package keeper import ( sdk "" sdkerrors "" "" authtypes "" "" supplyExported "" "" validatorvesting "" ) // ClaimUSDXMintingReward sends the reward amount to the input address and zero's out the claim in the store func (k Keeper) ClaimUSDXMintingReward(ctx sdk.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress, multiplierName types.MultiplierName) error { claim, found := k.GetUSDXMintingClaim(ctx, addr) if !found { return sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrClaimNotFound, "address: %s", addr) } multiplier, found := k.GetMultiplier(ctx, multiplierName) if !found { return sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrInvalidMultiplier, string(multiplierName)) } claimEnd := k.GetClaimEnd(ctx) if ctx.BlockTime().After(claimEnd) { return sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrClaimExpired, "block time %s > claim end time %s", ctx.BlockTime(), claimEnd) } claim, err := k.SynchronizeUSDXMintingClaim(ctx, claim) if err != nil { return err } rewardAmount := claim.Reward.Amount.ToDec().Mul(multiplier.Factor).RoundInt() if rewardAmount.IsZero() { return types.ErrZeroClaim } rewardCoin := sdk.NewCoin(claim.Reward.Denom, rewardAmount) length := ctx.BlockTime().AddDate(0, int(multiplier.MonthsLockup), 0).Unix() - ctx.BlockTime().Unix() err = k.SendTimeLockedCoinsToAccount(ctx, types.IncentiveMacc, addr, sdk.NewCoins(rewardCoin), length) if err != nil { return err } k.ZeroUSDXMintingClaim(ctx, claim) ctx.EventManager().EmitEvent( sdk.NewEvent( types.EventTypeClaim, sdk.NewAttribute(types.AttributeKeyClaimedBy, claim.GetOwner().String()), sdk.NewAttribute(types.AttributeKeyClaimAmount, claim.GetReward().String()), sdk.NewAttribute(types.AttributeKeyClaimAmount, claim.GetType()), ), ) return nil } // ClaimHardReward sends the reward amount to the input address and zero's out the claim in the store func (k Keeper) ClaimHardReward(ctx sdk.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress, multiplierName types.MultiplierName) error { _, found := k.GetHardLiquidityProviderClaim(ctx, addr) if !found { return sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrClaimNotFound, "address: %s", addr) } multiplier, found := k.GetMultiplier(ctx, multiplierName) if !found { return sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrInvalidMultiplier, string(multiplierName)) } claimEnd := k.GetClaimEnd(ctx) if ctx.BlockTime().After(claimEnd) { return sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrClaimExpired, "block time %s > claim end time %s", ctx.BlockTime(), claimEnd) } k.SynchronizeHardLiquidityProviderClaim(ctx, addr) claim, found := k.GetHardLiquidityProviderClaim(ctx, addr) if !found { return sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrClaimNotFound, "address: %s", addr) } rewardAmount := claim.Reward.Amount.ToDec().Mul(multiplier.Factor).RoundInt() if rewardAmount.IsZero() { return types.ErrZeroClaim } rewardCoin := sdk.NewCoin(claim.Reward.Denom, rewardAmount) length := ctx.BlockTime().AddDate(0, int(multiplier.MonthsLockup), 0).Unix() - ctx.BlockTime().Unix() err := k.SendTimeLockedCoinsToAccount(ctx, types.IncentiveMacc, addr, sdk.NewCoins(rewardCoin), length) if err != nil { return err } k.ZeroHardLiquidityProviderClaim(ctx, claim) ctx.EventManager().EmitEvent( sdk.NewEvent( types.EventTypeClaim, sdk.NewAttribute(types.AttributeKeyClaimedBy, claim.GetOwner().String()), sdk.NewAttribute(types.AttributeKeyClaimAmount, claim.GetReward().String()), sdk.NewAttribute(types.AttributeKeyClaimType, claim.GetType()), ), ) return nil } // SendTimeLockedCoinsToAccount sends time-locked coins from the input module account to the recipient. If the recipients account is not a vesting account and the input length is greater than zero, the recipient account is converted to a periodic vesting account and the coins are added to the vesting balance as a vesting period with the input length. func (k Keeper) SendTimeLockedCoinsToAccount(ctx sdk.Context, senderModule string, recipientAddr sdk.AccAddress, amt sdk.Coins, length int64) error { macc := k.supplyKeeper.GetModuleAccount(ctx, senderModule) if !macc.GetCoins().IsAllGTE(amt) { return sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrInsufficientModAccountBalance, "%s", senderModule) } // 0. Get the account from the account keeper and do a type switch, error if it's a validator vesting account or module account (can make this work for validator vesting later if necessary) acc := k.accountKeeper.GetAccount(ctx, recipientAddr) if acc == nil { return sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrAccountNotFound, recipientAddr.String()) } if length == 0 { return k.supplyKeeper.SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(ctx, senderModule, recipientAddr, amt) } switch acc.(type) { case *validatorvesting.ValidatorVestingAccount, supplyExported.ModuleAccountI: return sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrInvalidAccountType, "%T", acc) case *vesting.PeriodicVestingAccount: return k.SendTimeLockedCoinsToPeriodicVestingAccount(ctx, senderModule, recipientAddr, amt, length) case *auth.BaseAccount: return k.SendTimeLockedCoinsToBaseAccount(ctx, senderModule, recipientAddr, amt, length) default: return sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrInvalidAccountType, "%T", acc) } } // SendTimeLockedCoinsToPeriodicVestingAccount sends time-locked coins from the input module account to the recipient func (k Keeper) SendTimeLockedCoinsToPeriodicVestingAccount(ctx sdk.Context, senderModule string, recipientAddr sdk.AccAddress, amt sdk.Coins, length int64) error { err := k.supplyKeeper.SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(ctx, senderModule, recipientAddr, amt) if err != nil { return err } k.addCoinsToVestingSchedule(ctx, recipientAddr, amt, length) return nil } // SendTimeLockedCoinsToBaseAccount sends time-locked coins from the input module account to the recipient, converting the recipient account to a vesting account func (k Keeper) SendTimeLockedCoinsToBaseAccount(ctx sdk.Context, senderModule string, recipientAddr sdk.AccAddress, amt sdk.Coins, length int64) error { err := k.supplyKeeper.SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(ctx, senderModule, recipientAddr, amt) if err != nil { return err } acc := k.accountKeeper.GetAccount(ctx, recipientAddr) // transition the account to a periodic vesting account: bacc := authtypes.NewBaseAccount(acc.GetAddress(), acc.GetCoins(), acc.GetPubKey(), acc.GetAccountNumber(), acc.GetSequence()) newPeriods := vesting.Periods{types.NewPeriod(amt, length)} bva, err := vesting.NewBaseVestingAccount(bacc, amt, ctx.BlockTime().Unix()+length) if err != nil { return err } pva := vesting.NewPeriodicVestingAccountRaw(bva, ctx.BlockTime().Unix(), newPeriods) k.accountKeeper.SetAccount(ctx, pva) return nil } // addCoinsToVestingSchedule adds coins to the input account's vesting schedule where length is the amount of time (from the current block time), in seconds, that the coins will be vesting for // the input address must be a periodic vesting account func (k Keeper) addCoinsToVestingSchedule(ctx sdk.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress, amt sdk.Coins, length int64) { acc := k.accountKeeper.GetAccount(ctx, addr) vacc := acc.(*vesting.PeriodicVestingAccount) // Add the new vesting coins to OriginalVesting vacc.OriginalVesting = vacc.OriginalVesting.Add(amt...) // update vesting periods // EndTime = 100 // BlockTime = 110 // length == 6 if vacc.EndTime < ctx.BlockTime().Unix() { // edge case one - the vesting account's end time is in the past (ie, all previous vesting periods have completed) // append a new period to the vesting account, update the end time, update the account in the store and return newPeriodLength := (ctx.BlockTime().Unix() - vacc.EndTime) + length // 110 - 100 + 6 = 16 newPeriod := types.NewPeriod(amt, newPeriodLength) vacc.VestingPeriods = append(vacc.VestingPeriods, newPeriod) vacc.EndTime = ctx.BlockTime().Unix() + length k.accountKeeper.SetAccount(ctx, vacc) return } // StartTime = 110 // BlockTime = 100 // length = 6 if vacc.StartTime > ctx.BlockTime().Unix() { // edge case two - the vesting account's start time is in the future (all periods have not started) // update the start time to now and adjust the period lengths in place - a new period will be inserted in the next code block updatedPeriods := vesting.Periods{} for i, period := range vacc.VestingPeriods { updatedPeriod := period if i == 0 { updatedPeriod = types.NewPeriod(period.Amount, (vacc.StartTime-ctx.BlockTime().Unix())+period.Length) // 110 - 100 + 6 = 16 } updatedPeriods = append(updatedPeriods, updatedPeriod) } vacc.VestingPeriods = updatedPeriods vacc.StartTime = ctx.BlockTime().Unix() } // logic for inserting a new vesting period into the existing vesting schedule remainingLength := vacc.EndTime - ctx.BlockTime().Unix() elapsedTime := ctx.BlockTime().Unix() - vacc.StartTime proposedEndTime := ctx.BlockTime().Unix() + length if remainingLength < length { // in the case that the proposed length is longer than the remaining length of all vesting periods, create a new period with length equal to the difference between the proposed length and the previous total length newPeriodLength := length - remainingLength newPeriod := types.NewPeriod(amt, newPeriodLength) vacc.VestingPeriods = append(vacc.VestingPeriods, newPeriod) // update the end time so that the sum of all period lengths equals endTime - startTime vacc.EndTime = proposedEndTime } else { // In the case that the proposed length is less than or equal to the sum of all previous period lengths, insert the period and update other periods as necessary. // EXAMPLE (l is length, a is amount) // Original Periods: {[l: 1 a: 1], [l: 2, a: 1], [l:8, a:3], [l: 5, a: 3]} // Period we want to insert [l: 5, a: x] // Expected result: // {[l: 1, a: 1], [l:2, a: 1], [l:2, a:x], [l:6, a:3], [l:5, a:3]} // StartTime = 100 // Periods = [5,5,5,5] // EndTime = 120 // BlockTime = 101 // length = 2 // for period in Periods: // iteration 1: // lengthCounter = 5 // if 5 < 101 - 100 + 2 - no // if 5 = 3 - no // else // newperiod = 2 - 0 newPeriods := vesting.Periods{} lengthCounter := int64(0) appendRemaining := false for _, period := range vacc.VestingPeriods { if appendRemaining { newPeriods = append(newPeriods, period) continue } lengthCounter += period.Length if lengthCounter < elapsedTime+length { // 1 newPeriods = append(newPeriods, period) } else if lengthCounter == elapsedTime+length { newPeriod := types.NewPeriod(period.Amount.Add(amt...), period.Length) newPeriods = append(newPeriods, newPeriod) appendRemaining = true } else { newPeriod := types.NewPeriod(amt, elapsedTime+length-types.GetTotalVestingPeriodLength(newPeriods)) previousPeriod := types.NewPeriod(period.Amount, period.Length-newPeriod.Length) newPeriods = append(newPeriods, newPeriod, previousPeriod) appendRemaining = true } } vacc.VestingPeriods = newPeriods } k.accountKeeper.SetAccount(ctx, vacc) return }