package e2e_test import ( "context" "math/big" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "" sdk "" ethtypes "" "" "" ) func (suite *IntegrationTestSuite) TestEthGasPriceReturnsMinFee() { suite.SkipIfKvtoolDisabled() // read expected min fee from app.toml minGasPrices, err := getMinFeeFromAppToml(util.KavaHomePath()) suite.NoError(err, "failed to read min fee from app.toml") // evm uses akava, get akava min fee evmMinGas := minGasPrices.AmountOf("akava").TruncateInt().BigInt() // returns eth_gasPrice, units in kava gasPrice, err := suite.Kava.EvmClient.SuggestGasPrice(context.Background()) suite.NoError(err, "failed to get gas price") suite.Equal(evmMinGas, gasPrice, "gas price should be equal to min fee") } func (suite *IntegrationTestSuite) TestEvmRespectsMinFee() { suite.SkipIfKvtoolDisabled() // setup sender & receiver sender := suite.Kava.NewFundedAccount("evm-min-fee-test-sender", sdk.NewCoins(ukava(1e3))) randoReceiver := util.SdkToEvmAddress(app.RandomAddress()) // get min gas price for evm (from app.toml) minFees, err := getMinFeeFromAppToml(util.KavaHomePath()) suite.NoError(err) minGasPrice := minFees.AmountOf("akava").TruncateInt() // attempt tx with less than min gas price (min fee - 1) tooLowGasPrice := minGasPrice.Sub(sdk.OneInt()).BigInt() req := util.EvmTxRequest{ Tx: ethtypes.NewTransaction(0, randoReceiver, big.NewInt(5e2), 1e5, tooLowGasPrice, nil), Data: "this tx should fail because it's gas price is too low", } res := sender.SignAndBroadcastEvmTx(req) // expect the tx to fail! suite.ErrorAs(res.Err, &util.ErrEvmFailedToBroadcast{}) suite.ErrorContains(res.Err, "insufficient fee") } func getMinFeeFromAppToml(kavaHome string) (sdk.DecCoins, error) { // read the expected min gas price from app.toml parsed := struct { MinGasPrices string `toml:"minimum-gas-prices"` }{} appToml, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(kavaHome, "config", "app.toml")) if err != nil { return nil, err } err = toml.Unmarshal(appToml, &parsed) if err != nil { return nil, err } // convert to dec coins return sdk.ParseDecCoins(strings.ReplaceAll(parsed.MinGasPrices, ";", ",")) }