err, "failed to fund new account %s: %s", name, res.Err)
require.NoErrorf(chain.t, res.Err, "failed to fund new account %s: %s", name, res.Err)
whale.l.Printf("successfully funded [%s]\n", name)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
package testutil
import (
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
txtypes "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types/tx"
authtypes "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/auth/types"
banktypes "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/bank/types"
kavaparams "github.com/kava-labs/kava/app/params"
// Chain wraps query clients & accounts for a network
type Chain struct {
encodingConfig kavaparams.EncodingConfig
accounts map[string]*SigningAccount
t *testing.T
details *runner.ChainDetails
EvmClient *ethclient.Client
Auth authtypes.QueryClient
Bank banktypes.QueryClient
Tm tmservice.ServiceClient
Tx txtypes.ServiceClient
// NewChain creates the query clients & signing account management for a chain run on a set of ports.
// A signing client for the fundedAccountMnemonic is initialized. This account is referred to in the
// code as "whale" and it is used to supply funds to all new accounts.
func NewChain(t *testing.T, details *runner.ChainDetails, fundedAccountMnemonic string) (*Chain, error) {
chain := &Chain{t: t}
chain.encodingConfig = app.MakeEncodingConfig()
chain.details = details
grpcUrl := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%s", details.GrpcPort)
grpcConn, err := util.NewGrpcConnection(grpcUrl)
if err != nil {
return chain, err
evmRpcUrl := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%s", details.EvmPort)
chain.EvmClient, err = ethclient.Dial(evmRpcUrl)
if err != nil {
return chain, err
chain.Auth = authtypes.NewQueryClient(grpcConn)
chain.Bank = banktypes.NewQueryClient(grpcConn)
chain.Tm = tmservice.NewServiceClient(grpcConn)
chain.Tx = txtypes.NewServiceClient(grpcConn)
// initialize accounts map
chain.accounts = make(map[string]*SigningAccount)
// setup the signing account for the initially funded account (used to fund all other accounts)
whale := chain.AddNewSigningAccount(
hd.CreateHDPath(Bip44CoinType, 0, 0),
// check that funded account is actually funded.
fmt.Printf("account used for funding (%s) address: %s\n", FundedAccountName, whale.SdkAddress)
whaleFunds := chain.QuerySdkForBalances(whale.SdkAddress)
if whaleFunds.IsZero() {
chain.t.Fatal("funded account mnemonic is for account with no funds")
return chain, nil
// Shutdown performs closes all the account request channels for this chain.
func (chain *Chain) Shutdown() {
// close all account request channels
for _, a := range chain.accounts {
// QuerySdkForBalances gets the balance of a particular address on this Chain.
func (chain *Chain) QuerySdkForBalances(addr sdk.AccAddress) sdk.Coins {
res, err := chain.Bank.AllBalances(context.Background(), &banktypes.QueryAllBalancesRequest{
Address: addr.String(),
require.NoError(chain.t, err)
return res.Balances
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
package testutil
import (
func init() {
// read the .env file, if present
type SuiteConfig struct {
// A funded account used to fnd all other accounts.
FundedAccountMnemonic string
// Whether or not to start an IBC chain. Use `suite.SkipIfIbcDisabled()` in IBC tests in IBC tests.
IncludeIbcTests bool
// When true, the chains will remain running after tests complete (pass or fail)
SkipShutdown bool
func ParseSuiteConfig() SuiteConfig {
// this mnemonic is expected to be a funded account that can seed the funds for all
// new accounts created during tests. it will be available under Accounts["whale"]
fundedAccountMnemonic := os.Getenv("E2E_KAVA_FUNDED_ACCOUNT_MNEMONIC")
if fundedAccountMnemonic == "" {
var skipShutdown bool
skipShutdownEnv := os.Getenv("E2E_SKIP_SHUTDOWN")
if skipShutdownEnv != "" {
skipShutdown = mustParseBool("E2E_SKIP_SHUTDOWN")
return SuiteConfig{
FundedAccountMnemonic: fundedAccountMnemonic,
IncludeIbcTests: mustParseBool("E2E_INCLUDE_IBC_TESTS"),
SkipShutdown: skipShutdown,
func mustParseBool(name string) bool {
envValue := os.Getenv(name)
if envValue == "" {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s is unset but expected a bool", name))
value, err := strconv.ParseBool(envValue)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s) cannot be parsed to a bool: %s", name, envValue, err))
return value
@ -1,26 +1,12 @@
package testutil
import (
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
txtypes "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types/tx"
authtypes "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/auth/types"
banktypes "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/bank/types"
kavaparams "github.com/kava-labs/kava/app/params"
const (
@ -31,107 +17,68 @@ const (
// these accounts use the ethsecp256k1 signing algorithm that allows the signing client
// to manage both sdk & evm txs.
Bip44CoinType = 60
IbcPort = "transfer"
IbcChannel = "channel-0"
type E2eTestSuite struct {
runner runner.NodeRunner
grpcConn *grpc.ClientConn
encodingConfig kavaparams.EncodingConfig
config SuiteConfig
runner runner.NodeRunner
EvmClient *ethclient.Client
Auth authtypes.QueryClient
Bank banktypes.QueryClient
Tm tmservice.ServiceClient
Tx txtypes.ServiceClient
accounts map[string]*SigningAccount
Kava *Chain
Ibc *Chain
func (suite *E2eTestSuite) SetupSuite() {
var err error
fmt.Println("setting up test suite.")
suite.encodingConfig = app.MakeEncodingConfig()
// this mnemonic is expected to be a funded account that can seed the funds for all
// new accounts created during tests. it will be available under Accounts["whale"]
fundedAccountMnemonic := os.Getenv("E2E_KAVA_FUNDED_ACCOUNT_MNEMONIC")
if fundedAccountMnemonic == "" {
suite.Fail("no E2E_KAVA_FUNDED_ACCOUNT_MNEMONIC provided")
suiteConfig := ParseSuiteConfig()
suite.config = suiteConfig
runnerConfig := runner.Config{
IncludeIBC: suiteConfig.IncludeIbcTests,
ImageTag: "local",
suite.runner = runner.NewKavaNode(runnerConfig)
configDir, err := filepath.Abs("./generated/kava-1/config")
if err != nil {
suite.Fail("failed to get config dir: %s", err)
config := runner.Config{
ConfigDir: configDir,
KavaRpcPort: "26657",
KavaRestPort: "1317",
KavaGrpcPort: "9090",
KavaEvmPort: "8545",
ImageTag: "local",
suite.runner = runner.NewSingleKavaNode(config)
// setup an unauthenticated evm client
evmRpcUrl := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%s", config.KavaEvmPort)
suite.EvmClient, err = ethclient.Dial(evmRpcUrl)
chains := suite.runner.StartChains()
kavachain := chains.MustGetChain("kava")
suite.Kava, err = NewChain(suite.T(), kavachain, suiteConfig.FundedAccountMnemonic)
if err != nil {
suite.Fail("failed to connect to evm: %s", err)
suite.T().Fatalf("failed to create kava chain querier: %s", err)
// create grpc connection
grpcUrl := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%s", config.KavaGrpcPort)
suite.grpcConn, err = util.NewGrpcConnection(grpcUrl)
if err != nil {
suite.Fail("failed to create grpc connection: %s", err)
// setup unauthenticated query clients for kava / cosmos
suite.Auth = authtypes.NewQueryClient(suite.grpcConn)
suite.Bank = banktypes.NewQueryClient(suite.grpcConn)
suite.Tm = tmservice.NewServiceClient(suite.grpcConn)
suite.Tx = txtypes.NewServiceClient(suite.grpcConn)
// initialize accounts map
suite.accounts = make(map[string]*SigningAccount)
// setup the signing account for the initially funded account (used to fund all other accounts)
whale := suite.AddNewSigningAccount(
hd.CreateHDPath(Bip44CoinType, 0, 0),
// check that funded account is actually funded.
fmt.Printf("account used for funding (%s) address: %s\n", FundedAccountName, whale.SdkAddress)
whaleFunds := suite.QuerySdkForBalances(whale.SdkAddress)
if whaleFunds.IsZero() {
suite.FailNow("no available funds.", "funded account mnemonic is for account with no funds")
if suiteConfig.IncludeIbcTests {
ibcchain := chains.MustGetChain("ibc")
suite.Ibc, err = NewChain(suite.T(), ibcchain, suiteConfig.FundedAccountMnemonic)
if err != nil {
suite.T().Fatalf("failed to create ibc chain querier: %s", err)
func (suite *E2eTestSuite) TearDownSuite() {
fmt.Println("tearing down test suite.")
// close all account request channels
for _, a := range suite.accounts {
if suite.Ibc != nil {
// gracefully shutdown docker container(s)
if !suite.config.SkipShutdown {
func (suite *E2eTestSuite) QuerySdkForBalances(addr sdk.AccAddress) sdk.Coins {
res, err := suite.Bank.AllBalances(context.Background(), &banktypes.QueryAllBalancesRequest{
Address: addr.String(),
return res.Balances
func (suite *E2eTestSuite) SkipIfIbcDisabled() {
if !suite.config.IncludeIbcTests {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user