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// Copyright 2020 The LevelDB-Go and Pebble Authors. All rights reserved. Use
// of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
package vfs
import (
const (
// preallocatedSlotCount is the default number of slots available for
// concurrent filesystem operations. The slot count may be exceeded, but
// each additional slot will incur an additional allocation. We choose 16
// here with the expectation that it is significantly more than required in
// practice. See the comment above the diskHealthCheckingFS type definition.
preallocatedSlotCount = 16
// deltaBits is the number of bits in the packed 64-bit integer used for
// identifying a delta from the file creation time in milliseconds.
deltaBits = 40
// writeSizeBits is the number of bits in the packed 64-bit integer used for
// identifying the size of the write operation, if the operation is sized. See
// writeSizePrecision below for precision of size.
writeSizeBits = 20
// Track size of writes at kilobyte precision. See comment above lastWritePacked for more.
writeSizePrecision = 1024
// Variables to enable testing.
var (
// defaultTickInterval is the default interval between two ticks of each
// diskHealthCheckingFile loop iteration.
defaultTickInterval = 2 * time.Second
// OpType is the type of IO operation being monitored by a
// diskHealthCheckingFile.
type OpType uint8
// The following OpTypes is limited to the subset of file system operations that
// a diskHealthCheckingFile supports (namely writes and syncs).
const (
OpTypeUnknown OpType = iota
// Note: opTypeMax is just used in tests. It must appear last in the list
// of OpTypes.
// String implements fmt.Stringer.
func (o OpType) String() string {
switch o {
case OpTypeWrite:
return "write"
case OpTypeSync:
return "sync"
case OpTypeSyncData:
return "syncdata"
case OpTypeSyncTo:
return "syncto"
case OpTypeCreate:
return "create"
case OpTypeLink:
return "link"
case OpTypeMkdirAll:
return "mkdirall"
case OpTypePreallocate:
return "preallocate"
case OpTypeRemove:
return "remove"
case OpTypeRemoveAll:
return "removall"
case OpTypeRename:
return "rename"
case OpTypeReuseForWrite:
return "reuseforwrite"
case OpTypeUnknown:
return "unknown"
panic(fmt.Sprintf("vfs: unknown op type: %d", o))
// diskHealthCheckingFile is a File wrapper to detect slow disk operations, and
// call onSlowDisk if a disk operation is seen to exceed diskSlowThreshold.
// This struct creates a goroutine (in startTicker()) that, at every tick
// interval, sees if there's a disk operation taking longer than the specified
// duration. This setup is preferable to creating a new timer at every disk
// operation, as it reduces overhead per disk operation.
type diskHealthCheckingFile struct {
file File
onSlowDisk func(opType OpType, writeSizeInBytes int, duration time.Duration)
diskSlowThreshold time.Duration
tickInterval time.Duration
stopper chan struct{}
// lastWritePacked is a 64-bit unsigned int. The most significant
// 40 bits represent an delta (in milliseconds) from the creation
// time of the diskHealthCheckingFile. The next most significant 20 bits
// represent the size of the write in KBs, if the write has a size. (If
// it doesn't, the 20 bits are zeroed). The least significant four bits
// contains the OpType.
// The use of 40 bits for an delta provides ~34 years of effective
// monitoring time before the uint wraps around, at millisecond precision.
// ~34 years of process uptime "ought to be enough for anybody". Millisecond
// writeSizePrecision is sufficient, given that we are monitoring for writes that take
// longer than one millisecond.
// The use of 20 bits for the size in KBs allows representing sizes up
// to nearly one GB. If the write is larger than that, we round down to ~one GB.
// The use of four bits for OpType allows for 16 operation types.
// NB: this packing scheme is not persisted, and is therefore safe to adjust
// across process boundaries.
lastWritePacked atomic.Uint64
createTimeNanos int64
// newDiskHealthCheckingFile instantiates a new diskHealthCheckingFile, with the
// specified time threshold and event listener.
func newDiskHealthCheckingFile(
file File,
diskSlowThreshold time.Duration,
onSlowDisk func(OpType OpType, writeSizeInBytes int, duration time.Duration),
) *diskHealthCheckingFile {
return &diskHealthCheckingFile{
file: file,
onSlowDisk: onSlowDisk,
diskSlowThreshold: diskSlowThreshold,
tickInterval: defaultTickInterval,
stopper: make(chan struct{}),
createTimeNanos: time.Now().UnixNano(),
// startTicker starts a new goroutine with a ticker to monitor disk operations.
// Can only be called if the ticker goroutine isn't running already.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFile) startTicker() {
if d.diskSlowThreshold == 0 {
go func() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(d.tickInterval)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-d.stopper:
case <-ticker.C:
packed := d.lastWritePacked.Load()
if packed == 0 {
delta, writeSize, op := unpack(packed)
lastWrite := time.Unix(0, d.createTimeNanos+delta.Nanoseconds())
now := time.Now()
if lastWrite.Add(d.diskSlowThreshold).Before(now) {
// diskSlowThreshold was exceeded. Call the passed-in
// listener.
d.onSlowDisk(op, writeSize, now.Sub(lastWrite))
// stopTicker stops the goroutine started in startTicker.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFile) stopTicker() {
// Fd implements (vfs.File).Fd.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFile) Fd() uintptr {
return d.file.Fd()
// Read implements (vfs.File).Read
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFile) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
return d.file.Read(p)
// ReadAt implements (vfs.File).ReadAt
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFile) ReadAt(p []byte, off int64) (int, error) {
return d.file.ReadAt(p, off)
// Write implements the io.Writer interface.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFile) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
d.timeDiskOp(OpTypeWrite, int64(len(p)), func() {
n, err = d.file.Write(p)
}, time.Now().UnixNano())
return n, err
// Write implements the io.WriterAt interface.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFile) WriteAt(p []byte, ofs int64) (n int, err error) {
d.timeDiskOp(OpTypeWrite, int64(len(p)), func() {
n, err = d.file.WriteAt(p, ofs)
}, time.Now().UnixNano())
return n, err
// Close implements the io.Closer interface.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFile) Close() error {
return d.file.Close()
// Prefetch implements (vfs.File).Prefetch.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFile) Prefetch(offset, length int64) error {
return d.file.Prefetch(offset, length)
// Preallocate implements (vfs.File).Preallocate.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFile) Preallocate(off, n int64) (err error) {
d.timeDiskOp(OpTypePreallocate, n, func() {
err = d.file.Preallocate(off, n)
}, time.Now().UnixNano())
return err
// Stat implements (vfs.File).Stat.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFile) Stat() (os.FileInfo, error) {
return d.file.Stat()
// Sync implements the io.Syncer interface.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFile) Sync() (err error) {
d.timeDiskOp(OpTypeSync, 0, func() {
err = d.file.Sync()
}, time.Now().UnixNano())
return err
// SyncData implements (vfs.File).SyncData.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFile) SyncData() (err error) {
d.timeDiskOp(OpTypeSyncData, 0, func() {
err = d.file.SyncData()
}, time.Now().UnixNano())
return err
// SyncTo implements (vfs.File).SyncTo.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFile) SyncTo(length int64) (fullSync bool, err error) {
d.timeDiskOp(OpTypeSyncTo, length, func() {
fullSync, err = d.file.SyncTo(length)
}, time.Now().UnixNano())
return fullSync, err
// timeDiskOp runs the specified closure and makes its timing visible to the
// monitoring goroutine, in case it exceeds one of the slow disk durations.
// opType should always be set. writeSizeInBytes should be set if the write
// operation is sized. If not, it should be set to zero.
// The start time is taken as a parameter in the form of nanoseconds since the
// unix epoch so that it appears in stack traces during crashes (if GOTRACEBACK
// is set appropriately), aiding postmortem debugging.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFile) timeDiskOp(
opType OpType, writeSizeInBytes int64, op func(), startNanos int64,
) {
if d == nil {
delta := time.Duration(startNanos - d.createTimeNanos)
packed := pack(delta, writeSizeInBytes, opType)
if d.lastWritePacked.Swap(packed) != 0 {
panic("concurrent write operations detected on file")
defer func() {
if d.lastWritePacked.Swap(0) != packed {
panic("concurrent write operations detected on file")
// Note the slight lack of symmetry between pack & unpack. pack takes an int64 for writeSizeInBytes, since
// callers of pack use an int64. This is dictated by the vfs interface. unpack OTOH returns an int. This is
// safe because the packing scheme implies we only actually need 32 bits.
func pack(delta time.Duration, writeSizeInBytes int64, opType OpType) uint64 {
// We have no guarantee of clock monotonicity. If we have a small regression
// in the clock, we set deltaMillis to zero, so we can still catch the operation
// if happens to be slow.
deltaMillis := delta.Milliseconds()
if deltaMillis < 0 {
deltaMillis = 0
// As of 3/7/2023, the use of 40 bits for an delta provides ~34 years
// of effective monitoring time before the uint wraps around, at millisecond
// precision.
if deltaMillis > 1<<deltaBits-1 {
panic("vfs: last write delta would result in integer wraparound")
// See writeSizePrecision to get the unit of writeSize. As of 1/26/2023, the unit is KBs.
writeSize := writeSizeInBytes / writeSizePrecision
// If the size of the write is larger than we can store in the packed int, store the max
// value we can store in the packed int.
const writeSizeCeiling = 1<<writeSizeBits - 1
if writeSize > writeSizeCeiling {
writeSize = writeSizeCeiling
return uint64(deltaMillis)<<(64-deltaBits) | uint64(writeSize)<<(64-deltaBits-writeSizeBits) | uint64(opType)
func unpack(packed uint64) (delta time.Duration, writeSizeInBytes int, opType OpType) {
delta = time.Duration(packed>>(64-deltaBits)) * time.Millisecond
wz := int64(packed>>(64-deltaBits-writeSizeBits)) & ((1 << writeSizeBits) - 1) * writeSizePrecision
// Given the packing scheme, converting wz to an int will not truncate anything.
writeSizeInBytes = int(wz)
opType = OpType(packed & 0xf)
return delta, writeSizeInBytes, opType
// diskHealthCheckingDir implements disk-health checking for directories. Unlike
// other files, we allow directories to receive concurrent write operations
// (Syncs are the only write operations supported by a directory.) Since the
// diskHealthCheckingFile's timeDiskOp can only track a single in-flight
// operation at a time, we time the operation using the filesystem-level
// timeFilesystemOp function instead.
type diskHealthCheckingDir struct {
name string
fs *diskHealthCheckingFS
// Sync implements the io.Syncer interface.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingDir) Sync() (err error) {
d.fs.timeFilesystemOp(d.name, OpTypeSync, func() {
err = d.File.Sync()
}, time.Now().UnixNano())
return err
// DiskSlowInfo captures info about detected slow operations on the vfs.
type DiskSlowInfo struct {
// Path of file being written to.
Path string
// Operation being performed on the file.
OpType OpType
// Size of write in bytes, if the write is sized.
WriteSize int
// Duration that has elapsed since this disk operation started.
Duration time.Duration
func (i DiskSlowInfo) String() string {
return redact.StringWithoutMarkers(i)
// SafeFormat implements redact.SafeFormatter.
func (i DiskSlowInfo) SafeFormat(w redact.SafePrinter, _ rune) {
switch i.OpType {
// Operations for which i.WriteSize is meaningful.
case OpTypeWrite, OpTypeSyncTo, OpTypePreallocate:
w.Printf("disk slowness detected: %s on file %s (%d bytes) has been ongoing for %0.1fs",
redact.Safe(i.OpType.String()), redact.Safe(filepath.Base(i.Path)),
redact.Safe(i.WriteSize), redact.Safe(i.Duration.Seconds()))
w.Printf("disk slowness detected: %s on file %s has been ongoing for %0.1fs",
redact.Safe(i.OpType.String()), redact.Safe(filepath.Base(i.Path)),
// diskHealthCheckingFS adds disk-health checking facilities to a VFS.
// It times disk write operations in two ways:
// 1. Wrapping vfs.Files.
// The bulk of write I/O activity is file writing and syncing, invoked through
// the `vfs.File` interface. This VFS wraps all files open for writing with a
// special diskHealthCheckingFile implementation of the vfs.File interface. See
// above for the implementation.
// 2. Monitoring filesystem metadata operations.
// Filesystem metadata operations (create, link, remove, rename, etc) are also
// sources of disk writes. Unlike a vfs.File which requires Write and Sync calls
// to be sequential, a vfs.FS may receive these filesystem metadata operations
// in parallel. To accommodate this parallelism, the diskHealthCheckingFS's
// write-oriented filesystem operations record their start times into a 'slot'
// on the filesystem. A single long-running goroutine periodically scans the
// slots looking for slow operations.
// The number of slots on a diskHealthCheckingFS grows to a working set of the
// maximum concurrent filesystem operations. This is expected to be very few
// for these reasons:
// 1. Pebble has limited write concurrency. Flushes, compactions and WAL
// rotations are the primary sources of filesystem metadata operations. With
// the default max-compaction concurrency, these operations require at most 5
// concurrent slots if all 5 perform a filesystem metadata operation
// simultaneously.
// 2. Pebble's limited concurrent I/O writers spend most of their time
// performing file I/O, not performing the filesystem metadata operations that
// require recording a slot on the diskHealthCheckingFS.
// 3. In CockroachDB, each additional store/Pebble instance has its own vfs.FS
// which provides a separate goroutine and set of slots.
// 4. In CockroachDB, many of the additional sources of filesystem metadata
// operations (like encryption-at-rest) are sequential with respect to Pebble's
// threads.
type diskHealthCheckingFS struct {
tickInterval time.Duration
diskSlowThreshold time.Duration
onSlowDisk func(DiskSlowInfo)
fs FS
mu struct {
tickerRunning bool
stopper chan struct{}
inflight []*slot
// prealloc preallocates the memory for mu.inflight slots and the slice
// itself. The contained fields are not accessed directly except by
// WithDiskHealthChecks when initializing mu.inflight. The number of slots
// in d.mu.inflight will grow to the maximum number of concurrent file
// metadata operations (create, remove, link, etc). If the number of
// concurrent operations never exceeds preallocatedSlotCount, we'll never
// incur an additional allocation.
prealloc struct {
slots [preallocatedSlotCount]slot
slotPtrSlice [preallocatedSlotCount]*slot
type slot struct {
name string
opType OpType
startNanos atomic.Int64
// diskHealthCheckingFS implements FS.
var _ FS = (*diskHealthCheckingFS)(nil)
// WithDiskHealthChecks wraps an FS and ensures that all write-oriented
// operations on the FS are wrapped with disk health detection checks. Disk
// operations that are observed to take longer than diskSlowThreshold trigger an
// onSlowDisk call.
// A threshold of zero disables disk-health checking.
func WithDiskHealthChecks(
innerFS FS, diskSlowThreshold time.Duration, onSlowDisk func(info DiskSlowInfo),
) (FS, io.Closer) {
if diskSlowThreshold == 0 {
return innerFS, noopCloser{}
fs := &diskHealthCheckingFS{
fs: innerFS,
tickInterval: defaultTickInterval,
diskSlowThreshold: diskSlowThreshold,
onSlowDisk: onSlowDisk,
fs.mu.stopper = make(chan struct{})
// The fs holds preallocated slots and a preallocated array of slot pointers
// with equal length. Initialize the inflight slice to use a slice backed by
// the preallocated array with each slot initialized to a preallocated slot.
fs.mu.inflight = fs.prealloc.slotPtrSlice[:]
for i := range fs.mu.inflight {
fs.mu.inflight[i] = &fs.prealloc.slots[i]
return fs, fs
// timeFilesystemOp executes the provided closure, which should perform a
// singular filesystem operation of a type matching opType on the named file. It
// records the provided start time such that the long-lived disk-health checking
// goroutine can observe if the operation is blocked for an inordinate time.
// The start time is taken as a parameter in the form of nanoseconds since the
// unix epoch so that it appears in stack traces during crashes (if GOTRACEBACK
// is set appropriately), aiding postmortem debugging.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFS) timeFilesystemOp(
name string, opType OpType, op func(), startNanos int64,
) {
if d == nil {
// Record this operation's start time on the FS, so that the long-running
// goroutine can monitor the filesystem operation.
// The diskHealthCheckingFile implementation uses a single field that is
// atomically updated, taking advantage of the fact that writes to a single
// vfs.File handle are not performed in parallel. The vfs.FS however may
// receive write filesystem operations in parallel. To accommodate this
// parallelism, writing goroutines append their start time to a
// mutex-protected vector. On ticks, the long-running goroutine scans the
// vector searching for start times older than the slow-disk threshold. When
// a writing goroutine completes its operation, it atomically overwrites its
// slot to signal completion.
var s *slot
func() {
defer d.mu.Unlock()
// If there's no long-running goroutine to monitor this filesystem
// operation, start one.
if !d.mu.tickerRunning {
for i := 0; i < len(d.mu.inflight); i++ {
if d.mu.inflight[i].startNanos.Load() == 0 {
// This slot is not in use. Claim it.
s = d.mu.inflight[i]
s.name = name
s.opType = opType
// If we didn't find any unused slots, create a new slot and append it.
// This slot will exist forever. The number of slots will grow to the
// maximum number of concurrent filesystem operations over the lifetime
// of the process. Only operations that grow the number of slots must
// incur an allocation.
if s == nil {
s = &slot{
name: name,
opType: opType,
d.mu.inflight = append(d.mu.inflight, s)
// Signal completion by zeroing the start time.
// startTickerLocked starts a new goroutine with a ticker to monitor disk
// filesystem operations. Requires d.mu and !d.mu.tickerRunning.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFS) startTickerLocked() {
d.mu.tickerRunning = true
stopper := d.mu.stopper
go func() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(d.tickInterval)
defer ticker.Stop()
type exceededSlot struct {
name string
opType OpType
startNanos int64
var exceededSlots []exceededSlot
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
// Scan the inflight slots for any slots recording a start
// time older than the diskSlowThreshold.
exceededSlots = exceededSlots[:0]
now := time.Now()
for i := range d.mu.inflight {
nanos := d.mu.inflight[i].startNanos.Load()
if nanos != 0 && time.Unix(0, nanos).Add(d.diskSlowThreshold).Before(now) {
// diskSlowThreshold was exceeded. Copy this inflightOp into
// exceededSlots and call d.onSlowDisk after dropping the mutex.
inflightOp := exceededSlot{
name: d.mu.inflight[i].name,
opType: d.mu.inflight[i].opType,
startNanos: nanos,
exceededSlots = append(exceededSlots, inflightOp)
for i := range exceededSlots {
Path: exceededSlots[i].name,
OpType: exceededSlots[i].opType,
WriteSize: 0, // writes at the fs level are not sized
Duration: now.Sub(time.Unix(0, exceededSlots[i].startNanos)),
case <-stopper:
// Close implements io.Closer. Close stops the long-running goroutine that
// monitors for slow filesystem metadata operations. Close may be called
// multiple times. If the filesystem is used after Close has been called, a new
// long-running goroutine will be created.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFS) Close() error {
if !d.mu.tickerRunning {
// Nothing to stop.
return nil
// Grab the stopper so we can request the long-running goroutine to stop.
// Replace the stopper in case this FS is reused. It's possible to Close and
// reuse a disk-health checking FS. This is to accommodate the on-by-default
// behavior in Pebble, and the possibility that users may continue to use
// the Pebble default FS beyond the lifetime of a single DB.
stopper := d.mu.stopper
d.mu.stopper = make(chan struct{})
d.mu.tickerRunning = false
// Ask the long-running goroutine to stop. This is a synchronous channel
// send.
stopper <- struct{}{}
return nil
// Create implements the FS interface.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFS) Create(name string) (File, error) {
var f File
var err error
d.timeFilesystemOp(name, OpTypeCreate, func() {
f, err = d.fs.Create(name)
}, time.Now().UnixNano())
if err != nil {
return f, err
if d.diskSlowThreshold == 0 {
return f, nil
checkingFile := newDiskHealthCheckingFile(f, d.diskSlowThreshold, func(opType OpType, writeSizeInBytes int, duration time.Duration) {
Path: name,
OpType: opType,
WriteSize: writeSizeInBytes,
Duration: duration,
return checkingFile, nil
// GetDiskUsage implements the FS interface.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFS) GetDiskUsage(path string) (DiskUsage, error) {
return d.fs.GetDiskUsage(path)
// Link implements the FS interface.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFS) Link(oldname, newname string) error {
var err error
d.timeFilesystemOp(newname, OpTypeLink, func() {
err = d.fs.Link(oldname, newname)
}, time.Now().UnixNano())
return err
// List implements the FS interface.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFS) List(dir string) ([]string, error) {
return d.fs.List(dir)
// Lock implements the FS interface.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFS) Lock(name string) (io.Closer, error) {
return d.fs.Lock(name)
// MkdirAll implements the FS interface.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFS) MkdirAll(dir string, perm os.FileMode) error {
var err error
d.timeFilesystemOp(dir, OpTypeMkdirAll, func() {
err = d.fs.MkdirAll(dir, perm)
}, time.Now().UnixNano())
return err
// Open implements the FS interface.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFS) Open(name string, opts ...OpenOption) (File, error) {
return d.fs.Open(name, opts...)
// OpenReadWrite implements the FS interface.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFS) OpenReadWrite(name string, opts ...OpenOption) (File, error) {
return d.fs.OpenReadWrite(name, opts...)
// OpenDir implements the FS interface.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFS) OpenDir(name string) (File, error) {
f, err := d.fs.OpenDir(name)
if err != nil {
return f, err
// Directories opened with OpenDir must be opened with health checking,
// because they may be explicitly synced.
return &diskHealthCheckingDir{
File: f,
name: name,
fs: d,
}, nil
// PathBase implements the FS interface.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFS) PathBase(path string) string {
return d.fs.PathBase(path)
// PathJoin implements the FS interface.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFS) PathJoin(elem ...string) string {
return d.fs.PathJoin(elem...)
// PathDir implements the FS interface.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFS) PathDir(path string) string {
return d.fs.PathDir(path)
// Remove implements the FS interface.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFS) Remove(name string) error {
var err error
d.timeFilesystemOp(name, OpTypeRemove, func() {
err = d.fs.Remove(name)
}, time.Now().UnixNano())
return err
// RemoveAll implements the FS interface.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFS) RemoveAll(name string) error {
var err error
d.timeFilesystemOp(name, OpTypeRemoveAll, func() {
err = d.fs.RemoveAll(name)
}, time.Now().UnixNano())
return err
// Rename implements the FS interface.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFS) Rename(oldname, newname string) error {
var err error
d.timeFilesystemOp(newname, OpTypeRename, func() {
err = d.fs.Rename(oldname, newname)
}, time.Now().UnixNano())
return err
// ReuseForWrite implements the FS interface.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFS) ReuseForWrite(oldname, newname string) (File, error) {
var f File
var err error
d.timeFilesystemOp(newname, OpTypeReuseForWrite, func() {
f, err = d.fs.ReuseForWrite(oldname, newname)
}, time.Now().UnixNano())
if err != nil {
return f, err
if d.diskSlowThreshold == 0 {
return f, nil
checkingFile := newDiskHealthCheckingFile(f, d.diskSlowThreshold, func(opType OpType, writeSizeInBytes int, duration time.Duration) {
Path: newname,
OpType: opType,
WriteSize: writeSizeInBytes,
Duration: duration,
return checkingFile, nil
// Stat implements the FS interface.
func (d *diskHealthCheckingFS) Stat(name string) (os.FileInfo, error) {
return d.fs.Stat(name)
type noopCloser struct{}
func (noopCloser) Close() error { return nil }