#!/bin/zsh #set -x set -euo pipefail export GO111MODULE=on export GOPATH="$(go env GOPATH)" alias jq="jq --unbuffered" AUTHORS=( # orgs ipfs ipld libp2p multiformats filecoin-project ipfs-shipyard # Authors of personal repos used by go-libp2p that should be mentioned in the # release notes. whyrusleeping Kubuxu jbenet Stebalien marten-seemann hsanjuan lucas-clemente warpfork ) [[ -n "${REPO_FILTER+x}" ]] || REPO_FILTER="github.com/(${$(printf "|%s" "${AUTHORS[@]}"):1})" [[ -n "${IGNORED_FILES+x}" ]] || IGNORED_FILES='^\(\.gx\|package\.json\|\.travis\.yml\|go.mod\|go\.sum|\.github|\.circleci|\.gen\.go\)$' NL=$'\n' ROOT_DIR="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" msg() { echo "$*" >&2 } statlog() { local module="$1" local rpath="$GOPATH/src/$(strip_version "$module")" local start="${2:-}" local end="${3:-HEAD}" local mailmap_file="$rpath/.mailmap" if ! [[ -e "$mailmap_file" ]]; then mailmap_file="$ROOT_DIR/.mailmap" fi git -C "$rpath" -c mailmap.file="$mailmap_file" log --use-mailmap --shortstat --no-merges --pretty="tformat:%H%n%aN%n%aE" "$start..$end" | while read hash read name read email read _ # empty line read changes do if [[ $name == "web3-bot" ]]; then continue fi changed=0 insertions=0 deletions=0 while read count event; do if [[ "$event" =~ ^file ]]; then changed=$count elif [[ "$event" =~ ^insertion ]]; then insertions=$count elif [[ "$event" =~ ^deletion ]]; then deletions=$count else echo "unknown event $event" >&2 exit 1 fi done<<<"${changes//,/$NL}" jq -n \ --arg "hash" "$hash" \ --arg "name" "$name" \ --arg "email" "$email" \ --argjson "changed" "$changed" \ --argjson "insertions" "$insertions" \ --argjson "deletions" "$deletions" \ '{Commit: $hash, Author: $name, Email: $email, Files: $changed, Insertions: $insertions, Deletions: $deletions}' done } # Returns a stream of deps changed between $1 and $2. dep_changes() { { <"$1" <"$2" } | jq -s 'JOIN(INDEX(.[0][]; .Path); .[1][]; .Path; {Path: .[0].Path, Old: (.[1] | del(.Path)), New: (.[0] | del(.Path))}) | select(.New.Version != .Old.Version)' } # resolve_commits resolves a git ref for each version. resolve_commits() { jq '. + {Ref: (.Version|capture("^((?<ref1>.*)\\+incompatible|v.*-(0\\.)?[0-9]{14}-(?<ref2>[a-f0-9]{12})|(?<ref3>v.*))$") | .ref1 // .ref2 // .ref3)}' } pr_link() { local repo="$1" local prnum="$2" local ghname="${repo##github.com/}" printf -- "[%s#%s](https://%s/pull/%s)" "$ghname" "$prnum" "$repo" "$prnum" } # Generate a release log for a range of commits in a single repo. release_log() { setopt local_options BASH_REMATCH local module="$1" local start="$2" local end="${3:-HEAD}" local repo="$(strip_version "$1")" local dir="$GOPATH/src/$repo" local commit pr git -C "$dir" log \ --format='tformat:%H %s' \ --first-parent \ "$start..$end" | while read commit subject; do # Skip gx-only PRs. if git rev-parse '$commit^' >/dev/null 2>&1 && ! git -C "$dir" diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only "$commit^" "$commit" | grep -v "${IGNORED_FILES}" >/dev/null; then continue fi if [[ "$subject" =~ "^sync: update CI config files" ]]; then continue fi if [[ "$subject" =~ '^Merge pull request #([0-9]+) from' ]]; then local prnum="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" local desc="$(git -C "$dir" show --summary --format='tformat:%b' "$commit" | head -1)" if [[ "$desc" =~ "^sync: update CI config files" ]]; then continue fi printf -- "- %s (%s)\n" "$desc" "$(pr_link "$repo" "$prnum")" elif [[ "$subject" =~ '\(#([0-9]+)\)$' ]]; then local prnum="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" printf -- "- %s (%s)\n" "$subject" "$(pr_link "$repo" "$prnum")" else printf -- "- %s\n" "$subject" fi done } indent() { sed -e 's/^/ /' } mod_deps() { go list -mod=mod -json -m all | jq 'select(.Version != null)' } ensure() { local repo="$(strip_version "$1")" local commit="$2" local rpath="$GOPATH/src/$repo" if [[ ! -d "$rpath" ]]; then msg "Cloning $repo..." git clone "http://$repo" "$rpath" >&2 fi if ! git -C "$rpath" rev-parse --verify "$commit" >/dev/null; then msg "Fetching $repo..." git -C "$rpath" fetch --all >&2 fi git -C "$rpath" rev-parse --verify "$commit" >/dev/null || return 1 } statsummary() { jq -s 'group_by(.Author)[] | {Author: .[0].Author, Commits: (. | length), Insertions: (map(.Insertions) | add), Deletions: (map(.Deletions) | add), Files: (map(.Files) | add)}' | jq '. + {Lines: (.Deletions + .Insertions)}' } strip_version() { local repo="$1" if [[ "$repo" =~ '.*/v[0-9]+$' ]]; then repo="$(dirname "$repo")" fi echo "$repo" } recursive_release_log() { local start="${1:-$(git tag -l | sort -V | grep -v -- '-rc' | grep 'v'| tail -n1)}" local end="${2:-$(git rev-parse HEAD)}" local repo_root="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" local module="$(go list -m)" local dir="$(go list -m -f '{{.Dir}}')" if [[ "${GOPATH}/${module}" -ef "${dir}" ]]; then echo "This script requires the target module and all dependencies to live in a GOPATH." return 1 fi ( local result=0 local workspace="$(mktemp -d)" trap "$(printf 'rm -rf "%q"' "$workspace")" INT TERM EXIT cd "$workspace" echo "Computing old deps..." >&2 git -C "$repo_root" show "$start:go.mod" >go.mod mod_deps | resolve_commits | jq -s > old_deps.json echo "Computing new deps..." >&2 git -C "$repo_root" show "$end:go.mod" >go.mod mod_deps | resolve_commits | jq -s > new_deps.json rm -f go.mod go.sum printf -- "Generating Changelog for %s %s..%s\n" "$module" "$start" "$end" >&2 printf -- "- %s:\n" "$module" release_log "$module" "$start" "$end" | indent statlog "$module" "$start" "$end" > statlog.json dep_changes old_deps.json new_deps.json | jq --arg filter "$REPO_FILTER" 'select(.Path | match($filter))' | # Compute changelogs jq -r '"\(.Path) \(.New.Version) \(.New.Ref) \(.Old.Version) \(.Old.Ref // "")"' | while read module new new_ref old old_ref; do if ! ensure "$module" "$new_ref"; then result=1 local changelog="failed to fetch repo" else statlog "$module" "$old_ref" "$new_ref" >> statlog.json local changelog="$(release_log "$module" "$old_ref" "$new_ref")" fi if [[ -n "$changelog" ]]; then printf -- "- %s (%s -> %s):\n" "$module" "$old" "$new" echo "$changelog" | indent fi done echo echo "Contributors" echo echo "| Contributor | Commits | Lines ± | Files Changed |" echo "|-------------|---------|---------|---------------|" statsummary <statlog.json | jq -s 'sort_by(.Lines) | reverse | .[]' | jq -r '"| \(.Author) | \(.Commits) | +\(.Insertions)/-\(.Deletions) | \(.Files) |"' return "$status" ) } recursive_release_log "$@"