mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 20:05:41 +00:00
address review comments
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import (
distr "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/distribution"
@ -293,6 +294,7 @@ func MakeCodec() *codec.Codec {
var cdc = codec.New()
@ -23,30 +23,25 @@ func BeginBlocker(ctx sdk.Context, req abci.RequestBeginBlock, k keeper.Keeper)
voteInfos = req.LastCommitInfo.GetVotes()
validatorVestingKeys := k.GetAllAccountKeys(ctx)
for _, key := range validatorVestingKeys {
acc := k.GetAccountFromAuthKeeper(ctx, key[1:])
if voteInfos.ContainsValidatorAddress(acc.ValidatorAddress) {
vote := voteInfos.MustFilterByValidatorAddress(acc.ValidatorAddress)
if !vote.SignedLastBlock {
// if the validator explicitly missed signing the block, increment the missing sign count
k.UpdateMissingSignCount(ctx, acc.GetAddress(), true)
} else {
k.UpdateMissingSignCount(ctx, acc.GetAddress(), false)
} else {
// if the validator was not a voting member of the validator set, increment the missing sign count
acc := k.GetAccountFromAuthKeeper(ctx, key)
vote, found := voteInfos.FilterByValidatorAddress(acc.ValidatorAddress)
if !found || !vote.SignedLastBlock {
// if the validator was not found or explicitly didn't sign, increment the missing sign count
k.UpdateMissingSignCount(ctx, acc.GetAddress(), true)
} else {
k.UpdateMissingSignCount(ctx, acc.GetAddress(), false)
// check if a period ended in the last block
endTimes := k.GetPeriodEndTimes(ctx, key[1:])
endTimes := k.GetPeriodEndTimes(ctx, key)
for i, t := range endTimes {
if currentBlockTime.Unix() >= t && previousBlockTime.Unix() < t {
k.UpdateVestedCoinsProgress(ctx, key[1:], i)
k.UpdateVestedCoinsProgress(ctx, key, i)
// handle any new/remaining debt on the account
k.HandleVestingDebt(ctx, key[1:], currentBlockTime)
k.HandleVestingDebt(ctx, key, currentBlockTime)
k.SetPreviousBlockTime(ctx, currentBlockTime)
@ -54,24 +49,14 @@ func BeginBlocker(ctx sdk.Context, req abci.RequestBeginBlock, k keeper.Keeper)
// VoteInfos an array of abci.VoteInfo
type VoteInfos []abci.VoteInfo
// ContainsValidatorAddress returns true if the input validator address is found in the VoteInfos array
func (vis VoteInfos) ContainsValidatorAddress(consAddress sdk.ConsAddress) bool {
for _, vi := range vis {
votingAddress := sdk.ConsAddress(vi.Validator.Address)
if bytes.Equal(consAddress, votingAddress) {
return true
return false
// MustFilterByValidatorAddress returns the VoteInfo that has a validator address matching the input validator address
func (vis VoteInfos) MustFilterByValidatorAddress(consAddress sdk.ConsAddress) abci.VoteInfo {
// FilterByValidatorAddress returns the VoteInfo of the validator address matching the input validator address
// and a boolean for if the address was found.
func (vis VoteInfos) FilterByValidatorAddress(consAddress sdk.ConsAddress) (abci.VoteInfo, bool) {
for i, vi := range vis {
votingAddress := sdk.ConsAddress(vi.Validator.Address)
if bytes.Equal(consAddress, votingAddress) {
return vis[i]
return vis[i], true
panic("validator address not found")
return abci.VoteInfo{}, false
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import (
stakingexported "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/staking/exported"
func TestBeginBlockerSignedBlock(t *testing.T) {
@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ func TestBeginBlockerSignedBlock(t *testing.T) {
blockTime = addHour(blockTime)
vva = vvk.GetAccountFromAuthKeeper(ctx, vva.Address)
require.Equal(t, []int64{0, 1}, vva.MissingSignCount)
require.Equal(t, types.CurrentPeriodProgress{0, 1}, vva.CurrentPeriodProgress)
header = abci.Header{Height: height, Time: addHour(blockTime)}
@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ func TestBeginBlockerSignedBlock(t *testing.T) {
blockTime = addHour(blockTime)
vva = vvk.GetAccountFromAuthKeeper(ctx, vva.Address)
require.Equal(t, []int64{1, 2}, vva.MissingSignCount)
require.Equal(t, types.CurrentPeriodProgress{1, 2}, vva.CurrentPeriodProgress)
// mark the validator as being absent
req = abci.RequestBeginBlock{
@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ func TestBeginBlockerSignedBlock(t *testing.T) {
blockTime = addHour(blockTime)
vva = vvk.GetAccountFromAuthKeeper(ctx, vva.Address)
require.Equal(t, []int64{2, 3}, vva.MissingSignCount)
require.Equal(t, types.CurrentPeriodProgress{2, 3}, vva.CurrentPeriodProgress)
func TestBeginBlockerSuccessfulPeriod(t *testing.T) {
@ -158,14 +159,14 @@ func TestBeginBlockerSuccessfulPeriod(t *testing.T) {
if height == 11 {
vva = vvk.GetAccountFromAuthKeeper(ctx, vva.Address)
// require that missing sign count is set back to zero after the period increments.
require.Equal(t, []int64{0, 0}, vva.MissingSignCount)
require.Equal(t, types.CurrentPeriodProgress{0, 0}, vva.CurrentPeriodProgress)
vva = vvk.GetAccountFromAuthKeeper(ctx, vva.Address)
// t.Log(vva.MarshalYAML())
require.Equal(t, [][]int{[]int{1, 1}, []int{0, 0}, []int{0, 0}}, vva.VestingPeriodProgress)
require.Equal(t, []types.VestingProgress{types.VestingProgress{true, true}, types.VestingProgress{false, false}, types.VestingProgress{false, false}}, vva.VestingPeriodProgress)
func TestBeginBlockerUnsuccessfulPeriod(t *testing.T) {
@ -175,12 +176,15 @@ func TestBeginBlockerUnsuccessfulPeriod(t *testing.T) {
numBlocks := int64(12)
addHour := func(t time.Time) time.Time { return t.Add(1 * time.Hour) }
ctx, ak, _, stakingKeeper, _, vvk := keeper.CreateTestInput(t, false, 1000)
ctx, ak, _, stakingKeeper, supplyKeeper, vvk := keeper.CreateTestInput(t, false, 1000)
initialSupply := supplyKeeper.GetSupply(ctx).GetTotal()
keeper.CreateValidators(ctx, stakingKeeper, []int64{5, 5, 5})
vva := keeper.ValidatorVestingDelegatorTestAccount(now)
ak.SetAccount(ctx, vva)
// delegate all coins
delTokens := sdk.TokensFromConsensusPower(60)
vvk.SetValidatorVestingAccountKey(ctx, vva.Address)
@ -223,7 +227,7 @@ func TestBeginBlockerUnsuccessfulPeriod(t *testing.T) {
vva = vvk.GetAccountFromAuthKeeper(ctx, vva.Address)
// check that the period was unsucessful
require.Equal(t, [][]int{[]int{1, 0}, []int{0, 0}, []int{0, 0}}, vva.VestingPeriodProgress)
require.Equal(t, []types.VestingProgress{types.VestingProgress{true, false}, types.VestingProgress{false, false}, types.VestingProgress{false, false}}, vva.VestingPeriodProgress)
// check that there is debt after the period.
require.Equal(t, sdk.Coins{sdk.NewInt64Coin("stake", 30000000)}, vva.DebtAfterFailedVesting)
@ -234,4 +238,38 @@ func TestBeginBlockerUnsuccessfulPeriod(t *testing.T) {
// require that all delegations were unbonded
require.Equal(t, 0, delegations)
// complete the unbonding period
header := abci.Header{Height: height, Time: blockTime.Add(time.Hour * 2)}
req := abci.RequestBeginBlock{
Header: header,
LastCommitInfo: abci.LastCommitInfo{
Votes: []abci.VoteInfo{{
Validator: val,
SignedLastBlock: false,
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeader(header)
BeginBlocker(ctx, req, vvk)
_ = staking.EndBlocker(ctx, stakingKeeper)
header = abci.Header{Height: height, Time: blockTime.Add(time.Hour * 2)}
req = abci.RequestBeginBlock{
Header: header,
LastCommitInfo: abci.LastCommitInfo{
Votes: []abci.VoteInfo{{
Validator: val,
SignedLastBlock: false,
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeader(header)
BeginBlocker(ctx, req, vvk)
vva = vvk.GetAccountFromAuthKeeper(ctx, vva.Address)
// require that debt has reset to zero and coins balance is reduced by period 1 amount.
require.Equal(t, vva.GetCoins(), sdk.Coins{sdk.NewInt64Coin("stake", 30000000)})
require.Equal(t, sdk.Coins(nil), vva.DebtAfterFailedVesting)
// require that the supply has decreased by period 1 amount
require.Equal(t, initialSupply.Sub(vva.VestingPeriods[0].Amount), supplyKeeper.GetSupply(ctx).GetTotal())
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ func (k Keeper) IterateAccountKeys(ctx sdk.Context, cb func(accountKey []byte) (
func (k Keeper) GetAllAccountKeys(ctx sdk.Context) (keys [][]byte) {
func(key []byte) (stop bool) {
keys = append(keys, key)
keys = append(keys, key[1:])
return false
return keys
@ -103,39 +103,33 @@ func (k Keeper) GetAccountFromAuthKeeper(ctx sdk.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress) *
func (k Keeper) UpdateMissingSignCount(ctx sdk.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress, missedBlock bool) {
vv := k.GetAccountFromAuthKeeper(ctx, addr)
if missedBlock {
k.ak.SetAccount(ctx, vv)
// UpdateVestedCoinsProgress sets the VestingPeriodProgress variable (0 = coins did not vest for the period, 1 = coins did vest for the period) for the given address and period. If coins did not vest, those coins are added to DebtAfterFailedVesting. Finally, MissingSignCount is reset to [0,0], representing that the next period has started and no blocks have been missed.
func (k Keeper) UpdateVestedCoinsProgress(ctx sdk.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress, period int) {
vv := k.GetAccountFromAuthKeeper(ctx, addr)
threshold := sdk.NewDec(vv.SigningThreshold)
blocksMissed := sdk.NewDec(vv.MissingSignCount[0])
blockCount := sdk.NewDec(vv.MissingSignCount[1])
var successfulVest bool
if blockCount.IsZero() {
if sdk.NewDec(vv.CurrentPeriodProgress.TotalBlocks).IsZero() {
successfulVest = true
} else {
blocksSigned := blockCount.Sub(blocksMissed)
percentageBlocksSigned := blocksSigned.Quo(blockCount).Mul(sdk.NewDec(100))
successfulVest = percentageBlocksSigned.GTE(threshold)
successfulVest = vv.CurrentPeriodProgress.SignedPercetageIsOverThreshold(vv.SigningThreshold)
if successfulVest {
vv.VestingPeriodProgress[period][1] = 1
vv.VestingPeriodProgress[period].VestingSuccessful = true
} else {
vv.VestingPeriodProgress[period][1] = 0
vv.VestingPeriodProgress[period].VestingSuccessful = false
notVestedTokens := vv.VestingPeriods[period].Amount
// add the tokens that did not vest to DebtAfterFailedVesting
vv.DebtAfterFailedVesting = vv.DebtAfterFailedVesting.Add(notVestedTokens)
vv.VestingPeriodProgress[period][0] = 1
vv.VestingPeriodProgress[period].PeriodComplete = true
// reset the number of missed blocks and total number of blocks in the period to zero
vv.MissingSignCount = []int64{0, 0}
vv.CurrentPeriodProgress = types.CurrentPeriodProgress{0, 0}
k.ak.SetAccount(ctx, vv)
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import (
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
stakingexported "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/staking/exported"
func TestGetSetValidatorVestingAccounts(t *testing.T) {
@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ func TestGetSetValidatorVestingAccounts(t *testing.T) {
keys := keeper.GetAllAccountKeys(ctx)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(keys))
for _, k := range keys {
require.NotPanics(t, func() { keeper.GetAccountFromAuthKeeper(ctx, k[1:]) })
require.NotPanics(t, func() { keeper.GetAccountFromAuthKeeper(ctx, k) })
vvAccounts := ValidatorVestingTestAccounts(10)
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ func TestGetSetValidatorVestingAccounts(t *testing.T) {
var ikeys [][]byte
keeper.IterateAccountKeys(ctx, func(accountKey []byte) bool {
if bytes.Equal(accountKey, keys[0]) {
if bytes.Equal(accountKey[1:], keys[0]) {
ikeys = append(ikeys, accountKey)
return true
@ -109,17 +110,17 @@ func TestSetMissingSignCount(t *testing.T) {
ak.SetAccount(ctx, vva)
// require empty array after ValidatorVestingAccount is initialized
require.Equal(t, []int64{0, 0}, vva.MissingSignCount)
require.Equal(t, types.CurrentPeriodProgress{0, 0}, vva.CurrentPeriodProgress)
// validator signs a block
keeper.UpdateMissingSignCount(ctx, vva.Address, false)
vva = keeper.GetAccountFromAuthKeeper(ctx, vva.Address)
require.Equal(t, []int64{0, 1}, vva.MissingSignCount)
require.Equal(t, types.CurrentPeriodProgress{0, 1}, vva.CurrentPeriodProgress)
// validator misses a block
keeper.UpdateMissingSignCount(ctx, vva.Address, true)
vva = keeper.GetAccountFromAuthKeeper(ctx, vva.Address)
require.Equal(t, []int64{1, 2}, vva.MissingSignCount)
require.Equal(t, types.CurrentPeriodProgress{1, 2}, vva.CurrentPeriodProgress)
@ -132,56 +133,56 @@ func TestUpdateVestedCoinsProgress(t *testing.T) {
ak.SetAccount(ctx, vva)
// require all vesting period tracking variables to be zero after validator vesting account is initialized
require.Equal(t, [][]int{{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, vva.VestingPeriodProgress)
require.Equal(t, []types.VestingProgress{types.VestingProgress{false, false}, types.VestingProgress{false, false}, types.VestingProgress{false, false}}, vva.VestingPeriodProgress)
// period 0 passes with all blocks signed
vva.MissingSignCount[0] = 0
vva.MissingSignCount[1] = 100
vva.CurrentPeriodProgress.MissedBlocks = 0
vva.CurrentPeriodProgress.TotalBlocks = 100
ak.SetAccount(ctx, vva)
vva = keeper.GetAccountFromAuthKeeper(ctx, vva.Address)
keeper.UpdateVestedCoinsProgress(ctx, vva.Address, 0)
vva = keeper.GetAccountFromAuthKeeper(ctx, vva.Address)
// require that debt is zero
require.Equal(t, sdk.Coins(nil), vva.DebtAfterFailedVesting)
// require that the first vesting progress variable is 1
require.Equal(t, [][]int{{1, 1}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, vva.VestingPeriodProgress)
// require that the first vesting progress variable is successful
require.Equal(t, []types.VestingProgress{types.VestingProgress{true, true}, types.VestingProgress{false, false}, types.VestingProgress{false, false}}, vva.VestingPeriodProgress)
// require that the missing block counter has reset
require.Equal(t, []int64{0, 0}, vva.MissingSignCount)
require.Equal(t, types.CurrentPeriodProgress{0, 0}, vva.CurrentPeriodProgress)
vva = ValidatorVestingTestAccount()
ak.SetAccount(ctx, vva)
// period 0 passes with no blocks signed
// this is an edge case that shouldn't happen,
// the vest is considered successful in this case.
vva.MissingSignCount[0] = 0
vva.MissingSignCount[1] = 0
vva.CurrentPeriodProgress.MissedBlocks = 0
vva.CurrentPeriodProgress.TotalBlocks = 0
ak.SetAccount(ctx, vva)
vva = keeper.GetAccountFromAuthKeeper(ctx, vva.Address)
keeper.UpdateVestedCoinsProgress(ctx, vva.Address, 0)
vva = keeper.GetAccountFromAuthKeeper(ctx, vva.Address)
// require that debt is zero
require.Equal(t, sdk.Coins(nil), vva.DebtAfterFailedVesting)
// require that the first vesting progress variable is 1
require.Equal(t, [][]int{{1, 1}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, vva.VestingPeriodProgress)
// require that the first vesting progress variable is successful
require.Equal(t, []types.VestingProgress{types.VestingProgress{true, true}, types.VestingProgress{false, false}, types.VestingProgress{false, false}}, vva.VestingPeriodProgress)
// require that the missing block counter has reset
require.Equal(t, []int64{0, 0}, vva.MissingSignCount)
require.Equal(t, types.CurrentPeriodProgress{0, 0}, vva.CurrentPeriodProgress)
vva = ValidatorVestingTestAccount()
ak.SetAccount(ctx, vva)
// period 0 passes with 50% of blocks signed (below threshold)
vva.MissingSignCount[0] = 50
vva.MissingSignCount[1] = 100
vva.CurrentPeriodProgress.MissedBlocks = 50
vva.CurrentPeriodProgress.TotalBlocks = 100
ak.SetAccount(ctx, vva)
keeper.UpdateVestedCoinsProgress(ctx, vva.Address, 0)
vva = keeper.GetAccountFromAuthKeeper(ctx, vva.Address)
// require that period 1 coins have become debt
require.Equal(t, sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewInt64Coin(feeDenom, 500), sdk.NewInt64Coin(stakeDenom, 50)), vva.DebtAfterFailedVesting)
// require that the first vesting progress variable is {1,0}
require.Equal(t, [][]int{{1, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, vva.VestingPeriodProgress)
// require that the first vesting progress variable is {true, false}
require.Equal(t, []types.VestingProgress{types.VestingProgress{true, false}, types.VestingProgress{false, false}, types.VestingProgress{false, false}}, vva.VestingPeriodProgress)
// require that the missing block counter has reset
require.Equal(t, []int64{0, 0}, vva.MissingSignCount)
require.Equal(t, types.CurrentPeriodProgress{0, 0}, vva.CurrentPeriodProgress)
func TestHandleVestingDebtNoDebt(t *testing.T) {
@ -240,8 +241,8 @@ func TestHandleVestingDebtForcedUnbond(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, 1, delegations)
// period 0 passes and the threshold is not met
vva.MissingSignCount[0] = 50
vva.MissingSignCount[1] = 100
vva.CurrentPeriodProgress.MissedBlocks = 50
vva.CurrentPeriodProgress.TotalBlocks = 100
ak.SetAccount(ctx, vva)
keeper.UpdateVestedCoinsProgress(ctx, vva.Address, 0)
vva = keeper.GetAccountFromAuthKeeper(ctx, vva.Address)
@ -277,8 +278,8 @@ func TestHandleVestingDebtBurn(t *testing.T) {
_ = staking.EndBlocker(ctx, stakingKeeper)
// period 0 passes and the threshold is not met
vva.MissingSignCount[0] = 50
vva.MissingSignCount[1] = 100
vva.CurrentPeriodProgress.MissedBlocks = 50
vva.CurrentPeriodProgress.TotalBlocks = 100
ak.SetAccount(ctx, vva)
keeper.UpdateVestedCoinsProgress(ctx, vva.Address, 0)
vva = keeper.GetAccountFromAuthKeeper(ctx, vva.Address)
@ -320,8 +321,8 @@ func TestHandleVestingDebtReturn(t *testing.T) {
_ = staking.EndBlocker(ctx, stakingKeeper)
// period 0 passes and the threshold is not met
vva.MissingSignCount[0] = 50
vva.MissingSignCount[1] = 100
vva.CurrentPeriodProgress.MissedBlocks = 50
vva.CurrentPeriodProgress.TotalBlocks = 100
ak.SetAccount(ctx, vva)
keeper.UpdateVestedCoinsProgress(ctx, vva.Address, 0)
vva = keeper.GetAccountFromAuthKeeper(ctx, vva.Address)
@ -122,6 +122,8 @@ func CreateTestInput(t *testing.T, isCheckTx bool, initPower int64) (sdk.Context
pk := params.NewKeeper(cdc, keyParams, tkeyParams, params.DefaultCodespace)
stakingParams := staking.NewParams(time.Hour, 100, uint16(7), sdk.DefaultBondDenom)
accountKeeper := auth.NewAccountKeeper(cdc, keyAcc, pk.Subspace(auth.DefaultParamspace), auth.ProtoBaseAccount)
bankKeeper := bank.NewBaseKeeper(accountKeeper, pk.Subspace(bank.DefaultParamspace), bank.DefaultCodespace, blacklistedAddrs)
maccPerms := map[string][]string{
@ -133,7 +135,7 @@ func CreateTestInput(t *testing.T, isCheckTx bool, initPower int64) (sdk.Context
supplyKeeper := supply.NewKeeper(cdc, keySupply, accountKeeper, bankKeeper, maccPerms)
stakingKeeper := staking.NewKeeper(cdc, keyStaking, supplyKeeper, pk.Subspace(staking.DefaultParamspace), staking.DefaultCodespace)
stakingKeeper.SetParams(ctx, staking.DefaultParams())
stakingKeeper.SetParams(ctx, stakingParams)
keeper := NewKeeper(cdc, keyValidatorVesting, accountKeeper, bankKeeper, supplyKeeper, stakingKeeper)
@ -23,6 +23,30 @@ func init() {
authtypes.RegisterAccountTypeCodec(&ValidatorVestingAccount{}, "cosmos-sdk/ValidatorVestingAccount")
type VestingProgress struct {
PeriodComplete bool `json:"period_complete" yaml:"period_complete"`
VestingSuccessful bool `json:"vesting_successful" yaml:"vesting_successful"`
type CurrentPeriodProgress struct {
MissedBlocks int64 `json:"missed_blocks" yaml:"missed_blocks"`
TotalBlocks int64 `json:"total_blocks" yaml:"total_blocks`
func (cpp CurrentPeriodProgress) GetSignedPercentage() sdk.Dec {
blocksSigned := cpp.TotalBlocks - cpp.MissedBlocks
// signed_percentage = blocksSigned/TotalBlocks * 100
signedPercentage := sdk.NewDec(blocksSigned).Quo(
return signedPercentage
func (cpp CurrentPeriodProgress) SignedPercetageIsOverThreshold(threshold int64) bool {
signedPercentage := cpp.GetSignedPercentage()
return signedPercentage.GTE(sdk.NewDec(threshold))
// ValidatorVestingAccount implements the VestingAccount interface. It
// conditionally vests by unlocking coins during each specified period, provided
// that the validator address has validated at least **SigningThreshold** blocks during
@ -32,12 +56,12 @@ func init() {
// the coins are returned to the return address, or burned if the return address is null.
type ValidatorVestingAccount struct {
ValidatorAddress sdk.ConsAddress `json:"validator_address" yaml:"validator_address"`
ReturnAddress sdk.AccAddress `json:"return_address" yaml:"return_address"`
SigningThreshold int64 `json:"signing_threshold" yaml:"signing_threshold"`
MissingSignCount []int64 `json:"missing_sign_count" yaml:"missing_sign_count"`
VestingPeriodProgress [][]int `json:"vesting_period_progress" yaml:"vesting_period_progress"`
DebtAfterFailedVesting sdk.Coins `json:"debt_after_failed_vesting" yaml:"debt_after_failed_vesting"`
ValidatorAddress sdk.ConsAddress `json:"validator_address" yaml:"validator_address"`
ReturnAddress sdk.AccAddress `json:"return_address" yaml:"return_address"`
SigningThreshold int64 `json:"signing_threshold" yaml:"signing_threshold"`
CurrentPeriodProgress CurrentPeriodProgress `json:"missing_sign_count" yaml:"missing_sign_count"`
VestingPeriodProgress []VestingProgress `json:"vesting_period_progress" yaml:"vesting_period_progress"`
DebtAfterFailedVesting sdk.Coins `json:"debt_after_failed_vesting" yaml:"debt_after_failed_vesting"`
// NewValidatorVestingAccountRaw creates a new ValidatorVestingAccount object from BaseVestingAccount
@ -49,9 +73,9 @@ func NewValidatorVestingAccountRaw(bva *vestingtypes.BaseVestingAccount,
StartTime: startTime,
VestingPeriods: periods,
var vestingPeriodProgress = make([][]int, len(periods))
for i := range vestingPeriodProgress {
vestingPeriodProgress[i] = make([]int, 2)
var vestingPeriodProgress []VestingProgress
for i := 0; i < len(periods); i++ {
vestingPeriodProgress = append(vestingPeriodProgress, VestingProgress{false, false})
return &ValidatorVestingAccount{
@ -59,7 +83,7 @@ func NewValidatorVestingAccountRaw(bva *vestingtypes.BaseVestingAccount,
ValidatorAddress: validatorAddress,
ReturnAddress: returnAddress,
SigningThreshold: signingThreshold,
MissingSignCount: []int64{0, 0},
CurrentPeriodProgress: CurrentPeriodProgress{0, 0},
VestingPeriodProgress: vestingPeriodProgress,
DebtAfterFailedVesting: sdk.NewCoins(),
@ -82,21 +106,19 @@ func NewValidatorVestingAccount(baseAcc *authtypes.BaseAccount, startTime int64,
StartTime: startTime,
VestingPeriods: periods,
var vestingPeriodProgress = make([][]int, len(periods))
for i := range vestingPeriodProgress {
vestingPeriodProgress[i] = make([]int, 2)
var vestingPeriodProgress []VestingProgress
for i := 0; i < len(periods); i++ {
vestingPeriodProgress = append(vestingPeriodProgress, VestingProgress{false, false})
debt := sdk.NewCoins()
return &ValidatorVestingAccount{
PeriodicVestingAccount: pva,
ValidatorAddress: validatorAddress,
ReturnAddress: returnAddress,
SigningThreshold: signingThreshold,
MissingSignCount: []int64{0, 0},
CurrentPeriodProgress: CurrentPeriodProgress{0, 0},
VestingPeriodProgress: vestingPeriodProgress,
DebtAfterFailedVesting: debt,
DebtAfterFailedVesting: sdk.NewCoins(),
@ -111,8 +133,7 @@ func (vva ValidatorVestingAccount) GetVestedCoins(blockTime time.Time) sdk.Coins
for i := 0; i < numberPeriods; i++ {
x := blockTime.Unix() - currentPeriodStartTime
if x >= vva.VestingPeriods[i].Length {
vestingComplete := vva.VestingPeriodProgress[i][0] == 1
if vestingComplete {
if vva.VestingPeriodProgress[i].PeriodComplete {
vestedCoins = vestedCoins.Add(vva.VestingPeriods[i].Amount)
currentPeriodStartTime += vva.VestingPeriods[i].Length
@ -129,9 +150,8 @@ func (vva ValidatorVestingAccount) GetFailedVestedCoins() sdk.Coins {
var failedVestedCoins sdk.Coins
numberPeriods := len(vva.VestingPeriods)
for i := 0; i < numberPeriods; i++ {
if vva.VestingPeriodProgress[i][0] == 1 {
vestedFailure := vva.VestingPeriodProgress[i][1] == 0
if vestedFailure {
if vva.VestingPeriodProgress[i].PeriodComplete {
if !vva.VestingPeriodProgress[i].VestingSuccessful {
failedVestedCoins = failedVestedCoins.Add(vva.VestingPeriods[i].Amount)
} else {
@ -198,8 +218,8 @@ func (vva ValidatorVestingAccount) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error) {
ValidatorAddress sdk.ConsAddress
ReturnAddress sdk.AccAddress
SigningThreshold int64
MissingSignCount []int64
VestingPeriodProgress [][]int
CurrentPeriodProgress CurrentPeriodProgress
VestingPeriodProgress []VestingProgress
DebtAfterFailedVesting sdk.Coins
Address: vva.Address,
@ -216,7 +236,7 @@ func (vva ValidatorVestingAccount) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error) {
ValidatorAddress: vva.ValidatorAddress,
ReturnAddress: vva.ReturnAddress,
SigningThreshold: vva.SigningThreshold,
MissingSignCount: vva.MissingSignCount,
CurrentPeriodProgress: vva.CurrentPeriodProgress,
VestingPeriodProgress: vva.VestingPeriodProgress,
DebtAfterFailedVesting: vva.DebtAfterFailedVesting,
@ -68,51 +68,51 @@ func TestGetVestedCoinsValidatorVestingAcc(t *testing.T) {
require.Nil(t, vestedCoins)
// require 50% of coins vested after successful period 1 vesting
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = VestingProgress{true, true}
vestedCoins = vva.GetVestedCoins(now.Add(12 * time.Hour))
require.Equal(t, sdk.Coins{sdk.NewInt64Coin(feeDenom, 500), sdk.NewInt64Coin(stakeDenom, 50)}, vestedCoins)
// require 50% of coins vested after unsuccessful period 1 vesting
// NOTE: There is a fairly important semantic distinction here. It seems tempting to say that a failed vesting period should mean that 'GetVestedCoins' should not return those coins. While the point of a validator vesting account is to 'seize' or 'burn' unsuccessfully vested coins, they do in fact vest and become spendable. The intuition is that they have to be spendable in order for the bank keeper to allow us to send/burn them. If they were not vested, then a validator vesting account that failed all of it's vesting periods would never return/burn the coins because it would never have a spendable balance by which to do so. They way we prevent them from being spent in a way other than return/burn is by sending them in the BeginBlock and thus beating any other transfers that would otherwise occur.
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = []int{1, 0}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = VestingProgress{true, false}
vestedCoins = vva.GetVestedCoins(now.Add(12 * time.Hour))
require.Equal(t, sdk.Coins{sdk.NewInt64Coin(feeDenom, 500), sdk.NewInt64Coin(stakeDenom, 50)}, vestedCoins)
// require period 2 coins don't vest until period is over
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = VestingProgress{true, true}
// even if the vesting period was somehow successful, should still only return 50% of coins as vested, since the second vesting period hasn't completed.
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[1] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[1] = VestingProgress{true, true}
vestedCoins = vva.GetVestedCoins(now.Add(15 * time.Hour))
require.Equal(t, sdk.Coins{sdk.NewInt64Coin(feeDenom, 500), sdk.NewInt64Coin(stakeDenom, 50)}, vestedCoins)
// require 75% of coins vested after successful period 2
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[1] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = VestingProgress{true, true}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[1] = VestingProgress{true, true}
vestedCoins = vva.GetVestedCoins(now.Add(18 * time.Hour))
sdk.NewInt64Coin(feeDenom, 750), sdk.NewInt64Coin(stakeDenom, 75)}, vestedCoins)
// require 75% of coins vested after successful period 1 and unsuccessful period 2.
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[1] = []int{1, 0}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = VestingProgress{true, true}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[1] = VestingProgress{true, false}
vestedCoins = vva.GetVestedCoins(now.Add(18 * time.Hour))
sdk.NewInt64Coin(feeDenom, 750), sdk.NewInt64Coin(stakeDenom, 75)}, vestedCoins)
// require 100% of coins vested after all periods complete successfully
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[1] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[2] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = VestingProgress{true, true}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[1] = VestingProgress{true, true}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[2] = VestingProgress{true, true}
vestedCoins = vva.GetVestedCoins(now.Add(48 * time.Hour))
require.Equal(t, origCoins, vestedCoins)
// require 100% of coins vested after all periods complete unsuccessfully
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = []int{1, 0}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[1] = []int{1, 0}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[2] = []int{1, 0}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = VestingProgress{true, false}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[1] = VestingProgress{true, false}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[2] = VestingProgress{true, false}
vestedCoins = vva.GetVestedCoins(now.Add(48 * time.Hour))
require.Equal(t, origCoins, vestedCoins)
@ -143,48 +143,48 @@ func TestGetVestingCoinsValidatorVestingAcc(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, origCoins, vestingCoins)
// require 50% of coins vesting after successful period 1 vesting
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = VestingProgress{true, true}
vestingCoins = vva.GetVestingCoins(now.Add(12 * time.Hour))
require.Equal(t, sdk.Coins{sdk.NewInt64Coin(feeDenom, 500), sdk.NewInt64Coin(stakeDenom, 50)}, vestingCoins)
// require 50% of coins vesting after unsuccessful period 1 vesting
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = []int{1, 0}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = VestingProgress{true, false}
vestingCoins = vva.GetVestingCoins(now.Add(12 * time.Hour))
require.Equal(t, sdk.Coins{sdk.NewInt64Coin(feeDenom, 500), sdk.NewInt64Coin(stakeDenom, 50)}, vestingCoins)
// require period 2 coins still vesting until period is over
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = VestingProgress{true, true}
// should never happen, but still won't affect vesting balance
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[1] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[1] = VestingProgress{true, true}
vestingCoins = vva.GetVestingCoins(now.Add(15 * time.Hour))
require.Equal(t, sdk.Coins{sdk.NewInt64Coin(feeDenom, 500), sdk.NewInt64Coin(stakeDenom, 50)}, vestingCoins)
// require 25% of coins vesting after successful period 2
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[1] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = VestingProgress{true, true}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[1] = VestingProgress{true, true}
vestingCoins = vva.GetVestingCoins(now.Add(18 * time.Hour))
sdk.NewInt64Coin(feeDenom, 250), sdk.NewInt64Coin(stakeDenom, 25)}, vestingCoins)
// require 25% of coins vesting after successful period 1 and unsuccessful period 2
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[1] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = VestingProgress{true, true}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[1] = VestingProgress{true, false}
vestingCoins = vva.GetVestingCoins(now.Add(18 * time.Hour))
require.Equal(t, sdk.Coins{sdk.NewInt64Coin(feeDenom, 250), sdk.NewInt64Coin(stakeDenom, 25)}, vestingCoins)
// require no coins vesting after all periods complete successfully
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[1] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[2] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = VestingProgress{true, true}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[1] = VestingProgress{true, true}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[2] = VestingProgress{true, true}
vestingCoins = vva.GetVestingCoins(now.Add(48 * time.Hour))
require.Nil(t, vestingCoins)
// require no coins vesting after all periods complete unsuccessfully
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = []int{1, 0}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[1] = []int{1, 0}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[2] = []int{1, 0}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = VestingProgress{true, false}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[1] = VestingProgress{true, false}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[2] = VestingProgress{true, false}
vestingCoins = vva.GetVestingCoins(now.Add(48 * time.Hour))
require.Nil(t, vestingCoins)
@ -211,12 +211,12 @@ func TestSpendableCoinsValidatorVestingAccount(t *testing.T) {
require.Nil(t, spendableCoins)
// require that all vested coins (50%) are spendable when period 1 completes successfully
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = VestingProgress{true, true}
spendableCoins = vva.SpendableCoins(now.Add(12 * time.Hour))
require.Equal(t, sdk.Coins{sdk.NewInt64Coin(feeDenom, 500), sdk.NewInt64Coin(stakeDenom, 50)}, spendableCoins)
// require that 50% of coins are spendable after period 1 completes unsuccessfully. See note above. The reason the coins are still 'spendable' is that we need to be able to transfer the coins to the return address/burn them. Making them not spendable means that it would be impossible to recover the debt for a validator vesting account for which all periods failed.
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = []int{1, 0}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = VestingProgress{true, false}
spendableCoins = vva.SpendableCoins(now.Add(12 * time.Hour))
require.Equal(t, sdk.Coins{sdk.NewInt64Coin(feeDenom, 500), sdk.NewInt64Coin(stakeDenom, 50)}, spendableCoins)
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ func TestSpendableCoinsValidatorVestingAccount(t *testing.T) {
// require that all vested coins (50%) are spendable plus any received after period 1 completes successfully
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = VestingProgress{true, true}
spendableCoins = vva.SpendableCoins(now.Add(12 * time.Hour))
require.Equal(t, sdk.Coins{sdk.NewInt64Coin(feeDenom, 500), sdk.NewInt64Coin(stakeDenom, 100)}, spendableCoins)
@ -253,14 +253,14 @@ func TestGetFailedVestedCoins(t *testing.T) {
vva := NewValidatorVestingAccount(&bacc, now.Unix(), periods, testConsAddr, nil, 90)
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = []int{1, 0}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = VestingProgress{true, false}
// require that period 1 coins are failed if the period completed unsucessfully.
sdk.Coins{sdk.NewInt64Coin(feeDenom, 500), sdk.NewInt64Coin(stakeDenom, 50)},
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = VestingProgress{true, true}
@ -290,9 +290,9 @@ func TestTrackDelegationValidatorVestingAcc(t *testing.T) {
// all periods pass successfully
vva = NewValidatorVestingAccount(&bacc, now.Unix(), periods, testConsAddr, nil, 90)
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[1] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[2] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = VestingProgress{true, true}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[1] = VestingProgress{true, true}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[2] = VestingProgress{true, true}
vva.TrackDelegation(now.Add(48*time.Hour), origCoins)
// require all delegated coins are free
require.Equal(t, origCoins, vva.DelegatedFree)
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ func TestTrackDelegationValidatorVestingAcc(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, sdk.Coins{sdk.NewInt64Coin(stakeDenom, 50)}, vva.DelegatedVesting)
require.Nil(t, vva.DelegatedFree)
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = VestingProgress{true, true}
vva.TrackDelegation(now.Add(12*time.Hour), sdk.Coins{sdk.NewInt64Coin(stakeDenom, 50)})
require.Equal(t, sdk.Coins{sdk.NewInt64Coin(stakeDenom, 50)}, vva.DelegatedVesting)
require.Equal(t, sdk.Coins{sdk.NewInt64Coin(stakeDenom, 50)}, vva.DelegatedFree)
@ -345,9 +345,9 @@ func TestTrackUndelegationPeriodicVestingAcc(t *testing.T) {
// require the ability to delegate all coins after they have successfully vested
vva = NewValidatorVestingAccount(&bacc, now.Unix(), periods, testConsAddr, nil, 90)
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[1] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[2] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = VestingProgress{true, true}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[1] = VestingProgress{true, true}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[2] = VestingProgress{true, true}
vva.TrackDelegation(now.Add(24*time.Hour), origCoins)
require.Nil(t, vva.DelegatedFree)
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ func TestTrackUndelegationPeriodicVestingAcc(t *testing.T) {
// successfuly vest period 1 and delegate to two validators
vva = NewValidatorVestingAccount(&bacc, now.Unix(), periods, testConsAddr, nil, 90)
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = []int{1, 1}
vva.VestingPeriodProgress[0] = VestingProgress{true, true}
vva.TrackDelegation(now.Add(12*time.Hour), sdk.Coins{sdk.NewInt64Coin(stakeDenom, 50)})
vva.TrackDelegation(now.Add(12*time.Hour), sdk.Coins{sdk.NewInt64Coin(stakeDenom, 50)})
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ func BeginBlocker(ctx sdk.Context, req abci.RequestBeginBlock, k keeper.Keeper)
voteInfos = req.LastCommitInfo.GetVotes()
validatorVestingKeys := k.GetAllAccountKeys(ctx)
for _, key := range validatorVestingKeys {
acc := k.GetAccountFromAuthKeeper(ctx, key[1:])
acc := k.GetAccountFromAuthKeeper(ctx, key)
if voteInfos.ContainsValidatorAddress(acc.ValidatorAddress) {
vote := voteInfos.MustFilterByValidatorAddress(acc.ValidatorAddress)
if !vote.SignedLastBlock {
@ -29,15 +29,15 @@ func BeginBlocker(ctx sdk.Context, req abci.RequestBeginBlock, k keeper.Keeper)
// check if a period ended in the last block
endTimes := k.GetPeriodEndTimes(ctx, key[1:])
endTimes := k.GetPeriodEndTimes(ctx, key)
for i, t := range endTimes {
if currentBlockTime.Unix() >= t && previousBlockTime.Unix() < t {
k.UpdateVestedCoinsProgress(ctx, key[1:], i)
k.UpdateVestedCoinsProgress(ctx, key, i)
// handle any new/remaining debt on the account
k.HandleVestingDebt(ctx, key[1:], currentBlockTime)
k.HandleVestingDebt(ctx, key, currentBlockTime)
k.SetPreviousBlockTime(ctx, currentBlockTime)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user