2025-02-10 19:35:13 +08:00

505 lines
16 KiB

package app
import (
abci "github.com/cometbft/cometbft/abci/types"
gethtypes "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/types"
evmtypes "github.com/evmos/ethermint/x/evm/types"
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
const gasPriceSuggestionBlockNum int64 = 5
type (
// GasTx defines the contract that a transaction with a gas limit must implement.
GasTx interface {
GetGas() uint64
// ProposalTxVerifier defines the interface that is implemented by BaseApp,
// that any custom ABCI PrepareProposal and ProcessProposal handler can use
// to verify a transaction.
ProposalTxVerifier interface {
PrepareProposalVerifyTx(tx sdk.Tx) ([]byte, error)
ProcessProposalVerifyTx(txBz []byte) (sdk.Tx, error)
// DefaultProposalHandler defines the default ABCI PrepareProposal and
// ProcessProposal handlers.
DefaultProposalHandler struct {
mempool mempool.Mempool
txVerifier ProposalTxVerifier
txSelector TxSelector
feemarketKeeper FeeMarketKeeper
FeeMarketKeeper interface {
SetSuggestionGasPrice(ctx sdk.Context, gas *big.Int)
txnInfo struct {
gasPrice *big.Int
gasLimit uint64
nonce uint64
sender string
func NewDefaultProposalHandler(mp mempool.Mempool, txVerifier ProposalTxVerifier, feemarketKeeper FeeMarketKeeper) *DefaultProposalHandler {
return &DefaultProposalHandler{
mempool: mp,
txVerifier: txVerifier,
txSelector: NewDefaultTxSelector(),
feemarketKeeper: feemarketKeeper,
// SetTxSelector sets the TxSelector function on the DefaultProposalHandler.
func (h *DefaultProposalHandler) SetTxSelector(ts TxSelector) {
h.txSelector = ts
// PrepareProposalHandler returns the default implementation for processing an
// ABCI proposal. The application's mempool is enumerated and all valid
// transactions are added to the proposal. Transactions are valid if they:
// 1) Successfully encode to bytes.
// 2) Are valid (i.e. pass runTx, AnteHandler only).
// Enumeration is halted once RequestPrepareProposal.MaxBytes of transactions is
// reached or the mempool is exhausted.
// Note:
// - Step (2) is identical to the validation step performed in
// DefaultProcessProposal. It is very important that the same validation logic
// is used in both steps, and applications must ensure that this is the case in
// non-default handlers.
// - If no mempool is set or if the mempool is a no-op mempool, the transactions
// requested from CometBFT will simply be returned, which, by default, are in
// FIFO order.
func (h *DefaultProposalHandler) PrepareProposalHandler() sdk.PrepareProposalHandler {
return func(ctx sdk.Context, req abci.RequestPrepareProposal) abci.ResponsePrepareProposal {
var maxBlockGas uint64
if b := ctx.ConsensusParams().Block; b != nil {
maxBlockGas = uint64(b.MaxGas)
defer h.txSelector.Clear()
// If the mempool is nil or NoOp we simply return the transactions
// requested from CometBFT, which, by default, should be in FIFO order.
// Note, we still need to ensure the transactions returned respect req.MaxTxBytes.
_, isNoOp := h.mempool.(mempool.NoOpMempool)
if h.mempool == nil || isNoOp {
for _, txBz := range req.Txs {
// XXX: We pass nil as the memTx because we have no way of decoding the
// txBz. We'd need to break (update) the ProposalTxVerifier interface.
// As a result, we CANNOT account for block max gas.
stop := h.txSelector.SelectTxForProposal(uint64(req.MaxTxBytes), maxBlockGas, nil, txBz)
if stop {
return abci.ResponsePrepareProposal{Txs: h.txSelector.SelectedTxs()}
txnInfoMap := make(map[string][]*txnInfo, h.mempool.CountTx())
iterator := h.mempool.Select(ctx, req.Txs)
selectedTxsSignersSeqs := make(map[string]uint64)
var selectedTxsNums int
for iterator != nil {
memTx := iterator.Tx()
sigs, err := memTx.(signing.SigVerifiableTx).GetSignaturesV2()
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to get signatures: %w", err))
// If the signers aren't in selectedTxsSignersSeqs then we haven't seen them before
// so we add them and continue given that we don't need to check the sequence.
shouldAdd := true
txSignersSeqs := make(map[string]uint64)
if len(sigs) == 0 {
msgs := memTx.GetMsgs()
if len(msgs) == 1 {
msgEthTx, ok := msgs[0].(*evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx)
if ok {
ethTx := msgEthTx.AsTransaction()
signer := gethtypes.NewEIP2930Signer(ethTx.ChainId())
ethSender, err := signer.Sender(ethTx)
if err == nil {
signer := sdk.AccAddress(ethSender.Bytes()).String()
nonce := ethTx.Nonce()
seq, ok := selectedTxsSignersSeqs[signer]
if !ok {
txSignersSeqs[signer] = nonce
} else {
// If we have seen this signer before in this block, we must make
// sure that the current sequence is seq+1; otherwise is invalid
// and we skip it.
if seq+1 != nonce {
shouldAdd = false
} else {
txSignersSeqs[signer] = nonce
if _, exists := txnInfoMap[signer]; !exists {
txnInfoMap[signer] = make([]*txnInfo, 0, 128)
txnInfoMap[signer] = append(txnInfoMap[signer], &txnInfo{
gasPrice: ethTx.GasPrice(),
gasLimit: ethTx.Gas(),
nonce: nonce,
sender: signer,
} else {
// ignore multisig case now
fee := memTx.(sdk.Fee)
if len(sigs) == 1 {
signer := sdk.AccAddress(sigs[0].PubKey.Address()).String()
if _, exists := txnInfoMap[signer]; !exists {
txnInfoMap[signer] = make([]*txnInfo, 0, 16)
evmGasPrice, err := utilCosmosDemonGasPriceToEvmDemonGasPrice(fee.GetAmount())
if err == nil {
txnInfoMap[signer] = append(txnInfoMap[signer], &txnInfo{
gasPrice: evmGasPrice,
gasLimit: utilCosmosDemonGasLimitToEvmDemonGasLimit(fee.GetGas()),
nonce: sigs[0].Sequence,
sender: signer,
for _, sig := range sigs {
signer := sdk.AccAddress(sig.PubKey.Address()).String()
seq, ok := selectedTxsSignersSeqs[signer]
if !ok {
txSignersSeqs[signer] = sig.Sequence
// If we have seen this signer before in this block, we must make
// sure that the current sequence is seq+1; otherwise is invalid
// and we skip it.
if seq+1 != sig.Sequence {
shouldAdd = false
txSignersSeqs[signer] = sig.Sequence
if !shouldAdd {
iterator = iterator.Next()
// NOTE: Since transaction verification was already executed in CheckTx,
// which calls mempool.Insert, in theory everything in the pool should be
// valid. But some mempool implementations may insert invalid txs, so we
// check again.
txBz, err := h.txVerifier.PrepareProposalVerifyTx(memTx)
if err != nil {
err := h.mempool.Remove(memTx)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, mempool.ErrTxNotFound) {
} else {
stop := h.txSelector.SelectTxForProposal(uint64(req.MaxTxBytes), maxBlockGas, memTx, txBz)
if stop {
txsLen := len(h.txSelector.SelectedTxs())
for sender, seq := range txSignersSeqs {
// If txsLen != selectedTxsNums is true, it means that we've
// added a new tx to the selected txs, so we need to update
// the sequence of the sender.
if txsLen != selectedTxsNums {
selectedTxsSignersSeqs[sender] = seq
} else if _, ok := selectedTxsSignersSeqs[sender]; !ok {
// The transaction hasn't been added but it passed the
// verification, so we know that the sequence is correct.
// So we set this sender's sequence to seq-1, in order
// to avoid unnecessary calls to PrepareProposalVerifyTx.
selectedTxsSignersSeqs[sender] = seq - 1
selectedTxsNums = txsLen
iterator = iterator.Next()
if len(txnInfoMap) == 0 {
h.feemarketKeeper.SetSuggestionGasPrice(ctx, big.NewInt(0))
} else {
senderCnt := 0
txnCnt := 0
for sender := range txnInfoMap {
sort.Slice(txnInfoMap[sender], func(i, j int) bool {
return txnInfoMap[sender][i].nonce < txnInfoMap[sender][j].nonce
txnCnt += len(txnInfoMap[sender])
remaing := gasPriceSuggestionBlockNum * int64(maxBlockGas)
for len(txnInfoMap) > 0 && remaing > 0 {
// pop each sender's first continuous decreasing subsequence
txnCnt := 0
senderNonceSortedSliceGroup := make([][]*txnInfo, 0, senderCnt)
for sender := range txnInfoMap {
endIndex := findFirstContinuousDecreasingSubsequence(txnInfoMap[sender])
appendSlice := txnInfoMap[sender][:endIndex]
senderNonceSortedSliceGroup = append(senderNonceSortedSliceGroup, appendSlice)
txnCnt += len(appendSlice)
txnInfoMap[sender] = txnInfoMap[sender][endIndex:]
if len(txnInfoMap[sender]) == 0 {
delete(txnInfoMap, sender)
var gasPriceSortedSlice []*txnInfo
if len(senderNonceSortedSliceGroup) > 0 {
gasPriceSortedSlice = make([]*txnInfo, 0, len(senderNonceSortedSliceGroup[0]))
for i := range senderNonceSortedSliceGroup {
gasPriceSortedSlice = mergeSort(len(gasPriceSortedSlice)+len(senderNonceSortedSliceGroup[i]), gasPriceSortedSlice, senderNonceSortedSliceGroup[i])
for i := range gasPriceSortedSlice {
remaing -= int64(gasPriceSortedSlice[i].gasLimit)
if remaing <= 0 {
h.feemarketKeeper.SetSuggestionGasPrice(ctx, gasPriceSortedSlice[i].gasPrice)
if remaing > 0 {
h.feemarketKeeper.SetSuggestionGasPrice(ctx, big.NewInt(0))
return abci.ResponsePrepareProposal{Txs: h.txSelector.SelectedTxs()}
// ProcessProposalHandler returns the default implementation for processing an
// ABCI proposal. Every transaction in the proposal must pass 2 conditions:
// 1. The transaction bytes must decode to a valid transaction.
// 2. The transaction must be valid (i.e. pass runTx, AnteHandler only)
// If any transaction fails to pass either condition, the proposal is rejected.
// Note that step (2) is identical to the validation step performed in
// DefaultPrepareProposal. It is very important that the same validation logic
// is used in both steps, and applications must ensure that this is the case in
// non-default handlers.
func (h *DefaultProposalHandler) ProcessProposalHandler() sdk.ProcessProposalHandler {
// If the mempool is nil or NoOp we simply return ACCEPT,
// because PrepareProposal may have included txs that could fail verification.
_, isNoOp := h.mempool.(mempool.NoOpMempool)
if h.mempool == nil || isNoOp {
return NoOpProcessProposal()
return func(ctx sdk.Context, req abci.RequestProcessProposal) abci.ResponseProcessProposal {
var totalTxGas uint64
var maxBlockGas int64
if b := ctx.ConsensusParams().Block; b != nil {
maxBlockGas = b.MaxGas
for _, txBytes := range req.Txs {
tx, err := h.txVerifier.ProcessProposalVerifyTx(txBytes)
if err != nil {
return abci.ResponseProcessProposal{Status: abci.ResponseProcessProposal_REJECT}
if maxBlockGas > 0 {
gasTx, ok := tx.(GasTx)
if ok {
totalTxGas += gasTx.GetGas()
if totalTxGas > uint64(maxBlockGas) {
return abci.ResponseProcessProposal{Status: abci.ResponseProcessProposal_REJECT}
return abci.ResponseProcessProposal{Status: abci.ResponseProcessProposal_ACCEPT}
// NoOpPrepareProposal defines a no-op PrepareProposal handler. It will always
// return the transactions sent by the client's request.
func NoOpPrepareProposal() sdk.PrepareProposalHandler {
return func(_ sdk.Context, req abci.RequestPrepareProposal) abci.ResponsePrepareProposal {
return abci.ResponsePrepareProposal{Txs: req.Txs}
// NoOpProcessProposal defines a no-op ProcessProposal Handler. It will always
// return ACCEPT.
func NoOpProcessProposal() sdk.ProcessProposalHandler {
return func(_ sdk.Context, _ abci.RequestProcessProposal) abci.ResponseProcessProposal {
return abci.ResponseProcessProposal{Status: abci.ResponseProcessProposal_ACCEPT}
// TxSelector defines a helper type that assists in selecting transactions during
// mempool transaction selection in PrepareProposal. It keeps track of the total
// number of bytes and total gas of the selected transactions. It also keeps
// track of the selected transactions themselves.
type TxSelector interface {
// SelectedTxs should return a copy of the selected transactions.
SelectedTxs() [][]byte
// Clear should clear the TxSelector, nulling out all relevant fields.
// SelectTxForProposal should attempt to select a transaction for inclusion in
// a proposal based on inclusion criteria defined by the TxSelector. It must
// return <true> if the caller should halt the transaction selection loop
// (typically over a mempool) or <false> otherwise.
SelectTxForProposal(maxTxBytes, maxBlockGas uint64, memTx sdk.Tx, txBz []byte) bool
type defaultTxSelector struct {
totalTxBytes uint64
totalTxGas uint64
selectedTxs [][]byte
func NewDefaultTxSelector() TxSelector {
return &defaultTxSelector{}
func (ts *defaultTxSelector) SelectedTxs() [][]byte {
txs := make([][]byte, len(ts.selectedTxs))
copy(txs, ts.selectedTxs)
return txs
func (ts *defaultTxSelector) Clear() {
ts.totalTxBytes = 0
ts.totalTxGas = 0
ts.selectedTxs = nil
func (ts *defaultTxSelector) SelectTxForProposal(maxTxBytes, maxBlockGas uint64, memTx sdk.Tx, txBz []byte) bool {
txSize := uint64(len(txBz))
var txGasLimit uint64
if memTx != nil {
if gasTx, ok := memTx.(GasTx); ok {
txGasLimit = gasTx.GetGas()
// only add the transaction to the proposal if we have enough capacity
if (txSize + ts.totalTxBytes) <= maxTxBytes {
// If there is a max block gas limit, add the tx only if the limit has
// not been met.
if maxBlockGas > 0 {
if (txGasLimit + ts.totalTxGas) <= maxBlockGas {
ts.totalTxGas += txGasLimit
ts.totalTxBytes += txSize
ts.selectedTxs = append(ts.selectedTxs, txBz)
} else {
ts.totalTxBytes += txSize
ts.selectedTxs = append(ts.selectedTxs, txBz)
// check if we've reached capacity; if so, we cannot select any more transactions
return ts.totalTxBytes >= maxTxBytes || (maxBlockGas > 0 && (ts.totalTxGas >= maxBlockGas))
func utilCosmosDemonGasPriceToEvmDemonGasPrice(gasGroup sdk.Coins) (*big.Int, error) {
gasPrice := big.NewInt(0)
for _, coin := range gasGroup {
if coin.Denom == chaincfg.GasDenom {
thisGasPrice := big.NewInt(0).SetUint64(coin.Amount.Uint64())
thisGasPrice = thisGasPrice.Mul(thisGasPrice, big.NewInt(0).SetInt64(chaincfg.GasDenomConversionMultiplier))
gasPrice = gasPrice.Add(gasPrice, thisGasPrice)
} else {
return big.NewInt(0), fmt.Errorf("invalid denom: %s", coin.Denom)
return gasPrice, nil
func utilCosmosDemonGasLimitToEvmDemonGasLimit(gasLimit uint64) uint64 {
return gasLimit * chaincfg.GasDenomConversionMultiplier
func findFirstContinuousDecreasingSubsequence(data []*txnInfo) int {
ll := len(data)
if ll < 2 {
return ll
for i := 0; i < ll-1; i++ {
if data[i].gasPrice.Cmp(data[i+1].gasPrice) >= 0 {
end := i + 1
for ; end < ll && data[end-1].gasPrice.Cmp(data[end].gasPrice) > 0; end++ {
if end == ll || data[end-1].gasPrice.Cmp(data[end].gasPrice) <= 0 {
return end
} else {
return i + 1
return ll
func mergeSort(size int, left, right []*txnInfo) []*txnInfo {
result := make([]*txnInfo, 0, size)
i, j := 0, 0
for i < len(left) && j < len(right) {
if left[i].gasPrice.Cmp(right[j].gasPrice) > 0 {
result = append(result, left[i])
} else {
result = append(result, right[j])
result = append(result, left[i:]...)
result = append(result, right[j:]...)
return result