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synced 2025-03-14 05:25:17 +00:00

* Add bkava handler for earn incentives * Add bkava accum tests * Add bkava denoms in index state * Set storeTimeEquals to default value * Add supply expected keepers * Add tests for proportional adjustment * Add liquid keeper to incentive keeper * Use weighted reward periods for bkava * Add liquid keeper to tests * Add Accumulate override rewards period with deccoins * Adjust test to handle sub unit coins * Add liquid keeper to test * Fix div by zero for proportional rewards * Update test for actual expected values * Update expected indexes to be same for different vaults * Allow no stored time for vaults that have no indexes or state * Add test for partial bkava deposit * Add math check to test * Deterministically iterate over bkava denoms * Remove unused expected liquid method GetAllDerivativeDenoms
474 lines
13 KiB
474 lines
13 KiB
package keeper_test
import (
earntypes "github.com/kava-labs/kava/x/earn/types"
// SynchronizeEarnRewardTests runs unit tests for the keeper.SynchronizeEarnReward method
// inputs
// - claim in store (only claim.RewardIndexes, claim.Reward)
// - global indexes in store
// - shares function arg
// outputs
// - sets a claim
type SynchronizeEarnRewardTests struct {
func TestSynchronizeEarnReward(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, new(SynchronizeEarnRewardTests))
func (suite *SynchronizeEarnRewardTests) TestClaimUpdatedWhenGlobalIndexesHaveIncreased() {
// This is the normal case
// Given some time has passed (meaning the global indexes have increased)
// When the claim is synced
// The user earns rewards for the time passed, and the claim indexes are updated
originalReward := arbitraryCoins()
vaultDenom := "cats"
claim := types.EarnClaim{
BaseMultiClaim: types.BaseMultiClaim{
Owner: arbitraryAddress(),
Reward: originalReward,
RewardIndexes: types.MultiRewardIndexes{
CollateralType: vaultDenom,
RewardIndexes: types.RewardIndexes{
CollateralType: "rewarddenom",
RewardFactor: d("1000.001"),
globalIndexes := types.MultiRewardIndexes{
CollateralType: vaultDenom,
RewardIndexes: types.RewardIndexes{
CollateralType: "rewarddenom",
RewardFactor: d("2000.002"),
userShares := d("1000000000")
suite.keeper.SynchronizeEarnReward(suite.ctx, vaultDenom, claim.Owner, userShares)
syncedClaim, _ := suite.keeper.GetEarnClaim(suite.ctx, claim.Owner)
// indexes updated from global
suite.Equal(globalIndexes, syncedClaim.RewardIndexes)
// new reward is (new index - old index) * user shares
cs(c("rewarddenom", 1_000_001_000_000)).Add(originalReward...),
func (suite *SynchronizeEarnRewardTests) TestClaimUnchangedWhenGlobalIndexesUnchanged() {
// It should be safe to call SynchronizeEarnReward multiple times
vaultDenom := "cats"
unchangingIndexes := types.MultiRewardIndexes{
CollateralType: vaultDenom,
RewardIndexes: types.RewardIndexes{
CollateralType: "rewarddenom",
RewardFactor: d("1000.001"),
claim := types.EarnClaim{
BaseMultiClaim: types.BaseMultiClaim{
Owner: arbitraryAddress(),
Reward: arbitraryCoins(),
RewardIndexes: unchangingIndexes,
userShares := d("1000000000")
suite.keeper.SynchronizeEarnReward(suite.ctx, vaultDenom, claim.Owner, userShares)
syncedClaim, _ := suite.keeper.GetEarnClaim(suite.ctx, claim.Owner)
// claim should have the same rewards and indexes as before
suite.Equal(claim, syncedClaim)
func (suite *SynchronizeEarnRewardTests) TestClaimUpdatedWhenNewRewardAdded() {
// When a new reward is added (via gov) for a vault the user has already deposited to, and the claim is synced;
// Then the user earns rewards for the time since the reward was added, and the indexes are added to the claim.
originalReward := arbitraryCoins()
newlyRewardVaultDenom := "newlyRewardedVault"
claim := types.EarnClaim{
BaseMultiClaim: types.BaseMultiClaim{
Owner: arbitraryAddress(),
Reward: originalReward,
RewardIndexes: types.MultiRewardIndexes{
CollateralType: "currentlyRewardedVault",
RewardIndexes: types.RewardIndexes{
CollateralType: "reward",
RewardFactor: d("1000.001"),
globalIndexes := types.MultiRewardIndexes{
CollateralType: "currentlyRewardedVault",
RewardIndexes: types.RewardIndexes{
CollateralType: "reward",
RewardFactor: d("2000.002"),
CollateralType: newlyRewardVaultDenom,
RewardIndexes: types.RewardIndexes{
CollateralType: "otherreward",
// Indexes start at 0 when the reward is added by gov,
// so this represents the syncing happening some time later.
RewardFactor: d("1000.001"),
userShares := d("1000000000")
suite.keeper.SynchronizeEarnReward(suite.ctx, newlyRewardVaultDenom, claim.Owner, userShares)
syncedClaim, _ := suite.keeper.GetEarnClaim(suite.ctx, claim.Owner)
// the new indexes should be added to the claim, but the old ones should be unchanged
newlyRewrdedIndexes, _ := globalIndexes.Get(newlyRewardVaultDenom)
expectedIndexes := claim.RewardIndexes.With(newlyRewardVaultDenom, newlyRewrdedIndexes)
suite.Equal(expectedIndexes, syncedClaim.RewardIndexes)
// new reward is (new index - old index) * shares for the synced vault
// The old index for `newlyrewarded` isn't in the claim, so it's added starting at 0 for calculating the reward.
cs(c("otherreward", 1_000_001_000_000)).Add(originalReward...),
func (suite *SynchronizeEarnRewardTests) TestClaimUnchangedWhenNoReward() {
// When a vault is not rewarded but the user has deposited to that vault, and the claim is synced;
// Then the claim should be the same.
claim := types.EarnClaim{
BaseMultiClaim: types.BaseMultiClaim{
Owner: arbitraryAddress(),
Reward: arbitraryCoins(),
RewardIndexes: nonEmptyMultiRewardIndexes,
vaultDenom := "nonRewardVault"
// No global indexes stored as this vault is not rewarded
userShares := d("1000000000")
suite.keeper.SynchronizeEarnReward(suite.ctx, vaultDenom, claim.Owner, userShares)
syncedClaim, _ := suite.keeper.GetEarnClaim(suite.ctx, claim.Owner)
suite.Equal(claim, syncedClaim)
func (suite *SynchronizeEarnRewardTests) TestClaimUpdatedWhenNewRewardDenomAdded() {
// When a new reward coin is added (via gov) to an already rewarded vault (that the user has already deposited to), and the claim is synced;
// Then the user earns rewards for the time since the reward was added, and the new indexes are added.
originalReward := arbitraryCoins()
vaultDenom := "cats"
claim := types.EarnClaim{
BaseMultiClaim: types.BaseMultiClaim{
Owner: arbitraryAddress(),
Reward: originalReward,
RewardIndexes: types.MultiRewardIndexes{
CollateralType: vaultDenom,
RewardIndexes: types.RewardIndexes{
CollateralType: "reward",
RewardFactor: d("1000.001"),
globalIndexes := types.MultiRewardIndexes{
CollateralType: vaultDenom,
RewardIndexes: types.RewardIndexes{
CollateralType: "reward",
RewardFactor: d("2000.002"),
CollateralType: "otherreward",
// Indexes start at 0 when the reward is added by gov,
// so this represents the syncing happening some time later.
RewardFactor: d("1000.001"),
userShares := d("1000000000")
suite.keeper.SynchronizeEarnReward(suite.ctx, vaultDenom, claim.Owner, userShares)
syncedClaim, _ := suite.keeper.GetEarnClaim(suite.ctx, claim.Owner)
// indexes should have the new reward denom added
suite.Equal(globalIndexes, syncedClaim.RewardIndexes)
// new reward is (new index - old index) * shares
// The old index for `otherreward` isn't in the claim, so it's added starting at 0 for calculating the reward.
cs(c("reward", 1_000_001_000_000), c("otherreward", 1_000_001_000_000)).Add(originalReward...),
func (suite *SynchronizeEarnRewardTests) TestClaimUpdatedWhenGlobalIndexesIncreasedAndSourceIsZero() {
// Given some time has passed (meaning the global indexes have increased)
// When the claim is synced, but the user has no shares
// The user earns no rewards for the time passed, but the claim indexes are updated
vaultDenom := "cats"
claim := types.EarnClaim{
BaseMultiClaim: types.BaseMultiClaim{
Owner: arbitraryAddress(),
Reward: arbitraryCoins(),
RewardIndexes: types.MultiRewardIndexes{
CollateralType: vaultDenom,
RewardIndexes: types.RewardIndexes{
CollateralType: "rewarddenom",
RewardFactor: d("1000.001"),
globalIndexes := types.MultiRewardIndexes{
CollateralType: vaultDenom,
RewardIndexes: types.RewardIndexes{
CollateralType: "rewarddenom",
RewardFactor: d("2000.002"),
userShares := d("0")
suite.keeper.SynchronizeEarnReward(suite.ctx, vaultDenom, claim.Owner, userShares)
syncedClaim, _ := suite.keeper.GetEarnClaim(suite.ctx, claim.Owner)
// indexes updated from global
suite.Equal(globalIndexes, syncedClaim.RewardIndexes)
// reward is unchanged
suite.Equal(claim.Reward, syncedClaim.Reward)
func (suite *SynchronizeEarnRewardTests) TestGetSyncedClaim_ClaimUnchangedWhenNoGlobalIndexes() {
vaultDenom_1 := "usdx"
owner := arbitraryAddress()
earnKeeper := newFakeEarnKeeper().
addDeposit(owner, earntypes.NewVaultShare("usdx", d("1000000000")))
suite.keeper = suite.NewKeeper(&fakeParamSubspace{}, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, earnKeeper)
claim := types.EarnClaim{
BaseMultiClaim: types.BaseMultiClaim{
Owner: owner,
Reward: nil,
RewardIndexes: types.MultiRewardIndexes{
CollateralType: vaultDenom_1,
RewardIndexes: nil, // this state only happens because Init stores empty indexes
// no global indexes for any vault
syncedClaim, f := suite.keeper.GetSynchronizedEarnClaim(suite.ctx, claim.Owner)
// indexes are unchanged
suite.Equal(claim.RewardIndexes, syncedClaim.RewardIndexes)
// reward is unchanged
suite.Equal(claim.Reward, syncedClaim.Reward)
func (suite *SynchronizeEarnRewardTests) TestGetSyncedClaim_ClaimUpdatedWhenMissingIndexAndHasNoSourceShares() {
vaultDenom_1 := "usdx"
vaultDenom_2 := "ukava"
owner := arbitraryAddress()
// owner has no shares in any vault
suite.keeper = suite.NewKeeper(&fakeParamSubspace{}, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, newFakeEarnKeeper())
claim := types.EarnClaim{
BaseMultiClaim: types.BaseMultiClaim{
Owner: owner,
Reward: arbitraryCoins(),
RewardIndexes: types.MultiRewardIndexes{
CollateralType: vaultDenom_1,
RewardIndexes: types.RewardIndexes{
CollateralType: "rewarddenom1",
RewardFactor: d("1000.001"),
globalIndexes := types.MultiRewardIndexes{
CollateralType: vaultDenom_1,
RewardIndexes: types.RewardIndexes{
CollateralType: "rewarddenom1",
RewardFactor: d("2000.002"),
CollateralType: vaultDenom_2,
RewardIndexes: types.RewardIndexes{
CollateralType: "rewarddenom2",
RewardFactor: d("2000.002"),
syncedClaim, f := suite.keeper.GetSynchronizedEarnClaim(suite.ctx, claim.Owner)
// indexes updated from global
suite.Equal(globalIndexes, syncedClaim.RewardIndexes)
// reward is unchanged
suite.Equal(claim.Reward, syncedClaim.Reward)
func (suite *SynchronizeEarnRewardTests) TestGetSyncedClaim_ClaimUpdatedWhenMissingIndexButHasSourceShares() {
VaultDenom_1 := "usdx"
VaultDenom_2 := "ukava"
owner := arbitraryAddress()
earnKeeper := newFakeEarnKeeper().
addVault(VaultDenom_1, earntypes.NewVaultShare(VaultDenom_1, d("1000000000"))).
addVault(VaultDenom_2, earntypes.NewVaultShare(VaultDenom_2, d("1000000000"))).
addDeposit(owner, earntypes.NewVaultShare(VaultDenom_1, d("1000000000"))).
addDeposit(owner, earntypes.NewVaultShare(VaultDenom_2, d("1000000000")))
suite.keeper = suite.NewKeeper(&fakeParamSubspace{}, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, earnKeeper)
claim := types.EarnClaim{
BaseMultiClaim: types.BaseMultiClaim{
Owner: owner,
Reward: arbitraryCoins(),
RewardIndexes: types.MultiRewardIndexes{
CollateralType: VaultDenom_1,
RewardIndexes: types.RewardIndexes{
CollateralType: "rewarddenom1",
RewardFactor: d("1000.001"),
globalIndexes := types.MultiRewardIndexes{
CollateralType: VaultDenom_1,
RewardIndexes: types.RewardIndexes{
CollateralType: "rewarddenom1",
RewardFactor: d("2000.002"),
CollateralType: VaultDenom_2,
RewardIndexes: types.RewardIndexes{
CollateralType: "rewarddenom2",
RewardFactor: d("2000.002"),
syncedClaim, f := suite.keeper.GetSynchronizedEarnClaim(suite.ctx, claim.Owner)
// indexes updated from global
suite.Equal(globalIndexes, syncedClaim.RewardIndexes)
// reward is incremented
expectedReward := cs(c("rewarddenom1", 1_000_001_000_000), c("rewarddenom2", 2_000_002_000_000))
suite.Equal(claim.Reward.Add(expectedReward...), syncedClaim.Reward)