// // Copyright Coinbase, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // package camshoup import ( "fmt" "math/big" "git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/go-bare" "source.quilibrium.com/quilibrium/monorepo/nekryptology/internal" mod "source.quilibrium.com/quilibrium/monorepo/nekryptology/pkg/core" ) // ProofVerEnc is a proof of verifiable encryption for a discrete log type ProofVerEnc struct { challenge, r *big.Int m []*big.Int } type proofMarshal struct { M [][]byte `bare:"m"` R []byte `bare:"r"` Challenge []byte `bare:"challenge"` } func (pf ProofVerEnc) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) { tv := new(proofMarshal) tv.R = pf.r.Bytes() tv.Challenge = pf.challenge.Bytes() tv.M = make([][]byte, len(pf.m)) for i, m := range pf.m { tv.M[i] = m.Bytes() } return bare.Marshal(tv) } func (pf *ProofVerEnc) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error { tv := new(proofMarshal) err := bare.Unmarshal(data, tv) if err != nil { return err } pf.r = new(big.Int).SetBytes(tv.R) pf.challenge = new(big.Int).SetBytes(tv.Challenge) pf.m = make([]*big.Int, len(tv.M)) for i, m := range tv.M { pf.m[i] = new(big.Int).SetBytes(m) } return nil } // EncryptAndProve is a NIZK where the ciphertext and commitments are computed (t values). // The blindings are generated as part of calling this function // Return ciphertext and proof created during encryption. // "The protocol" from section 5.2 in <https://shoup.net/papers/verenc.pdf> // Not using t = g^m*h^s as the idemix protocol does not use it. // Guess is that since the knowledge of m is proved in the credential attribute proving protocol. // Use this function if the proof is by itself and not part of a bigger composite proof. func (ek EncryptionKey) EncryptAndProve(nonce []byte, msgs []*big.Int) (*CipherText, *ProofVerEnc, error) { var err error blindings := make([]*big.Int, len(msgs)) for i := 0; i < len(blindings); i++ { blindings[i], err = ek.group.RandForEncrypt() if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } } return ek.EncryptAndProveBlindings(nonce, msgs, blindings) } // EncryptAndProveBlindings is a NIZK where the ciphertext and commitments are computed (t values). // The blindings are generated prior to calling this function // Return ciphertext and proof created during encryption. // "The protocol" from section 5.2 in <https://shoup.net/papers/verenc.pdf> // Not using t = g^m*h^s as the idemix protocol does not use it. // Guess is that since the knowledge of m is proved in the credential attribute proving protocol. // Use this function if the proof will be part of more proofs. func (ek EncryptionKey) EncryptAndProveBlindings(nonce []byte, msgs []*big.Int, blindings []*big.Int) (*CipherText, *ProofVerEnc, error) { if len(msgs) != len(blindings) { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("number of messages %d != number of blindings %d", len(msgs), len(blindings)) } if len(msgs) > len(ek.y1) { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("number of messages %d is more than supported by this key %d", len(msgs), len(ek.y1)) } for i, b := range blindings { if b == nil { return nil, nil, internal.ErrNilArguments } if msgs[i] == nil { return nil, nil, internal.ErrNilArguments } if b.Cmp(mod.Zero) == 0 { return nil, nil, internal.ErrZeroValue } } r, err := ek.group.RandForEncrypt() if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } rBlinding, err := ek.group.RandForEncrypt() if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } ciphertext, err := ek.encryptWithR(nonce, msgs, r) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } hs, err := ek.group.Hash(ciphertext.u, ciphertext.e, nonce) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } ciphertextTValues, err := ek.ciphertextTestValues(rBlinding, hs, blindings) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } challenge, err := ek.fiatShamir(nonce, ciphertext, ciphertextTValues) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } // generate the schnorr proofs rHat := ek.schnorr(rBlinding, challenge, r) mHat := make([]*big.Int, len(msgs)) for i, m := range msgs { mHat[i] = ek.schnorr(blindings[i], challenge, m) } return ciphertext, &ProofVerEnc{ challenge: challenge, r: rHat, m: mHat, }, nil } // ciphertextTestValues computes commitments for the ciphertext when proving encryption is correct func (ek EncryptionKey) ciphertextTestValues(r, hash *big.Int, msgs []*big.Int) (*CipherText, error) { twoR := new(big.Int).Lsh(r, 1) twoMsgs := make([]*big.Int, len(msgs)) for i, m := range msgs { twoMsgs[i] = new(big.Int).Lsh(m, 1) } u := ek.computeU(twoR) e := ek.computeE(twoMsgs, twoR) v := ek.computeV(twoR, hash, false) return &CipherText{u, v, e}, nil } // fiatShamir computes h(n, g, Y2, Y3, Y1, C.U, C.V, C.E, CT.U, CT.V, CT.E) func (ek EncryptionKey) fiatShamir(nonce []byte, ciphertext *CipherText, ciphertextTValues *CipherText) (*big.Int, error) { hValues := make([][]byte, len(ciphertext.e)+len(ciphertextTValues.e)+len(ek.y1)+9) hValues[0] = ek.group.n.Bytes() hValues[1] = ek.group.g.Bytes() hValues[2] = ek.y2.Bytes() hValues[3] = ek.y3.Bytes() offset := 4 for _, y := range ek.y1 { hValues[offset] = y.Bytes() offset++ } hValues[offset] = ciphertext.u.Bytes() offset++ for _, n := range ciphertext.e { hValues[offset] = n.Bytes() offset++ } hValues[offset] = ciphertext.v.Bytes() offset++ hValues[offset] = ciphertextTValues.u.Bytes() offset++ for _, n := range ciphertextTValues.e { hValues[offset] = n.Bytes() offset++ } hValues[offset] = ciphertextTValues.v.Bytes() hValues[len(hValues)-1] = nonce h, err := internal.Hash([]byte("Coinbase Hash 1.0"), hValues...) if err != nil { return nil, err } return new(big.Int).SetBytes(h), nil } // schnorr computes tilde - challenge * value mod n^2 func (ek EncryptionKey) schnorr(tilde, challenge, value *big.Int) *big.Int { r := ek.group.Mul(challenge, value) t := new(big.Int).Sub(tilde, r) return t } // VerifyEncryptProof a Proof of Verifiable Encryption // See section 6.2.19 in <https://dominoweb.draco.res.ibm.com/reports/rz3730_revised.pdf> func (ek EncryptionKey) VerifyEncryptProof(nonce []byte, ciphertext *CipherText, proof *ProofVerEnc) error { if ciphertext == nil || proof == nil { return internal.ErrNilArguments } if proof.r == nil || proof.challenge == nil || proof.m == nil { return internal.ErrNilArguments } if ciphertext.u == nil || ciphertext.v == nil || ciphertext.e == nil { return internal.ErrNilArguments } if len(proof.m) > len(ek.y1) { return fmt.Errorf("number of messages %d is more than supported by this key %d", len(proof.m), len(ek.y1)) } // Reconstruct u // 2c c2 := new(big.Int).Lsh(proof.challenge, 1) // 2r r2 := new(big.Int).Lsh(proof.r, 1) // u^{2c} mod n^2 uc := ek.group.Exp(ciphertext.u, c2) // Reconstruct e // g^{2r} mod n^2 gr := ek.group.Gexp(r2) // u^{2c} * g^{2r} mod n^2 u := ek.group.Mul(uc, gr) e := make([]*big.Int, len(proof.m)) for i, mm := range proof.m { // e^{2c} ec := ek.group.Exp(ciphertext.e[i], c2) // y1^{2r} yr := ek.group.Exp(ek.y1[i], r2) // h^{2m} hm := ek.group.Hexp(new(big.Int).Lsh(mm, 1)) // e = ec * yr * hm mod n^2 e[i] = ek.group.Mul(ek.group.Mul(ec, yr), hm) } // Reconstruct v // v^{2c} hs, err := ek.group.Hash(ciphertext.u, ciphertext.e, nonce) if err != nil { return err } vc := ek.group.Exp(ciphertext.v, c2) y3hs := ek.group.Exp(ek.y3, hs) y2y3hs := ek.group.Mul(ek.y2, y3hs) y2y3hsr := ek.group.Exp(y2y3hs, r2) v := ek.group.Mul(vc, y2y3hsr) ciphertextTestValues := &CipherText{u, v, e} challenge, err := ek.fiatShamir(nonce, ciphertext, ciphertextTestValues) if err != nil { return err } if challenge.Cmp(proof.challenge) == 0 { return nil } else { return fmt.Errorf("invalid ciphertext") } }