Bo QIU b9e6431a4d
Add shard config in STATUS message and only dail to shard config matched peers (#285)
* Add shard config in status message

* verify shard config for status message

* Notify peer connected to sync layer after status message exchanged

* Do not dial to shard config mismatched peers

* Upgrade network protocol version

* disconnect peer instead of ban peer if shard config mismatch

* Add python test for TCP connection by shard config
2024-11-25 10:15:30 +08:00

381 lines
11 KiB

//! Available RPC methods types and ids.
use regex::bytes::Regex;
use ssz_derive::{Decode, Encode};
use ssz_types::{
typenum::{U1024, U256},
use std::ops::Deref;
use strum::IntoStaticStr;
pub type Hash256 = ethereum_types::H256;
use shared_types::{ChunkArrayWithProof, NetworkIdentity, TxID};
pub use ssz_types::{typenum, typenum::Unsigned, BitList, BitVector, FixedVector};
/// Maximum number of blocks in a single request.
pub type MaxRequestBlocks = U1024;
pub const MAX_REQUEST_BLOCKS: u64 = 1024;
/// Maximum length of error message.
pub type MaxErrorLen = U256;
pub const MAX_ERROR_LEN: u64 = 256;
/// Maximum length of data message.
pub type MaxDataLen = U256;
pub const MAX_DATA_LEN: u64 = 256;
// Maximum length of GetChunksResponse chunk data.
pub const MAX_CHUNKS_LENGTH: usize = 10 * 1024 * 1024; // 10M
#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ZgsData {
pub hash: Hash256,
/// Wrapper over SSZ List to represent error message in rpc responses.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ErrorType(pub VariableList<u8, MaxErrorLen>);
impl From<String> for ErrorType {
fn from(s: String) -> Self {
impl From<&str> for ErrorType {
fn from(s: &str) -> Self {
impl Deref for ErrorType {
type Target = VariableList<u8, MaxErrorLen>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl ToString for ErrorType {
fn to_string(&self) -> String {
let re = Regex::new("\\p{C}").expect("Regex is valid");
String::from_utf8_lossy(&re.replace_all(self.0.deref(), &b""[..])).to_string()
/* Request/Response data structures for RPC methods */
/* Requests */
/// The STATUS request/response handshake message.
#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Default)]
pub struct StatusMessage {
pub data: NetworkIdentity,
// shard config
pub num_shard: usize,
pub shard_id: usize,
/// The PING request/response message.
#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Ping {
/// The metadata sequence number.
pub data: u64,
/// The reason given for a `Goodbye` message.
/// Note: any unknown `u64::into(n)` will resolve to `Goodbye::Unknown` for any unknown `n`,
/// however `GoodbyeReason::Unknown.into()` will go into `0_u64`. Therefore de-serializing then
/// re-serializing may not return the same bytes.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum GoodbyeReason {
/// This node has shutdown.
ClientShutdown = 1,
/// Incompatible networks.
IrrelevantNetwork = 2,
/// Error/fault in the RPC.
Fault = 3,
/// Teku uses this code for not being able to verify a network.
UnableToVerifyNetwork = 128,
/// The node has too many connected peers.
TooManyPeers = 129,
/// Scored poorly.
BadScore = 250,
/// The peer is banned
Banned = 251,
/// The IP address the peer is using is banned.
BannedIP = 252,
/// Unknown reason.
Unknown = 0,
impl From<u64> for GoodbyeReason {
fn from(id: u64) -> GoodbyeReason {
match id {
1 => GoodbyeReason::ClientShutdown,
2 => GoodbyeReason::IrrelevantNetwork,
3 => GoodbyeReason::Fault,
128 => GoodbyeReason::UnableToVerifyNetwork,
129 => GoodbyeReason::TooManyPeers,
250 => GoodbyeReason::BadScore,
251 => GoodbyeReason::Banned,
252 => GoodbyeReason::BannedIP,
_ => GoodbyeReason::Unknown,
impl From<GoodbyeReason> for u64 {
fn from(reason: GoodbyeReason) -> u64 {
reason as u64
impl ssz::Encode for GoodbyeReason {
fn is_ssz_fixed_len() -> bool {
<u64 as ssz::Encode>::is_ssz_fixed_len()
fn ssz_fixed_len() -> usize {
<u64 as ssz::Encode>::ssz_fixed_len()
fn ssz_bytes_len(&self) -> usize {
fn ssz_append(&self, buf: &mut Vec<u8>) {
let conv: u64 = self.clone().into();
impl ssz::Decode for GoodbyeReason {
fn is_ssz_fixed_len() -> bool {
<u64 as ssz::Decode>::is_ssz_fixed_len()
fn ssz_fixed_len() -> usize {
<u64 as ssz::Decode>::ssz_fixed_len()
fn from_ssz_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ssz::DecodeError> {
u64::from_ssz_bytes(bytes).map(|n| n.into())
/// Request a number of beacon block bodies from a peer.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct DataByHashRequest {
/// The list of beacon block bodies being requested.
pub hashes: VariableList<Hash256, MaxRequestBlocks>,
// The message of `AnnounceFile` RPC message.
#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct FileAnnouncement {
pub tx_id: TxID,
pub num_shard: usize,
pub shard_id: usize,
/// Request a chunk array from a peer.
#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct GetChunksRequest {
pub tx_id: TxID,
pub index_start: u64,
pub index_end: u64,
pub merkle_tx_seq: u64,
/* RPC Handling and Grouping */
// Collection of enums and structs used by the Codecs to encode/decode RPC messages
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum RPCResponse {
/// A HELLO message.
/// A PONG response to a PING request.
/// A response to a get DATA_BY_HASH request.
/// A response to a GET_CHUNKS request.
/// Indicates which response is being terminated by a stream termination response.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum ResponseTermination {
/// Data by hash stream termination.
/// The structured response containing a result/code indicating success or failure
/// and the contents of the response
pub enum RPCCodedResponse {
/// The response is a successful.
Error(RPCResponseErrorCode, ErrorType),
/// Received a stream termination indicating which response is being terminated.
/// The code assigned to an erroneous `RPCResponse`.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, IntoStaticStr)]
#[strum(serialize_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum RPCResponseErrorCode {
/// Error spec'd to indicate that a peer does not have blocks on a requested range.
impl RPCCodedResponse {
/// Used to encode the response in the codec.
pub fn as_u8(&self) -> Option<u8> {
match self {
RPCCodedResponse::Success(_) => Some(0),
RPCCodedResponse::Error(code, _) => Some(code.as_u8()),
RPCCodedResponse::StreamTermination(_) => None,
/// Tells the codec whether to decode as an RPCResponse or an error.
pub fn is_response(response_code: u8) -> bool {
matches!(response_code, 0)
/// Builds an RPCCodedResponse from a response code and an ErrorMessage
pub fn from_error(response_code: u8, err: ErrorType) -> Self {
let code = match response_code {
1 => RPCResponseErrorCode::InvalidRequest,
2 => RPCResponseErrorCode::ServerError,
3 => RPCResponseErrorCode::ResourceUnavailable,
139 => RPCResponseErrorCode::RateLimited,
_ => RPCResponseErrorCode::Unknown,
RPCCodedResponse::Error(code, err)
/// Specifies which response allows for multiple chunks for the stream handler.
pub fn multiple_responses(&self) -> bool {
match self {
RPCCodedResponse::Success(resp) => match resp {
RPCResponse::Status(_) => false,
RPCResponse::Pong(_) => false,
RPCResponse::DataByHash(_) => true,
RPCResponse::Chunks(_) => false,
RPCCodedResponse::Error(_, _) => true,
// Stream terminations are part of responses that have chunks
RPCCodedResponse::StreamTermination(_) => true,
/// Returns true if this response always terminates the stream.
pub fn close_after(&self) -> bool {
!matches!(self, RPCCodedResponse::Success(_))
impl RPCResponseErrorCode {
fn as_u8(&self) -> u8 {
match self {
RPCResponseErrorCode::InvalidRequest => 1,
RPCResponseErrorCode::ServerError => 2,
RPCResponseErrorCode::ResourceUnavailable => 3,
RPCResponseErrorCode::Unknown => 255,
RPCResponseErrorCode::RateLimited => 139,
impl std::fmt::Display for RPCResponseErrorCode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
let repr = match self {
RPCResponseErrorCode::InvalidRequest => "The request was invalid",
RPCResponseErrorCode::ResourceUnavailable => "Resource unavailable",
RPCResponseErrorCode::ServerError => "Server error occurred",
RPCResponseErrorCode::Unknown => "Unknown error occurred",
RPCResponseErrorCode::RateLimited => "Rate limited",
impl std::fmt::Display for StatusMessage {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Status Message: Data: {:?}", self.data)
impl std::fmt::Display for RPCResponse {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
RPCResponse::Status(status) => write!(f, "{}", status),
RPCResponse::Pong(ping) => write!(f, "Pong: {}", ping.data),
RPCResponse::DataByHash(data) => {
write!(f, "DataByHash: Hash: {:?}", data.hash)
RPCResponse::Chunks(data) => {
"Chunks Response, data length: {}",
impl std::fmt::Display for RPCCodedResponse {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
RPCCodedResponse::Success(res) => write!(f, "{}", res),
RPCCodedResponse::Error(code, err) => {
write!(f, "{}: {}", code, err.to_string())
RPCCodedResponse::StreamTermination(_) => {
write!(f, "Stream Termination")
impl std::fmt::Display for GoodbyeReason {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
GoodbyeReason::ClientShutdown => write!(f, "Client Shutdown"),
GoodbyeReason::IrrelevantNetwork => write!(f, "Irrelevant Network"),
GoodbyeReason::Fault => write!(f, "Fault"),
GoodbyeReason::UnableToVerifyNetwork => {
write!(f, "Unable to verify network")
GoodbyeReason::TooManyPeers => write!(f, "Too many peers"),
GoodbyeReason::BadScore => write!(f, "Bad Score"),
GoodbyeReason::Banned => write!(f, "Banned"),
GoodbyeReason::BannedIP => write!(f, "BannedIP"),
GoodbyeReason::Unknown => write!(f, "Unknown Reason"),