// Since: cosmos-sdk 0.46
syntax = "proto3";

package cosmos.group.v1;

option go_package = "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/group";

import "cosmos/group/v1/types.proto";

// GenesisState defines the group module's genesis state.
message GenesisState {

  // group_seq is the group table orm.Sequence,
  // it is used to get the next group ID.
  uint64 group_seq = 1;

  // groups is the list of groups info.
  repeated GroupInfo groups = 2;

  // group_members is the list of groups members.
  repeated GroupMember group_members = 3;

  // group_policy_seq is the group policy table orm.Sequence,
  // it is used to generate the next group policy account address.
  uint64 group_policy_seq = 4;

  // group_policies is the list of group policies info.
  repeated GroupPolicyInfo group_policies = 5;

  // proposal_seq is the proposal table orm.Sequence,
  // it is used to get the next proposal ID.
  uint64 proposal_seq = 6;

  // proposals is the list of proposals.
  repeated Proposal proposals = 7;

  // votes is the list of votes.
  repeated Vote votes = 8;