#!/bin/bash function help() { echo "Usage: deploy.sh IP1 [options]" echo "" echo " -i Identity file" echo " -k Keyring password to create key (for Linux only)" echo " -n Network (default: devnet)" echo " -c Chain ID (default: \"zgtendermint_16600-1\")" echo " -v schedule end time (unix epoch) for vesting accounts" echo "" } if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then help exit 1 fi set -e IP_LIST=$1 shift PEM_FLAG="" KEYRING_PASSWORD="" NETWORK="devnet" TAG_OR_BRANCH="devnet/test-multi-sign-vesting-account" INIT_GENESIS_ENV="" VESTING_ACCOUNT_END_TIME=0 while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in -i) PEM_FLAG="-i $2"; shift; shift ;; -k) KEYRING_PASSWORD=$2; shift; shift ;; -n) NETWORK=$2 INIT_GENESIS_ENV="$INIT_GENESIS_ENV export ROOT_DIR=$2;" shift; shift ;; -c) INIT_GENESIS_ENV="$INIT_GENESIS_ENV export CHAIN_ID=$2;" shift; shift ;; -v) INIT_GENESIS_ENV="$INIT_GENESIS_ENV export VESTING_ACCOUNT_END_TIME=$2;" shift; shift ;; *) help echo "Unknown flag passed: \"$1\"" exit 1 ;; esac done IFS=","; declare -a IPS=($IP_LIST); unset IFS NUM_NODES=${#IPS[@]} # Install dependent libraries and binary for ((i=0; i<$NUM_NODES; i++)) do ssh $PEM_FLAG ubuntu@${IPS[$i]} "rm -rf 0g-chain; git clone https://github.com/0glabs/0g-chain.git; cd 0g-chain; git checkout $TAG_OR_BRANCH; ./networks/$NETWORK/install.sh" done # Create genesis config on node0 ssh $PEM_FLAG ubuntu@${IPS[0]} "cd 0g-chain/networks/$NETWORK; $INIT_GENESIS_ENV ./init-genesis.sh $IP_LIST $KEYRING_PASSWORD; tar czf ~/$NETWORK.tar.gz $NETWORK; rm -rf $NETWORK" scp $PEM_FLAG ubuntu@${IPS[0]}:$NETWORK.tar.gz . ssh $PEM_FLAG ubuntu@${IPS[0]} "rm $NETWORK.tar.gz" # Copy genesis config to remote nodes tar xzf $NETWORK.tar.gz rm $NETWORK.tar.gz cd $NETWORK for ((i=0; i<$NUM_NODES; i++)) do tar czf node$i.tar.gz node$i scp $PEM_FLAG node$i.tar.gz ubuntu@${IPS[$i]}:~ ssh $PEM_FLAG ubuntu@${IPS[$i]} "rm -rf 0gchaind-$NETWORK; tar xzf node$i.tar.gz; rm node$i.tar.gz; mv node$i 0gchaind-$NETWORK" rm node$i.tar.gz done echo -e "\n\nSucceeded to deploy on $NUM_NODES nodes!\n"