mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 20:05:41 +00:00
improve code organisation
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,115 +33,7 @@ func NewKeeper(cdc *codec.Codec, storeKey sdk.StoreKey, router govtypes.Router)
func (k Keeper) SubmitProposal(ctx sdk.Context, proposer sdk.AccAddress, committeeID uint64, pubProposal types.PubProposal) (uint64, sdk.Error) {
// Limit proposals to only be submitted by committee members
com, found := k.GetCommittee(ctx, committeeID)
if !found {
return 0, sdk.ErrInternal("committee doesn't exist")
if !com.HasMember(proposer) {
return 0, sdk.ErrInternal("only member can propose proposals")
// Check committee has permissions to enact proposal.
if !com.HasPermissionsFor(pubProposal) {
return 0, sdk.ErrInternal("committee does not have permissions to enact proposal")
// Check proposal is valid
// TODO what if it's not valid now but will be in the future?
// TODO does this need to be before permission check?
if err := k.ValidatePubProposal(ctx, pubProposal); err != nil {
return 0, err
// Get a new ID and store the proposal
return k.StoreNewProposal(ctx, committeeID, pubProposal)
func (k Keeper) AddVote(ctx sdk.Context, proposalID uint64, voter sdk.AccAddress) sdk.Error {
// Validate
pr, found := k.GetProposal(ctx, proposalID)
if !found {
return sdk.ErrInternal("proposal not found")
com, found := k.GetCommittee(ctx, pr.CommitteeID)
if !found {
return sdk.ErrInternal("committee disbanded")
if !com.HasMember(voter) {
return sdk.ErrInternal("not authorized to vote on proposal")
// Store vote, overwriting any prior vote
k.SetVote(ctx, types.Vote{ProposalID: proposalID, Voter: voter})
return nil
func (k Keeper) CloseOutProposal(ctx sdk.Context, proposalID uint64) sdk.Error {
pr, found := k.GetProposal(ctx, proposalID)
if !found {
return sdk.ErrInternal("proposal not found")
com, found := k.GetCommittee(ctx, pr.CommitteeID)
if !found {
return sdk.ErrInternal("committee disbanded")
var votes []types.Vote
k.IterateVotes(ctx, proposalID, func(vote types.Vote) bool {
votes = append(votes, vote)
return false
if sdk.NewDec(int64(len(votes))).GTE(types.VoteThreshold.MulInt64(int64(len(com.Members)))) { // TODO move vote counting stuff to committee methods // TODO add timeout check here - close if expired regardless of votes
// eneact vote
// The proposal handler may execute state mutating logic depending
// on the proposal content. If the handler fails, no state mutation
// is written and the error message is logged.
handler := k.router.GetRoute(pr.ProposalRoute())
cacheCtx, writeCache := ctx.CacheContext()
err := handler(cacheCtx, pr.PubProposal) // need to pass pubProposal as the handlers type assert it into the concrete types
if err == nil {
// write state to the underlying multi-store
} // if handler returns error, then still delete the proposal - it's still over, but send an event
// delete proposal and votes
k.DeleteProposal(ctx, proposalID)
for _, v := range votes {
k.DeleteVote(ctx, v.ProposalID, v.Voter)
} else {
return sdk.ErrInternal("note enough votes to close proposal")
return nil
func (k Keeper) ValidatePubProposal(ctx sdk.Context, pubProposal types.PubProposal) sdk.Error {
// TODO not sure if the basic validation is required - should be run in msg.ValidateBasic
if pubProposal == nil {
return sdk.ErrInternal("proposal is empty")
if err := pubProposal.ValidateBasic(); err != nil {
return err
if !k.router.HasRoute(pubProposal.ProposalRoute()) {
return sdk.ErrInternal("no handler found for proposal")
// Execute the proposal content in a cache-wrapped context to validate the
// actual parameter changes before the proposal proceeds through the
// governance process. State is not persisted.
cacheCtx, _ := ctx.CacheContext()
handler := k.router.GetRoute(pubProposal.ProposalRoute())
if err := handler(cacheCtx, pubProposal); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ---------- Committees ----------
// GetCommittee gets a committee from the store.
func (k Keeper) GetCommittee(ctx sdk.Context, committeeID uint64) (types.Committee, bool) {
@ -168,6 +60,8 @@ func (k Keeper) DeleteCommittee(ctx sdk.Context, committeeID uint64) {
// ---------- Proposals ----------
// SetNextProposalID stores an ID to be used for the next created proposal
func (k Keeper) SetNextProposalID(ctx sdk.Context, id uint64) {
store := ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey)
@ -240,22 +134,7 @@ func (k Keeper) DeleteProposal(ctx sdk.Context, proposalID uint64) {
// IterateVotes provides an iterator over all stored votes for a given proposal.
// For each vote, cb will be called. If cb returns true, the iterator will close and stop.
func (k Keeper) IterateVotes(ctx sdk.Context, proposalID uint64, cb func(vote types.Vote) (stop bool)) {
// iterate over the section of the votes store that has all votes for a particular proposal
iterator := sdk.KVStorePrefixIterator(ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey), append(types.VoteKeyPrefix, types.GetKeyFromID(proposalID)...))
defer iterator.Close()
for ; iterator.Valid(); iterator.Next() {
var vote types.Vote
k.cdc.MustUnmarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(iterator.Value(), &vote)
if cb(vote) {
// ---------- Votes ----------
// GetVote gets a vote from the store.
func (k Keeper) GetVote(ctx sdk.Context, proposalID uint64, voter sdk.AccAddress) (types.Vote, bool) {
@ -281,3 +160,20 @@ func (k Keeper) DeleteVote(ctx sdk.Context, proposalID uint64, voter sdk.AccAddr
store := prefix.NewStore(ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey), types.VoteKeyPrefix)
store.Delete(types.GetVoteKey(proposalID, voter))
// IterateVotes provides an iterator over all stored votes for a given proposal.
// For each vote, cb will be called. If cb returns true, the iterator will close and stop.
func (k Keeper) IterateVotes(ctx sdk.Context, proposalID uint64, cb func(vote types.Vote) (stop bool)) {
// iterate over the section of the votes store that has all votes for a particular proposal
iterator := sdk.KVStorePrefixIterator(ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey), append(types.VoteKeyPrefix, types.GetKeyFromID(proposalID)...))
defer iterator.Close()
for ; iterator.Valid(); iterator.Next() {
var vote types.Vote
k.cdc.MustUnmarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(iterator.Value(), &vote)
if cb(vote) {
@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
package keeper_test
import (
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
abci "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/abci/types"
@ -32,235 +30,6 @@ func (suite *KeeperTestSuite) SetupTest() {
_, suite.addresses = app.GeneratePrivKeyAddressPairs(5)
func (suite *KeeperTestSuite) TestSubmitProposal() {
normalCom := types.Committee{
ID: 12,
Members: suite.addresses[:2],
Permissions: []types.Permission{types.GodPermission{}},
noPermissionsCom := types.Committee{
ID: 12,
Members: suite.addresses[:2],
Permissions: []types.Permission{},
testcases := []struct {
name string
committee types.Committee
pubProposal types.PubProposal
proposer sdk.AccAddress
committeeID uint64
expectPass bool
name: "normal",
committee: normalCom,
pubProposal: gov.NewTextProposal("A Title", "A description of this proposal."),
proposer: normalCom.Members[0],
committeeID: normalCom.ID,
expectPass: true,
name: "invalid proposal",
committee: normalCom,
pubProposal: nil,
proposer: normalCom.Members[0],
committeeID: normalCom.ID,
expectPass: false,
name: "missing committee",
// no committee
pubProposal: gov.NewTextProposal("A Title", "A description of this proposal."),
proposer: suite.addresses[0],
committeeID: 0,
expectPass: false,
name: "not a member",
committee: normalCom,
pubProposal: gov.NewTextProposal("A Title", "A description of this proposal."),
proposer: suite.addresses[4],
committeeID: normalCom.ID,
expectPass: false,
name: "not enough permissions",
committee: noPermissionsCom,
pubProposal: gov.NewTextProposal("A Title", "A description of this proposal."),
proposer: noPermissionsCom.Members[0],
committeeID: noPermissionsCom.ID,
expectPass: false,
for _, tc := range testcases {
suite.Run(tc.name, func() {
// Create local testApp because suite doesn't run the SetupTest function for subtests, which would mean the app state is not be reset between subtests.
tApp := app.NewTestApp()
keeper := tApp.GetCommitteeKeeper()
ctx := tApp.NewContext(true, abci.Header{})
// setup committee (if required)
if !(reflect.DeepEqual(tc.committee, types.Committee{})) {
keeper.SetCommittee(ctx, tc.committee)
id, err := keeper.SubmitProposal(ctx, tc.proposer, tc.committeeID, tc.pubProposal)
if tc.expectPass {
_, found := keeper.GetProposal(ctx, id)
} else {
func (suite *KeeperTestSuite) TestAddVote() {
normalCom := types.Committee{
ID: 12,
Members: suite.addresses[:2],
Permissions: []types.Permission{types.GodPermission{}},
testcases := []struct {
name string
proposalID uint64
voter sdk.AccAddress
expectPass bool
name: "normal",
proposalID: types.DefaultNextProposalID,
voter: normalCom.Members[0],
expectPass: true,
name: "nonexistent proposal",
proposalID: 9999999,
voter: normalCom.Members[0],
expectPass: false,
name: "voter not committee member",
proposalID: types.DefaultNextProposalID,
voter: suite.addresses[4],
expectPass: false,
for _, tc := range testcases {
suite.Run(tc.name, func() {
// Create local testApp because suite doesn't run the SetupTest function for subtests, which would mean the app state is not be reset between subtests.
tApp := app.NewTestApp()
keeper := tApp.GetCommitteeKeeper()
ctx := tApp.NewContext(true, abci.Header{})
// setup the committee and proposal
keeper.SetCommittee(ctx, normalCom)
_, err := keeper.SubmitProposal(ctx, normalCom.Members[0], normalCom.ID, gov.NewTextProposal("A Title", "A description of this proposal."))
err = keeper.AddVote(ctx, tc.proposalID, tc.voter)
if tc.expectPass {
_, found := keeper.GetVote(ctx, tc.proposalID, tc.voter)
} else {
func (suite *KeeperTestSuite) TestCloseOutProposal() {
// setup test
// TODO replace below with genesis state
normalCom := types.Committee{
ID: 12,
Members: suite.addresses[:2],
Permissions: []types.Permission{types.GodPermission{}},
suite.keeper.SetCommittee(suite.ctx, normalCom)
pprop := gov.NewTextProposal("A Title", "A description of this proposal.")
id, err := suite.keeper.SubmitProposal(suite.ctx, normalCom.Members[0], normalCom.ID, pprop)
err = suite.keeper.AddVote(suite.ctx, id, normalCom.Members[0])
err = suite.keeper.AddVote(suite.ctx, id, normalCom.Members[1])
// run test
err = suite.keeper.CloseOutProposal(suite.ctx, id)
// check
_, found := suite.keeper.GetProposal(suite.ctx, id)
suite.keeper.IterateVotes(suite.ctx, id, func(v types.Vote) bool {
suite.Fail("found vote when none should exist")
return false
type UnregisteredProposal struct {
func (UnregisteredProposal) ProposalRoute() string { return "unregistered" }
func (UnregisteredProposal) ProposalType() string { return "unregistered" }
var _ types.PubProposal = UnregisteredProposal{}
func (suite *KeeperTestSuite) TestValidatePubProposal() {
testcases := []struct {
name string
pubProposal types.PubProposal
expectPass bool
name: "valid",
pubProposal: gov.NewTextProposal("A Title", "A description of this proposal."),
expectPass: true,
name: "invalid (missing title)",
pubProposal: gov.TextProposal{Description: "A description of this proposal."},
expectPass: false,
name: "invalid (unregistered)",
pubProposal: UnregisteredProposal{gov.TextProposal{Title: "A Title", Description: "A description of this proposal."}},
expectPass: false,
name: "invalid (nil)",
pubProposal: nil,
expectPass: false,
// TODO test case when the handler fails
for _, tc := range testcases {
suite.Run(tc.name, func() {
err := suite.keeper.ValidatePubProposal(suite.ctx, tc.pubProposal)
if tc.expectPass {
} else {
func (suite *KeeperTestSuite) TestGetSetDeleteCommittee() {
// setup test
com := types.Committee{
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
package keeper
import (
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
func (k Keeper) SubmitProposal(ctx sdk.Context, proposer sdk.AccAddress, committeeID uint64, pubProposal types.PubProposal) (uint64, sdk.Error) {
// Limit proposals to only be submitted by committee members
com, found := k.GetCommittee(ctx, committeeID)
if !found {
return 0, sdk.ErrInternal("committee doesn't exist")
if !com.HasMember(proposer) {
return 0, sdk.ErrInternal("only member can propose proposals")
// Check committee has permissions to enact proposal.
if !com.HasPermissionsFor(pubProposal) {
return 0, sdk.ErrInternal("committee does not have permissions to enact proposal")
// Check proposal is valid
// TODO what if it's not valid now but will be in the future?
// TODO does this need to be before permission check?
if err := k.ValidatePubProposal(ctx, pubProposal); err != nil {
return 0, err
// Get a new ID and store the proposal
return k.StoreNewProposal(ctx, committeeID, pubProposal)
func (k Keeper) AddVote(ctx sdk.Context, proposalID uint64, voter sdk.AccAddress) sdk.Error {
// Validate
pr, found := k.GetProposal(ctx, proposalID)
if !found {
return sdk.ErrInternal("proposal not found")
com, found := k.GetCommittee(ctx, pr.CommitteeID)
if !found {
return sdk.ErrInternal("committee disbanded")
if !com.HasMember(voter) {
return sdk.ErrInternal("not authorized to vote on proposal")
// Store vote, overwriting any prior vote
k.SetVote(ctx, types.Vote{ProposalID: proposalID, Voter: voter})
return nil
func (k Keeper) CloseOutProposal(ctx sdk.Context, proposalID uint64) sdk.Error {
pr, found := k.GetProposal(ctx, proposalID)
if !found {
return sdk.ErrInternal("proposal not found")
com, found := k.GetCommittee(ctx, pr.CommitteeID)
if !found {
return sdk.ErrInternal("committee disbanded")
var votes []types.Vote
k.IterateVotes(ctx, proposalID, func(vote types.Vote) bool {
votes = append(votes, vote)
return false
if sdk.NewDec(int64(len(votes))).GTE(types.VoteThreshold.MulInt64(int64(len(com.Members)))) { // TODO move vote counting stuff to committee methods // TODO add timeout check here - close if expired regardless of votes
// eneact vote
// The proposal handler may execute state mutating logic depending
// on the proposal content. If the handler fails, no state mutation
// is written and the error message is logged.
handler := k.router.GetRoute(pr.ProposalRoute())
cacheCtx, writeCache := ctx.CacheContext()
err := handler(cacheCtx, pr.PubProposal) // need to pass pubProposal as the handlers type assert it into the concrete types
if err == nil {
// write state to the underlying multi-store
} // if handler returns error, then still delete the proposal - it's still over, but send an event
// delete proposal and votes
k.DeleteProposal(ctx, proposalID)
for _, v := range votes {
k.DeleteVote(ctx, v.ProposalID, v.Voter)
} else {
return sdk.ErrInternal("note enough votes to close proposal")
return nil
func (k Keeper) ValidatePubProposal(ctx sdk.Context, pubProposal types.PubProposal) sdk.Error {
// TODO not sure if the basic validation is required - should be run in msg.ValidateBasic
if pubProposal == nil {
return sdk.ErrInternal("proposal is empty")
if err := pubProposal.ValidateBasic(); err != nil {
return err
if !k.router.HasRoute(pubProposal.ProposalRoute()) {
return sdk.ErrInternal("no handler found for proposal")
// Execute the proposal content in a cache-wrapped context to validate the
// actual parameter changes before the proposal proceeds through the
// governance process. State is not persisted.
cacheCtx, _ := ctx.CacheContext()
handler := k.router.GetRoute(pubProposal.ProposalRoute())
if err := handler(cacheCtx, pubProposal); err != nil {
return err
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
package keeper_test
import (
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
abci "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/abci/types"
func (suite *KeeperTestSuite) TestSubmitProposal() {
normalCom := types.Committee{
ID: 12,
Members: suite.addresses[:2],
Permissions: []types.Permission{types.GodPermission{}},
noPermissionsCom := types.Committee{
ID: 12,
Members: suite.addresses[:2],
Permissions: []types.Permission{},
testcases := []struct {
name string
committee types.Committee
pubProposal types.PubProposal
proposer sdk.AccAddress
committeeID uint64
expectPass bool
name: "normal",
committee: normalCom,
pubProposal: gov.NewTextProposal("A Title", "A description of this proposal."),
proposer: normalCom.Members[0],
committeeID: normalCom.ID,
expectPass: true,
name: "invalid proposal",
committee: normalCom,
pubProposal: nil,
proposer: normalCom.Members[0],
committeeID: normalCom.ID,
expectPass: false,
name: "missing committee",
// no committee
pubProposal: gov.NewTextProposal("A Title", "A description of this proposal."),
proposer: suite.addresses[0],
committeeID: 0,
expectPass: false,
name: "not a member",
committee: normalCom,
pubProposal: gov.NewTextProposal("A Title", "A description of this proposal."),
proposer: suite.addresses[4],
committeeID: normalCom.ID,
expectPass: false,
name: "not enough permissions",
committee: noPermissionsCom,
pubProposal: gov.NewTextProposal("A Title", "A description of this proposal."),
proposer: noPermissionsCom.Members[0],
committeeID: noPermissionsCom.ID,
expectPass: false,
for _, tc := range testcases {
suite.Run(tc.name, func() {
// Create local testApp because suite doesn't run the SetupTest function for subtests, which would mean the app state is not be reset between subtests.
tApp := app.NewTestApp()
keeper := tApp.GetCommitteeKeeper()
ctx := tApp.NewContext(true, abci.Header{})
// setup committee (if required)
if !(reflect.DeepEqual(tc.committee, types.Committee{})) {
keeper.SetCommittee(ctx, tc.committee)
id, err := keeper.SubmitProposal(ctx, tc.proposer, tc.committeeID, tc.pubProposal)
if tc.expectPass {
_, found := keeper.GetProposal(ctx, id)
} else {
func (suite *KeeperTestSuite) TestAddVote() {
normalCom := types.Committee{
ID: 12,
Members: suite.addresses[:2],
Permissions: []types.Permission{types.GodPermission{}},
testcases := []struct {
name string
proposalID uint64
voter sdk.AccAddress
expectPass bool
name: "normal",
proposalID: types.DefaultNextProposalID,
voter: normalCom.Members[0],
expectPass: true,
name: "nonexistent proposal",
proposalID: 9999999,
voter: normalCom.Members[0],
expectPass: false,
name: "voter not committee member",
proposalID: types.DefaultNextProposalID,
voter: suite.addresses[4],
expectPass: false,
for _, tc := range testcases {
suite.Run(tc.name, func() {
// Create local testApp because suite doesn't run the SetupTest function for subtests, which would mean the app state is not be reset between subtests.
tApp := app.NewTestApp()
keeper := tApp.GetCommitteeKeeper()
ctx := tApp.NewContext(true, abci.Header{})
// setup the committee and proposal
keeper.SetCommittee(ctx, normalCom)
_, err := keeper.SubmitProposal(ctx, normalCom.Members[0], normalCom.ID, gov.NewTextProposal("A Title", "A description of this proposal."))
err = keeper.AddVote(ctx, tc.proposalID, tc.voter)
if tc.expectPass {
_, found := keeper.GetVote(ctx, tc.proposalID, tc.voter)
} else {
func (suite *KeeperTestSuite) TestCloseOutProposal() {
// setup test
// TODO replace below with genesis state
normalCom := types.Committee{
ID: 12,
Members: suite.addresses[:2],
Permissions: []types.Permission{types.GodPermission{}},
suite.keeper.SetCommittee(suite.ctx, normalCom)
pprop := gov.NewTextProposal("A Title", "A description of this proposal.")
id, err := suite.keeper.SubmitProposal(suite.ctx, normalCom.Members[0], normalCom.ID, pprop)
err = suite.keeper.AddVote(suite.ctx, id, normalCom.Members[0])
err = suite.keeper.AddVote(suite.ctx, id, normalCom.Members[1])
// run test
err = suite.keeper.CloseOutProposal(suite.ctx, id)
// check
_, found := suite.keeper.GetProposal(suite.ctx, id)
suite.keeper.IterateVotes(suite.ctx, id, func(v types.Vote) bool {
suite.Fail("found vote when none should exist")
return false
type UnregisteredProposal struct {
func (UnregisteredProposal) ProposalRoute() string { return "unregistered" }
func (UnregisteredProposal) ProposalType() string { return "unregistered" }
var _ types.PubProposal = UnregisteredProposal{}
func (suite *KeeperTestSuite) TestValidatePubProposal() {
testcases := []struct {
name string
pubProposal types.PubProposal
expectPass bool
name: "valid",
pubProposal: gov.NewTextProposal("A Title", "A description of this proposal."),
expectPass: true,
name: "invalid (missing title)",
pubProposal: gov.TextProposal{Description: "A description of this proposal."},
expectPass: false,
name: "invalid (unregistered)",
pubProposal: UnregisteredProposal{gov.TextProposal{Title: "A Title", Description: "A description of this proposal."}},
expectPass: false,
name: "invalid (nil)",
pubProposal: nil,
expectPass: false,
// TODO test case when the handler fails
for _, tc := range testcases {
suite.Run(tc.name, func() {
err := suite.keeper.ValidatePubProposal(suite.ctx, tc.pubProposal)
if tc.expectPass {
} else {
@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ var (
CommitteeKeyPrefix = []byte{0x00} // prefix for keys that store committees
ProposalKeyPrefix = []byte{0x01} // prefix for keys that store proposals
VoteKeyPrefix = []byte{0x02} // prefix for keys that store votes
//AuctionByTimeKeyPrefix = []byte{0x01} // prefix for keys that are part of the auctionsByTime index
NextProposalIDKey = []byte{0x03} // key for the next proposal id
@ -44,11 +43,6 @@ func GetVoteKey(proposalID uint64, voter sdk.AccAddress) []byte {
return append(GetKeyFromID(proposalID), voter.Bytes()...)
// // GetAuctionByTimeKey returns the key for iterating auctions by time
// func GetAuctionByTimeKey(endTime time.Time, auctionID uint64) []byte {
// return append(sdk.FormatTimeBytes(endTime), Uint64ToBytes(auctionID)...)
// }
// Uint64ToBytes converts a uint64 into fixed length bytes for use in store keys.
func uint64ToBytes(id uint64) []byte {
bz := make([]byte, 8)
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import (
// -------- Committees --------
var VoteThreshold sdk.Dec = sdk.MustNewDecFromStr("0.75")
// A Committee is a collection of addresses that are allowed to vote and enact any governance proposal that passes their permissions.
@ -23,8 +25,9 @@ func (c Committee) HasMember(addr sdk.AccAddress) bool {
return false
// As long as one permission allows the proposal then it goes through. Its the OR of all permissions.
func (c Committee) HasPermissionsFor(proposal gov.Content) bool {
// HasPermissionsFor returns whether the committee is authorized to enact a proposal.
// As long as one permission allows the proposal then it goes through. Its the OR of all permissions.
func (c Committee) HasPermissionsFor(proposal PubProposal) bool {
for _, p := range c.Permissions {
if p.Allows(proposal) {
return true
@ -35,22 +38,18 @@ func (c Committee) HasPermissionsFor(proposal gov.Content) bool {
// Permission is anything with a method that validates whether a proposal is allowed by it or not.
type Permission interface {
Allows(gov.Content) bool
Allows(PubProposal) bool
// GOV STUFF --------------------------
// Should be much the same as in gov module, except Proposals are linked to a committee ID.
// -------- Proposals --------
// TODO not needed? var _ gov.Content = Proposal{}
type PubProposal = gov.Content // TODO better name
// PubProposal is an interface that all gov proposals defined in other modules must satisfy.
type PubProposal = gov.Content // TODO find a better name
type Proposal struct {
ID uint64
CommitteeID uint64
// could store votes on the proposal object
type Vote struct {
@ -58,7 +57,3 @@ type Vote struct {
Voter sdk.AccAddress
// Option byte // TODO for now don't need more than just a yes as options
// Genesis -------------------
// Ok just to dump everything to json and reload - if time involved then begin blocker will take care of closing expired proposals. And it won't enact proposals because they would've been immediately enacted before the halt if they passed.
// committee, proposals, votes
Reference in New Issue
Block a user