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synced 2024-12-26 00:05:18 +00:00
* ibc v3 upgrade * ibc no longer uses confio * add proofs proto for ibc/v3 * wip add ethermint module * update cosmos to 0.45.0 * add ethermint proto & bug fixes * remove todo * update docs * fix a number of bugs * minor comments update * fix breaking tests * Wrap bank keeper for EVM to convert decimals (#1154) * Add bankkeeper wrapper for evm * Remove agas from init-new-chain.sh, use ukava for evm_denom * Fix sdk.Coins conversion, require min 1 coin amount * Remove gas from init script idk how this happened lol * Remove debug logging stmt * Restore original init ukava amounts * Fix inplace coins conversion * Use evmtypes.BankKeeper interface insteadof banktypes * Add TestGetBalance * Add doc comments, remove temp actualAmt vars actualAmt vars replaced with inline calls to make it more clear that the converted value is being used, as opposed to accidentally reusing the raw EVM amt. * Add TestSetBalance * Add TestIdempotentConversion * Panic if converted coin from EVM is 0 This happens if a value is less than 1ukava * Deep copy coins instead of in place modification * Update test coins amount * Add panic tests for small EVM amounts * Use evmtypes.BankKeeper as NewEVMBankKeeper param * Tidy test setup * ensure sdk config is set when creating new apps * Respond EVM bank keeper GetBalance with SpendableCoins Co-authored-by: Nick DeLuca <nickdeluca08@gmail.com> * further speed up docker builds * feat: restore previous keys add defaults, add eth flag (#1172) * feat: restore previous keys add defaults, add eth flag * remove outdated comment * fix: remove redundant flag default * evm bank keeper with akava handling * fix issues * add remaining tests * add emv module to app * add missing imports * clean up comments * wip akava keeper * evm keeper * fix genesis import * reduce module permissions * add bank keeper tests * cleanup tests * genesis tests * change defaults * add eth faucet key & fix issues * switch to kava ethermint * add a lot of tests * add balances invariant * add evm tests * Remove panic if Swagger disabled in config (#1155) (#1183) Co-authored-by: Derrick Lee <derrick@dlee.dev> * add invariant to catch any akava balance > 1 ukava * clarify name of balances invariant * connect invariants to app * fix evmbankkeeper akava issues * add spec for evmutil * remove zero balance accounts from state * minor adustments * update to ethermint 0.10.0 * fix eth ante * add missing godoc comment * Update x/evmutil/spec/01_concepts.md Co-authored-by: Kevin Davis <karzak@users.noreply.github.com> * Update x/evmutil/spec/01_concepts.md Co-authored-by: Kevin Davis <karzak@users.noreply.github.com> * Update ethermint to v0.12 (#1203) * update to ethermint v0.12.2 * use app.Options for new evm options * fix missed references to app.Options * use ethermint branch while waiting on upstream fix * evm migrations for tesnet alpha 2 (#1206) * update to ethermint v0.12.2 * use app.Options for new evm options * fix missed references to app.Options * use ethermint branch while waiting on upstream fix * add upgrade handler for evm-alpha testnet 2 * v17 migration setup + evm modules * refactor migrate states * x/feemarket migration * v17 migrations setup + evm modules migration (#1210) * v17 migration setup + evm modules * refactor migrate states * update gen time * fix: update genesis time in test output Co-authored-by: karzak <kjydavis3@gmail.com> * add savings module to app blockers Co-authored-by: Derrick Lee <derrick@dlee.dev> Co-authored-by: Nick DeLuca <nickdeluca08@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: rhuairahrighairigh <ruaridh.odonnell@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Kevin Davis <karzak@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Ruaridh <rhuairahrighairidh@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: karzak <kjydavis3@gmail.com>
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module github.com/kava-labs/kava
go 1.17
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replace (
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// Make sure that only one version of tendermint is imported
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github.com/tharsis/ethermint => github.com/Kava-Labs/ethermint v0.10.0-alpha1.0.20220330230123-b3b3bf2103bf
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