package main_test

import (



	kavainterchain ""

var (
	numFullNodes  = 0
	numValidators = 1

func TestIbcConformance(t *testing.T) {
	// t.Skip("skipping conformance test")

	ctx := context.Background()

	// setup chain factories: must be exactly two chains to run conformance between
	cfs := make([]interchaintest.ChainFactory, 0)
	cfs = append(cfs,
		interchaintest.NewBuiltinChainFactory(zaptest.NewLogger(t), []*interchaintest.ChainSpec{
				Name:        "kava",
				ChainConfig: kavainterchain.DefaultKavaChainConfig(kavainterchain.KavaTestChainId),
				// override default number of nodes to limit the number of ports we need to bind to
				// running conformance tests without these limits result in errors that look like
				// tendermint rpc client status: post failed: Post "<port>": dial tcp<port>: connect: can't assign requested address
				NumValidators: &numValidators,
				NumFullNodes:  &numFullNodes,
			{Name: "osmosis", Version: "v24.0.1", NumValidators: &numValidators, NumFullNodes: &numFullNodes},

	// setup relayer factory
	rfs := make([]interchaintest.RelayerFactory, 0)
	rfs = append(rfs,
		interchaintest.NewBuiltinRelayerFactory(ibc.CosmosRly, zaptest.NewLogger(t)),

	// test reporter
	f, err := interchaintest.CreateLogFile(fmt.Sprintf("%d.json", time.Now().Unix()))
	require.NoError(t, err)
	rep := testreporter.NewReporter(f)

	conformance.Test(t, ctx, cfs, rfs, rep)