# Note that this test file uses a levelIterTestIter which combines a # point iterator and a range-del iterator, returning both results in a # single key: # # <point-key>/<tombstone>#<point-seqnum,point-kind> # Verify that SeekGE, SeekLT, Next, and Prev all pause at table # boundaries in the presence of lower/upper bounds and range # tombstones. Verify that SeekPrefixGE pauses at a table boundary in # the presence of range tombstones. build a.SET.9:a b.SET.8:b ---- 0: a#9,1-b#8,1 build c.SET.7:c d.RANGEDEL.6:e f.SET.5:f ---- 0: a#9,1-b#8,1 1: c#7,1-f#5,1 build g.SET.4:g h.SET.3:h ---- 0: a#9,1-b#8,1 1: c#7,1-f#5,1 2: g#4,1-h#3,1 iter seek-ge d ---- f/d-e:{(#6,RANGEDEL)}#5,1:f iter set-bounds upper=d seek-ge d ---- d/d-e:{(#6,RANGEDEL)}#72057594037927935,15: iter set-bounds upper=d seek-ge c next prev next next ---- c/d-e:{(#6,RANGEDEL)}#7,1:c d#72057594037927935,15: c#7,1:c d#72057594037927935,15: . # There is no point key with d, but since there is a rangedel, levelIter returns # the boundary key using the largest key, f, in the file. iter seek-prefix-ge d ---- f/d-e:{(#6,RANGEDEL)}#5,1: # Tests a sequence of SeekPrefixGE with monotonically increasing keys, some of # which are present and some not (so fail the bloom filter match). The seek to # cc returns a boundary key. iter seek-prefix-ge aa seek-prefix-ge c seek-prefix-ge cc seek-prefix-ge f seek-prefix-ge g seek-prefix-ge gg seek-prefix-ge h ---- ./<invalid>#0,0: c/d-e:{(#6,RANGEDEL)}#7,1:c f/d-e:{(#6,RANGEDEL)}#5,1: f/<invalid>#5,1:f g/<invalid>#4,1:g ./<invalid>#0,0: h/<invalid>#3,1:h # Test that when sequentially iterate through all 3 files, the stats # accumulate as we close a file and switch to the next one. Also, while in the # middle of the first file, a reset-stats propagates to the underlying # iterators, and when done iterating, a reset-stats does reset the local # state. iter seek-ge a stats reset-stats stats next stats next stats next stats next stats next stats next stats reset-stats stats ---- a/<invalid>#9,1:a {BlockBytes:56 BlockBytesInCache:0 BlockReadDuration:0s KeyBytes:0 ValueBytes:0 PointCount:0 PointsCoveredByRangeTombstones:0 SeparatedPointValue:{Count:0 ValueBytes:0 ValueBytesFetched:0}} {BlockBytes:0 BlockBytesInCache:0 BlockReadDuration:0s KeyBytes:0 ValueBytes:0 PointCount:0 PointsCoveredByRangeTombstones:0 SeparatedPointValue:{Count:0 ValueBytes:0 ValueBytesFetched:0}} b#8,1:b {BlockBytes:0 BlockBytesInCache:0 BlockReadDuration:0s KeyBytes:0 ValueBytes:0 PointCount:0 PointsCoveredByRangeTombstones:0 SeparatedPointValue:{Count:0 ValueBytes:0 ValueBytesFetched:0}} c#7,1:c {BlockBytes:56 BlockBytesInCache:0 BlockReadDuration:0s KeyBytes:0 ValueBytes:0 PointCount:0 PointsCoveredByRangeTombstones:0 SeparatedPointValue:{Count:0 ValueBytes:0 ValueBytesFetched:0}} f#5,1:f {BlockBytes:56 BlockBytesInCache:0 BlockReadDuration:0s KeyBytes:0 ValueBytes:0 PointCount:0 PointsCoveredByRangeTombstones:0 SeparatedPointValue:{Count:0 ValueBytes:0 ValueBytesFetched:0}} g#4,1:g {BlockBytes:112 BlockBytesInCache:0 BlockReadDuration:0s KeyBytes:0 ValueBytes:0 PointCount:0 PointsCoveredByRangeTombstones:0 SeparatedPointValue:{Count:0 ValueBytes:0 ValueBytesFetched:0}} h#3,1:h {BlockBytes:112 BlockBytesInCache:0 BlockReadDuration:0s KeyBytes:0 ValueBytes:0 PointCount:0 PointsCoveredByRangeTombstones:0 SeparatedPointValue:{Count:0 ValueBytes:0 ValueBytesFetched:0}} . {BlockBytes:112 BlockBytesInCache:0 BlockReadDuration:0s KeyBytes:0 ValueBytes:0 PointCount:0 PointsCoveredByRangeTombstones:0 SeparatedPointValue:{Count:0 ValueBytes:0 ValueBytesFetched:0}} {BlockBytes:0 BlockBytesInCache:0 BlockReadDuration:0s KeyBytes:0 ValueBytes:0 PointCount:0 PointsCoveredByRangeTombstones:0 SeparatedPointValue:{Count:0 ValueBytes:0 ValueBytesFetched:0}} iter set-bounds lower=d seek-lt d ---- d/d-e:{(#6,RANGEDEL)}#72057594037927935,15: iter set-bounds lower=d seek-lt g prev next prev prev ---- f/d-e:{(#6,RANGEDEL)}#5,1:f d#72057594037927935,15: f#5,1:f d#72057594037927935,15: . # Verify that First() in the presence of an upper-bound pauses at the # table containing the upper-bound. clear ---- build d.RANGEDEL.6:e f.SET.5:f ---- 0: d#6,15-f#5,1 iter set-bounds upper=f first ---- f#72057594037927935,15: # Verify that Last() in the presence of a lower-bound pauses at the # table containing the lower-bound. clear ---- build c.SET.7:c d.RANGEDEL.6:e ---- 0: c#7,1-e#72057594037927935,15 iter set-bounds lower=c last ---- c#7,1:c # Verify that a seek to a file with range tombstones as boundaries pauses on # those boundaries. clear ---- build a.RANGEDEL.5:b c.SET.7:c d.RANGEDEL.6:e ---- 0: a#5,15-e#72057594037927935,15 build f.SET.8:f g.SET.9:g ---- 0: a#5,15-e#72057594037927935,15 1: f#8,1-g#9,1 iter seek-ge d prev next next ---- e/d-e:{(#6,RANGEDEL)}#72057594037927935,15: c#7,1:c e#72057594037927935,15: f#8,1:f iter seek-lt b next prev prev ---- a/a-b:{(#5,RANGEDEL)}#5,15: c#7,1:c a#5,15: . # Verify that prev when positioned at the largest boundary returns the # last key. clear ---- build a.SET.1:a b.SET.1:b d.RANGEDEL.2:e ---- 0: a#1,1-e#72057594037927935,15 iter seek-lt c seek-ge d prev ---- b/<invalid>#1,1:b e/d-e:{(#2,RANGEDEL)}#72057594037927935,15: b#1,1:b # Verify that next when positioned at the smallest boundary returns # the first key. clear ---- build a.RANGEDEL.1:b d.SET.2:d e.SET.2:e ---- 0: a#1,15-e#2,1 iter seek-ge d seek-lt d next ---- d/<invalid>#2,1:d a/a-b:{(#1,RANGEDEL)}#1,15: d#2,1:d # Verify SeekPrefixGE correctness with trySeekUsingNext=true clear ---- build a.SET.1:a b.SET.2:b c.RANGEDEL.4:e ---- 0: a#1,1-e#72057594037927935,15 build e.SET.4:e f.SINGLEDEL.5: f.SET.4:f g.SET.6:g h.SINGLEDEL.7: ---- 0: a#1,1-e#72057594037927935,15 1: e#4,1-h#7,7 build h.SET.6:h i.SET.6:i ---- 0: a#1,1-e#72057594037927935,15 1: e#4,1-h#7,7 2: h#6,1-i#6,1 build j.SET.7:j ---- 0: a#1,1-e#72057594037927935,15 1: e#4,1-h#7,7 2: h#6,1-i#6,1 3: j#7,1-j#7,1 # Seeks to immediately following keys. iter seek-prefix-ge a false seek-prefix-ge a true seek-prefix-ge b true next seek-prefix-ge c false seek-prefix-ge d true seek-prefix-ge f true seek-prefix-ge g true seek-prefix-ge h true seek-prefix-ge i true seek-prefix-ge j true ---- a/c-e:{(#4,RANGEDEL)}#1,1:a a/c-e:{(#4,RANGEDEL)}#1,1:a b/c-e:{(#4,RANGEDEL)}#2,1:b e#72057594037927935,15: e/c-e:{(#4,RANGEDEL)}#72057594037927935,15: e/c-e:{(#4,RANGEDEL)}#72057594037927935,15: f/<invalid>#5,7: g/<invalid>#6,1:g h/<invalid>#7,7: i/<invalid>#6,1:i j/<invalid>#7,1:j # Seeks to keys that are in the next file, so cannot use Next. iter seek-prefix-ge a false seek-prefix-ge e true seek-prefix-ge i true seek-prefix-ge j true ---- a/c-e:{(#4,RANGEDEL)}#1,1:a e/<invalid>#4,1:e i/<invalid>#6,1:i j/<invalid>#7,1:j # Verify that we do not open files that do not have point keys. clear ---- build a.SET.9:a b.SET.8:b ---- 0: a#9,1-b#8,1 build c.SET.7:c d.RANGEDEL.6:e f.SET.5:f ---- 0: a#9,1-b#8,1 1: c#7,1-f#5,1 build format=pebblev2 g.RANGEKEYDEL.6:h ---- 0: a#9,1-b#8,1 1: c#7,1-f#5,1 2: g#6,19-h#72057594037927935,19 build i.SET.4:i j.SET.3:j ---- 0: a#9,1-b#8,1 1: c#7,1-f#5,1 2: g#6,19-h#72057594037927935,19 3: i#4,1-j#3,1 iter seek-ge f next ---- f/<invalid>#5,1:f i#4,1:i # The below count should be 2, as we skip over the rangekey-only file. iters-created ---- 2