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// Copyright 2021 The LevelDB-Go and Pebble Authors. All rights reserved. Use
// of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
// Package testkeys provides facilities for generating and comparing
// human-readable test keys for use in tests and benchmarks. This package
// provides a single Comparer implementation that compares all keys generated
// by this package.
// Keys generated by this package may optionally have a 'suffix' encoding an
// MVCC timestamp. This suffix is of the form "@<integer>". Comparisons on the
// suffix are performed using integer value, not the byte representation.
package testkeys
import (
const alpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
const suffixDelim = '@'
var inverseAlphabet = make(map[byte]int64, len(alpha))
func init() {
for i := range alpha {
inverseAlphabet[alpha[i]] = int64(i)
// MaxSuffixLen is the maximum length of a suffix generated by this package.
var MaxSuffixLen = 1 + len(fmt.Sprintf("%d", int64(math.MaxInt64)))
// Comparer is the comparer for test keys generated by this package.
var Comparer = &base.Comparer{
Compare: compare,
Equal: func(a, b []byte) bool { return compare(a, b) == 0 },
AbbreviatedKey: func(k []byte) uint64 {
return base.DefaultComparer.AbbreviatedKey(k[:split(k)])
FormatKey: base.DefaultFormatter,
Separator: func(dst, a, b []byte) []byte {
ai := split(a)
if ai == len(a) {
return append(dst, a...)
bi := split(b)
if bi == len(b) {
return append(dst, a...)
// If the keys are the same just return a.
if bytes.Equal(a[:ai], b[:bi]) {
return append(dst, a...)
n := len(dst)
dst = base.DefaultComparer.Separator(dst, a[:ai], b[:bi])
// Did it pick a separator different than a[:ai] -- if not we can't do better than a.
buf := dst[n:]
if bytes.Equal(a[:ai], buf) {
return append(dst[:n], a...)
// The separator is > a[:ai], so return it
return dst
Successor: func(dst, a []byte) []byte {
ai := split(a)
if ai == len(a) {
return append(dst, a...)
n := len(dst)
dst = base.DefaultComparer.Successor(dst, a[:ai])
// Did it pick a successor different than a[:ai] -- if not we can't do better than a.
buf := dst[n:]
if bytes.Equal(a[:ai], buf) {
return append(dst[:n], a...)
// The successor is > a[:ai], so return it.
return dst
ImmediateSuccessor: func(dst, a []byte) []byte {
// TODO(jackson): Consider changing this Comparer to only support
// representable prefix keys containing characters a-z.
ai := split(a)
if ai != len(a) {
panic("pebble: ImmediateSuccessor invoked with a non-prefix key")
return append(append(dst, a...), 0x00)
Split: split,
Name: "pebble.internal.testkeys",
func compare(a, b []byte) int {
ai, bi := split(a), split(b)
if v := bytes.Compare(a[:ai], b[:bi]); v != 0 {
return v
if len(a[ai:]) == 0 {
if len(b[bi:]) == 0 {
return 0
return -1
} else if len(b[bi:]) == 0 {
return +1
return compareTimestamps(a[ai:], b[bi:])
func split(a []byte) int {
i := bytes.LastIndexByte(a, suffixDelim)
if i >= 0 {
return i
return len(a)
func compareTimestamps(a, b []byte) int {
ai, err := parseUintBytes(bytes.TrimPrefix(a, []byte{suffixDelim}), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid test mvcc timestamp %q", a))
bi, err := parseUintBytes(bytes.TrimPrefix(b, []byte{suffixDelim}), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid test mvcc timestamp %q", b))
return cmp.Compare(bi, ai)
// Keyspace describes a finite keyspace of unsuffixed test keys.
type Keyspace interface {
// Count returns the number of keys that exist within this keyspace.
Count() int64
// MaxLen returns the maximum length, in bytes, of a key within this
// keyspace. This is only guaranteed to return an upper bound.
MaxLen() int
// Slice returns the sub-keyspace from index i, inclusive, to index j,
// exclusive. The receiver is unmodified.
Slice(i, j int64) Keyspace
// EveryN returns a key space that includes 1 key for every N keys in the
// original keyspace. The receiver is unmodified.
EveryN(n int64) Keyspace
// key writes the i-th key to the buffer and returns the length.
key(buf []byte, i int64) int
// Divvy divides the provided keyspace into N equal portions, containing
// disjoint keys evenly distributed across the keyspace.
func Divvy(ks Keyspace, n int64) []Keyspace {
ret := make([]Keyspace, n)
for i := int64(0); i < n; i++ {
ret[i] = ks.Slice(i, ks.Count()).EveryN(n)
return ret
// Alpha constructs a keyspace consisting of all keys containing characters a-z,
// with at most `maxLength` characters.
func Alpha(maxLength int) Keyspace {
return alphabet{
alphabet: []byte(alpha),
maxLength: maxLength,
increment: 1,
// KeyAt returns the i-th key within the keyspace with a suffix encoding the
// timestamp t.
func KeyAt(k Keyspace, i int64, t int64) []byte {
b := make([]byte, k.MaxLen()+MaxSuffixLen)
return b[:WriteKeyAt(b, k, i, t)]
// WriteKeyAt writes the i-th key within the keyspace to the buffer dst, with a
// suffix encoding the timestamp t suffix. It returns the number of bytes
// written.
func WriteKeyAt(dst []byte, k Keyspace, i int64, t int64) int {
n := WriteKey(dst, k, i)
n += WriteSuffix(dst[n:], t)
return n
// Suffix returns the test keys suffix representation of timestamp t.
func Suffix(t int64) []byte {
b := make([]byte, MaxSuffixLen)
return b[:WriteSuffix(b, t)]
// SuffixLen returns the exact length of the given suffix when encoded.
func SuffixLen(t int64) int {
// Begin at 1 for the '@' delimiter, 1 for a single digit.
n := 2
t /= 10
for t > 0 {
t /= 10
return n
// ParseSuffix returns the integer representation of the encoded suffix.
func ParseSuffix(s []byte) (int64, error) {
return strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimPrefix(string(s), string(suffixDelim)), 10, 64)
// WriteSuffix writes the test keys suffix representation of timestamp t to dst,
// returning the number of bytes written.
func WriteSuffix(dst []byte, t int64) int {
dst[0] = suffixDelim
n := 1
n += len(strconv.AppendInt(dst[n:n], t, 10))
return n
// Key returns the i-th unsuffixed key within the keyspace.
func Key(k Keyspace, i int64) []byte {
b := make([]byte, k.MaxLen())
return b[:k.key(b, i)]
// WriteKey writes the i-th unsuffixed key within the keyspace to the buffer dst. It
// returns the number of bytes written.
func WriteKey(dst []byte, k Keyspace, i int64) int {
return k.key(dst, i)
type alphabet struct {
alphabet []byte
maxLength int
headSkip int64
tailSkip int64
increment int64
func (a alphabet) Count() int64 {
// Calculate the total number of keys, ignoring the increment.
total := keyCount(len(a.alphabet), a.maxLength) - a.headSkip - a.tailSkip
// The increment dictates that we take every N keys, where N = a.increment.
// Consider a total containing the 5 keys:
// a b c d e
// ^ ^ ^
// If the increment is 2, this keyspace includes 'a', 'c' and 'e'. After
// dividing by the increment, there may be remainder. If there is, there's
// one additional key in the alphabet.
count := total / a.increment
if total%a.increment > 0 {
return count
func (a alphabet) MaxLen() int {
return a.maxLength
func (a alphabet) Slice(i, j int64) Keyspace {
s := a
s.headSkip += i
s.tailSkip += a.Count() - j
return s
func (a alphabet) EveryN(n int64) Keyspace {
s := a
s.increment *= n
return s
func keyCount(n, l int) int64 {
if n == 0 {
return 0
} else if n == 1 {
return int64(l)
// The number of representable keys in the keyspace is a function of the
// length of the alphabet n and the max key length l. Consider how the
// number of representable keys grows as l increases:
// l = 1: n
// l = 2: n + n^2
// l = 3: n + n^2 + n^3
// ...
// Σ i=(1...l) n^i = n*(n^l - 1)/(n-1)
return (int64(n) * (int64(math.Pow(float64(n), float64(l))) - 1)) / int64(n-1)
func (a alphabet) key(buf []byte, idx int64) int {
// This function generates keys of length 1..maxKeyLength, pulling
// characters from the alphabet. The idx determines which key to generate,
// generating the i-th lexicographically next key.
// The index to use is advanced by `headSkip`, allowing a keyspace to encode
// a subregion of the keyspace.
// Eg, alphabet = `ab`, maxKeyLength = 3:
// aaa aab aba abb baa bab bba bbb
// aa ab ba bb
// a b
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
return generateAlphabetKey(buf, a.alphabet, (idx*a.increment)+a.headSkip,
keyCount(len(a.alphabet), a.maxLength))
func generateAlphabetKey(buf, alphabet []byte, i, keyCount int64) int {
if keyCount == 0 || i > keyCount || i < 0 {
return 0
// Of the keyCount keys in the generative keyspace, how many are there
// starting with a particular character?
keysPerCharacter := keyCount / int64(len(alphabet))
// Find the character that the key at index i starts with and set it.
characterIdx := i / keysPerCharacter
buf[0] = alphabet[characterIdx]
// Consider characterIdx = 0, pointing to 'a'.
// aaa aab aba abb baa bab bba bbb
// aa ab ba bb
// a b
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
// \_________________________/
// |keysPerCharacter| keys
// In our recursive call, we reduce the problem to:
// aaa aab aba abb
// aa ab
// 0 1 2 3 4 5
// \________________________/
// |keysPerCharacter-1| keys
// In the subproblem, there are keysPerCharacter-1 keys (eliminating the
// just 'a' key, plus any keys beginning with any other character).
// The index i is also offset, reduced by the count of keys beginning with
// characters earlier in the alphabet (keysPerCharacter*characterIdx) and
// the key consisting of just the 'a' (-1).
i = i - keysPerCharacter*characterIdx - 1
return 1 + generateAlphabetKey(buf[1:], alphabet, i, keysPerCharacter-1)
// computeAlphabetKeyIndex computes the inverse of generateAlphabetKey,
// returning the index of a particular key, given the provided alphabet and max
// length of a key.
// len(key) must be ≥ 1.
func computeAlphabetKeyIndex(key []byte, alphabet map[byte]int64, n int) int64 {
i, ok := alphabet[key[0]]
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unrecognized alphabet character %v", key[0]))
// How many keys exist that start with the preceding i characters? Each of
// the i characters themselves are a key, plus the count of all the keys
// with one less character for each.
ret := i + i*keyCount(len(alphabet), n-1)
if len(key) > 1 {
ret += 1 + computeAlphabetKeyIndex(key[1:], alphabet, n-1)
return ret
func abs(a int64) int64 {
if a < 0 {
return -a
return a
// RandomSeparator returns a random alphabetic key k such that a < k < b,
// pulling randomness from the provided random number generator. If dst is
// provided and the generated key fits within dst's capacity, the returned slice
// will use dst's memory.
// If a prefix P exists such that Prefix(a) < P < Prefix(b), the generated key
// will consist of the prefix P appended with the provided suffix. A zero suffix
// generates an unsuffixed key. If no such prefix P exists, RandomSeparator will
// try to find a key k with either Prefix(a) or Prefix(b) such that a < k < b,
// but the generated key will not use the provided suffix. Note that it's
// possible that no separator key exists (eg, a='a@2', b='a@1'), in which case
// RandomSeparator returns nil.
// If RandomSeparator generates a new prefix, the generated prefix will have
// length at most MAX(maxLength, len(Prefix(a)), len(Prefix(b))).
// RandomSeparator panics if a or b fails to decode.
func RandomSeparator(dst, a, b []byte, suffix int64, maxLength int, rng *rand.Rand) []byte {
if Comparer.Compare(a, b) >= 0 {
return nil
// Determine both keys' logical prefixes and suffixes.
ai := Comparer.Split(a)
bi := Comparer.Split(b)
ap := a[:ai]
bp := b[:bi]
if len(ap) > len(bp) {
if len(ap) > maxLength {
maxLength = len(ap)
} else if len(bp) >= len(ap) {
if len(bp) > maxLength {
maxLength = len(bp)
var as, bs int64
var err error
if ai != len(a) {
as, err = ParseSuffix(a[ai:])
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to parse suffix of %q", a))
if bi != len(b) {
bs, err = ParseSuffix(b[bi:])
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to parse suffix of %q", b))
apIdx := computeAlphabetKeyIndex(ap, inverseAlphabet, maxLength)
bpIdx := computeAlphabetKeyIndex(bp, inverseAlphabet, maxLength)
diff := bpIdx - apIdx
generatedIdx := bpIdx
if diff > 0 {
var add int64 = diff + 1
var start int64 = apIdx
if as == 1 {
// There's no expressible key with prefix a greater than a@1. So,
// exclude ap.
start = apIdx + 1
add = diff
if bs == 0 {
// No key with prefix b can sort before b@0. We don't want to pick b.
// We're allowing generated id to be in the range [start, start + add - 1].
if start > start+add-1 {
return nil
// If we can generate a key which is actually in the middle of apIdx
// and bpIdx use it so that we don't have to bother about timestamps.
generatedIdx = rng.Int63n(add) + start
for diff > 1 && generatedIdx == apIdx || generatedIdx == bpIdx {
generatedIdx = rng.Int63n(add) + start
switch {
case generatedIdx == apIdx && generatedIdx == bpIdx:
if abs(bs-as) <= 1 {
// There's no expressible suffix between the two, and there's no
// possible separator key.
return nil
// The key b is >= key a, but has the same prefix, so b must have the
// smaller timestamp, unless a has timestamp of 0.
// NB: The zero suffix (suffix-less) sorts before all other suffixes, so
// any suffix we generate will be greater than it.
if as == 0 {
// bs > as
suffix = bs + rng.Int63n(10) + 1
} else {
// bs < as.
// Generate suffix in range [bs + 1, as - 1]
suffix = bs + 1 + rng.Int63n(as-bs-1)
case generatedIdx == apIdx:
// NB: The zero suffix (suffix-less) sorts before all other suffixes, so
// any suffix we generate will be greater than it.
if as == 0 && suffix == 0 {
} else if as != 0 && suffix >= as {
suffix = rng.Int63n(as)
case generatedIdx == bpIdx:
if suffix <= bs {
suffix = bs + rng.Int63n(10) + 1
if sz := maxLength + SuffixLen(suffix); cap(dst) < sz {
dst = make([]byte, sz)
} else {
dst = dst[:cap(dst)]
var w int
if suffix == 0 {
w = WriteKey(dst, Alpha(maxLength), generatedIdx)
} else {
w = WriteKeyAt(dst, Alpha(maxLength), generatedIdx, suffix)
return dst[:w]