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synced 2025-03-11 04:05:19 +00:00

* wip: tpyes and keeper methods * wip: iterators * wip: types and keeper methods * wip: add msgs * wip: client methods * wip: rebase develop * wip: types tests * wip: keeper tests, small fixes * wip: add cdp tests * wip: deposit tests * wip: keeper tests * wip: tests and module methods * feat: error when fetching expired price * feat: conversion factor for external assets * feat: debt floor for new cdps * feat: save deposits on export genesis * feat: ensure messages implement msg * feat: index deposits by status * fix: stray comment * wip: address review comments * address review comments * wip: move liquidation to cdp module * wip: handle liquidations directly * wip: use new auction interface * feat: auction collateral in cdp begin block * feat: update param validation * feat: surplus and debt auctions * address review comments * address review comments * fix: auction multiple deposits * clean up netting function
168 lines
5.7 KiB
168 lines
5.7 KiB
package keeper_test
import (
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
abci "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/abci/types"
tmtime "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types/time"
type SeizeTestSuite struct {
keeper keeper.Keeper
addrs []sdk.AccAddress
app app.TestApp
cdps types.CDPs
ctx sdk.Context
liquidations liquidationTracker
type liquidationTracker struct {
xrp []uint64
btc []uint64
debt int64
func (suite *SeizeTestSuite) SetupTest() {
tApp := app.NewTestApp()
ctx := tApp.NewContext(true, abci.Header{Height: 1, Time: tmtime.Now()})
cdps := make(types.CDPs, 100)
_, addrs := app.GeneratePrivKeyAddressPairs(100)
coins := []sdk.Coins{}
tracker := liquidationTracker{}
for j := 0; j < 100; j++ {
coins = append(coins, cs(c("btc", 100000000), c("xrp", 10000000000)))
authGS := app.NewAuthGenState(
addrs, coins)
suite.ctx = ctx
suite.app = tApp
suite.keeper = tApp.GetCDPKeeper()
randSource := rand.New(rand.NewSource(int64(777)))
for j := 0; j < 100; j++ {
collateral := "xrp"
amount := 10000000000
debt := simulation.RandIntBetween(randSource, 750000000, 1249000000)
if j%2 == 0 {
collateral = "btc"
amount = 100000000
debt = simulation.RandIntBetween(randSource, 2700000000, 5332000000)
if debt >= 4000000000 {
tracker.btc = append(tracker.btc, uint64(j+1))
tracker.debt += int64(debt)
} else {
if debt >= 1000000000 {
tracker.xrp = append(tracker.xrp, uint64(j+1))
tracker.debt += int64(debt)
err := suite.keeper.AddCdp(suite.ctx, addrs[j], cs(c(collateral, int64(amount))), cs(c("usdx", int64(debt))))
c, f := suite.keeper.GetCDP(suite.ctx, collateral, uint64(j+1))
cdps[j] = c
suite.cdps = cdps
suite.addrs = addrs
suite.liquidations = tracker
func (suite *SeizeTestSuite) setPrice(price sdk.Dec, market string) {
pfKeeper := suite.app.GetPriceFeedKeeper()
pfKeeper.SetPrice(suite.ctx, sdk.AccAddress{}, market, price, suite.ctx.BlockTime().Add(time.Hour*3))
err := pfKeeper.SetCurrentPrices(suite.ctx, market)
pp, err := pfKeeper.GetCurrentPrice(suite.ctx, market)
suite.Equal(price, pp.Price)
func (suite *SeizeTestSuite) TestSeizeCollateral() {
sk := suite.app.GetSupplyKeeper()
cdp, _ := suite.keeper.GetCDP(suite.ctx, "xrp", uint64(2))
p := cdp.Principal[0].Amount
cl := cdp.Collateral[0].Amount
tpb := suite.keeper.GetTotalPrincipal(suite.ctx, "xrp", "usdx")
err := suite.keeper.SeizeCollateral(suite.ctx, cdp)
tpa := suite.keeper.GetTotalPrincipal(suite.ctx, "xrp", "usdx")
suite.Equal(tpb.Sub(tpa), p)
auctionMacc := sk.GetModuleAccount(suite.ctx, auction.ModuleName)
suite.Equal(cs(c("debt", p.Int64()), c("xrp", cl.Int64())), auctionMacc.GetCoins())
ak := suite.app.GetAccountKeeper()
acc := ak.GetAccount(suite.ctx, suite.addrs[1])
suite.Equal(p.Int64(), acc.GetCoins().AmountOf("usdx").Int64())
err = suite.keeper.WithdrawCollateral(suite.ctx, suite.addrs[1], suite.addrs[1], cs(c("xrp", 10)))
suite.Equal(types.CodeCdpNotFound, err.Result().Code)
func (suite *SeizeTestSuite) TestSeizeCollateralMultiDeposit() {
sk := suite.app.GetSupplyKeeper()
cdp, _ := suite.keeper.GetCDP(suite.ctx, "xrp", uint64(2))
err := suite.keeper.DepositCollateral(suite.ctx, suite.addrs[1], suite.addrs[0], cs(c("xrp", 6999000000)))
cdp, _ = suite.keeper.GetCDP(suite.ctx, "xrp", uint64(2))
deposits := suite.keeper.GetDeposits(suite.ctx, cdp.ID)
suite.Equal(2, len(deposits))
p := cdp.Principal[0].Amount
cl := cdp.Collateral[0].Amount
tpb := suite.keeper.GetTotalPrincipal(suite.ctx, "xrp", "usdx")
err = suite.keeper.SeizeCollateral(suite.ctx, cdp)
tpa := suite.keeper.GetTotalPrincipal(suite.ctx, "xrp", "usdx")
suite.Equal(tpb.Sub(tpa), p)
auctionMacc := sk.GetModuleAccount(suite.ctx, auction.ModuleName)
suite.Equal(cs(c("debt", p.Int64()), c("xrp", cl.Int64())), auctionMacc.GetCoins())
ak := suite.app.GetAccountKeeper()
acc := ak.GetAccount(suite.ctx, suite.addrs[1])
suite.Equal(p.Int64(), acc.GetCoins().AmountOf("usdx").Int64())
err = suite.keeper.WithdrawCollateral(suite.ctx, suite.addrs[1], suite.addrs[1], cs(c("xrp", 10)))
suite.Equal(types.CodeCdpNotFound, err.Result().Code)
func (suite *SeizeTestSuite) TestLiquidateCdps() {
sk := suite.app.GetSupplyKeeper()
acc := sk.GetModuleAccount(suite.ctx, types.ModuleName)
originalXrpCollateral := acc.GetCoins().AmountOf("xrp")
suite.setPrice(d("0.2"), "xrp:usd")
p, _ := suite.keeper.GetCollateral(suite.ctx, "xrp")
suite.keeper.LiquidateCdps(suite.ctx, "xrp:usd", "xrp", p.LiquidationRatio)
acc = sk.GetModuleAccount(suite.ctx, types.ModuleName)
finalXrpCollateral := acc.GetCoins().AmountOf("xrp")
seizedXrpCollateral := originalXrpCollateral.Sub(finalXrpCollateral)
xrpLiquidations := int(seizedXrpCollateral.Quo(i(10000000000)).Int64())
suite.Equal(len(suite.liquidations.xrp), xrpLiquidations)
func (suite *SeizeTestSuite) TestHandleNewDebt() {
tpb := suite.keeper.GetTotalPrincipal(suite.ctx, "xrp", "usdx")
suite.keeper.HandleNewDebt(suite.ctx, "xrp", "usdx", i(31536000))
tpa := suite.keeper.GetTotalPrincipal(suite.ctx, "xrp", "usdx")
suite.Equal(sdk.NewDec(tpb.Int64()).Mul(d("1.05")).TruncateInt().Int64(), tpa.Int64())
func TestSeizeTestSuite(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, new(SeizeTestSuite))