syntax = "proto3";

package cosmos.auth.module.v1;

import "cosmos/app/v1alpha1/module.proto";

// Module is the config object for the auth module.
message Module {
  option ( = {
    go_import: ""

  // bech32_prefix is the bech32 account prefix for the app.
  string bech32_prefix = 1;

  // module_account_permissions are module account permissions.
  repeated ModuleAccountPermission module_account_permissions = 2;

  // authority defines the custom module authority. If not set, defaults to the governance module.
  string authority = 3;

// ModuleAccountPermission represents permissions for a module account.
message ModuleAccountPermission {
  // account is the name of the module.
  string account = 1;

  // permissions are the permissions this module has. Currently recognized
  // values are minter, burner and staking.
  repeated string permissions = 2;