// Since: cosmos-sdk 0.43
syntax = "proto3";
package cosmos.base.reflection.v2alpha1;

import "google/api/annotations.proto";

option go_package = "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/server/grpc/reflection/v2alpha1";

// AppDescriptor describes a cosmos-sdk based application
message AppDescriptor {
  // AuthnDescriptor provides information on how to authenticate transactions on the application
  // NOTE: experimental and subject to change in future releases.
  AuthnDescriptor authn = 1;
  // chain provides the chain descriptor
  ChainDescriptor chain = 2;
  // codec provides metadata information regarding codec related types
  CodecDescriptor codec = 3;
  // configuration provides metadata information regarding the sdk.Config type
  ConfigurationDescriptor configuration = 4;
  // query_services provides metadata information regarding the available queriable endpoints
  QueryServicesDescriptor query_services = 5;
  // tx provides metadata information regarding how to send transactions to the given application
  TxDescriptor tx = 6;

// TxDescriptor describes the accepted transaction type
message TxDescriptor {
  // fullname is the protobuf fullname of the raw transaction type (for instance the tx.Tx type)
  // it is not meant to support polymorphism of transaction types, it is supposed to be used by
  // reflection clients to understand if they can handle a specific transaction type in an application.
  string fullname = 1;
  // msgs lists the accepted application messages (sdk.Msg)
  repeated MsgDescriptor msgs = 2;

// AuthnDescriptor provides information on how to sign transactions without relying
// on the online RPCs GetTxMetadata and CombineUnsignedTxAndSignatures
message AuthnDescriptor {
  // sign_modes defines the supported signature algorithm
  repeated SigningModeDescriptor sign_modes = 1;

// SigningModeDescriptor provides information on a signing flow of the application
// NOTE(fdymylja): here we could go as far as providing an entire flow on how
// to sign a message given a SigningModeDescriptor, but it's better to think about
// this another time
message SigningModeDescriptor {
  // name defines the unique name of the signing mode
  string name = 1;
  // number is the unique int32 identifier for the sign_mode enum
  int32 number = 2;
  // authn_info_provider_method_fullname defines the fullname of the method to call to get
  // the metadata required to authenticate using the provided sign_modes
  string authn_info_provider_method_fullname = 3;

// ChainDescriptor describes chain information of the application
message ChainDescriptor {
  // id is the chain id
  string id = 1;

// CodecDescriptor describes the registered interfaces and provides metadata information on the types
message CodecDescriptor {
  // interfaces is a list of the registerted interfaces descriptors
  repeated InterfaceDescriptor interfaces = 1;

// InterfaceDescriptor describes the implementation of an interface
message InterfaceDescriptor {
  // fullname is the name of the interface
  string fullname = 1;
  // interface_accepting_messages contains information regarding the proto messages which contain the interface as
  // google.protobuf.Any field
  repeated InterfaceAcceptingMessageDescriptor interface_accepting_messages = 2;
  // interface_implementers is a list of the descriptors of the interface implementers
  repeated InterfaceImplementerDescriptor interface_implementers = 3;

// InterfaceImplementerDescriptor describes an interface implementer
message InterfaceImplementerDescriptor {
  // fullname is the protobuf queryable name of the interface implementer
  string fullname = 1;
  // type_url defines the type URL used when marshalling the type as any
  // this is required so we can provide type safe google.protobuf.Any marshalling and
  // unmarshalling, making sure that we don't accept just 'any' type
  // in our interface fields
  string type_url = 2;

// InterfaceAcceptingMessageDescriptor describes a protobuf message which contains
// an interface represented as a google.protobuf.Any
message InterfaceAcceptingMessageDescriptor {
  // fullname is the protobuf fullname of the type containing the interface
  string fullname = 1;
  // field_descriptor_names is a list of the protobuf name (not fullname) of the field
  // which contains the interface as google.protobuf.Any (the interface is the same, but
  // it can be in multiple fields of the same proto message)
  repeated string field_descriptor_names = 2;

// ConfigurationDescriptor contains metadata information on the sdk.Config
message ConfigurationDescriptor {
  // bech32_account_address_prefix is the account address prefix
  string bech32_account_address_prefix = 1;

// MsgDescriptor describes a cosmos-sdk message that can be delivered with a transaction
message MsgDescriptor {
  // msg_type_url contains the TypeURL of a sdk.Msg.
  string msg_type_url = 1;

// ReflectionService defines a service for application reflection.
service ReflectionService {
  // GetAuthnDescriptor returns information on how to authenticate transactions in the application
  // NOTE: this RPC is still experimental and might be subject to breaking changes or removal in
  // future releases of the cosmos-sdk.
  rpc GetAuthnDescriptor(GetAuthnDescriptorRequest) returns (GetAuthnDescriptorResponse) {
    option (google.api.http).get = "/cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/authn";
  // GetChainDescriptor returns the description of the chain
  rpc GetChainDescriptor(GetChainDescriptorRequest) returns (GetChainDescriptorResponse) {
    option (google.api.http).get = "/cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/chain";
  // GetCodecDescriptor returns the descriptor of the codec of the application
  rpc GetCodecDescriptor(GetCodecDescriptorRequest) returns (GetCodecDescriptorResponse) {
    option (google.api.http).get = "/cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/codec";
  // GetConfigurationDescriptor returns the descriptor for the sdk.Config of the application
  rpc GetConfigurationDescriptor(GetConfigurationDescriptorRequest) returns (GetConfigurationDescriptorResponse) {
    option (google.api.http).get = "/cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/configuration";
  // GetQueryServicesDescriptor returns the available gRPC queryable services of the application
  rpc GetQueryServicesDescriptor(GetQueryServicesDescriptorRequest) returns (GetQueryServicesDescriptorResponse) {
    option (google.api.http).get = "/cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/query_services";
  // GetTxDescriptor returns information on the used transaction object and available msgs that can be used
  rpc GetTxDescriptor(GetTxDescriptorRequest) returns (GetTxDescriptorResponse) {
    option (google.api.http).get = "/cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/tx_descriptor";

// GetAuthnDescriptorRequest is the request used for the GetAuthnDescriptor RPC
message GetAuthnDescriptorRequest {}
// GetAuthnDescriptorResponse is the response returned by the GetAuthnDescriptor RPC
message GetAuthnDescriptorResponse {
  // authn describes how to authenticate to the application when sending transactions
  AuthnDescriptor authn = 1;

// GetChainDescriptorRequest is the request used for the GetChainDescriptor RPC
message GetChainDescriptorRequest {}
// GetChainDescriptorResponse is the response returned by the GetChainDescriptor RPC
message GetChainDescriptorResponse {
  // chain describes application chain information
  ChainDescriptor chain = 1;

// GetCodecDescriptorRequest is the request used for the GetCodecDescriptor RPC
message GetCodecDescriptorRequest {}
// GetCodecDescriptorResponse is the response returned by the GetCodecDescriptor RPC
message GetCodecDescriptorResponse {
  // codec describes the application codec such as registered interfaces and implementations
  CodecDescriptor codec = 1;

// GetConfigurationDescriptorRequest is the request used for the GetConfigurationDescriptor RPC
message GetConfigurationDescriptorRequest {}
// GetConfigurationDescriptorResponse is the response returned by the GetConfigurationDescriptor RPC
message GetConfigurationDescriptorResponse {
  // config describes the application's sdk.Config
  ConfigurationDescriptor config = 1;

// GetQueryServicesDescriptorRequest is the request used for the GetQueryServicesDescriptor RPC
message GetQueryServicesDescriptorRequest {}
// GetQueryServicesDescriptorResponse is the response returned by the GetQueryServicesDescriptor RPC
message GetQueryServicesDescriptorResponse {
  // queries provides information on the available queryable services
  QueryServicesDescriptor queries = 1;

// GetTxDescriptorRequest is the request used for the GetTxDescriptor RPC
message GetTxDescriptorRequest {}
// GetTxDescriptorResponse is the response returned by the GetTxDescriptor RPC
message GetTxDescriptorResponse {
  // tx provides information on msgs that can be forwarded to the application
  // alongside the accepted transaction protobuf type
  TxDescriptor tx = 1;

// QueryServicesDescriptor contains the list of cosmos-sdk queriable services
message QueryServicesDescriptor {
  // query_services is a list of cosmos-sdk QueryServiceDescriptor
  repeated QueryServiceDescriptor query_services = 1;

// QueryServiceDescriptor describes a cosmos-sdk queryable service
message QueryServiceDescriptor {
  // fullname is the protobuf fullname of the service descriptor
  string fullname = 1;
  // is_module describes if this service is actually exposed by an application's module
  bool is_module = 2;
  // methods provides a list of query service methods
  repeated QueryMethodDescriptor methods = 3;

// QueryMethodDescriptor describes a queryable method of a query service
// no other info is provided beside method name and tendermint queryable path
// because it would be redundant with the grpc reflection service
message QueryMethodDescriptor {
  // name is the protobuf name (not fullname) of the method
  string name = 1;
  // full_query_path is the path that can be used to query
  // this method via tendermint abci.Query
  string full_query_path = 2;