#!/usr/bin/make -f VERSION := $(shell echo $(shell git describe --tags) | sed 's/^v//') COMMIT := $(shell git log -1 --format='%H') LEDGER_ENABLED ?= true export GO111MODULE = on # process build tags build_tags = netgo ifeq ($(LEDGER_ENABLED),true) ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) GCCEXE = $(shell where gcc.exe 2> NUL) ifeq ($(GCCEXE),) $(error gcc.exe not installed for ledger support, please install or set LEDGER_ENABLED=false) else build_tags += ledger endif else UNAME_S = $(shell uname -s) ifeq ($(UNAME_S),OpenBSD) $(warning OpenBSD detected, disabling ledger support (https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/issues/1988)) else GCC = $(shell command -v gcc 2> /dev/null) ifeq ($(GCC),) $(error gcc not installed for ledger support, please install or set LEDGER_ENABLED=false) else build_tags += ledger endif endif endif endif ifeq ($(WITH_CLEVELDB),yes) build_tags += gcc endif build_tags += $(BUILD_TAGS) build_tags := $(strip $(build_tags)) whitespace := whitespace += $(whitespace) comma := , build_tags_comma_sep := $(subst $(whitespace),$(comma),$(build_tags)) # process linker flags ldflags = -X github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/version.Name=kava \ -X github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/version.ServerName=kvd \ -X github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/version.ClientName=kvcli \ -X github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/version.Version=$(VERSION) \ -X github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/version.Commit=$(COMMIT) \ -X "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/version.BuildTags=$(build_tags_comma_sep)" ifeq ($(WITH_CLEVELDB),yes) ldflags += -X github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types.DBBackend=cleveldb endif ldflags += $(LDFLAGS) ldflags := $(strip $(ldflags)) BUILD_FLAGS := -tags "$(build_tags)" -ldflags '$(ldflags)' all: install build: go.sum ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) go build -mod=readonly $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o build/kvd.exe ./cmd/kvd go build -mod=readonly $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o build/kvcli.exe ./cmd/kvcli else go build -mod=readonly $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o build/kvd ./cmd/kvd go build -mod=readonly $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o build/kvcli ./cmd/kvcli endif build-linux: go.sum LEDGER_ENABLED=false GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 $(MAKE) build install: go.sum go install -mod=readonly $(BUILD_FLAGS) ./cmd/kvd go install -mod=readonly $(BUILD_FLAGS) ./cmd/kvcli ######################################## ### Tools & dependencies go.sum: go.mod @echo "--> Ensuring dependencies have not been modified" @go mod verify clean: rm -rf build/ ######################################## ### Testing # TODO tidy up cli tests to use same -Enable flag as simulations, or the other way round # TODO -mod=readonly ? # build dependency needed for cli tests test-all: build # basic app tests @go test ./app -v # cli tests @go test ./cli_test -tags cli_test -v -p 4 # basic simulation (seed "2" happens to not unbond all validators before reaching 100 blocks) @go test ./app -run TestFullAppSimulation -Enabled -Commit -NumBlocks=100 -BlockSize=200 -Seed 2 -v -timeout 24h # other sim tests @go test ./app -run TestAppImportExport -Enabled -Commit -NumBlocks=100 -BlockSize=200 -Seed 2 -v -timeout 24h @go test ./app -run TestAppSimulationAfterImport -Enabled -Commit -NumBlocks=100 -BlockSize=200 -Seed 2 -v -timeout 24h @# AppStateDeterminism does not use Seed flag @go test ./app -run TestAppStateDeterminism -Enabled -Commit -NumBlocks=100 -BlockSize=200 -v -timeout 24h test: @go test ./... # Kick start lots of sims on an AWS cluster. # This submits an AWS Batch job to run a lot of sims, each within a docker image. Results are uploaded to S3 start-remote-sims: # build the image used for running sims in, and tag it docker build -f simulations/Dockerfile -t kava/kava-sim:master . # push that image to the hub docker push kava/kava-sim:master # submit an array job on AWS Batch, using 1000 seeds, spot instances aws batch submit-job \ -—job-name "master-$(VERSION)" \ -—job-queue “simulation-1-queue-spot" \ -—array-properties size=1000 \ -—job-definition kava-sim-master \ -—container-override environment=[{SIM_NAME=master-$(VERSION)}] .PHONY: all build-linux install clean build test test-all start-remote-sims