package testutil

import (
	tmproto ""
	sdk ""
	bankkeeper ""


// Suite implements a test suite for the module integration tests
type Suite struct {

	Keeper      keeper.Keeper
	BankKeeper  bankkeeper.Keeper
	App         app.TestApp
	Ctx         sdk.Context
	QueryClient types.QueryClient
	Addresses   []sdk.AccAddress

// SetupTest instantiates a new app, keepers, and sets suite state
func (suite *Suite) SetupTest() {

	suite.App = app.NewTestApp()
	suite.Keeper = suite.App.GetCommitteeKeeper()
	suite.BankKeeper = suite.App.GetBankKeeper()
	suite.Ctx = suite.App.NewContext(true, tmproto.Header{})
	_, accAddresses := app.GeneratePrivKeyAddressPairs(10)
	suite.Addresses = accAddresses

	// Set query client
	queryHelper := suite.App.NewQueryServerTestHelper(suite.Ctx)
	queryHandler := keeper.NewQueryServerImpl(suite.Keeper)
	types.RegisterQueryServer(queryHelper, queryHandler)
	suite.QueryClient = types.NewQueryClient(queryHelper)