#!/usr/bin/env python3 import time from test_framework.test_framework import TestFramework from config.node_config import GENESIS_PRIV_KEY from mine_with_market_test import PRICE_PER_SECTOR from utility.submission import create_submission, submit_data from utility.utils import wait_until, assert_equal, estimate_st_performance class PrunerTest(TestFramework): def setup_params(self): self.num_blockchain_nodes = 1 self.num_nodes = 1 self.zgs_node_configs[0] = { "db_max_num_sectors": 32 * 1024 * 1024, # "miner_key": GENESIS_PRIV_KEY, "prune_check_time_s": 1, "prune_batch_wait_time_ms": 1, } self.enable_market = True self.mine_period = int(45 / self.block_time) self.lifetime_seconds = 240 self.launch_wait_seconds = 15 self.log.info("Contract Info: Est. block time %.2f, Mine period %d", self.block_time, self.mine_period) def run_test(self): # difficulty = int(2**256 / 5 / estimate_st_performance()) # self.mine_contract.set_quality(difficulty) client = self.nodes[0] chunk_data = b"\x02" * 5 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 submissions, data_root = create_submission(chunk_data) self.contract.submit(submissions, tx_prarams = {"value": int(len(chunk_data) / 256 * PRICE_PER_SECTOR * 1.1)}) wait_until(lambda: self.contract.num_submissions() == 1) wait_until(lambda: client.zgs_get_file_info(data_root) is not None) segment = submit_data(client, chunk_data) self.log.info("segment: %s", len(segment)) # Wait for 1 sec for the shard config to be updated time.sleep(1) shard_config = client.rpc.zgs_getShardConfig() shard_id = int(shard_config["shardId"]) num_shard = int(shard_config["numShard"]) wait_until(lambda: self.reward_contract.first_rewardable_chunk() != 0, timeout=180) first_rewardable = self.reward_contract.first_rewardable_chunk() * 32 * 1024 # Wait for 1 sec for the no reward segments to be pruned. time.sleep(1) # Wait for chunks to be removed. for i in range(len(segment)): seg = client.zgs_download_segment(data_root, i * 1024, (i + 1) * 1024) if i < first_rewardable or i % num_shard != shard_id: assert_equal(seg, None) else: assert_equal(len(seg), 349528) if __name__ == "__main__": PrunerTest().main()