<!-- order: 2 --> # State ## Genesis state `GenesisState` defines the state that must be persisted when the blockchain stops/restarts in order for normal function of the committee module to resume. ```protobuf message GenesisState { repeated Account accounts = 1; } ``` ## Account An `Account` is a struct representing the excess `akava` balance of an address. Since an address's total `akava` balance is derived from its `ukava` balance and the excess `akava` balance stored by the `Account` struct, the `akava` balance here should never exceed 1 `ukava` (10^12 `akava`). ```protobuf message Account { bytes address = 1; string balance = 2; } ``` ## Store For complete implementation details for how items are stored, see [keys.go](../types/keys.go). The `evmutil` module store state consists of accounts.