syntax = "proto3";
package cosmos_proto;

import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";

option go_package = ";cosmos_proto";

extend google.protobuf.MessageOptions {

    // implements_interface is used to indicate the type name of the interface
    // that a message implements so that it can be used in google.protobuf.Any
    // fields that accept that interface. A message can implement multiple
    // interfaces. Interfaces should be declared using a declare_interface
    // file option.
    repeated string implements_interface = 93001;

extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions {

    // accepts_interface is used to annotate that a google.protobuf.Any
    // field accepts messages that implement the specified interface.
    // Interfaces should be declared using a declare_interface file option.
    string accepts_interface = 93001;

    // scalar is used to indicate that this field follows the formatting defined
    // by the named scalar which should be declared with declare_scalar. Code
    // generators may choose to use this information to map this field to a
    // language-specific type representing the scalar.
    string scalar = 93002;

extend google.protobuf.FileOptions {

    // declare_interface declares an interface type to be used with
    // accepts_interface and implements_interface. Interface names are
    // expected to follow the following convention such that their declaration
    // can be discovered by tools: for a given interface type a.b.C, it is
    // expected that the declaration will be found in a protobuf file named
    // a/b/interfaces.proto in the file descriptor set.
    repeated InterfaceDescriptor declare_interface = 793021;

    // declare_scalar declares a scalar type to be used with
    // the scalar field option. Scalar names are
    // expected to follow the following convention such that their declaration
    // can be discovered by tools: for a given scalar type a.b.C, it is
    // expected that the declaration will be found in a protobuf file named
    // a/b/scalars.proto in the file descriptor set.
    repeated ScalarDescriptor declare_scalar = 793022;

// InterfaceDescriptor describes an interface type to be used with
// accepts_interface and implements_interface and declared by declare_interface.
message InterfaceDescriptor {

    // name is the name of the interface. It should be a short-name (without
    // a period) such that the fully qualified name of the interface will be
    //, ex. for the package a.b and interface named C, the
    // fully-qualified name will be a.b.C.
    string name = 1;

    // description is a human-readable description of the interface and its
    // purpose.
    string description = 2;

// ScalarDescriptor describes an scalar type to be used with
// the scalar field option and declared by declare_scalar.
// Scalars extend simple protobuf built-in types with additional
// syntax and semantics, for instance to represent big integers.
// Scalars should ideally define an encoding such that there is only one
// valid syntactical representation for a given semantic meaning,
// i.e. the encoding should be deterministic.
message ScalarDescriptor {

    // name is the name of the scalar. It should be a short-name (without
    // a period) such that the fully qualified name of the scalar will be
    //, ex. for the package a.b and scalar named C, the
    // fully-qualified name will be a.b.C.
    string name = 1;

    // description is a human-readable description of the scalar and its
    // encoding format. For instance a big integer or decimal scalar should
    // specify precisely the expected encoding format.
    string description = 2;

    // field_type is the type of field with which this scalar can be used.
    // Scalars can be used with one and only one type of field so that
    // encoding standards and simple and clear. Currently only string and
    // bytes fields are supported for scalars.
    repeated ScalarType field_type = 3;

enum ScalarType {