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synced 2025-03-03 16:25:28 +00:00
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489 lines
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package app
import (
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
gethtypes "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/types"
evmtypes "github.com/evmos/ethermint/x/evm/types"
var (
_ mempool.Mempool = (*PriorityNonceMempool)(nil)
_ mempool.Iterator = (*PriorityNonceIterator)(nil)
// PriorityNonceMempool is a mempool implementation that stores txs
// in a partially ordered set by 2 dimensions: priority, and sender-nonce
// (sequence number). Internally it uses one priority ordered skip list and one
// skip list per sender ordered by sender-nonce (sequence number). When there
// are multiple txs from the same sender, they are not always comparable by
// priority to other sender txs and must be partially ordered by both sender-nonce
// and priority.
type PriorityNonceMempool struct {
priorityIndex *skiplist.SkipList
priorityCounts map[int64]int
senderIndices map[string]*skiplist.SkipList
scores map[txMeta]txMeta
onRead func(tx sdk.Tx)
txReplacement func(op, np int64, oTx, nTx sdk.Tx) bool
maxTx int
type PriorityNonceIterator struct {
senderCursors map[string]*skiplist.Element
nextPriority int64
sender string
priorityNode *skiplist.Element
mempool *PriorityNonceMempool
// txMeta stores transaction metadata used in indices
type txMeta struct {
// nonce is the sender's sequence number
nonce uint64
// priority is the transaction's priority
priority int64
// sender is the transaction's sender
sender string
// weight is the transaction's weight, used as a tiebreaker for transactions with the same priority
weight int64
// senderElement is a pointer to the transaction's element in the sender index
senderElement *skiplist.Element
// txMetaLess is a comparator for txKeys that first compares priority, then weight,
// then sender, then nonce, uniquely identifying a transaction.
// Note, txMetaLess is used as the comparator in the priority index.
func txMetaLess(a, b any) int {
keyA := a.(txMeta)
keyB := b.(txMeta)
res := skiplist.Int64.Compare(keyA.priority, keyB.priority)
if res != 0 {
return res
// Weight is used as a tiebreaker for transactions with the same priority.
// Weight is calculated in a single pass in .Select(...) and so will be 0
// on .Insert(...).
res = skiplist.Int64.Compare(keyA.weight, keyB.weight)
if res != 0 {
return res
// Because weight will be 0 on .Insert(...), we must also compare sender and
// nonce to resolve priority collisions. If we didn't then transactions with
// the same priority would overwrite each other in the priority index.
res = skiplist.String.Compare(keyA.sender, keyB.sender)
if res != 0 {
return res
return skiplist.Uint64.Compare(keyA.nonce, keyB.nonce)
type PriorityNonceMempoolOption func(*PriorityNonceMempool)
// PriorityNonceWithOnRead sets a callback to be called when a tx is read from
// the mempool.
func PriorityNonceWithOnRead(onRead func(tx sdk.Tx)) PriorityNonceMempoolOption {
return func(mp *PriorityNonceMempool) {
mp.onRead = onRead
// PriorityNonceWithTxReplacement sets a callback to be called when duplicated
// transaction nonce detected during mempool insert. An application can define a
// transaction replacement rule based on tx priority or certain transaction fields.
func PriorityNonceWithTxReplacement(txReplacementRule func(op, np int64, oTx, nTx sdk.Tx) bool) PriorityNonceMempoolOption {
return func(mp *PriorityNonceMempool) {
mp.txReplacement = txReplacementRule
// PriorityNonceWithMaxTx sets the maximum number of transactions allowed in the
// mempool with the semantics:
// <0: disabled, `Insert` is a no-op
// 0: unlimited
// >0: maximum number of transactions allowed
func PriorityNonceWithMaxTx(maxTx int) PriorityNonceMempoolOption {
return func(mp *PriorityNonceMempool) {
mp.maxTx = maxTx
// DefaultPriorityMempool returns a priorityNonceMempool with no options.
func DefaultPriorityMempool() mempool.Mempool {
return NewPriorityMempool()
// NewPriorityMempool returns the SDK's default mempool implementation which
// returns txs in a partial order by 2 dimensions; priority, and sender-nonce.
func NewPriorityMempool(opts ...PriorityNonceMempoolOption) *PriorityNonceMempool {
mp := &PriorityNonceMempool{
priorityIndex: skiplist.New(skiplist.LessThanFunc(txMetaLess)),
priorityCounts: make(map[int64]int),
senderIndices: make(map[string]*skiplist.SkipList),
scores: make(map[txMeta]txMeta),
for _, opt := range opts {
return mp
// NextSenderTx returns the next transaction for a given sender by nonce order,
// i.e. the next valid transaction for the sender. If no such transaction exists,
// nil will be returned.
func (mp *PriorityNonceMempool) NextSenderTx(sender string) sdk.Tx {
senderIndex, ok := mp.senderIndices[sender]
if !ok {
return nil
cursor := senderIndex.Front()
return cursor.Value.(sdk.Tx)
// Insert attempts to insert a Tx into the app-side mempool in O(log n) time,
// returning an error if unsuccessful. Sender and nonce are derived from the
// transaction's first signature.
// Transactions are unique by sender and nonce. Inserting a duplicate tx is an
// O(log n) no-op.
// Inserting a duplicate tx with a different priority overwrites the existing tx,
// changing the total order of the mempool.
func (mp *PriorityNonceMempool) Insert(ctx context.Context, tx sdk.Tx) error {
if mp.maxTx > 0 && mp.CountTx() >= mp.maxTx {
return mempool.ErrMempoolTxMaxCapacity
} else if mp.maxTx < 0 {
return nil
sigs, err := tx.(signing.SigVerifiableTx).GetSignaturesV2()
if err != nil {
return err
sdkContext := sdk.UnwrapSDKContext(ctx)
priority := sdkContext.Priority()
var sender string
var nonce uint64
if len(sigs) == 0 {
msgs := tx.GetMsgs()
if len(msgs) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("tx must have at least one signer")
msgEthTx, ok := msgs[0].(*evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("tx must have at least one signer")
ethTx := msgEthTx.AsTransaction()
signer := gethtypes.NewEIP2930Signer(ethTx.ChainId())
ethSender, err := signer.Sender(ethTx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("tx must have at least one signer")
sender = sdk.AccAddress(ethSender.Bytes()).String()
nonce = ethTx.Nonce()
} else {
sig := sigs[0]
sender = sdk.AccAddress(sig.PubKey.Address()).String()
nonce = sig.Sequence
key := txMeta{nonce: nonce, priority: priority, sender: sender}
senderIndex, ok := mp.senderIndices[sender]
if !ok {
senderIndex = skiplist.New(skiplist.LessThanFunc(func(a, b any) int {
return skiplist.Uint64.Compare(b.(txMeta).nonce, a.(txMeta).nonce)
// initialize sender index if not found
mp.senderIndices[sender] = senderIndex
// Since mp.priorityIndex is scored by priority, then sender, then nonce, a
// changed priority will create a new key, so we must remove the old key and
// re-insert it to avoid having the same tx with different priorityIndex indexed
// twice in the mempool.
// This O(log n) remove operation is rare and only happens when a tx's priority
// changes.
sk := txMeta{nonce: nonce, sender: sender}
if oldScore, txExists := mp.scores[sk]; txExists {
if mp.txReplacement != nil && !mp.txReplacement(oldScore.priority, priority, senderIndex.Get(key).Value.(sdk.Tx), tx) {
return fmt.Errorf(
"tx doesn't fit the replacement rule, oldPriority: %v, newPriority: %v, oldTx: %v, newTx: %v",
nonce: nonce,
sender: sender,
priority: oldScore.priority,
weight: oldScore.weight,
// Since senderIndex is scored by nonce, a changed priority will overwrite the
// existing key.
key.senderElement = senderIndex.Set(key, tx)
mp.scores[sk] = txMeta{priority: priority}
mp.priorityIndex.Set(key, tx)
return nil
func (i *PriorityNonceIterator) iteratePriority() mempool.Iterator {
// beginning of priority iteration
if i.priorityNode == nil {
i.priorityNode = i.mempool.priorityIndex.Front()
} else {
i.priorityNode = i.priorityNode.Next()
// end of priority iteration
if i.priorityNode == nil {
return nil
i.sender = i.priorityNode.Key().(txMeta).sender
nextPriorityNode := i.priorityNode.Next()
if nextPriorityNode != nil {
i.nextPriority = nextPriorityNode.Key().(txMeta).priority
} else {
i.nextPriority = math.MinInt64
return i.Next()
func (i *PriorityNonceIterator) Next() mempool.Iterator {
if i.priorityNode == nil {
return nil
cursor, ok := i.senderCursors[i.sender]
if !ok {
// beginning of sender iteration
cursor = i.mempool.senderIndices[i.sender].Front()
} else {
// middle of sender iteration
cursor = cursor.Next()
// end of sender iteration
if cursor == nil {
return i.iteratePriority()
key := cursor.Key().(txMeta)
// We've reached a transaction with a priority lower than the next highest
// priority in the pool.
if key.priority < i.nextPriority {
return i.iteratePriority()
} else if key.priority == i.nextPriority && i.priorityNode.Next() != nil {
// Weight is incorporated into the priority index key only (not sender index)
// so we must fetch it here from the scores map.
weight := i.mempool.scores[txMeta{nonce: key.nonce, sender: key.sender}].weight
if weight < i.priorityNode.Next().Key().(txMeta).weight {
return i.iteratePriority()
i.senderCursors[i.sender] = cursor
return i
func (i *PriorityNonceIterator) Tx() sdk.Tx {
return i.senderCursors[i.sender].Value.(sdk.Tx)
// Select returns a set of transactions from the mempool, ordered by priority
// and sender-nonce in O(n) time. The passed in list of transactions are ignored.
// This is a readonly operation, the mempool is not modified.
// The maxBytes parameter defines the maximum number of bytes of transactions to
// return.
// NOTE: It is not safe to use this iterator while removing transactions from
// the underlying mempool.
func (mp *PriorityNonceMempool) Select(_ context.Context, _ [][]byte) mempool.Iterator {
if mp.priorityIndex.Len() == 0 {
return nil
iterator := &PriorityNonceIterator{
mempool: mp,
senderCursors: make(map[string]*skiplist.Element),
return iterator.iteratePriority()
type reorderKey struct {
deleteKey txMeta
insertKey txMeta
tx sdk.Tx
func (mp *PriorityNonceMempool) reorderPriorityTies() {
node := mp.priorityIndex.Front()
var reordering []reorderKey
for node != nil {
key := node.Key().(txMeta)
if mp.priorityCounts[key.priority] > 1 {
newKey := key
newKey.weight = senderWeight(key.senderElement)
reordering = append(reordering, reorderKey{deleteKey: key, insertKey: newKey, tx: node.Value.(sdk.Tx)})
node = node.Next()
for _, k := range reordering {
delete(mp.scores, txMeta{nonce: k.deleteKey.nonce, sender: k.deleteKey.sender})
mp.priorityIndex.Set(k.insertKey, k.tx)
mp.scores[txMeta{nonce: k.insertKey.nonce, sender: k.insertKey.sender}] = k.insertKey
// senderWeight returns the weight of a given tx (t) at senderCursor. Weight is
// defined as the first (nonce-wise) same sender tx with a priority not equal to
// t. It is used to resolve priority collisions, that is when 2 or more txs from
// different senders have the same priority.
func senderWeight(senderCursor *skiplist.Element) int64 {
if senderCursor == nil {
return 0
weight := senderCursor.Key().(txMeta).priority
senderCursor = senderCursor.Next()
for senderCursor != nil {
p := senderCursor.Key().(txMeta).priority
if p != weight {
weight = p
senderCursor = senderCursor.Next()
return weight
// CountTx returns the number of transactions in the mempool.
func (mp *PriorityNonceMempool) CountTx() int {
return mp.priorityIndex.Len()
// Remove removes a transaction from the mempool in O(log n) time, returning an
// error if unsuccessful.
func (mp *PriorityNonceMempool) Remove(tx sdk.Tx) error {
sigs, err := tx.(signing.SigVerifiableTx).GetSignaturesV2()
if err != nil {
return err
var sender string
var nonce uint64
if len(sigs) == 0 {
msgs := tx.GetMsgs()
if len(msgs) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("attempted to remove a tx with no signatures")
msgEthTx, ok := msgs[0].(*evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("attempted to remove a tx with no signatures")
ethTx := msgEthTx.AsTransaction()
signer := gethtypes.NewEIP2930Signer(ethTx.ChainId())
ethSender, err := signer.Sender(ethTx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("attempted to remove a tx with no signatures")
sender = sdk.AccAddress(ethSender.Bytes()).String()
nonce = ethTx.Nonce()
} else {
sig := sigs[0]
sender = sdk.AccAddress(sig.PubKey.Address()).String()
nonce = sig.Sequence
scoreKey := txMeta{nonce: nonce, sender: sender}
score, ok := mp.scores[scoreKey]
if !ok {
return mempool.ErrTxNotFound
tk := txMeta{nonce: nonce, priority: score.priority, sender: sender, weight: score.weight}
senderTxs, ok := mp.senderIndices[sender]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("sender %s not found", sender)
delete(mp.scores, scoreKey)
return nil
func IsEmpty(mempool mempool.Mempool) error {
mp := mempool.(*PriorityNonceMempool)
if mp.priorityIndex.Len() != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("priorityIndex not empty")
var countKeys []int64
for k := range mp.priorityCounts {
countKeys = append(countKeys, k)
for _, k := range countKeys {
if mp.priorityCounts[k] != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("priorityCounts not zero at %v, got %v", k, mp.priorityCounts[k])
var senderKeys []string
for k := range mp.senderIndices {
senderKeys = append(senderKeys, k)
for _, k := range senderKeys {
if mp.senderIndices[k].Len() != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("senderIndex not empty for sender %v", k)
return nil