2024-01-03 10:24:52 +00:00
//! The Discovery v5 protocol. See `lib.rs` for further details.
//! Note: Discovered ENR's are not automatically added to the routing table. Only established
//! sessions get added, ensuring only valid ENRs are added. Manual additions can be made using the
//! `add_enr()` function.
//! Response to queries return `PeerId`. Only the trusted (a session has been established with)
//! `PeerId`'s are returned, as ENR's for these `PeerId`'s are stored in the routing table and as
//! such should have an address to connect to. Untrusted `PeerId`'s can be obtained from the
//! `Service::Discovered` event, which is fired as peers get discovered.
//! Note that although the ENR crate does support Ed25519 keys, these are currently not
//! supported as the ECDH procedure isn't specified in the specification. Therefore, only
//! secp256k1 keys are supported currently.
use self::{
query_info::{QueryInfo, QueryType},
use crate::{
error::{RequestError, ResponseError},
handler::{Handler, HandlerRequest, HandlerResponse},
self, ConnectionDirection, ConnectionState, FailureReason, InsertResult, KBucketsTable,
NodeStatus, UpdateResult,
node_info::{NodeAddress, NodeContact},
FindNodeQueryConfig, PredicateQueryConfig, QueryId, QueryPool, QueryPoolState, TargetKey,
rpc, Discv5Config, Discv5Event, Enr,
use enr::{CombinedKey, NodeId};
use fnv::FnvHashMap;
use futures::prelude::*;
use hashset_delay::HashSetDelay;
use parking_lot::RwLock;
use rpc::*;
use std::{collections::HashMap, net::SocketAddr, sync::Arc, task::Poll, time::Instant};
use tokio::sync::{mpsc, oneshot};
use tracing::{debug, error, info, trace, warn};
mod hashset_delay;
mod ip_vote;
mod query_info;
mod test;
/// Request type for Protocols using `TalkReq` message.
/// Automatically responds with an empty body on drop if
/// [`TalkRequest::respond`] is not called.
pub struct TalkRequest {
id: RequestId,
node_address: NodeAddress,
protocol: Vec<u8>,
body: Vec<u8>,
sender: Option<mpsc::UnboundedSender<HandlerRequest>>,
impl Drop for TalkRequest {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let sender = match self.sender.take() {
Some(s) => s,
None => return,
let response = Response {
id: self.id.clone(),
body: ResponseBody::Talk { response: vec![] },
debug!("Sending empty TALK response to {}", self.node_address);
let _ = sender.send(HandlerRequest::Response(
impl TalkRequest {
pub fn id(&self) -> &RequestId {
pub fn node_id(&self) -> &NodeId {
pub fn protocol(&self) -> &[u8] {
pub fn body(&self) -> &[u8] {
pub fn respond(mut self, response: Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), ResponseError> {
debug!("Sending TALK response to {}", self.node_address);
let response = Response {
id: self.id.clone(),
body: ResponseBody::Talk { response },
.map_err(|_| ResponseError::ChannelClosed)?;
/// The number of distances (buckets) we simultaneously request from each peer.
pub(crate) const DISTANCES_TO_REQUEST_PER_PEER: usize = 3;
/// The types of requests to send to the Discv5 service.
pub enum ServiceRequest {
/// A request to start a query. There are two types of queries:
/// - A FindNode Query - Searches for peers using a random target.
/// - A Predicate Query - Searches for peers closest to a random target that match a specified
/// predicate.
StartQuery(QueryKind, oneshot::Sender<Vec<Enr>>),
/// Find the ENR of a node given its multiaddr.
FindEnr(NodeContact, oneshot::Sender<Result<Enr, RequestError>>),
/// The TALK discv5 RPC function.
oneshot::Sender<Result<Vec<u8>, RequestError>>,
/// Sets up an event stream where the discv5 server will return various events such as
/// discovered nodes as it traverses the DHT.
use crate::discv5::PERMIT_BAN_LIST;
pub struct Service {
/// Configuration parameters.
config: Discv5Config,
/// The local ENR of the server.
local_enr: Arc<RwLock<Enr>>,
/// The key associated with the local ENR.
enr_key: Arc<RwLock<CombinedKey>>,
/// Storage of the ENR record for each node.
kbuckets: Arc<RwLock<KBucketsTable<NodeId, Enr>>>,
/// All the iterative queries we are currently performing.
queries: QueryPool<QueryInfo, NodeId, Enr>,
/// RPC requests that have been sent and are awaiting a response. Some requests are linked to a
/// query.
active_requests: FnvHashMap<RequestId, ActiveRequest>,
/// Keeps track of the number of responses received from a NODES response.
active_nodes_responses: HashMap<NodeId, NodesResponse>,
/// A map of votes nodes have made about our external IP address. We accept the majority.
ip_votes: Option<IpVote>,
/// The channel to send messages to the handler.
handler_send: mpsc::UnboundedSender<HandlerRequest>,
/// The channel to receive messages from the handler.
handler_recv: mpsc::Receiver<HandlerResponse>,
/// The exit channel to shutdown the handler.
handler_exit: Option<oneshot::Sender<()>>,
/// The channel of messages sent by the controlling discv5 wrapper.
discv5_recv: mpsc::Receiver<ServiceRequest>,
/// The exit channel for the service.
exit: oneshot::Receiver<()>,
/// A queue of peers that require regular ping to check connectivity.
peers_to_ping: HashSetDelay<NodeId>,
/// A channel that the service emits events on.
event_stream: Option<mpsc::Sender<Discv5Event>>,
/// Active RPC request awaiting a response from the handler.
struct ActiveRequest {
/// The address the request was sent to.
pub contact: NodeContact,
/// The request that was sent.
pub request_body: RequestBody,
/// The query ID if the request was related to a query.
pub query_id: Option<QueryId>,
/// Channel callback if this request was from a user level request.
pub callback: Option<CallbackResponse>,
/// The kinds of responses we can send back to the discv5 layer.
pub enum CallbackResponse {
/// A response to a requested ENR.
Enr(oneshot::Sender<Result<Enr, RequestError>>),
/// A response from a TALK request
Talk(oneshot::Sender<Result<Vec<u8>, RequestError>>),
/// For multiple responses to a FindNodes request, this keeps track of the request count
/// and the nodes that have been received.
struct NodesResponse {
/// The response count.
count: usize,
/// The filtered nodes that have been received.
received_nodes: Vec<Enr>,
impl Default for NodesResponse {
fn default() -> Self {
NodesResponse {
count: 1,
received_nodes: Vec::new(),
impl Service {
/// Builds the `Service` main struct.
/// `local_enr` is the `ENR` representing the local node. This contains node identifying information, such
/// as IP addresses and ports which we wish to broadcast to other nodes via this discovery
/// mechanism.
pub async fn spawn(
local_enr: Arc<RwLock<Enr>>,
enr_key: Arc<RwLock<CombinedKey>>,
kbuckets: Arc<RwLock<KBucketsTable<NodeId, Enr>>>,
config: Discv5Config,
listen_socket: SocketAddr,
) -> Result<(oneshot::Sender<()>, mpsc::Sender<ServiceRequest>), std::io::Error> {
// process behaviour-level configuration parameters
let ip_votes = if config.enr_update {
} else {
// build the session service
let (handler_exit, handler_send, handler_recv) = Handler::spawn(
// create the required channels
let (discv5_send, discv5_recv) = mpsc::channel(30);
let (exit_send, exit) = oneshot::channel();
.expect("Executor must be present")
.spawn(Box::pin(async move {
let mut service = Service {
queries: QueryPool::new(config.query_timeout),
active_requests: Default::default(),
active_nodes_responses: HashMap::new(),
handler_exit: Some(handler_exit),
peers_to_ping: HashSetDelay::new(config.ping_interval),
event_stream: None,
config: config.clone(),
info!("Discv5 Service started");
Ok((exit_send, discv5_send))
/// The main execution loop of the discv5 serviced.
async fn start(&mut self) {
loop {
tokio::select! {
_ = &mut self.exit => {
if let Some(exit) = self.handler_exit.take() {
let _ = exit.send(());
info!("Discv5 Service shutdown");
Some(service_request) = self.discv5_recv.recv() => {
match service_request {
ServiceRequest::StartQuery(query, callback) => {
match query {
QueryKind::FindNode { target_node } => {
self.start_findnode_query(target_node, callback);
QueryKind::Predicate { target_node, target_peer_no, predicate } => {
self.start_predicate_query(target_node, target_peer_no, predicate, callback);
ServiceRequest::FindEnr(node_contact, callback) => {
self.request_enr(node_contact, Some(callback));
ServiceRequest::Talk(node_contact, protocol, request, callback) => {
self.talk_request(node_contact, protocol, request, callback);
ServiceRequest::RequestEventStream(callback) => {
// the channel size needs to be large to handle many discovered peers
// if we are reporting them on the event stream.
let channel_size = if self.config.report_discovered_peers { 100 } else { 30 };
let (event_stream, event_stream_recv) = mpsc::channel(channel_size);
self.event_stream = Some(event_stream);
if callback.send(event_stream_recv).is_err() {
error!("Failed to return the event stream channel");
Some(event) = self.handler_recv.recv() => {
match event {
HandlerResponse::Established(enr, direction) => {
HandlerResponse::Request(node_address, request) => {
self.handle_rpc_request(node_address, *request);
HandlerResponse::Response(node_address, response) => {
self.handle_rpc_response(node_address, *response);
HandlerResponse::WhoAreYou(whoareyou_ref) => {
// check what our latest known ENR is for this node.
if let Some(known_enr) = self.find_enr(&whoareyou_ref.0.node_id) {
let _ = self.handler_send.send(HandlerRequest::WhoAreYou(whoareyou_ref, Some(known_enr)));
} else {
// do not know of this peer
debug!("NodeId unknown, requesting ENR. {}", whoareyou_ref.0);
let _ = self.handler_send.send(HandlerRequest::WhoAreYou(whoareyou_ref, None));
HandlerResponse::RequestFailed(request_id, error) => {
if let RequestError::Timeout = error {
debug!("RPC Request timed out. id: {}", request_id);
} else {
warn!("RPC Request failed: id: {}, error {:?}", request_id, error);
self.rpc_failure(request_id, error);
event = Service::bucket_maintenance_poll(&self.kbuckets) => {
query_event = Service::query_event_poll(&mut self.queries) => {
match query_event {
QueryEvent::Waiting(query_id, node_id, request_body) => {
self.send_rpc_query(query_id, node_id, request_body);
// Note: Currently the distinction between a timed-out query and a finished
// query is superfluous, however it may be useful in future versions.
QueryEvent::Finished(query) | QueryEvent::TimedOut(query) => {
let id = query.id();
let mut result = query.into_result();
// obtain the ENR's for the resulting nodes
let mut found_enrs = Vec::new();
for node_id in result.closest_peers.into_iter() {
if let Some(position) = result.target.untrusted_enrs.iter().position(|enr| enr.node_id() == node_id) {
let enr = result.target.untrusted_enrs.swap_remove(position);
} else if let Some(enr) = self.find_enr(&node_id) {
// look up from the routing table
else {
warn!("ENR not present in queries results");
if result.target.callback.send(found_enrs).is_err() {
warn!("Callback dropped for query {}. Results dropped", *id);
Some(Ok(node_id)) = self.peers_to_ping.next() => {
// If the node is in the routing table, Ping it and re-queue the node.
let key = kbucket::Key::from(node_id);
let enr = {
if let kbucket::Entry::Present(entry, _) = self.kbuckets.write().entry(&key) {
// The peer is in the routing table, ping it and re-queue the ping
} else { None }
if let Some(enr) = enr {
/// Internal function that starts a query.
fn start_findnode_query(&mut self, target_node: NodeId, callback: oneshot::Sender<Vec<Enr>>) {
let mut target = QueryInfo {
query_type: QueryType::FindNode(target_node),
untrusted_enrs: Default::default(),
distances_to_request: DISTANCES_TO_REQUEST_PER_PEER,
let target_key: kbucket::Key<NodeId> = target.key();
let mut known_closest_peers = Vec::new();
let mut kbuckets = self.kbuckets.write();
for closest in kbuckets.closest_values(&target_key) {
// Add the known ENR's to the untrusted list
// Add the key to the list for the query
if known_closest_peers.is_empty() {
warn!("No known_closest_peers found. Return empty result without sending query.");
if target.callback.send(vec![]).is_err() {
warn!("Failed to callback");
} else {
let query_config = FindNodeQueryConfig::new_from_config(&self.config);
.add_findnode_query(query_config, target, known_closest_peers);
/// Internal function that starts a query.
fn start_predicate_query(
&mut self,
target_node: NodeId,
num_nodes: usize,
predicate: Box<dyn Fn(&Enr) -> bool + Send>,
callback: oneshot::Sender<Vec<Enr>>,
) {
let mut target = QueryInfo {
query_type: QueryType::FindNode(target_node),
untrusted_enrs: Default::default(),
distances_to_request: DISTANCES_TO_REQUEST_PER_PEER,
let target_key: kbucket::Key<NodeId> = target.key();
// Map the TableEntry to an ENR.
let kbucket_predicate = |e: &Enr| predicate(e);
let mut known_closest_peers = Vec::<kbucket::PredicateKey<_>>::new();
let mut kbuckets = self.kbuckets.write();
for closest in kbuckets.closest_values_predicate(&target_key, &kbucket_predicate) {
// Add the known ENR's to the untrusted list
// Add the key to the list for the query
if known_closest_peers.is_empty() {
warn!("No known_closest_peers found. Return empty result without sending query.");
if target.callback.send(vec![]).is_err() {
warn!("Failed to callback");
} else {
let mut query_config = PredicateQueryConfig::new_from_config(&self.config);
query_config.num_results = num_nodes;
.add_predicate_query(query_config, target, known_closest_peers, predicate);
/// Returns an ENR if one is known for the given NodeId.
pub fn find_enr(&self, node_id: &NodeId) -> Option<Enr> {
// check if we know this node id in our routing table
let key = kbucket::Key::from(*node_id);
if let kbucket::Entry::Present(entry, _) = self.kbuckets.write().entry(&key) {
return Some(entry.value().clone());
// check the untrusted addresses for ongoing queries
for query in self.queries.iter() {
if let Some(enr) = query
.find(|v| v.node_id() == *node_id)
return Some(enr.clone());
/// Processes an RPC request from a peer. Requests respond to the received socket address,
/// rather than the IP of the known ENR.
fn handle_rpc_request(&mut self, node_address: NodeAddress, req: Request) {
let id = req.id;
match req.body {
RequestBody::FindNode { distances } => {
self.send_nodes_response(node_address, id, distances);
RequestBody::Ping { enr_seq } => {
// check if we need to update the known ENR
let mut to_request_enr = None;
match self.kbuckets.write().entry(&node_address.node_id.into()) {
kbucket::Entry::Present(ref mut entry, _) => {
if entry.value().seq() < enr_seq {
let enr = entry.value().clone();
to_request_enr = Some(enr.into());
kbucket::Entry::Pending(ref mut entry, _) => {
if entry.value().seq() < enr_seq {
let enr = entry.value().clone();
to_request_enr = Some(enr.into());
// don't know of the ENR, request the update
_ => {}
if let Some(enr) = to_request_enr {
self.request_enr(enr, None);
// build the PONG response
let src = node_address.socket_addr;
let response = Response {
body: ResponseBody::Pong {
enr_seq: self.local_enr.read().seq(),
ip: src.ip(),
port: src.port(),
debug!("Sending PONG response to {}", node_address);
let _ = self
.send(HandlerRequest::Response(node_address, Box::new(response)));
RequestBody::Talk { protocol, request } => {
let req = TalkRequest {
body: request,
sender: Some(self.handler_send.clone()),
RequestBody::RegisterTopic { .. } => {
debug!("Received RegisterTopic request which is unimplemented");
RequestBody::TopicQuery { .. } => {
debug!("Received TopicQuery request which is unimplemented");
/// Processes an RPC response from a peer.
fn handle_rpc_response(&mut self, node_address: NodeAddress, response: Response) {
// verify we know of the rpc_id
let id = response.id.clone();
if let Some(mut active_request) = self.active_requests.remove(&id) {
"Received RPC response: {} to request: {} from: {}",
response.body, active_request.request_body, active_request.contact
// Check that the responder matches the expected request
if let Ok(request_node_address) = active_request.contact.node_address() {
if request_node_address != node_address {
warn!("Received a response from an unexpected address. Expected {}, received {}, request_id {}", request_node_address, node_address, id);
let node_id = active_request.contact.node_id();
if !response.match_request(&active_request.request_body) {
"Node gave an incorrect response type. Ignoring response from: {}",
match response.body {
ResponseBody::Nodes { total, mut nodes } => {
// Currently a maximum of DISTANCES_TO_REQUEST_PER_PEER*BUCKET_SIZE peers can be returned. Datagrams have a max
// size of 1280 and ENR's have a max size of 300 bytes.
// Bucket sizes should be 16. In this case, there should be no more than 5*DISTANCES_TO_REQUEST_PER_PEER responses, to return all required peers.
if total > 5 * DISTANCES_TO_REQUEST_PER_PEER as u64 {
"NodesResponse has a total larger than {}, nodes will be truncated",
// These are sanitized and ordered
let distances_requested = match &active_request.request_body {
RequestBody::FindNode { distances } => distances,
_ => unreachable!(),
// This could be an ENR request from the outer service. If so respond to the
// callback and End.
if let Some(CallbackResponse::Enr(callback)) = active_request.callback.take() {
// Currently only support requesting for ENR's. Verify this is the case.
if !distances_requested.is_empty() && distances_requested[0] != 0 {
error!("Retrieved a callback request that wasn't for a peer's ENR");
// This must be for asking for an ENR
if nodes.len() > 1 {
"Peer returned more than one ENR for itself. {}",
let response = nodes.pop().ok_or_else(|| {
RequestError::InvalidEnr("Peer did not return an ENR".into())
let _ = callback.send(response);
// Filter out any nodes that are not of the correct distance
let peer_key: kbucket::Key<NodeId> = node_id.into();
// The distances we send are sanitized an ordered.
// We never send an ENR request in combination of other requests.
if distances_requested.len() == 1 && distances_requested[0] == 0 {
// we requested an ENR update
if nodes.len() > 1 {
"Peer returned more than one ENR for itself. Blacklisting {}",
let ban_timeout = self.config.ban_duration.map(|v| Instant::now() + v);
.expect("Sanitized request"),
nodes.retain(|enr| peer_key.log2_distance(&enr.node_id().into()).is_none());
} else {
let before_len = nodes.len();
nodes.retain(|enr| {
.map(|distance| distances_requested.contains(&distance))
.unwrap_or_else(|| false)
if nodes.len() < before_len {
// Peer sent invalid ENRs. Blacklist the Node
"Peer sent invalid ENR. Blacklisting {}",
let ban_timeout = self.config.ban_duration.map(|v| Instant::now() + v);
.expect("Sanitized request"),
// handle the case that there is more than one response
if total > 1 {
let mut current_response = self
"Nodes Response: {} of {} received",
current_response.count, total
// if there are more requests coming, store the nodes and wait for
// another response
// We allow for implementations to send at a minimum 3 nodes per response.
// We allow for the number of nodes to be returned as the maximum we emit.
if current_response.count < self.config.max_nodes_response / 3 + 1
&& (current_response.count as u64) < total
current_response.count += 1;
current_response.received_nodes.append(&mut nodes);
.insert(node_id, current_response);
self.active_requests.insert(id, active_request);
// have received all the Nodes responses we are willing to accept
// ignore duplicates here as they will be handled when adding
// to the DHT
current_response.received_nodes.append(&mut nodes);
nodes = current_response.received_nodes;
"Received a nodes response of len: {}, total: {}, from: {}",
// note: If a peer sends an initial NODES response with a total > 1 then
// in a later response sends a response with a total of 1, all previous nodes
// will be ignored.
// ensure any mapping is removed in this rare case
self.discovered(&node_id, nodes, active_request.query_id);
ResponseBody::Pong { enr_seq, ip, port } => {
let socket = SocketAddr::new(ip, port);
// perform ENR majority-based update if required.
// only attempt the majority-update if the peer supplies an ipv4 address to
// mitigate https://github.com/sigp/lighthouse/issues/2215
// Only count votes that from peers we have contacted.
let key: kbucket::Key<NodeId> = node_id.into();
let should_count = match self.kbuckets.write().entry(&key) {
kbucket::Entry::Present(_, status)
if status.is_connected() && !status.is_incoming() =>
_ => false,
if should_count && socket.is_ipv4() {
let local_socket = self.local_enr.read().udp_socket();
if let Some(ref mut ip_votes) = self.ip_votes {
ip_votes.insert(node_id, socket);
if let Some(majority_socket) = ip_votes.majority() {
if Some(majority_socket) != local_socket {
info!("Local UDP socket updated to: {}", majority_socket);
// Update the UDP socket
if self
.set_udp_socket(majority_socket, &self.enr_key.read())
// check if we need to request a new ENR
if let Some(enr) = self.find_enr(&node_id) {
if enr.seq() < enr_seq {
// request an ENR update
debug!("Requesting an ENR update from: {}", active_request.contact);
let request_body = RequestBody::FindNode { distances: vec![0] };
let active_request = ActiveRequest {
contact: active_request.contact,
query_id: None,
callback: None,
self.connection_updated(node_id, ConnectionStatus::PongReceived(enr));
ResponseBody::Talk { response } => {
// Send the response to the user
match active_request.callback {
Some(CallbackResponse::Talk(callback)) => {
let _ = callback.send(Ok(response));
_ => error!("Invalid callback for response"),
ResponseBody::Ticket { .. } => {
error!("Received a TICKET response. This is unimplemented and should be unreachable.");
ResponseBody::RegisterConfirmation { .. } => {
error!("Received a RegisterConfirmation response. This is unimplemented and should be unreachable.");
} else {
"Received an RPC response which doesn't match a request. Id: {}",
// Send RPC Requests //
/// Sends a PING request to a node.
fn send_ping(&mut self, enr: Enr) {
let request_body = RequestBody::Ping {
enr_seq: self.local_enr.read().seq(),
let active_request = ActiveRequest {
contact: enr.into(),
query_id: None,
callback: None,
/// Ping all peers that are connected in the routing table.
fn ping_connected_peers(&mut self) {
// maintain the ping interval
let connected_peers = {
let mut kbuckets = self.kbuckets.write();
.filter_map(|entry| {
if entry.status.is_connected() {
} else {
for enr in connected_peers {
/// Request an external node's ENR.
fn request_enr(
&mut self,
contact: NodeContact,
callback: Option<oneshot::Sender<Result<Enr, RequestError>>>,
) {
let request_body = RequestBody::FindNode { distances: vec![0] };
let active_request = ActiveRequest {
query_id: None,
callback: callback.map(CallbackResponse::Enr),
/// Requests a TALK message from the peer.
fn talk_request(
&mut self,
contact: NodeContact,
protocol: Vec<u8>,
request: Vec<u8>,
callback: oneshot::Sender<Result<Vec<u8>, RequestError>>,
) {
let request_body = RequestBody::Talk { protocol, request };
let active_request = ActiveRequest {
query_id: None,
callback: Some(CallbackResponse::Talk(callback)),
/// Sends a NODES response, given a list of found ENR's. This function splits the nodes up
/// into multiple responses to ensure the response stays below the maximum packet size.
fn send_nodes_response(
&mut self,
node_address: NodeAddress,
rpc_id: RequestId,
mut distances: Vec<u64>,
) {
// NOTE: At most we only allow 5 distances to be sent (see the decoder). If each of these
// buckets are full, that equates to 80 ENR's to respond with.
let mut nodes_to_send = Vec::new();
if let Some(0) = distances.first() {
// if the distance is 0 send our local ENR
debug!("Sending our ENR to node: {}", node_address);
if !distances.is_empty() {
let mut kbuckets = self.kbuckets.write();
for node in kbuckets
.nodes_by_distances(distances.as_slice(), self.config.max_nodes_response)
.filter_map(|entry| {
if entry.node.key.preimage() != &node_address.node_id {
} else {
// if there are no nodes, send an empty response
if nodes_to_send.is_empty() {
let response = Response {
id: rpc_id,
body: ResponseBody::Nodes {
total: 1u64,
nodes: Vec::new(),
"Sending empty FINDNODES response to: {}",
let _ = self
.send(HandlerRequest::Response(node_address, Box::new(response)));
} else {
// build the NODES response
let mut to_send_nodes: Vec<Vec<Enr>> = Vec::new();
let mut total_size = 0;
let mut rpc_index = 0;
for enr in nodes_to_send.into_iter() {
let entry_size = rlp::encode(&enr).len();
// Responses assume that a session is established. Thus, on top of the encoded
// ENR's the packet should be a regular message. A regular message has an IV (16
// bytes), and a header of 55 bytes. The find-nodes RPC requires 16 bytes for the ID and the
// `total` field. Also there is a 16 byte HMAC for encryption and an extra byte for
// RLP encoding.
// We could also be responding via an autheader which can take up to 282 bytes in its
// header.
// As most messages will be normal messages we will try and pack as many ENR's we
// can in and drop the response packet if a user requests an auth message of a very
// packed response.
// The estimated total overhead for a regular message is therefore 104 bytes.
if entry_size + total_size < MAX_PACKET_SIZE - 104 {
total_size += entry_size;
"Adding ENR {}, size {}, total size {}",
} else {
total_size = entry_size;
rpc_index += 1;
let responses: Vec<Response> = to_send_nodes
.map(|nodes| Response {
id: rpc_id.clone(),
body: ResponseBody::Nodes {
total: (rpc_index + 1) as u64,
for response in responses {
"Sending FINDNODES response to: {}. Response: {} ",
let _ = self.handler_send.send(HandlerRequest::Response(
/// Constructs and sends a request RPC to the session service given a `QueryInfo`.
fn send_rpc_query(
&mut self,
query_id: QueryId,
return_peer: NodeId,
request_body: RequestBody,
) {
// find the ENR associated with the query
if let Some(enr) = self.find_enr(&return_peer) {
let active_request = ActiveRequest {
contact: enr.into(),
query_id: Some(query_id),
callback: None,
} else {
error!("Query {} requested an unknown ENR", *query_id);
/// Sends generic RPC requests. Each request gets added to known outputs, awaiting a response.
fn send_rpc_request(&mut self, active_request: ActiveRequest) {
// Generate a random rpc_id which is matched per node id
let id = RequestId::random();
let request: Request = Request {
id: id.clone(),
body: active_request.request_body.clone(),
let contact = active_request.contact.clone();
self.active_requests.insert(id, active_request);
debug!("Sending RPC {} to node: {}", request, contact);
let _ = self
.send(HandlerRequest::Request(contact, Box::new(request)));
fn send_event(&mut self, event: Discv5Event) {
if let Some(stream) = self.event_stream.as_mut() {
if let Err(mpsc::error::TrySendError::Closed(_)) = stream.try_send(event) {
// If the stream has been dropped prevent future attempts to send events
self.event_stream = None;
/// Processes discovered peers from a query.
fn discovered(&mut self, source: &NodeId, mut enrs: Vec<Enr>, query_id: Option<QueryId>) {
let local_id = self.local_enr.read().node_id();
enrs.retain(|enr| {
if enr.node_id() == local_id {
return false;
// If any of the discovered nodes are in the routing table, and there contains an older ENR, update it.
// If there is an event stream send the Discovered event
if self.config.report_discovered_peers {
// ignore peers that don't pass the table filter
if (self.config.table_filter)(enr) {
let key = kbucket::Key::from(enr.node_id());
// If the ENR exists in the routing table and the discovered ENR has a greater
// sequence number, perform some filter checks before updating the enr.
let must_update_enr = match self.kbuckets.write().entry(&key) {
kbucket::Entry::Present(entry, _) => entry.value().seq() < enr.seq(),
kbucket::Entry::Pending(mut entry, _) => entry.value().seq() < enr.seq(),
_ => false,
if must_update_enr {
if let UpdateResult::Failed(reason) =
self.kbuckets.write().update_node(&key, enr.clone(), None)
"Failed to update discovered ENR. Node: {}, Reason: {:?}",
source, reason
false // Remove this peer from the discovered list
} else {
true // Keep this peer in the list
} else {
true // We don't need to update ENR
} else {
false // Didn't pass the table filter
// if this is part of a query, update the query
if let Some(query_id) = query_id {
if let Some(query) = self.queries.get_mut(query_id) {
let mut peer_count = 0;
for enr_ref in enrs.iter() {
if !query
.any(|e| e.node_id() == enr_ref.node_id())
peer_count += 1;
debug!("{} peers found for query id {:?}", peer_count, query_id);
query.on_success(source, &enrs)
} else {
debug!("Response returned for ended query {:?}", query_id)
/// Update the connection status of a node in the routing table.
/// This tracks whether or not we should be pinging peers. Disconnected peers are removed from
/// the queue and newly added peers to the routing table are added to the queue.
fn connection_updated(&mut self, node_id: NodeId, new_status: ConnectionStatus) {
// Variables to that may require post-processing
let mut ping_peer = None;
let mut event_to_send = None;
let key = kbucket::Key::from(node_id);
match new_status {
ConnectionStatus::Connected(enr, direction) => {
// attempt to update or insert the new ENR.
let status = NodeStatus {
state: ConnectionState::Connected,
match self.kbuckets.write().insert_or_update(&key, enr, status) {
InsertResult::Inserted => {
// We added this peer to the table
debug!("New connected node added to routing table: {}", node_id);
let event = Discv5Event::NodeInserted {
replaced: None,
event_to_send = Some(event);
InsertResult::Pending { disconnected } => {
ping_peer = Some(disconnected);
InsertResult::StatusUpdated {
| InsertResult::Updated {
} => {
// The node was updated
if promoted_to_connected {
debug!("Node promoted to connected: {}", node_id);
InsertResult::ValueUpdated | InsertResult::UpdatedPending => {}
InsertResult::Failed(reason) => {
trace!("Could not insert node: {}, reason: {:?}", node_id, reason);
ConnectionStatus::PongReceived(enr) => {
match self
.update_node(&key, enr, Some(ConnectionState::Connected))
UpdateResult::Failed(reason) => {
"Could not update ENR from pong. Node: {}, reason: {:?}",
node_id, reason
update => {
debug!("Updated {:?}", update)
} // Updated ENR successfully.
ConnectionStatus::Disconnected => {
// If the node has disconnected, remove any ping timer for the node.
match self.kbuckets.write().update_node_status(
) {
UpdateResult::Failed(reason) => match reason {
FailureReason::KeyNonExistant => {}
others => {
"Could not update node to disconnected. Node: {}, Reason: {:?}",
node_id, others
_ => {
debug!("Node set to disconnected: {}", node_id)
// Post processing
if let Some(event) = event_to_send {
if let Some(node_key) = ping_peer {
let optional_enr = {
if let kbucket::Entry::Present(entry, _status) =
// NOTE: We don't check the status of this peer. We try and ping outdated peers.
} else {
if let Some(enr) = optional_enr {
/// The equivalent of libp2p `inject_connected()` for a udp session. We have no stream, but a
/// session key-pair has been negotiated.
fn inject_session_established(&mut self, enr: Enr, direction: ConnectionDirection) {
// Ignore sessions with non-contactable ENRs
if enr.udp_socket().is_none() {
let node_id = enr.node_id();
"Session established with Node: {}, direction: {}",
node_id, direction
2024-10-30 09:26:02 +00:00
// requires network identity in ENR, so as to refuse low version peers.
match enr.get("network_identity") {
Some(_) => self.connection_updated(node_id, ConnectionStatus::Connected(enr, direction)),
None => debug!(ip=?enr.ip(), "No network identity in peer ENR"),
2024-01-03 10:24:52 +00:00
/// A session could not be established or an RPC request timed-out (after a few retries, if
/// specified).
fn rpc_failure(&mut self, id: RequestId, error: RequestError) {
trace!("RPC Error removing request. Reason: {:?}, id {}", error, id);
if let Some(active_request) = self.active_requests.remove(&id) {
// If this is initiated by the user, return an error on the callback. All callbacks
// support a request error.
match active_request.callback {
Some(CallbackResponse::Enr(callback)) => {
.unwrap_or_else(|_| debug!("Couldn't send TALK error response to user"));
Some(CallbackResponse::Talk(callback)) => {
// return the error
.unwrap_or_else(|_| debug!("Couldn't send TALK error response to user"));
None => {
// no callback to send too
let node_id = active_request.contact.node_id();
match active_request.request_body {
// if a failed FindNodes request, ensure we haven't partially received packets. If
// so, process the partially found nodes
RequestBody::FindNode { .. } => {
if let Some(nodes_response) = self.active_nodes_responses.remove(&node_id) {
if !nodes_response.received_nodes.is_empty() {
"NODES Response failed, but was partially processed from: {}",
// if it's a query mark it as success, to process the partial
// collection of peers
} else {
// there was no partially downloaded nodes inform the query of the failure
// if it's part of a query
if let Some(query_id) = active_request.query_id {
if let Some(query) = self.queries.get_mut(query_id) {
} else {
"Failed RPC request: {}: {} ",
active_request.request_body, active_request.contact
// for all other requests, if any are queries, mark them as failures.
_ => {
if let Some(query_id) = active_request.query_id {
if let Some(query) = self.queries.get_mut(query_id) {
"Failed query request: {} for query: {} and {} ",
active_request.request_body, *query_id, active_request.contact
} else {
"Failed RPC request: {} for node: {}, reason {:?} ",
active_request.request_body, active_request.contact, error
self.connection_updated(node_id, ConnectionStatus::Disconnected);
/// A future that maintains the routing table and inserts nodes when required. This returns the
/// `Discv5Event::NodeInserted` variant if a new node has been inserted into the routing table.
async fn bucket_maintenance_poll(
kbuckets: &Arc<RwLock<KBucketsTable<NodeId, Enr>>>,
) -> Discv5Event {
future::poll_fn(move |_cx| {
// Drain applied pending entries from the routing table.
if let Some(entry) = kbuckets.write().take_applied_pending() {
let event = Discv5Event::NodeInserted {
node_id: entry.inserted.into_preimage(),
replaced: entry.evicted.map(|n| n.key.into_preimage()),
return Poll::Ready(event);
/// A future the maintains active queries. This returns completed and timed out queries, as
/// well as queries which need to be driven further with extra requests.
async fn query_event_poll(queries: &mut QueryPool<QueryInfo, NodeId, Enr>) -> QueryEvent {
future::poll_fn(move |_cx| match queries.poll() {
QueryPoolState::Finished(query) => Poll::Ready(QueryEvent::Finished(Box::new(query))),
QueryPoolState::Waiting(Some((query, return_peer))) => {
let node_id = return_peer;
let request_body = match query.target().rpc_request(return_peer) {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(e) => {
// dst node is local_key, report failure
error!("Send RPC failed: {}", e);
return Poll::Pending;
Poll::Ready(QueryEvent::Waiting(query.id(), node_id, request_body))
QueryPoolState::Timeout(query) => {
warn!("Query id: {:?} timed out", query.id());
QueryPoolState::Waiting(None) | QueryPoolState::Idle => Poll::Pending,
/// The result of the `query_event_poll` indicating an action is required to further progress an
/// active query.
enum QueryEvent {
/// The query is waiting for a peer to be contacted.
Waiting(QueryId, NodeId, RequestBody),
/// The query has timed out, possible returning peers.
TimedOut(Box<crate::query_pool::Query<QueryInfo, NodeId, Enr>>),
/// The query has completed successfully.
Finished(Box<crate::query_pool::Query<QueryInfo, NodeId, Enr>>),
/// The types of queries that can be made.
pub enum QueryKind {
/// A FindNode query. Searches for peers that are closest to a particular target.
FindNode { target_node: NodeId },
/// A predicate query. Searches for peers that are close to a target but filtered by a specific
/// predicate and limited by a target peer count.
Predicate {
target_node: NodeId,
target_peer_no: usize,
predicate: Box<dyn Fn(&Enr) -> bool + Send>,
/// Reporting the connection status of a node.
enum ConnectionStatus {
/// A node has started a new connection with us.
Connected(Enr, ConnectionDirection),
/// We received a Pong from a new node. Do not have the connection direction.
/// The node has disconnected