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synced 2025-03-04 16:56:36 +00:00
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package keeper
import (
errorsmod "cosmossdk.io/errors"
sdkmath "cosmossdk.io/math"
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
sdkerrors "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types/errors"
banktypes "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/bank/types"
// IsSendEnabledCoins uses the parent x/bank keeper to check the coins provided
// and returns an ErrSendDisabled if any of the coins are not configured for
// sending. Returns nil if sending is enabled for all provided coin.
// Note: This method is not used directly by x/evm, but is still required as
// part of authtypes.BankKeeper. x/evm uses auth methods that require this
// interface.
func (k Keeper) IsSendEnabledCoins(ctx sdk.Context, coins ...sdk.Coin) error {
// Simply pass through to x/bank
return k.bk.IsSendEnabledCoins(ctx, coins...)
// SendCoins transfers amt coins from a sending account to a receiving account.
// An error is returned upon failure. This handles transfers including
// ExtendedCoinDenom and supports non-ExtendedCoinDenom transfers by passing
// through to x/bank.
func (k Keeper) SendCoins(
ctx sdk.Context,
from, to sdk.AccAddress,
amt sdk.Coins,
) error {
// IsSendEnabledCoins() is only used in x/bank in msg server, not in keeper,
// so we should also not use it here to align with x/bank behavior.
if !amt.IsValid() {
return errorsmod.Wrap(sdkerrors.ErrInvalidCoins, amt.String())
passthroughCoins := amt
extendedCoinAmount := amt.AmountOf(types.ExtendedCoinDenom)
// Remove the extended coin amount from the passthrough coins
if extendedCoinAmount.IsPositive() {
subCoin := sdk.NewCoin(types.ExtendedCoinDenom, extendedCoinAmount)
passthroughCoins = amt.Sub(subCoin)
// Send the passthrough coins through x/bank
if passthroughCoins.IsAllPositive() {
if err := k.bk.SendCoins(ctx, from, to, passthroughCoins); err != nil {
return err
// Send the extended coin amount through x/precisebank
if extendedCoinAmount.IsPositive() {
if err := k.sendExtendedCoins(ctx, from, to, extendedCoinAmount); err != nil {
return err
// Get a full extended coin amount (passthrough integer + fractional) ONLY
// for event attributes.
fullEmissionCoins := sdk.NewCoins(types.SumExtendedCoin(amt))
// If no passthrough integer nor fractional coins, then no event emission.
// We also want to emit the event with the whole equivalent extended coin
// if only integer coins are sent.
if fullEmissionCoins.IsZero() {
return nil
// Emit transfer event of extended denom for the FULL equivalent value.
sdk.NewAttribute(banktypes.AttributeKeyRecipient, to.String()),
sdk.NewAttribute(banktypes.AttributeKeySender, from.String()),
sdk.NewAttribute(sdk.AttributeKeyAmount, fullEmissionCoins.String()),
banktypes.NewCoinSpentEvent(from, fullEmissionCoins),
banktypes.NewCoinReceivedEvent(to, fullEmissionCoins),
return nil
// sendExtendedCoins transfers amt extended coins from a sending account to a
// receiving account. An error is returned upon failure. This function is
// called by SendCoins() and should not be called directly.
// This method covers 4 cases between two accounts - sender and receiver.
// Depending on the fractional balance and the amount being transferred:
// Sender account:
// 1. Arithmetic borrow 1 integer equivalent amount of fractional coins if the
// fractional balance is insufficient.
// 2. No borrow if fractional balance is sufficient.
// Receiver account:
// 1. Arithmetic carry 1 integer equivalent amount of fractional coins if the
// received amount exceeds max fractional balance.
// 2. No carry if received amount does not exceed max fractional balance.
// The 4 cases are:
// 1. Sender borrow, receiver carry
// 2. Sender borrow, NO receiver carry
// 3. NO sender borrow, receiver carry
// 4. NO sender borrow, NO receiver carry
// Truth table:
// | Sender Borrow | Receiver Carry | Direct Transfer |
// | --------------|----------------|-----------------|
// | T | T | T |
// | T | F | F |
// | F | T | F |
// | F | F | F |
func (k Keeper) sendExtendedCoins(
ctx sdk.Context,
from, to sdk.AccAddress,
amt sdkmath.Int,
) error {
// Sufficient balance check is done by bankkeeper.SendCoins(), for both
// integer and fractional-only sends. E.g. If fractional balance is
// insufficient, it will still incur a integer borrow which will fail if the
// sender does not have sufficient integer balance.
// Load required state: Account old balances
senderFracBal := k.GetFractionalBalance(ctx, from)
recipientFracBal := k.GetFractionalBalance(ctx, to)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Pure stateless calculations
integerAmt := amt.Quo(types.ConversionFactor())
fractionalAmt := amt.Mod(types.ConversionFactor())
// Account new fractional balances
senderNewFracBal, senderNeedsBorrow := subFromFractionalBalance(senderFracBal, fractionalAmt)
recipientNewFracBal, recipientNeedsCarry := addToFractionalBalance(recipientFracBal, fractionalAmt)
// Case #1: Sender borrow, recipient carry
if senderNeedsBorrow && recipientNeedsCarry {
// Can directly transfer borrow/carry - increase the direct transfer by 1
integerAmt = integerAmt.AddRaw(1)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stateful operations for transfers
// This includes ALL transfers of >= conversionFactor AND Case #1
// Full integer amount transfer, including direct transfer of borrow/carry
// if any.
if integerAmt.IsPositive() {
transferCoin := sdk.NewCoin(types.IntegerCoinDenom, integerAmt)
if err := k.bk.SendCoins(ctx, from, to, sdk.NewCoins(transferCoin)); err != nil {
return k.updateInsufficientFundsError(ctx, from, amt, err)
// Case #2: Sender borrow, NO recipient carry
// Sender borrows by transferring 1 integer amount to reserve to account for
// lack of fractional balance.
if senderNeedsBorrow && !recipientNeedsCarry {
borrowCoin := sdk.NewCoin(types.IntegerCoinDenom, sdk.NewInt(1))
if err := k.bk.SendCoinsFromAccountToModule(
from, // sender borrowing
); err != nil {
return k.updateInsufficientFundsError(ctx, from, amt, err)
// Case #3: NO sender borrow, recipient carry.
// Recipient's fractional balance carries over to integer balance by 1.
// Always send carry from reserve before receiving borrow from sender to
// ensure reserve always has sufficient balance starting from 0.
if !senderNeedsBorrow && recipientNeedsCarry {
reserveAddr := k.ak.GetModuleAddress(types.ModuleName)
// We use SendCoins instead of SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount to avoid
// the blocked addrs check. Blocked accounts should not be checked in
// a SendCoins operation. Only SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount should check
// blocked addrs which is done by the parent SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount
// method.
carryCoin := sdk.NewCoin(types.IntegerCoinDenom, sdk.NewInt(1))
if err := k.bk.SendCoins(
to, // recipient carrying
); err != nil {
// Panic instead of returning error, as this will only error
// with invalid state or logic. Reserve should always have
// sufficient balance to carry fractional coins.
panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to carry fractional coins to %s: %w", to, err))
// Case #4: NO sender borrow, NO recipient carry
// No additional operations required, as the transfer of fractional coins
// does not incur any integer borrow or carry. New fractional balances
// already calculated and just need to be set.
// Persist new fractional balances to store.
k.SetFractionalBalance(ctx, from, senderNewFracBal)
k.SetFractionalBalance(ctx, to, recipientNewFracBal)
return nil
// subFromFractionalBalance subtracts a fractional amount from the provided
// current fractional balance, returning the new fractional balance and true if
// an integer borrow is required.
func subFromFractionalBalance(
currentFractionalBalance sdkmath.Int,
amountToSub sdkmath.Int,
) (sdkmath.Int, bool) {
// Enforce that currentFractionalBalance is not a full balance.
if currentFractionalBalance.GTE(types.ConversionFactor()) {
panic("currentFractionalBalance must be less than ConversionFactor")
if amountToSub.GTE(types.ConversionFactor()) {
panic("amountToSub must be less than ConversionFactor")
newFractionalBalance := currentFractionalBalance.Sub(amountToSub)
// Insufficient fractional balance, so we need to borrow.
borrowRequired := newFractionalBalance.IsNegative()
if borrowRequired {
// Borrowing 1 integer equivalent amount of fractional coins. We need to
// add 1 integer equivalent amount to the fractional balance otherwise
// the new fractional balance will be negative.
newFractionalBalance = newFractionalBalance.Add(types.ConversionFactor())
return newFractionalBalance, borrowRequired
// addToFractionalBalance adds a fractional amount to the provided current
// fractional balance, returning the new fractional balance and true if a carry
// is required.
func addToFractionalBalance(
currentFractionalBalance sdkmath.Int,
amountToAdd sdkmath.Int,
) (sdkmath.Int, bool) {
// Enforce that currentFractionalBalance is not a full balance.
if currentFractionalBalance.GTE(types.ConversionFactor()) {
panic("currentFractionalBalance must be less than ConversionFactor")
if amountToAdd.GTE(types.ConversionFactor()) {
panic("amountToAdd must be less than ConversionFactor")
newFractionalBalance := currentFractionalBalance.Add(amountToAdd)
// New balance exceeds max fractional balance, so we need to carry it over
// to the integer balance.
carryRequired := newFractionalBalance.GTE(types.ConversionFactor())
if carryRequired {
// Carry over to integer amount
newFractionalBalance = newFractionalBalance.Sub(types.ConversionFactor())
return newFractionalBalance, carryRequired
// SendCoinsFromModuleToModule transfers coins from a ModuleAccount to another.
// It will panic if either module account does not exist. An error is returned
// if the recipient module is the x/precisebank module account or if sending the
// tokens fails.
func (k Keeper) SendCoinsFromAccountToModule(
ctx sdk.Context,
senderAddr sdk.AccAddress,
recipientModule string,
amt sdk.Coins,
) error {
recipientAcc := k.ak.GetModuleAccount(ctx, recipientModule)
if recipientAcc == nil {
panic(errorsmod.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrUnknownAddress, "module account %s does not exist", recipientModule))
if recipientModule == types.ModuleName {
return errorsmod.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrUnauthorized, "module account %s is not allowed to receive funds", types.ModuleName)
return k.SendCoins(ctx, senderAddr, recipientAcc.GetAddress(), amt)
// SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount transfers coins from a ModuleAccount to an AccAddress.
// It will panic if the module account does not exist. An error is returned if
// the recipient address is blocked, if the sender is the x/precisebank module
// account, or if sending the tokens fails.
func (k Keeper) SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(
ctx sdk.Context,
senderModule string,
recipientAddr sdk.AccAddress,
amt sdk.Coins,
) error {
// Identical panics to x/bank
senderAddr := k.ak.GetModuleAddress(senderModule)
if senderAddr == nil {
panic(errorsmod.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrUnknownAddress, "module account %s does not exist", senderModule))
// Custom error to prevent external modules from modifying x/precisebank
// balances. x/precisebank module account balance is for internal reserve
// use only.
if senderModule == types.ModuleName {
return errorsmod.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrUnauthorized, "module account %s is not allowed to send funds", types.ModuleName)
// Uses x/bank BlockedAddr, no need to modify. x/precisebank should be
// blocked.
if k.bk.BlockedAddr(recipientAddr) {
return errorsmod.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrUnauthorized, "%s is not allowed to receive funds", recipientAddr)
return k.SendCoins(ctx, senderAddr, recipientAddr, amt)
// updateInsufficientFundsError returns a modified ErrInsufficientFunds with
// extended coin amounts if the error is due to insufficient funds. Otherwise,
// it returns the original error. This is used since x/bank transfers will
// return errors with integer coins, but we want the more accurate error that
// contains the full extended coin balance and send amounts.
func (k Keeper) updateInsufficientFundsError(
ctx sdk.Context,
addr sdk.AccAddress,
amt sdkmath.Int,
err error,
) error {
if !errors.Is(err, sdkerrors.ErrInsufficientFunds) {
return err
// Check balance is sufficient
bal := k.GetBalance(ctx, addr, types.ExtendedCoinDenom)
coin := sdk.NewCoin(types.ExtendedCoinDenom, amt)
// TODO: This checks spendable coins and returns error with spendable
// coins, not full balance. If GetBalance() is modified to return the
// full, including locked, balance then this should be updated to deduct
// locked coins.
// Use sdk.NewCoins() so that it removes empty balances - ie. prints
// empty string if balance is 0. This is to match x/bank behavior.
spendable := sdk.NewCoins(bal)
return errorsmod.Wrapf(
"spendable balance %s is smaller than %s",
spendable, coin,