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synced 2025-01-15 01:35:21 +00:00
* fix: update params in spec to match implementation * feat: add variable length lockups for incentive rewards * fix typos * update spec * address review comments * feat: improve claim test
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package simulation
import (
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
var (
CollateralDenoms = []string{}
RewardDenom = "ukava"
MaxTotalAssetReward = sdk.NewInt(1000000000)
// RandomizedGenState generates a random GenesisState for incentive module
func RandomizedGenState(simState *module.SimulationState) {
// Get collateral asset denoms from existing CDP genesis state and pass to incentive params
var cdpGenesis cdp.GenesisState
simState.Cdc.MustUnmarshalJSON(simState.GenState[cdp.ModuleName], &cdpGenesis)
if len(CollateralDenoms) == 0 {
for _, collateral := range cdpGenesis.Params.CollateralParams {
CollateralDenoms = append(CollateralDenoms, collateral.Type)
params := genParams(simState.Rand)
// Generate random reward and claim periods
rewardPeriods := genRewardPeriods(simState.Rand, simState.GenTimestamp, params.Rewards)
claimPeriods := genClaimPeriods(rewardPeriods)
claimPeriodIDs := genNextClaimPeriodIds(claimPeriods)
// New genesis state holds valid, linked reward periods, claim periods, and claim period IDs
incentiveGenesis := types.NewGenesisState(params, types.DefaultPreviousBlockTime,
rewardPeriods, claimPeriods, types.Claims{}, claimPeriodIDs)
if err := incentiveGenesis.Validate(); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Selected randomly generated %s parameters:\n%s\n", types.ModuleName, codec.MustMarshalJSONIndent(simState.Cdc, incentiveGenesis))
simState.GenState[types.ModuleName] = simState.Cdc.MustMarshalJSON(incentiveGenesis)
// genParams generates random rewards and is active by default
func genParams(r *rand.Rand) types.Params {
params := types.NewParams(true, genRewards(r))
if err := params.Validate(); err != nil {
return params
// genRewards generates rewards for each specified collateral type
func genRewards(r *rand.Rand) types.Rewards {
rewards := make(types.Rewards, len(CollateralDenoms))
for i, denom := range CollateralDenoms {
active := true
// total reward is in range (half max total reward, max total reward)
amount := simulation.RandIntBetween(r, int(MaxTotalAssetReward.Int64()/2), int(MaxTotalAssetReward.Int64()))
totalRewards := sdk.NewInt64Coin(RewardDenom, int64(amount))
// generate a random number of months for lockups
numMonthsSmall := simulation.RandIntBetween(r, 0, 6)
numMonthsLarge := simulation.RandIntBetween(r, 7, 12)
multiplierSmall := types.NewMultiplier(types.Small, int64(numMonthsSmall), sdk.MustNewDecFromStr("0.33"))
multiplierLarge := types.NewMultiplier(types.Large, int64(numMonthsLarge), sdk.MustNewDecFromStr("1.0"))
duration := time.Duration(time.Hour * time.Duration(simulation.RandIntBetween(r, 1, 48)))
claimDuration := time.Hour * time.Duration(simulation.RandIntBetween(r, 1, 48)) // twice as long as duration
rewards[i] = types.NewReward(active, denom, totalRewards, duration, types.Multipliers{multiplierSmall, multiplierLarge}, claimDuration)
return rewards
// genRewardPeriods generates chronological reward periods for each given reward type
func genRewardPeriods(r *rand.Rand, timestamp time.Time, rewards types.Rewards) types.RewardPeriods {
rewardPeriods := make(types.RewardPeriods, len(rewards))
rewardPeriodStart := timestamp
for i, reward := range rewards {
// Set up reward period parameters
start := rewardPeriodStart
end := start.Add(reward.Duration).UTC()
baseRewardAmount := reward.AvailableRewards.Amount.Quo(sdk.NewInt(100)) // base period reward is 1/100 total reward
// Earlier periods have larger rewards
amount := sdk.NewCoin("ukava", baseRewardAmount.Mul(sdk.NewInt(int64(i))))
claimEnd := end.Add(reward.ClaimDuration)
claimMultipliers := reward.ClaimMultipliers
// Create reward period and append to array
rewardPeriods[i] = types.NewRewardPeriod(reward.CollateralType, start, end, amount, claimEnd, claimMultipliers)
// Update start time of next reward period
rewardPeriodStart = end
return rewardPeriods
// genClaimPeriods loads valid claim periods for an array of reward periods
func genClaimPeriods(rewardPeriods types.RewardPeriods) types.ClaimPeriods {
denomRewardPeriodsCount := make(map[string]uint64)
claimPeriods := make(types.ClaimPeriods, len(rewardPeriods))
for i, rewardPeriod := range rewardPeriods {
// Increment reward period count for this denom (this is our claim period's ID)
denom := rewardPeriod.CollateralType
numbRewardPeriods := denomRewardPeriodsCount[denom] + 1
denomRewardPeriodsCount[denom] = numbRewardPeriods
// Set end and timelock from the associated reward period
end := rewardPeriod.ClaimEnd
claimMultipliers := rewardPeriod.ClaimMultipliers
// Create the new claim period for this reward period
claimPeriods[i] = types.NewClaimPeriod(denom, numbRewardPeriods, end, claimMultipliers)
return claimPeriods
// genNextClaimPeriodIds returns an array of the most recent claim period IDs for each denom
func genNextClaimPeriodIds(cps types.ClaimPeriods) types.GenesisClaimPeriodIDs {
// Build a map of the most recent claim periods by denom
mostRecentClaimPeriodByDenom := make(map[string]uint64)
var claimPeriodIDs types.GenesisClaimPeriodIDs
for _, cp := range cps {
if cp.ID <= mostRecentClaimPeriodByDenom[cp.CollateralType] {
claimPeriodIDs = append(claimPeriodIDs, types.GenesisClaimPeriodID{CollateralType: cp.CollateralType, ID: cp.ID})
mostRecentClaimPeriodByDenom[cp.CollateralType] = cp.ID
return claimPeriodIDs