2021-11-10 11:44:02 -08:00

2.6 KiB

Add Collateral

Add collateral to an existing cdp.


kvcli tx cdp deposit <owner-addr> <collateral> <collateral-type> <flags>

using kvcli call the tx subcommand followed by the module name which iscdp, then define the action which is deposit and finally follow up with required arguments or flags.


position name expects
1 owner-addr kava address
2 collateral amount & name (no spaces)
3 collateral-type name

Note: the name is a placeholder for clarity and won't be needed when running the commands, see example below


kvcli tx cdp deposit kava15qdefkmwswysgg4qxgqpqr35k3m49pkx2jdfnw 10000000uatom atom-a --from myKeyName


-a, --account-number uint      The account number of the signing account (offline mode only)
  -b, --broadcast-mode string    Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async|block) (default "sync")
      --dry-run                  ignore the --gas flag and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it
      --fees string              Fees to pay along with transaction; eg: 10uatom
      --from string              Name or address of private key with which to sign
      --gas string               gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate required gas automatically (default 200000) (default "200000")
      --gas-adjustment float     adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation; if the gas limit is set manually this flag is ignored  (default 1)
      --gas-prices string        Gas prices to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 10uatom)
      --generate-only            Build an unsigned transaction and write it to STDOUT (when enabled, the local Keybase is not accessible and the node operates offline)
  -h, --help                     help for deposit
      --indent                   Add indent to JSON response
      --keyring-backend string   Select keyring's backend (os|file|test) (default "os")
      --ledger                   Use a connected Ledger device
      --memo string              Memo to send along with transaction
      --node string              <host>:<port> to tendermint rpc interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
  -s, --sequence uint            The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only)
      --trust-node               Trust connected full node (don't verify proofs for responses) (default true)
  -y, --yes                      Skip tx broadcasting prompt confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string   Chain ID of tendermint node