package testutil

import (

	sdkmath ""
	abci ""
	tmproto ""
	tmversion ""
	tmtime ""
	sdk ""
	authkeeper ""
	authtypes ""
	bankkeeper ""
	stakingtypes ""
	ethtypes ""
	etherminttests ""
	etherminttypes ""
	evmtypes ""
	feemarkettypes ""


type Suite struct {

	App            app.TestApp
	Ctx            sdk.Context
	Address        common.Address
	BankKeeper     bankkeeper.Keeper
	AccountKeeper  authkeeper.AccountKeeper
	Keeper         keeper.Keeper
	Addrs          []sdk.AccAddress
	EvmModuleAddr  sdk.AccAddress
	QueryClient    types.QueryClient
	QueryClientEvm evmtypes.QueryClient
	Key1           *ethsecp256k1.PrivKey
	Key1Addr       types.InternalEVMAddress
	Key2           *ethsecp256k1.PrivKey

func (suite *Suite) SetupTest() {
	tApp := app.NewTestApp()

	suite.Ctx = tApp.NewContext(true, tmproto.Header{Height: 1, Time: tmtime.Now()})
	suite.App = tApp
	suite.BankKeeper = tApp.GetBankKeeper()
	suite.AccountKeeper = tApp.GetAccountKeeper()
	suite.Keeper = tApp.GetEvmutilKeeper()
	suite.EvmModuleAddr = suite.AccountKeeper.GetModuleAddress(evmtypes.ModuleName)

	// test evm user keys that have no minting permissions
	addr, privKey := RandomEvmAccount()
	suite.Key1 = privKey
	suite.Key1Addr = types.NewInternalEVMAddress(addr)
	_, suite.Key2 = RandomEvmAccount()

	_, addrs := app.GeneratePrivKeyAddressPairs(4)
	suite.Addrs = addrs

	evmGenesis := evmtypes.DefaultGenesisState()
	evmGenesis.Params.EvmDenom = chaincfg.EvmDenom

	feemarketGenesis := feemarkettypes.DefaultGenesisState()
	feemarketGenesis.Params.EnableHeight = 1
	feemarketGenesis.Params.NoBaseFee = false

	cdc := suite.App.AppCodec()
	coins := sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewInt64Coin(chaincfg.GasDenom, 1000_000_000_000_000_000))
	authGS := app.NewFundedGenStateWithSameCoins(cdc, coins, []sdk.AccAddress{

	gs := app.GenesisState{
		evmtypes.ModuleName:       cdc.MustMarshalJSON(evmGenesis),
		feemarkettypes.ModuleName: cdc.MustMarshalJSON(feemarketGenesis),
	suite.App.InitializeFromGenesisStates(authGS, gs)

	// consensus key - needed to set up evm module
	consPriv, err := ethsecp256k1.GenerateKey()
	consAddress := sdk.ConsAddress(consPriv.PubKey().Address())

	// InitializeFromGenesisStates commits first block so we start at 2 here
	suite.Ctx = suite.App.NewContext(false, tmproto.Header{
		Height:          suite.App.LastBlockHeight() + 1,
		ChainID:         app.TestChainId,
		Time:            time.Now().UTC(),
		ProposerAddress: consAddress.Bytes(),
		Version: tmversion.Consensus{
			Block: version.BlockProtocol,
		LastBlockId: tmproto.BlockID{
			Hash: tmhash.Sum([]byte("block_id")),
			PartSetHeader: tmproto.PartSetHeader{
				Total: 11,
				Hash:  tmhash.Sum([]byte("partset_header")),
		AppHash:            tmhash.Sum([]byte("app")),
		DataHash:           tmhash.Sum([]byte("data")),
		EvidenceHash:       tmhash.Sum([]byte("evidence")),
		ValidatorsHash:     tmhash.Sum([]byte("validators")),
		NextValidatorsHash: tmhash.Sum([]byte("next_validators")),
		ConsensusHash:      tmhash.Sum([]byte("consensus")),
		LastResultsHash:    tmhash.Sum([]byte("last_result")),

	// We need to set the validator as calling the EVM looks up the validator address
	// evmkeeper.EVMConfig() will return error "failed to load evm config" if not set
	acc := &etherminttypes.EthAccount{
		BaseAccount: authtypes.NewBaseAccount(sdk.AccAddress(suite.Address.Bytes()), nil, 0, 0),
		CodeHash:    common.BytesToHash(crypto.Keccak256(nil)).String(),
	suite.AccountKeeper.SetAccount(suite.Ctx, acc)
	valAddr := sdk.ValAddress(suite.Address.Bytes())
	validator, err := stakingtypes.NewValidator(valAddr, consPriv.PubKey(), stakingtypes.Description{})
	err = suite.App.GetStakingKeeper().SetValidatorByConsAddr(suite.Ctx, validator)
	suite.App.GetStakingKeeper().SetValidator(suite.Ctx, validator)

	// add conversion pair for first module deployed contract to evmutil params
	suite.Keeper.SetParams(suite.Ctx, types.NewParams(
				// First contract this module deploys

	queryHelper := baseapp.NewQueryServerTestHelper(suite.Ctx, suite.App.InterfaceRegistry())
	evmtypes.RegisterQueryServer(queryHelper, suite.App.GetEvmKeeper())
	suite.QueryClientEvm = evmtypes.NewQueryClient(queryHelper)
	types.RegisterQueryServer(queryHelper, keeper.NewQueryServerImpl(suite.Keeper))
	suite.QueryClient = types.NewQueryClient(queryHelper)

	// We need to commit so that the ethermint feemarket beginblock runs to set the minfee
	// feeMarketKeeper.GetBaseFee() will return nil otherwise

func (suite *Suite) Commit() {
	_ = suite.App.Commit()
	header := suite.Ctx.BlockHeader()
	header.Height += 1
		Header: header,

	// update ctx
	suite.Ctx = suite.App.NewContext(false, header)

func (suite *Suite) ModuleBalance(denom string) sdk.Int {
	return suite.App.GetModuleAccountBalance(suite.Ctx, types.ModuleName, denom)

func (suite *Suite) FundAccountWithZgChain(addr sdk.AccAddress, coins sdk.Coins) {
	GasDenomAmt := coins.AmountOf(chaincfg.GasDenom)
	if GasDenomAmt.IsPositive() {
		err := suite.App.FundAccount(suite.Ctx, addr, sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(chaincfg.GasDenom, GasDenomAmt)))
	evmDenomAmt := coins.AmountOf(chaincfg.EvmDenom)
	if evmDenomAmt.IsPositive() {
		err := suite.Keeper.SetBalance(suite.Ctx, addr, evmDenomAmt)

func (suite *Suite) FundModuleAccountWithZgChain(moduleName string, coins sdk.Coins) {
	GasDenomAmt := coins.AmountOf(chaincfg.GasDenom)
	if GasDenomAmt.IsPositive() {
		err := suite.App.FundModuleAccount(suite.Ctx, moduleName, sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(chaincfg.GasDenom, GasDenomAmt)))
	evmDenomAmt := coins.AmountOf(chaincfg.EvmDenom)
	if evmDenomAmt.IsPositive() {
		addr := suite.AccountKeeper.GetModuleAddress(moduleName)
		err := suite.Keeper.SetBalance(suite.Ctx, addr, evmDenomAmt)

func (suite *Suite) DeployERC20() types.InternalEVMAddress {
	// make sure module account is created
	// qq: any better ways to do this?
		sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(chaincfg.GasDenom, sdkmath.NewInt(0))),

	contractAddr, err := suite.Keeper.DeployTestMintableERC20Contract(suite.Ctx, "USDC", "USDC", uint8(18))
	suite.Require().Greater(len(contractAddr.Address), 0)
	return contractAddr

func (suite *Suite) GetERC20BalanceOf(
	contractAbi abi.ABI,
	contractAddr types.InternalEVMAddress,
	accountAddr types.InternalEVMAddress,
) *big.Int {
	// Query ERC20.balanceOf()
	addr := common.BytesToAddress(suite.Key1.PubKey().Address())
	res, err := suite.QueryContract(
	suite.Require().Len(res, 1)

	balance, ok := res[0].(*big.Int)
	suite.Require().True(ok, "balanceOf should respond with *big.Int")
	return balance

func (suite *Suite) QueryContract(
	contractAbi abi.ABI,
	from common.Address,
	fromKey *ethsecp256k1.PrivKey,
	contract types.InternalEVMAddress,
	method string,
	args ...interface{},
) ([]interface{}, error) {
	// Pack query args
	data, err := contractAbi.Pack(method, args...)

	// Send TX
	res, err := suite.SendTx(contract, from, fromKey, data)

	// Check for VM errors and unpack returned data
	switch res.VmError {
	case vm.ErrExecutionReverted.Error():
		response, err := abi.UnpackRevert(res.Ret)

		return nil, errors.New(response)
	case "": // No error, continue
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled vm error response: %v", res.VmError))

	// Unpack response
	unpackedRes, err := contractAbi.Unpack(method, res.Ret)
	suite.Require().NoErrorf(err, "failed to unpack method %v response", method)

	return unpackedRes, nil

// SendTx submits a transaction to the block.
func (suite *Suite) SendTx(
	contractAddr types.InternalEVMAddress,
	from common.Address,
	signerKey *ethsecp256k1.PrivKey,
	transferData []byte,
) (*evmtypes.MsgEthereumTxResponse, error) {
	ctx := sdk.WrapSDKContext(suite.Ctx)
	chainID := suite.App.GetEvmKeeper().ChainID()

	args, err := json.Marshal(&evmtypes.TransactionArgs{
		To:   &contractAddr.Address,
		From: &from,
		Data: (*hexutil.Bytes)(&transferData),
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	gasRes, err := suite.QueryClientEvm.EstimateGas(ctx, &evmtypes.EthCallRequest{
		Args:   args,
		GasCap: config.DefaultGasCap,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	nonce := suite.App.GetEvmKeeper().GetNonce(suite.Ctx, suite.Address)

	baseFee := suite.App.GetFeeMarketKeeper().GetBaseFee(suite.Ctx)
	suite.Require().NotNil(baseFee, "base fee is nil")

	// Mint the max gas to the FeeCollector to ensure balance in case of refund

	ercTransferTx := evmtypes.NewTx(
		nil,          // amount
		gasRes.Gas*2, // gasLimit, TODO: runs out of gas with just res.Gas, ex: estimated was 21572 but used 24814
		nil,          // gasPrice
		suite.App.GetFeeMarketKeeper().GetBaseFee(suite.Ctx), // gasFeeCap
		big.NewInt(1), // gasTipCap
		&ethtypes.AccessList{}, // accesses

	ercTransferTx.From = hex.EncodeToString(signerKey.PubKey().Address())
	err = ercTransferTx.Sign(ethtypes.LatestSignerForChainID(chainID), etherminttests.NewSigner(signerKey))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	rsp, err := suite.App.GetEvmKeeper().EthereumTx(ctx, ercTransferTx)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Do not check vm error here since we want to check for errors later

	return rsp, nil

func (suite *Suite) MintFeeCollector(coins sdk.Coins) {
	err := suite.App.FundModuleAccount(suite.Ctx, authtypes.FeeCollectorName, coins)

// GetEvents returns emitted events on the sdk context
func (suite *Suite) GetEvents() sdk.Events {
	return suite.Ctx.EventManager().Events()

// EventsContains asserts that the expected event is in the provided events
func (suite *Suite) EventsContains(events sdk.Events, expectedEvent sdk.Event) {
	foundMatch := false
	var possibleFailedMatch []sdk.Attribute
	expectedAttrs := attrsToMap(expectedEvent.Attributes)

	for _, event := range events {
		if event.Type == expectedEvent.Type {
			attrs := attrsToMap(event.Attributes)
			if reflect.DeepEqual(expectedAttrs, attrs) {
				foundMatch = true
			} else {
				possibleFailedMatch = attrs

	if !foundMatch && possibleFailedMatch != nil {
		suite.ElementsMatch(expectedAttrs, possibleFailedMatch, "unmatched attributes on event of type %s", expectedEvent.Type)
	} else {
		suite.Truef(foundMatch, "event of type %s not found", expectedEvent.Type)

// EventsDoNotContain asserts that the event is **not** is in the provided events
func (suite *Suite) EventsDoNotContain(events sdk.Events, eventType string) {
	foundMatch := false
	for _, event := range events {
		if event.Type == eventType {
			foundMatch = true

	suite.Falsef(foundMatch, "event of type %s should not be found, but was found", eventType)

// BigIntsEqual is a helper method for comparing the equality of two big ints
func (suite *Suite) BigIntsEqual(expected *big.Int, actual *big.Int, msg string) {
	suite.Truef(expected.Cmp(actual) == 0, "%s (expected: %s, actual: %s)", msg, expected.String(), actual.String())

func attrsToMap(attrs []abci.EventAttribute) []sdk.Attribute {
	out := []sdk.Attribute{}

	for _, attr := range attrs {
		out = append(out, sdk.NewAttribute(string(attr.Key), string(attr.Value)))

	return out

// MustNewInternalEVMAddressFromString returns a new InternalEVMAddress from a
// hex string. This will panic if the input hex string is invalid.
func MustNewInternalEVMAddressFromString(addrStr string) types.InternalEVMAddress {
	addr, err := types.NewInternalEVMAddressFromString(addrStr)
	if err != nil {

	return addr

func RandomEvmAccount() (common.Address, *ethsecp256k1.PrivKey) {
	privKey, err := ethsecp256k1.GenerateKey()
	if err != nil {
	addr := common.BytesToAddress(privKey.PubKey().Address())
	return addr, privKey

func RandomEvmAddress() common.Address {
	addr, _ := RandomEvmAccount()
	return addr

func RandomInternalEVMAddress() types.InternalEVMAddress {
	return types.NewInternalEVMAddress(RandomEvmAddress())