* first pass at convert cosmos coin -> evm msg * test ConvertCosmosCoinFromERC20 method * test message server for MsgConvertCosmosCoinFromERC20 * update spec to include MsgConvertCosmosCoinFromERC20 * update changelog * add CLI command for convert-cosmos-coin-from-erc20 * add test of removed/re-enable denom for convert
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Users can submit various messages to the evmutil module which trigger state changes detailed below.
converts an sdk.Coin to an ERC20. This message is for moving Cosmos-native assets from the Cosmos ecosystem to the EVM.
Upon first conversion, the message also deploys the ERC20 contract that will represent the cosmos-sdk asset in the EVM. The contract is owned by the x/evmutil
service Msg {
// ConvertCosmosCoinToERC20 defines a method for converting a cosmos sdk.Coin to an ERC20.
rpc ConvertCosmosCoinToERC20(MsgConvertCosmosCoinToERC20) returns (MsgConvertCosmosCoinToERC20Response);
// MsgConvertCosmosCoinToERC20 defines a conversion from cosmos sdk.Coin to ERC20.
message MsgConvertCosmosCoinToERC20 {
// Kava bech32 address initiating the conversion.
string initiator = 1;
// EVM hex address that will receive the ERC20 tokens.
string receiver = 2;
// Amount is the sdk.Coin amount to convert.
cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin amount = 3;
State Changes
- The
param fromx/evmutil
is checked to ensure the conversion is allowed. - The module's store is checked for the address of the deployed ERC20 contract. If none is found, a new contract is deployed and its address is saved to the module store.
- The
is deducted from theinitiator
's balance and transferred to the module account. - An equivalent amount of ERC20 tokens are minted by
to thereceiver
is the inverse of MsgConvertCosmosCoinToERC20
. It converts an ERC20 representation of a cosmos-sdk coin back to its underlying sdk.Coin.
service Msg {
// ConvertCosmosCoinFromERC20 defines a method for converting a cosmos sdk.Coin to an ERC20.
rpc ConvertCosmosCoinFromERC20(MsgConvertCosmosCoinFromERC20) returns (MsgConvertCosmosCoinFromERC20Response);
// MsgConvertCosmosCoinFromERC20 defines a conversion from ERC20 to cosmos coins for cosmos-native assets.
message MsgConvertCosmosCoinFromERC20 {
// EVM hex address initiating the conversion.
string initiator = 1;
// Kava bech32 address that will receive the cosmos coins.
string receiver = 2;
// Amount is the amount to convert, expressed as a Cosmos coin.
cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin amount = 3;
State Changes
- The
is transferred from thex/evmutil
module account to thereceiver
. - The same amount of the corresponding ERC20 is burned from the
account in the EVM.
converts a Kava ERC20 coin to sdk.Coin. This message is for moving EVM-native assets from the EVM to the Cosmos ecosystem.
service Msg {
// ConvertERC20ToCoin defines a method for converting Kava ERC20 to sdk.Coin.
rpc ConvertERC20ToCoin(MsgConvertERC20ToCoin) returns (MsgConvertERC20ToCoinResponse);
// MsgConvertERC20ToCoin defines a conversion from Kava ERC20 to sdk.Coin.
message MsgConvertERC20ToCoin {
// EVM 0x hex address initiating the conversion.
string initiator = 1;
// Kava bech32 address that will receive the converted sdk.Coin.
string receiver = 2;
// EVM 0x hex address of the ERC20 contract.
string kava_erc20_address = 3;
// ERC20 token amount to convert.
string amount = 4 [
(gogoproto.customtype) = "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types.Int",
State Changes
- The
param fromx/evmutil
is checked to ensure the conversion pair is enabled. - The initiator's ERC20 token from
is locked by transferring it from the initiator's 0x address to thex/evmutil
module account's 0x address. - The same amount of sdk.Coin are minted for the corresponding denom of the
in theEnabledConversionPairs
param. The coins are then transferred to the receiver's Kava address.
converts sdk.Coin to Kava ERC20. This message is for moving EVM-native assets from the Cosmos ecosystem back to the EVM.
service Msg {
// ConvertCoinToERC20 defines a method for converting sdk.Coin to Kava ERC20.
rpc ConvertCoinToERC20(MsgConvertCoinToERC20) returns (MsgConvertCoinToERC20Response);
// MsgConvertCoinToERC20 defines a conversion from sdk.Coin to Kava ERC20.
message MsgConvertCoinToERC20 {
// Kava bech32 address initiating the conversion.
string initiator = 1;
// EVM 0x hex address that will receive the converted Kava ERC20 tokens.
string receiver = 2;
// Amount is the sdk.Coin amount to convert.
cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin amount = 3;
State Changes
- The
param fromx/evmutil
is checked to ensure the conversion pair is enabled. - The specified sdk.Coin is moved from the initiator's address to the module account and burned.
- The same amount of ERC20 coins are sent from the
module account to the 0x receiver address.