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// Copyright 2023 The LevelDB-Go and Pebble Authors. All rights reserved. Use
// of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
// Package metamorphic provides a testing framework for running randomized tests
// over multiple Pebble databases with varying configurations. Logically
// equivalent operations should result in equivalent output across all
// configurations.
package metamorphic
import (
type runAndCompareOptions struct {
seed uint64
ops randvar.Static
previousOpsPath string
initialStatePath string
initialStateDesc string
traceFile string
innerBinary string
mutateTestOptions []func(*TestOptions)
customRuns map[string]string
numInstances int
// A RunOption configures the behavior of RunAndCompare.
type RunOption interface {
// Seed configures generation to use the provided seed. Seed may be used to
// deterministically reproduce the same run.
type Seed uint64
func (s Seed) apply(ro *runAndCompareOptions) { ro.seed = uint64(s) }
// ExtendPreviousRun configures RunAndCompare to use the output of a previous
// metamorphic test run to seed the this run. It's used in the crossversion
// metamorphic tests, in which a data directory is upgraded through multiple
// versions of Pebble, exercising upgrade code paths and cross-version
// compatibility.
// The opsPath should be the filesystem path to the ops file containing the
// operations run within the previous iteration of the metamorphic test. It's
// used to inform operation generation to prefer using keys used in the previous
// run, which are therefore more likely to be "interesting."
// The initialStatePath argument should be the filesystem path to the data
// directory containing the database where the previous run of the metamorphic
// test left off.
// The initialStateDesc argument is presentational and should hold a
// human-readable description of the initial state.
func ExtendPreviousRun(opsPath, initialStatePath, initialStateDesc string) RunOption {
return closureOpt(func(ro *runAndCompareOptions) {
ro.previousOpsPath = opsPath
ro.initialStatePath = initialStatePath
ro.initialStateDesc = initialStateDesc
var (
// UseDisk configures RunAndCompare to use the physical filesystem for all
// generated runs.
UseDisk = closureOpt(func(ro *runAndCompareOptions) {
ro.mutateTestOptions = append(ro.mutateTestOptions, func(to *TestOptions) { to.useDisk = true })
// UseInMemory configures RunAndCompare to use an in-memory virtual
// filesystem for all generated runs.
UseInMemory = closureOpt(func(ro *runAndCompareOptions) {
ro.mutateTestOptions = append(ro.mutateTestOptions, func(to *TestOptions) { to.useDisk = false })
// OpCount configures the random variable for the number of operations to
// generate.
func OpCount(rv randvar.Static) RunOption {
return closureOpt(func(ro *runAndCompareOptions) { ro.ops = rv })
// RuntimeTrace configures each test run to collect a runtime trace and output
// it with the provided filename.
func RuntimeTrace(name string) RunOption {
return closureOpt(func(ro *runAndCompareOptions) { ro.traceFile = name })
// InnerBinary configures the binary that is called for each run. If not
// specified, this binary (os.Args[0]) is called.
func InnerBinary(path string) RunOption {
return closureOpt(func(ro *runAndCompareOptions) { ro.innerBinary = path })
// ParseCustomTestOption adds support for parsing the provided CustomOption from
// OPTIONS files serialized by the metamorphic tests. This RunOption alone does
// not cause the metamorphic tests to run with any variant of the provided
// CustomOption set.
func ParseCustomTestOption(name string, parseFn func(value string) (CustomOption, bool)) RunOption {
return closureOpt(func(ro *runAndCompareOptions) { ro.customOptionParsers[name] = parseFn })
// AddCustomRun adds an additional run of the metamorphic tests, using the
// provided OPTIONS file contents. The default options will be used, except
// those options that are overriden by the provided OPTIONS string.
func AddCustomRun(name string, serializedOptions string) RunOption {
return closureOpt(func(ro *runAndCompareOptions) { ro.customRuns[name] = serializedOptions })
type closureOpt func(*runAndCompareOptions)
func (f closureOpt) apply(ro *runAndCompareOptions) { f(ro) }
// RunAndCompare runs the metamorphic tests, using the provided root directory
// to hold test data.
func RunAndCompare(t *testing.T, rootDir string, rOpts ...RunOption) {
runOpts := runAndCompareOptions{
ops: randvar.NewUniform(1000, 10000),
customRuns: map[string]string{},
runOnceOptions: runOnceOptions{
customOptionParsers: map[string]func(string) (CustomOption, bool){},
for _, o := range rOpts {
if runOpts.seed == 0 {
runOpts.seed = uint64(time.Now().UnixNano())
require.NoError(t, os.MkdirAll(rootDir, 0755))
metaDir, err := os.MkdirTemp(rootDir, time.Now().Format("060102-150405.000"))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, os.MkdirAll(metaDir, 0755))
defer func() {
if !t.Failed() && !runOpts.keep {
_ = os.RemoveAll(metaDir)
rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(runOpts.seed))
opCount := runOpts.ops.Uint64(rng)
// Generate a new set of random ops, writing them to <dir>/ops. These will be
// read by the child processes when performing a test run.
km := newKeyManager(runOpts.numInstances)
cfg := presetConfigs[rng.Intn(len(presetConfigs))]
if runOpts.previousOpsPath != "" {
// During cross-version testing, we load keys from an `ops` file
// produced by a metamorphic test run of an earlier Pebble version.
// Seeding the keys ensure we generate interesting operations, including
// ones with key shadowing, merging, etc.
opsPath := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(filepath.Clean(runOpts.previousOpsPath)), "ops")
opsData, err := os.ReadFile(opsPath)
require.NoError(t, err)
ops, err := parse(opsData, parserOpts{})
require.NoError(t, err)
loadPrecedingKeys(t, ops, &cfg, km)
if runOpts.numInstances > 1 {
// The multi-instance variant does not support all operations yet.
// TODO(bilal): Address this and use the default configs.
cfg = multiInstancePresetConfig
cfg.numInstances = runOpts.numInstances
ops := generate(rng, opCount, cfg, km)
opsPath := filepath.Join(metaDir, "ops")
formattedOps := formatOps(ops)
require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(opsPath, []byte(formattedOps), 0644))
// runOptions performs a particular test run with the specified options. The
// options are written to <run-dir>/OPTIONS and a child process is created to
// actually execute the test.
runOptions := func(t *testing.T, opts *TestOptions) {
if opts.Opts.Cache != nil {
defer opts.Opts.Cache.Unref()
for _, fn := range runOpts.mutateTestOptions {
runDir := filepath.Join(metaDir, path.Base(t.Name()))
require.NoError(t, os.MkdirAll(runDir, 0755))
optionsPath := filepath.Join(runDir, "OPTIONS")
optionsStr := optionsToString(opts)
require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(optionsPath, []byte(optionsStr), 0644))
args := []string{
"-keep=" + fmt.Sprint(runOpts.keep),
"-run-dir=" + runDir,
"-test.run=" + t.Name() + "$",
if runOpts.numInstances > 1 {
args = append(args, "--num-instances="+strconv.Itoa(runOpts.numInstances))
if runOpts.traceFile != "" {
args = append(args, "-test.trace="+filepath.Join(runDir, runOpts.traceFile))
binary := os.Args[0]
if runOpts.innerBinary != "" {
binary = runOpts.innerBinary
cmd := exec.Command(binary, args...)
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
===== SEED =====
===== ERR =====
===== OUT =====
===== OPTIONS =====
===== OPS =====
===== HISTORY =====
%s`, runOpts.seed, err, out, optionsStr, formattedOps, readFile(filepath.Join(runDir, "history")))
var names []string
options := map[string]*TestOptions{}
// Create the standard options.
for i, opts := range standardOptions() {
name := fmt.Sprintf("standard-%03d", i)
names = append(names, name)
options[name] = opts
// Create the custom option runs, if any.
for name, customOptsStr := range runOpts.customRuns {
options[name] = defaultTestOptions()
if err := parseOptions(options[name], customOptsStr, runOpts.customOptionParsers); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("custom opts %q: %s", name, err)
// Sort the custom options names for determinism (they're currently in
// random order from map iteration).
// Create random options. We make an arbitrary choice to run with as many
// random options as we have standard options.
nOpts := len(options)
for i := 0; i < nOpts; i++ {
name := fmt.Sprintf("random-%03d", i)
names = append(names, name)
opts := randomOptions(rng, runOpts.customOptionParsers)
options[name] = opts
// If the user provided the path to an initial database state to use, update
// all the options to pull from it.
if runOpts.initialStatePath != "" {
for _, o := range options {
var err error
o.initialStatePath, err = filepath.Abs(runOpts.initialStatePath)
require.NoError(t, err)
o.initialStateDesc = runOpts.initialStateDesc
// Run the options.
t.Run("execution", func(t *testing.T) {
for _, name := range names {
name := name
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
runOptions(t, options[name])
// NB: The above 'execution' subtest will not complete until all of the
// individual execution/ subtests have completed. The grouping within the
// `execution` subtest ensures all the histories are available when we
// proceed to comparing against the base history.
// Don't bother comparing output if we've already failed.
if t.Failed() {
t.Run("compare", func(t *testing.T) {
getHistoryPath := func(name string) string {
return filepath.Join(metaDir, name, "history")
base := readHistory(t, getHistoryPath(names[0]))
base = reorderHistory(base)
for i := 1; i < len(names); i++ {
t.Run(names[i], func(t *testing.T) {
lines := readHistory(t, getHistoryPath(names[i]))
lines = reorderHistory(lines)
diff := difflib.UnifiedDiff{
A: base,
B: lines,
Context: 5,
text, err := difflib.GetUnifiedDiffString(diff)
require.NoError(t, err)
if text != "" {
// NB: We force an exit rather than using t.Fatal because the latter
// will run another instance of the test if -count is specified, while
// we're happy to exit on the first failure.
optionsStrA := optionsToString(options[names[0]])
optionsStrB := optionsToString(options[names[i]])
===== SEED =====
===== DIFF =====
===== OPTIONS %s =====
===== OPTIONS %s =====
===== OPS =====
`, runOpts.seed, metaDir, names[0], names[i], text, names[0], optionsStrA, names[i], optionsStrB, formattedOps)
type runOnceOptions struct {
keep bool
maxThreads int
errorRate float64
failRegexp *regexp.Regexp
numInstances int
customOptionParsers map[string]func(string) (CustomOption, bool)
// A RunOnceOption configures the behavior of a single run of the metamorphic
// tests.
type RunOnceOption interface {
// KeepData keeps the database directory, even on successful runs. If the test
// used an in-memory filesystem, the in-memory filesystem will be persisted to
// the run directory.
type KeepData struct{}
func (KeepData) apply(ro *runAndCompareOptions) { ro.keep = true }
func (KeepData) applyOnce(ro *runOnceOptions) { ro.keep = true }
// InjectErrorsRate configures the run to inject errors into read-only
// filesystem operations and retry injected errors.
type InjectErrorsRate float64
func (r InjectErrorsRate) apply(ro *runAndCompareOptions) { ro.errorRate = float64(r) }
func (r InjectErrorsRate) applyOnce(ro *runOnceOptions) { ro.errorRate = float64(r) }
// MaxThreads sets an upper bound on the number of parallel execution threads
// during replay.
type MaxThreads int
func (m MaxThreads) apply(ro *runAndCompareOptions) { ro.maxThreads = int(m) }
func (m MaxThreads) applyOnce(ro *runOnceOptions) { ro.maxThreads = int(m) }
// FailOnMatch configures the run to fail immediately if the history matches the
// provided regular expression.
type FailOnMatch struct {
func (f FailOnMatch) apply(ro *runAndCompareOptions) { ro.failRegexp = f.Regexp }
func (f FailOnMatch) applyOnce(ro *runOnceOptions) { ro.failRegexp = f.Regexp }
// MultiInstance configures the number of pebble instances to create.
type MultiInstance int
func (m MultiInstance) apply(ro *runAndCompareOptions) { ro.numInstances = int(m) }
func (m MultiInstance) applyOnce(ro *runOnceOptions) { ro.numInstances = int(m) }
// RunOnce performs one run of the metamorphic tests. RunOnce expects the
// directory named by `runDir` to already exist and contain an `OPTIONS` file
// containing the test run's configuration. The history of the run is persisted
// to a file at the path `historyPath`.
// The `seed` parameter is not functional; it's used for context in logging.
func RunOnce(t TestingT, runDir string, seed uint64, historyPath string, rOpts ...RunOnceOption) {
runOpts := runOnceOptions{
customOptionParsers: map[string]func(string) (CustomOption, bool){},
for _, o := range rOpts {
opsPath := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(filepath.Clean(runDir)), "ops")
opsData, err := os.ReadFile(opsPath)
require.NoError(t, err)
ops, err := parse(opsData, parserOpts{})
require.NoError(t, err)
_ = ops
optionsPath := filepath.Join(runDir, "OPTIONS")
optionsData, err := os.ReadFile(optionsPath)
require.NoError(t, err)
// NB: It's important to use defaultTestOptions() here as the base into
// which we parse the serialized options. It contains the relevant defaults,
// like the appropriate block-property collectors.
testOpts := defaultTestOptions()
opts := testOpts.Opts
require.NoError(t, parseOptions(testOpts, string(optionsData), runOpts.customOptionParsers))
// Always use our custom comparer which provides a Split method, splitting
// keys at the trailing '@'.
opts.Comparer = testkeys.Comparer
// Use an archive cleaner to ease post-mortem debugging.
opts.Cleaner = base.ArchiveCleaner{}
// Set up the filesystem to use for the test. Note that by default we use an
// in-memory FS.
if testOpts.useDisk {
opts.FS = vfs.Default
require.NoError(t, os.RemoveAll(opts.FS.PathJoin(runDir, "data")))
} else {
opts.Cleaner = base.ArchiveCleaner{}
if testOpts.strictFS {
opts.FS = vfs.NewStrictMem()
} else {
opts.FS = vfs.NewMem()
threads := testOpts.threads
if runOpts.maxThreads < threads {
threads = runOpts.maxThreads
dir := opts.FS.PathJoin(runDir, "data")
// Set up the initial database state if configured to start from a non-empty
// database. By default tests start from an empty database, but split
// version testing may configure a previous metamorphic tests's database
// state as the initial state.
if testOpts.initialStatePath != "" {
require.NoError(t, setupInitialState(dir, testOpts))
// Wrap the filesystem with one that will inject errors into read
// operations with *errorRate probability.
opts.FS = errorfs.Wrap(opts.FS, errorfs.ErrInjected.If(
dsl.And[errorfs.Op](errorfs.Reads, errorfs.Randomly(runOpts.errorRate, int64(seed))),
if opts.WALDir != "" {
if runOpts.numInstances > 1 {
// TODO(bilal): Allow opts to diverge on a per-instance basis, and use
// that to set unique WAL dirs for all instances in multi-instance mode.
opts.WALDir = ""
} else {
opts.WALDir = opts.FS.PathJoin(runDir, opts.WALDir)
historyFile, err := os.Create(historyPath)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer historyFile.Close()
writers := []io.Writer{historyFile}
if testing.Verbose() {
writers = append(writers, os.Stdout)
h := newHistory(runOpts.failRegexp, writers...)
m := newTest(ops)
require.NoError(t, m.init(h, dir, testOpts, runOpts.numInstances))
if threads <= 1 {
for m.step(h) {
if err := h.Error(); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Seed: %d\n", seed)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
} else {
eg, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(context.Background())
for t := 0; t < threads; t++ {
t := t // bind loop var to scope
eg.Go(func() error {
for idx := 0; idx < len(m.ops); idx++ {
// Skip any operations whose receiver object hashes to a
// different thread. All operations with the same receiver
// are performed from the same thread. This goroutine is
// only responsible for executing operations that hash to
// `t`.
if hashThread(m.ops[idx].receiver(), threads) != t {
// Some operations have additional synchronization
// dependencies. If this operation has any, wait for its
// dependencies to complete before executing.
for _, waitOnIdx := range m.opsWaitOn[idx] {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
// Exit if some other thread already errored out.
return ctx.Err()
case <-m.opsDone[waitOnIdx]:
m.ops[idx].run(m, h.recorder(t, idx))
// If this operation has a done channel, close it so that
// other operations that synchronize on this operation know
// that it's been completed.
if ch := m.opsDone[idx]; ch != nil {
if err := h.Error(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err := eg.Wait(); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Seed: %d\n", seed)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
if runOpts.keep && !testOpts.useDisk {
func hashThread(objID objID, numThreads int) int {
// Fibonacci hash https://probablydance.com/2018/06/16/fibonacci-hashing-the-optimization-that-the-world-forgot-or-a-better-alternative-to-integer-modulo/
return int((11400714819323198485 * uint64(objID)) % uint64(numThreads))
// Compare runs the metamorphic tests in the provided runDirs and compares their
// histories.
func Compare(t TestingT, rootDir string, seed uint64, runDirs []string, rOpts ...RunOnceOption) {
historyPaths := make([]string, len(runDirs))
for i := 0; i < len(runDirs); i++ {
historyPath := filepath.Join(rootDir, runDirs[i]+"-"+time.Now().Format("060102-150405.000"))
runDirs[i] = filepath.Join(rootDir, runDirs[i])
_ = os.Remove(historyPath)
historyPaths[i] = historyPath
defer func() {
for _, path := range historyPaths {
_ = os.Remove(path)
for i, runDir := range runDirs {
RunOnce(t, runDir, seed, historyPaths[i], rOpts...)
if t.Failed() {
i, diff := CompareHistories(t, historyPaths)
if i != 0 {
===== DIFF =====
`, rootDir, runDirs[0], runDirs[i], diff)
// TestingT is an interface wrapper around *testing.T
type TestingT interface {
Failed() bool
func readFile(path string) string {
history, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("err: %v", err)
return string(history)