2024-05-05 15:00:03 +08:00

201 lines
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package e2e_test
import (
sdkerrors "cosmossdk.io/errors"
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
txtypes "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types/tx"
banktypes "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/bank/types"
func (suite *IntegrationTestSuite) TestEthCallToGreeterContract() {
// this test manipulates state of the Greeter contract which means other tests shouldn't use it.
// setup funded account to interact with contract
user := suite.ZgChain.NewFundedAccount("greeter-contract-user", sdk.NewCoins(a0gi(big.NewInt(1e6))))
greeterAddr := suite.ZgChain.ContractAddrs["greeter"]
contract, err := greeter.NewGreeter(greeterAddr, suite.ZgChain.EvmClient)
beforeGreeting, err := contract.Greet(nil)
updatedGreeting := "look at me, using the evm"
tx, err := contract.SetGreeting(user.EvmAuth, updatedGreeting)
_, err = util.WaitForEvmTxReceipt(suite.ZgChain.EvmClient, tx.Hash(), 10*time.Second)
afterGreeting, err := contract.Greet(nil)
suite.Equal("what's up!", beforeGreeting)
suite.Equal(updatedGreeting, afterGreeting)
func (suite *IntegrationTestSuite) TestEthCallToErc20() {
randoReceiver := util.SdkToEvmAddress(app.RandomAddress())
amount := big.NewInt(1)
// make unauthenticated eth_call query to check balance
beforeBalance := suite.ZgChain.GetErc20Balance(suite.DeployedErc20.Address, randoReceiver)
// make authenticate eth_call to transfer tokens
res := suite.FundZgChainErc20Balance(randoReceiver, amount)
// make another unauthenticated eth_call query to check new balance
afterBalance := suite.ZgChain.GetErc20Balance(suite.DeployedErc20.Address, randoReceiver)
suite.BigIntsEqual(big.NewInt(0), beforeBalance, "expected before balance to be zero")
suite.BigIntsEqual(amount, afterBalance, "unexpected post-transfer balance")
func (suite *IntegrationTestSuite) TestEip712BasicMessageAuthorization() {
// create new funded account
sender := suite.ZgChain.NewFundedAccount("eip712-msgSend", sdk.NewCoins(a0gi(big.NewInt(2e4))))
receiver := app.RandomAddress()
// setup message for sending some a0gi to random receiver
msgs := []sdk.Msg{
banktypes.NewMsgSend(sender.SdkAddress, receiver, sdk.NewCoins(a0gi(big.NewInt(1e3)))),
// create tx
tx := suite.NewEip712TxBuilder(
"this is a memo",
txBytes, err := suite.ZgChain.EncodingConfig.TxConfig.TxEncoder()(tx)
// broadcast tx
res, err := suite.ZgChain.Tx.BroadcastTx(context.Background(), &txtypes.BroadcastTxRequest{
TxBytes: txBytes,
Mode: txtypes.BroadcastMode_BROADCAST_MODE_SYNC,
suite.Equal(sdkerrors.SuccessABCICode, res.TxResponse.Code)
_, err = util.WaitForSdkTxCommit(suite.ZgChain.Tx, res.TxResponse.TxHash, 6*time.Second)
// check that the message was processed & the a0gi is transferred.
balRes, err := suite.ZgChain.Bank.Balance(context.Background(), &banktypes.QueryBalanceRequest{
Address: receiver.String(),
Denom: "ua0gi",
suite.Equal(sdk.NewInt(1e3), balRes.Balance.Amount)
// Note that this test works because the deployed erc20 is configured in evmutil & cdp params.
// This test matches the webapp's "USDT Earn" workflow
// func (suite *IntegrationTestSuite) TestEip712ConvertToCoinAndDepositToLend() {
// // cdp requires minimum of $11 collateral
// amount := sdk.NewInt(11e6) // 11 USDT
// principal := sdk.NewCoin("usdx", sdk.NewInt(10e6))
// sdkDenom := suite.DeployedErc20.CosmosDenom
// // create new funded account
// depositor := suite.ZgChain.NewFundedAccount("eip712-lend-depositor", sdk.NewCoins(a0gi(big.NewInt(1e5)))
// // give them erc20 balance to deposit
// fundRes := suite.FundZgChainErc20Balance(depositor.EvmAddress, amount.BigInt())
// suite.NoError(fundRes.Err)
// // setup messages for convert to coin & deposit into earn
// convertMsg := evmutiltypes.NewMsgConvertERC20ToCoin(
// evmutiltypes.NewInternalEVMAddress(depositor.EvmAddress),
// depositor.SdkAddress,
// evmutiltypes.NewInternalEVMAddress(suite.DeployedErc20.Address),
// amount,
// )
// // depositMsg := cdptypes.NewMsgCreateCDP(
// // depositor.SdkAddress,
// // sdk.NewCoin(sdkDenom, amount),
// // principal,
// // suite.DeployedErc20.CdpCollateralType,
// // )
// msgs := []sdk.Msg{
// // convert to coin
// &convertMsg,
// // deposit into cdp (Mint), take out USDX
// // &depositMsg,
// }
// // create tx
// tx := suite.NewEip712TxBuilder(
// depositor,
// suite.ZgChain,
// 1e6,
// sdk.NewCoins(a0gi(big.NewInt(1e4)),
// msgs,
// "doing the USDT Earn workflow! erc20 -> sdk.Coin -> USDX hard deposit",
// ).GetTx()
// txBytes, err := suite.ZgChain.EncodingConfig.TxConfig.TxEncoder()(tx)
// suite.NoError(err)
// // broadcast tx
// res, err := suite.ZgChain.Grpc.Query.Tx.BroadcastTx(context.Background(), &txtypes.BroadcastTxRequest{
// TxBytes: txBytes,
// Mode: txtypes.BroadcastMode_BROADCAST_MODE_SYNC,
// })
// suite.NoError(err)
// suite.Equal(sdkerrors.SuccessABCICode, res.TxResponse.Code)
// _, err = util.WaitForSdkTxCommit(suite.ZgChain.Grpc.Query.Tx, res.TxResponse.TxHash, 6*time.Second)
// suite.Require().NoError(err)
// // check that depositor no longer has erc20 balance
// balance := suite.ZgChain.GetErc20Balance(suite.DeployedErc20.Address, depositor.EvmAddress)
// suite.BigIntsEqual(big.NewInt(0), balance, "expected no erc20 balance")
// // check that account has cdp
// // cdpRes, err := suite.ZgChain.Grpc.Query.Cdp.Cdp(context.Background(), &cdptypes.QueryCdpRequest{
// // CollateralType: suite.DeployedErc20.CdpCollateralType,
// // Owner: depositor.SdkAddress.String(),
// // })
// // suite.NoError(err)
// // suite.True(cdpRes.Cdp.Collateral.Amount.Equal(amount))
// // suite.True(cdpRes.Cdp.Principal.Equal(principal))
// // withdraw deposit & convert back to erc20 (this allows refund to recover erc20s used in test)
// // withdraw := cdptypes.NewMsgRepayDebt(
// // depositor.SdkAddress,
// // suite.DeployedErc20.CdpCollateralType,
// // principal,
// // )
// convertBack := evmutiltypes.NewMsgConvertCoinToERC20(
// depositor.SdkAddress.String(),
// depositor.EvmAddress.Hex(),
// sdk.NewCoin(sdkDenom, amount),
// )
// withdrawAndConvertBack := util.ZgChainMsgRequest{
// Msgs: []sdk.Msg{&withdraw, &convertBack},
// GasLimit: 1e6,
// FeeAmount: sdk.NewCoins(a0gi(big.NewInt(1000)),
// Data: "withdrawing from mint & converting back to erc20",
// }
// lastRes := depositor.SignAndBroadcastZgChainTx(withdrawAndConvertBack)
// suite.NoError(lastRes.Err)
// balance = suite.ZgChain.GetErc20Balance(suite.DeployedErc20.Address, depositor.EvmAddress)
// suite.BigIntsEqual(amount.BigInt(), balance, "expected returned erc20 balance")
// }