mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 06:55:18 +00:00
update to app v0.23.1 and add staking
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
package main
import (
@ -15,15 +13,15 @@ import (
authcmd "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/auth/client/cli"
bankcmd "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/bank/client/cli"
//govcmd "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/gov/client/cli"
//ibccmd "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/ibc/client/cli"
//stakecmd "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/stake/client/cli"
slashingcmd "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/slashing/client/cli"
stakecmd "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/stake/client/cli"
// rootCmd is the entry point for this binary
var (
rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "kvcli",
@ -32,49 +30,119 @@ var (
func main() {
// disable sorting
cobra.EnableCommandSorting = false
// get the codec
cdc := app.MakeCodec()
cdc := app.CreateKavaAppCodec()
// TODO: setup keybase, viper object, etc. to be passed into
// the below functions and eliminate global vars, like we do
// with the cdc
// add standard rpc, and tx commands
// add standard rpc commands
tx.AddCommands(rootCmd, cdc)
// add query/post commands (custom to binary)
//Add state commands
tendermintCmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "tendermint",
Short: "Tendermint state querying subcommands",
tx.AddCommands(tendermintCmd, cdc)
//Add IBC commands
// ibcCmd := &cobra.Command{
// Use: "ibc",
// Short: "Inter-Blockchain Communication subcommands",
// }
// ibcCmd.AddCommand(
// client.PostCommands(
// ibccmd.IBCTransferCmd(cdc),
// ibccmd.IBCRelayCmd(cdc),
// )...)
advancedCmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "advanced",
Short: "Advanced subcommands",
//Add stake commands
stakeCmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "stake",
Short: "Stake and validation subcommands",
stakecmd.GetCmdQueryValidator("stake", cdc),
stakecmd.GetCmdQueryValidators("stake", cdc),
stakecmd.GetCmdQueryDelegation("stake", cdc),
stakecmd.GetCmdQueryDelegations("stake", cdc),
slashingcmd.GetCmdQuerySigningInfo("slashing", cdc),
stakecmd.GetCmdUnbond("stake", cdc),
stakecmd.GetCmdRedelegate("stake", cdc),
//Add stake commands
// govCmd := &cobra.Command{
// Use: "gov",
// Short: "Governance and voting subcommands",
// }
// govCmd.AddCommand(
// client.GetCommands(
// govcmd.GetCmdQueryProposal("gov", cdc),
// govcmd.GetCmdQueryVote("gov", cdc),
// govcmd.GetCmdQueryVotes("gov", cdc),
// )...)
// govCmd.AddCommand(
// client.PostCommands(
// govcmd.GetCmdSubmitProposal(cdc),
// govcmd.GetCmdDeposit(cdc),
// govcmd.GetCmdVote(cdc),
// )...)
// rootCmd.AddCommand(
// govCmd,
// )
//Add auth and bank commands
authcmd.GetAccountCmd("acc", cdc, authcmd.GetAccountDecoder(cdc)),
// add proxy, version and key info
// prepare and add flags
executor := cli.PrepareMainCmd(rootCmd, "KV", os.ExpandEnv("$HOME/.kvcli"))
executor := cli.PrepareMainCmd(rootCmd, "KV", app.DefaultCLIHome)
err := executor.Execute()
if err != nil {
@ -2,45 +2,60 @@ package main
import (
abci "github.com/tendermint/abci/types"
abci "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/abci/types"
dbm "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/db"
tmtypes "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
dbm "github.com/tendermint/tmlibs/db"
func main() {
cdc := app.MakeCodec()
// Create an app codec
cdc := app.CreateKavaAppCodec()
// Create a server context (a struct of a tendermint config and a logger)
ctx := server.NewDefaultContext()
// Create the root kvd command
cobra.EnableCommandSorting = false
rootCmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "kvd",
Short: "Kava Daemon",
PersistentPreRunE: server.PersistentPreRunEFn(ctx),
server.AddCommands(ctx, cdc, rootCmd, app.CreateAppInit(),
server.ConstructAppCreator(newApp, "kava"),
server.ConstructAppExporter(exportAppStateAndTMValidators, "kava"))
// Add server commands to kvd, passing in the app
appInit := app.KavaAppInit()
appCreator := server.ConstructAppCreator(newApp, "kava") // init db before calling newApp
appExporter := server.ConstructAppExporter(exportAppStateAndTMValidators, "kava")
// prepare and add flags
rootDir := os.ExpandEnv("$HOME/.kvd")
executor := cli.PrepareBaseCmd(rootCmd, "KV", rootDir)
server.AddCommands(ctx, cdc, rootCmd, appInit, appCreator, appExporter)
// handle envs and add some flags and stuff
executor := cli.PrepareBaseCmd(rootCmd, "KV", app.DefaultNodeHome)
// Run kvd
err := executor.Execute()
if err != nil {
func newApp(logger log.Logger, db dbm.DB) abci.Application {
return app.NewKavaApp(logger, db)
func newApp(logger log.Logger, db dbm.DB, traceStore io.Writer) abci.Application {
return app.NewKavaApp(logger, db, traceStore, baseapp.SetPruning(viper.GetString("pruning")))
func exportAppStateAndTMValidators(logger log.Logger, db dbm.DB) (json.RawMessage, []tmtypes.GenesisValidator, error) {
bapp := app.NewKavaApp(logger, db)
return bapp.ExportAppStateAndValidators()
func exportAppStateAndTMValidators(logger log.Logger, db dbm.DB, traceStore io.Writer) (json.RawMessage, []tmtypes.GenesisValidator, error) {
tempApp := app.NewKavaApp(logger, db, traceStore)
return tempApp.ExportAppStateAndValidators()
@ -2,29 +2,36 @@ package app
import (
abci "github.com/tendermint/abci/types"
abci "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/abci/types"
cmn "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/common"
dbm "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/db"
tmtypes "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
cmn "github.com/tendermint/tmlibs/common"
dbm "github.com/tendermint/tmlibs/db"
bam "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/baseapp"
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
const (
appName = "KavaApp"
// Extended ABCI application
// Set default directories for data
var (
DefaultCLIHome = os.ExpandEnv("$HOME/.kvcli")
DefaultNodeHome = os.ExpandEnv("$HOME/.kvd")
type KavaApp struct {
cdc *wire.Codec
@ -32,61 +39,78 @@ type KavaApp struct {
// keys to access the substores
keyMain *sdk.KVStoreKey
keyAccount *sdk.KVStoreKey
//keyIBC *sdk.KVStoreKey
//keyStake *sdk.KVStoreKey
//keySlashing *sdk.KVStoreKey
//keyIBC *sdk.KVStoreKey
keyStake *sdk.KVStoreKey
keySlashing *sdk.KVStoreKey
//keyGov *sdk.KVStoreKey
keyFeeCollection *sdk.KVStoreKey
// Manage getting and setting accounts
// keepers
accountMapper auth.AccountMapper
feeCollectionKeeper auth.FeeCollectionKeeper
coinKeeper bank.Keeper
//ibcMapper ibc.Mapper
//stakeKeeper stake.Keeper
//slashingKeeper slashing.Keeper
stakeKeeper stake.Keeper
slashingKeeper slashing.Keeper
//govKeeper gov.Keeper
func NewKavaApp(logger log.Logger, db dbm.DB) *KavaApp {
// Creates a new KavaApp.
func NewKavaApp(logger log.Logger, db dbm.DB, traceStore io.Writer, baseAppOptions ...func(*bam.BaseApp)) *KavaApp {
// Create app-level codec for txs and accounts.
var cdc = MakeCodec()
// Create a codec for use across the whole app
cdc := CreateKavaAppCodec()
// Create your application object.
// Create a new base app
bApp := bam.NewBaseApp(appName, cdc, logger, db, baseAppOptions...)
// Create the kava app, extending baseApp
var app = &KavaApp{
BaseApp: bam.NewBaseApp(appName, cdc, logger, db),
BaseApp: bApp,
cdc: cdc,
keyMain: sdk.NewKVStoreKey("main"),
keyAccount: sdk.NewKVStoreKey("acc"),
//keyIBC: sdk.NewKVStoreKey("ibc"),
//keyStake: sdk.NewKVStoreKey("stake"),
//keySlashing: sdk.NewKVStoreKey("slashing"),
keyStake: sdk.NewKVStoreKey("stake"),
keySlashing: sdk.NewKVStoreKey("slashing"),
//keyGov: sdk.NewKVStoreKey("gov"),
keyFeeCollection: sdk.NewKVStoreKey("fee"),
// Define the accountMapper.
// Define the accountMapper and base account
app.accountMapper = auth.NewAccountMapper(
app.keyAccount, // target store
// add accountMapper/handlers
// Create the keepers
app.coinKeeper = bank.NewKeeper(app.accountMapper)
//app.ibcMapper = ibc.NewMapper(app.cdc, app.keyIBC, app.RegisterCodespace(ibc.DefaultCodespace))
//app.stakeKeeper = stake.NewKeeper(app.cdc, app.keyStake, app.coinKeeper, app.RegisterCodespace(stake.DefaultCodespace))
//app.slashingKeeper = slashing.NewKeeper(app.cdc, app.keySlashing, app.stakeKeeper, app.RegisterCodespace(slashing.DefaultCodespace))
app.stakeKeeper = stake.NewKeeper(app.cdc, app.keyStake, app.coinKeeper, app.RegisterCodespace(stake.DefaultCodespace))
app.slashingKeeper = slashing.NewKeeper(app.cdc, app.keySlashing, app.stakeKeeper, app.RegisterCodespace(slashing.DefaultCodespace))
//app.govKeeper = gov.NewKeeper(app.cdc, app.keyGov, app.coinKeeper, app.stakeKeeper, app.RegisterCodespace(gov.DefaultCodespace))
app.feeCollectionKeeper = auth.NewFeeCollectionKeeper(app.cdc, app.keyFeeCollection)
// register message routes
// Register the message handlers
AddRoute("auth", auth.NewHandler(app.accountMapper)).
AddRoute("bank", bank.NewHandler(app.coinKeeper))
AddRoute("bank", bank.NewHandler(app.coinKeeper)).
//AddRoute("ibc", ibc.NewHandler(app.ibcMapper, app.coinKeeper)).
//AddRoute("stake", stake.NewHandler(app.stakeKeeper))
AddRoute("stake", stake.NewHandler(app.stakeKeeper)).
AddRoute("slashing", slashing.NewHandler(app.slashingKeeper))
//AddRoute("gov", gov.NewHandler(app.govKeeper))
// Initialize BaseApp.
// Set func to initialze the chain from appState in genesis file
// Set functions that run before and after txs / blocks
app.SetAnteHandler(auth.NewAnteHandler(app.accountMapper, app.feeCollectionKeeper))
app.MountStoresIAVL(app.keyMain, app.keyAccount) //, app.keyIBC, app.keyStake, app.keySlashing)
// Mount stores
app.MountStoresIAVL(app.keyMain, app.keyAccount, app.keyStake, app.keySlashing, app.keyFeeCollection)
err := app.LoadLatestVersion(app.keyMain)
if err != nil {
@ -94,95 +118,90 @@ func NewKavaApp(logger log.Logger, db dbm.DB) *KavaApp {
return app
// Custom tx codec
func MakeCodec() *wire.Codec {
var cdc = wire.NewCodec()
wire.RegisterCrypto(cdc) // Register crypto.
sdk.RegisterWire(cdc) // Register Msgs
// Creates a codec for use across the whole app.
func CreateKavaAppCodec() *wire.Codec {
cdc := wire.NewCodec()
// register custom AppAccount
//cdc.RegisterInterface((*auth.Account)(nil), nil)
//cdc.RegisterConcrete(&types.BaseAccount{}, "kava/Account", nil)
return cdc
// application updates every end block
// The function baseapp runs on receipt of a BeginBlock ABCI message
func (app *KavaApp) BeginBlocker(ctx sdk.Context, req abci.RequestBeginBlock) abci.ResponseBeginBlock {
//tags := slashing.BeginBlocker(ctx, req, app.slashingKeeper)
tags := slashing.BeginBlocker(ctx, req, app.slashingKeeper)
//return abci.ResponseBeginBlock{
// Tags: tags.ToKVPairs(),
return abci.ResponseBeginBlock{}
return abci.ResponseBeginBlock{
Tags: tags.ToKVPairs(),
// application updates every end block
// The function baseapp runs on receipt of a EndBlock ABCI message
func (app *KavaApp) EndBlocker(ctx sdk.Context, req abci.RequestEndBlock) abci.ResponseEndBlock {
//validatorUpdates := stake.EndBlocker(ctx, app.stakeKeeper)
validatorUpdates := stake.EndBlocker(ctx, app.stakeKeeper)
//return abci.ResponseEndBlock{
// ValidatorUpdates: validatorUpdates,
return abci.ResponseEndBlock{}
//tags, _ := gov.EndBlocker(ctx, app.govKeeper)
return abci.ResponseEndBlock{
ValidatorUpdates: validatorUpdates,
//Tags: tags,
// Custom logic for initialization
// Initialzes the app db from the appState in the genesis file. Baseapp runs this on receipt of an InitChain ABCI message
func (app *KavaApp) initChainer(ctx sdk.Context, req abci.RequestInitChain) abci.ResponseInitChain {
stateJSON := req.AppStateBytes
genesisState := new(types.GenesisState)
err := app.cdc.UnmarshalJSON(stateJSON, genesisState)
var genesisState GenesisState
err := app.cdc.UnmarshalJSON(stateJSON, &genesisState)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // TODO https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/issues/468
// return sdk.ErrGenesisParse("").TraceCause(err, "")
// load the accounts
for _, gacc := range genesisState.Accounts {
acc, err := gacc.ToAppAccount()
if err != nil {
panic(err) // TODO https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/issues/468
// return sdk.ErrGenesisParse("").TraceCause(err, "")
acc := gacc.ToAccount()
acc.AccountNumber = app.accountMapper.GetNextAccountNumber(ctx)
app.accountMapper.SetAccount(ctx, acc)
// load the initial stake information
//stake.InitGenesis(ctx, app.stakeKeeper, genesisState.StakeData)
err = stake.InitGenesis(ctx, app.stakeKeeper, genesisState.StakeData)
if err != nil {
//gov.InitGenesis(ctx, app.govKeeper, gov.DefaultGenesisState())
return abci.ResponseInitChain{}
// Custom logic for state export
func (app *KavaApp) ExportAppStateAndValidators() (appState json.RawMessage, validators []tmtypes.GenesisValidator, err error) {
ctx := app.NewContext(true, abci.Header{})
// iterate to get the accounts
accounts := []types.GenesisAccount{}
accounts := []GenesisAccount{}
appendAccount := func(acc auth.Account) (stop bool) {
account := types.GenesisAccount{
Address: acc.GetAddress(),
Coins: acc.GetCoins(),
account := NewGenesisAccountI(acc)
accounts = append(accounts, account)
return false
app.accountMapper.IterateAccounts(ctx, appendAccount)
genState := types.GenesisState{
Accounts: accounts,
genState := GenesisState{
Accounts: accounts,
StakeData: stake.WriteGenesis(ctx, app.stakeKeeper),
appState, err = wire.MarshalJSONIndent(app.cdc, genState)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
validators = make([]tmtypes.GenesisValidator, 0) // TODO export the actual validators
return appState, validators, err
validators = stake.WriteValidators(ctx, app.stakeKeeper)
return appState, validators, nil
@ -4,20 +4,219 @@ import (
crypto "github.com/tendermint/go-crypto"
tmtypes "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
var (
// bonded tokens given to genesis validators/accounts
freeFermionVal = int64(100)
freeFermionsAcc = int64(50)
// Initial app state to be written to (and read from) genesis file
type GenesisState struct {
Accounts []GenesisAccount `json:"accounts"`
StakeData stake.GenesisState `json:"stake"`
// A simplified version of a normal account. It doesn't have pubkey or sequence.
type GenesisAccount struct {
Address sdk.AccAddress `json:"address"`
Coins sdk.Coins `json:"coins"`
// TODO remove?
func NewGenesisAccount(acc *auth.BaseAccount) GenesisAccount {
return GenesisAccount{
Address: acc.Address,
Coins: acc.Coins,
// TODO remove?
func NewGenesisAccountI(acc auth.Account) GenesisAccount {
return GenesisAccount{
Address: acc.GetAddress(),
Coins: acc.GetCoins(),
// Converts a GenesisAccount to auth.BaseAccount TODO rename
func (ga *GenesisAccount) ToAccount() (acc *auth.BaseAccount) {
return &auth.BaseAccount{
Address: ga.Address,
Coins: ga.Coins.Sort(),
// Create the appInit stuct for server init command
func KavaAppInit() server.AppInit {
fsAppGenState := pflag.NewFlagSet("", pflag.ContinueOnError)
fsAppGenTx := pflag.NewFlagSet("", pflag.ContinueOnError)
fsAppGenTx.String(server.FlagName, "", "validator moniker, required")
fsAppGenTx.String(server.FlagClientHome, DefaultCLIHome,
"home directory for the client, used for key generation")
fsAppGenTx.Bool(server.FlagOWK, false, "overwrite the accounts created")
return server.AppInit{
FlagsAppGenState: fsAppGenState,
FlagsAppGenTx: fsAppGenTx,
AppGenTx: KavaAppGenTx,
AppGenState: KavaAppGenStateJSON,
// Define format for GenTx json
type KavaGenTx struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Address sdk.AccAddress `json:"address"`
PubKey string `json:"pub_key"`
// Generate a genesis transsction
func KavaAppGenTx(cdc *wire.Codec, pk crypto.PubKey, genTxConfig config.GenTx) (
appGenTx, cliPrint json.RawMessage, validator tmtypes.GenesisValidator, err error) {
// Generate address and secret key for the validator
if genTxConfig.Name == "" {
return nil, nil, tmtypes.GenesisValidator{}, errors.New("Must specify --name (validator moniker)")
var addr sdk.AccAddress
var secret string
addr, secret, err = server.GenerateSaveCoinKey(genTxConfig.CliRoot, genTxConfig.Name, "password", genTxConfig.Overwrite)
if err != nil {
// Create string to print out
mm := map[string]string{"secret": secret}
var bz []byte
bz, err = cdc.MarshalJSON(mm)
if err != nil {
cliPrint = json.RawMessage(bz)
// Create genTx and validator
appGenTx, _, validator, err = KavaAppGenTxNF(cdc, pk, addr, genTxConfig.Name)
// TODO combine with KavaAppGenTx
func KavaAppGenTxNF(cdc *wire.Codec, pk crypto.PubKey, addr sdk.AccAddress, name string) (
appGenTx, cliPrint json.RawMessage, validator tmtypes.GenesisValidator, err error) {
// Create the gentx
var bz []byte
genTx := KavaGenTx{
Name: name,
Address: addr,
PubKey: sdk.MustBech32ifyAccPub(pk),
bz, err = wire.MarshalJSONIndent(cdc, genTx)
if err != nil {
appGenTx = json.RawMessage(bz)
// Create the validator
validator = tmtypes.GenesisValidator{
PubKey: pk,
Power: freeFermionVal,
// Create the core parameters for genesis initialization
// note that the pubkey input is this machines pubkey
func KavaAppGenState(cdc *wire.Codec, appGenTxs []json.RawMessage) (genesisState GenesisState, err error) {
if len(appGenTxs) == 0 {
err = errors.New("must provide at least 1 genesis transaction")
// start with the default staking genesis state
stakeData := stake.DefaultGenesisState()
// get genesis flag account information
genaccs := make([]GenesisAccount, len(appGenTxs))
for i, appGenTx := range appGenTxs {
var genTx KavaGenTx
err = cdc.UnmarshalJSON(appGenTx, &genTx)
if err != nil {
// create the genesis account, give'm few steaks and a buncha token with there name
accAuth := auth.NewBaseAccountWithAddress(genTx.Address)
accAuth.Coins = sdk.Coins{
{genTx.Name + "Token", sdk.NewInt(1000)},
{"steak", sdk.NewInt(freeFermionsAcc)},
acc := NewGenesisAccount(&accAuth)
genaccs[i] = acc
stakeData.Pool.LooseTokens = stakeData.Pool.LooseTokens.Add(sdk.NewRat(freeFermionsAcc)) // increase the supply
// add the validator
if len(genTx.Name) > 0 {
desc := stake.NewDescription(genTx.Name, "", "", "")
validator := stake.NewValidator(genTx.Address,
sdk.MustGetAccPubKeyBech32(genTx.PubKey), desc)
stakeData.Pool.LooseTokens = stakeData.Pool.LooseTokens.Add(sdk.NewRat(freeFermionVal)) // increase the supply
// add some new shares to the validator
var issuedDelShares sdk.Rat
validator, stakeData.Pool, issuedDelShares = validator.AddTokensFromDel(stakeData.Pool, freeFermionVal)
stakeData.Validators = append(stakeData.Validators, validator)
// create the self-delegation from the issuedDelShares
delegation := stake.Delegation{
DelegatorAddr: validator.Owner,
ValidatorAddr: validator.Owner,
Shares: issuedDelShares,
Height: 0,
stakeData.Bonds = append(stakeData.Bonds, delegation)
// create the final app state
genesisState = GenesisState{
Accounts: genaccs,
StakeData: stakeData,
// Run KavaAppGenState then convert to JSON
func KavaAppGenStateJSON(cdc *wire.Codec, appGenTxs []json.RawMessage) (appState json.RawMessage, err error) {
// create the final app state
genesisState, err := KavaAppGenState(cdc, appGenTxs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
appState, err = wire.MarshalJSONIndent(cdc, genesisState)
// A file, genesis.json, is created with the initial state of the kava network.
// This is done by creating an AppInit object to be handed to the server when it creates commands.
// When `kvd init` is run, a genesis tx is created. Then, from that, an initial app state.
@ -29,11 +228,11 @@ func CreateAppInit() server.AppInit {
func KavaAppGenTx(cdc *wire.Codec, pk crypto.PubKey) (
func KavaAppGenTx(cdc *wire.Codec, pk crypto.PubKey, genTxConfig config.GenTx) (
appGenTx, cliPrint json.RawMessage, validator tmtypes.GenesisValidator, err error) {
// Generate address and secret key for the validator
var addr sdk.Address
var addr sdk.AccAddress
var secret string
addr, secret, err = server.GenerateCoinKey()
if err != nil {
@ -103,204 +302,4 @@ func KavaAppGenState(cdc *wire.Codec, appGenTxs []json.RawMessage) (appState jso
// --------------------- default init --------------------------
// simple default application init
var DefaultAppInit = AppInit{
AppGenTx: SimpleAppGenTx,
AppGenState: SimpleAppGenState,
// simple genesis tx
type SimpleGenTx struct {
Addr sdk.Address `json:"addr"`
// Generate a genesis transaction
func SimpleAppGenTx(cdc *wire.Codec, pk crypto.PubKey) (
appGenTx, cliPrint json.RawMessage, validator tmtypes.GenesisValidator, err error) {
var addr sdk.Address
var secret string
addr, secret, err = GenerateCoinKey()
if err != nil {
var bz []byte
simpleGenTx := SimpleGenTx{addr}
bz, err = cdc.MarshalJSON(simpleGenTx)
if err != nil {
appGenTx = json.RawMessage(bz)
mm := map[string]string{"secret": secret}
bz, err = cdc.MarshalJSON(mm)
if err != nil {
cliPrint = json.RawMessage(bz)
validator = tmtypes.GenesisValidator{
PubKey: pk,
Power: 10,
// create the genesis app state
func SimpleAppGenState(cdc *wire.Codec, appGenTxs []json.RawMessage) (appState json.RawMessage, err error) {
if len(appGenTxs) != 1 {
err = errors.New("must provide a single genesis transaction")
var genTx SimpleGenTx
err = cdc.UnmarshalJSON(appGenTxs[0], &genTx)
if err != nil {
appState = json.RawMessage(fmt.Sprintf(`{
"accounts": [{
"address": "%s",
"coins": [
"denom": "mycoin",
"amount": 9007199254740992
}`, genTx.Addr.String()))
// -------------------- gaia init ----------------------
// simple genesis tx
type GaiaGenTx struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Address sdk.Address `json:"address"`
PubKey crypto.PubKey `json:"pub_key"`
// Generate a gaia genesis transaction with flags
func GaiaAppGenTx(cdc *wire.Codec, pk crypto.PubKey) (
appGenTx, cliPrint json.RawMessage, validator tmtypes.GenesisValidator, err error) {
clientRoot := viper.GetString(flagClientHome)
overwrite := viper.GetBool(flagOWK)
name := viper.GetString(flagName)
if name == "" {
return nil, nil, tmtypes.GenesisValidator{}, errors.New("Must specify --name (validator moniker)")
var addr sdk.Address
var secret string
addr, secret, err = server.GenerateSaveCoinKey(clientRoot, name, "1234567890", overwrite)
if err != nil {
mm := map[string]string{"secret": secret}
var bz []byte
bz, err = cdc.MarshalJSON(mm)
if err != nil {
cliPrint = json.RawMessage(bz)
appGenTx,_,validator,err = GaiaAppGenTxNF(cdc, pk, addr, name, overwrite)
// Generate a gaia genesis transaction without flags
func GaiaAppGenTxNF(cdc *wire.Codec, pk crypto.PubKey, addr sdk.Address, name string, overwrite bool) (
appGenTx, cliPrint json.RawMessage, validator tmtypes.GenesisValidator, err error) {
var bz []byte
gaiaGenTx := GaiaGenTx{
Name: name,
Address: addr,
PubKey: pk,
bz, err = wire.MarshalJSONIndent(cdc, gaiaGenTx)
if err != nil {
appGenTx = json.RawMessage(bz)
validator = tmtypes.GenesisValidator{
PubKey: pk,
Power: freeFermionVal,
// Create the core parameters for genesis initialization for gaia
// note that the pubkey input is this machines pubkey
func GaiaAppGenState(cdc *wire.Codec, appGenTxs []json.RawMessage) (genesisState GenesisState, err error) {
if len(appGenTxs) == 0 {
err = errors.New("must provide at least genesis transaction")
// start with the default staking genesis state
stakeData := stake.DefaultGenesisState()
// get genesis flag account information
genaccs := make([]GenesisAccount, len(appGenTxs))
for i, appGenTx := range appGenTxs {
var genTx GaiaGenTx
err = cdc.UnmarshalJSON(appGenTx, &genTx)
if err != nil {
// create the genesis account, give'm few steaks and a buncha token with there name
accAuth := auth.NewBaseAccountWithAddress(genTx.Address)
accAuth.Coins = sdk.Coins{
{genTx.Name + "Token", 1000},
{"steak", freeFermionsAcc},
acc := NewGenesisAccount(&accAuth)
genaccs[i] = acc
stakeData.Pool.LooseUnbondedTokens += freeFermionsAcc // increase the supply
// add the validator
if len(genTx.Name) > 0 {
desc := stake.NewDescription(genTx.Name, "", "", "")
validator := stake.NewValidator(genTx.Address, genTx.PubKey, desc)
validator.PoolShares = stake.NewBondedShares(sdk.NewRat(freeFermionVal))
stakeData.Validators = append(stakeData.Validators, validator)
// pool logic
stakeData.Pool.BondedTokens += freeFermionVal
stakeData.Pool.BondedShares = sdk.NewRat(stakeData.Pool.BondedTokens)
// create the final app state
genesisState = GenesisState{
Accounts: genaccs,
StakeData: stakeData,
// GaiaAppGenState but with JSON
func GaiaAppGenStateJSON(cdc *wire.Codec, appGenTxs []json.RawMessage) (appState json.RawMessage, err error) {
// create the final app state
genesisState, err := GaiaAppGenState(cdc, appGenTxs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
appState, err = wire.MarshalJSONIndent(cdc, genesisState)
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
package types
import (
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
crypto "github.com/tendermint/go-crypto"
@ -41,7 +44,7 @@ func GetAccountDecoder(cdc *wire.Codec) auth.AccountDecoder {
type GenTx struct {
Address sdk.Address `json:"address"`
PubKey crypto.PubKey `json:"pub_key"`
@ -75,3 +78,4 @@ func (ga *GenesisAccount) ToAppAccount() (acc *auth.BaseAccount, err error) {
Coins: ga.Coins.Sort(),
}, nil
Reference in New Issue
Block a user