order: 5

# Parameters

The incentive module contains the following parameters:

| Key        | Type           | Example       | Description                                      |
| Active     | bool           | "true"        | boolean for if this module is active             |
| Rewards    | array (Reward) | [{see below}] | array of params for each inflationary period     |

Each `Reward` has the following parameters

| Key              | Type               | Example                            | Description                                                                                                       |
| Active           | bool               | "true                              | boolean for if rewards for this collateral are active                                                             |
| Denom            | string             | "bnb"                              | the collateral for which rewards are eligible                                                                     |
| AvailableRewards | object (coin)      | `{"denom":"kava","amount":"1000"}` | the rewards available per reward period                                                                           |
| Duration         | string (time ns)   | "172800000000000"                  | the duration of each reward period                                                                                |
| ClaimMultipliers | array (Multiplier) | [{see  below}]                     | the number of months for which claimed rewards will be vesting and the multiplier applied when rewards are claimed|
| ClaimDuration    | string (time ns)   | "172800000000000"                  | how long users have to claim rewards before they expire                                                           |

Each `Multiplier` has the following parameters:

| Key                   | Type               | Example                  | Description                                                     |
| Name                  | string             | "large"                  | the unique name of the reward multiplier                        |
| MonthsLockup          | int                | "6"                      | number of months HARD tokens with this multiplier are locked    |
| Factor                | Dec                | "0.5"                    | the scaling factor for HARD tokens claimed with this multiplier |