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// Copyright 2022 The LevelDB-Go and Pebble Authors. All rights reserved. Use
// of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
package replay
import (
type workloadCaptureState uint8
const (
obsolete = workloadCaptureState(1) << iota
func (wcs workloadCaptureState) is(flag workloadCaptureState) bool { return wcs&flag != 0 }
type manifestDetails struct {
sourceFilepath string
sourceFile vfs.File
destFile vfs.File
// WorkloadCollector is designed to capture workloads by handling manifest
// files, flushed SSTs and ingested SSTs. The collector hooks into the
// pebble.EventListener and pebble.Cleaner in order keep track of file states.
type WorkloadCollector struct {
mu struct {
fileState map[string]workloadCaptureState
// pendingSSTables holds a slice of file paths to sstables that need to
// be copied but haven't yet. The `copyFiles` goroutine grabs these
// files, and the flush and ingest event handlers append them.
pendingSSTables []string
// manifestIndex is an index into `manifests`, pointing to the
// manifest currently being copied.
manifestIndex int
// appending to manifests requires holding mu. Only the `copyFiles`
// goroutine is permitted to read or edit the struct contents once
// appended, so it does not need to hold mu while accessing the structs'
// fields.
manifests []*manifestDetails
// The following condition variable and counts are used in tests to
// synchronize with the copying goroutine.
copyCond sync.Cond
tablesCopied int
tablesEnqueued int
// Stores the current manifest that is being used by the database.
curManifest atomic.Uint64
// Stores whether the workload collector is enabled.
enabled atomic.Bool
buffer []byte
// config contains information that is only set on the creation of the
// WorkloadCollector.
config struct {
// srcFS and srcDir represent the location from which the workload collector
// collects the files from.
srcFS vfs.FS
srcDir string
// destFS and destDir represent the location to which the workload collector
// sends the files to.
destFS vfs.FS
destDir string
// cleaner stores the cleaner to use when files become obsolete and need to
// be cleaned.
cleaner base.Cleaner
copier struct {
stop bool
done chan struct{}
// NewWorkloadCollector is used externally to create a New WorkloadCollector.
func NewWorkloadCollector(srcDir string) *WorkloadCollector {
wc := &WorkloadCollector{}
wc.buffer = make([]byte, 1<<10 /* 1KB */)
wc.config.srcDir = srcDir
wc.mu.copyCond.L = &wc.mu.Mutex
wc.mu.fileState = make(map[string]workloadCaptureState)
wc.copier.Cond.L = &wc.mu.Mutex
return wc
// Attach is used to set up the WorkloadCollector by attaching itself to
// pebble.Options EventListener and Cleaner.
func (w *WorkloadCollector) Attach(opts *pebble.Options) {
FlushEnd: w.onFlushEnd,
ManifestCreated: w.onManifestCreated,
TableIngested: w.onTableIngest,
// Replace the original Cleaner with the workload collector's implementation,
// which will invoke the original Cleaner, but only once the collector's copied
// what it needs.
c := cleaner{
name: fmt.Sprintf("replay.WorkloadCollector(%q)", opts.Cleaner),
clean: w.clean,
w.config.cleaner, opts.Cleaner = opts.Cleaner, c
w.config.srcFS = opts.FS
// enqueueCopyLocked enqueues the sstable with the provided filenum be copied in
// the background. Requires w.mu.
func (w *WorkloadCollector) enqueueCopyLocked(fileNum base.DiskFileNum) {
fileName := base.MakeFilename(base.FileTypeTable, fileNum)
w.mu.fileState[fileName] |= readyForProcessing
w.mu.pendingSSTables = append(w.mu.pendingSSTables, w.srcFilepath(fileName))
// cleanFile calls the cleaner on the specified path and removes the path from
// the fileState map.
func (w *WorkloadCollector) cleanFile(fileType base.FileType, path string) error {
err := w.config.cleaner.Clean(w.config.srcFS, fileType, path)
if err == nil {
delete(w.mu.fileState, w.config.srcFS.PathBase(path))
return err
// clean deletes files only after they have been processed or are not required
// for the workload collection.
func (w *WorkloadCollector) clean(fs vfs.FS, fileType base.FileType, path string) error {
if !w.IsRunning() {
return w.cleanFile(fileType, path)
fileName := fs.PathBase(path)
if fileState, ok := w.mu.fileState[fileName]; !ok || fileState.is(capturedSuccessfully) {
// Delete the file if it has been captured or the file is not important
// to capture which means it can be deleted.
return w.cleanFile(fileType, path)
w.mu.fileState[fileName] |= obsolete
return nil
// onTableIngest is attached to a pebble.DB as an EventListener.TableIngested
// func. It enqueues all ingested tables to be copied.
func (w *WorkloadCollector) onTableIngest(info pebble.TableIngestInfo) {
if !w.IsRunning() {
defer w.mu.Unlock()
for _, table := range info.Tables {
// onFlushEnd is attached to a pebble.DB as an EventListener.FlushEnd func. It
// enqueues all flushed tables to be copied.
func (w *WorkloadCollector) onFlushEnd(info pebble.FlushInfo) {
if !w.IsRunning() {
defer w.mu.Unlock()
for _, table := range info.Output {
// onManifestCreated is attached to a pebble.DB as an
// EventListener.ManifestCreated func. It records the the new manifest so that
// it's copied asynchronously in the background.
func (w *WorkloadCollector) onManifestCreated(info pebble.ManifestCreateInfo) {
if !w.enabled.Load() {
defer w.mu.Unlock()
// mark the manifest file as ready for processing to prevent it from being
// cleaned before we process it.
fileName := base.MakeFilename(base.FileTypeManifest, info.FileNum)
w.mu.fileState[fileName] |= readyForProcessing
w.mu.manifests = append(w.mu.manifests, &manifestDetails{
sourceFilepath: info.Path,
// copyFiles is run in a separate goroutine, copying sstables and manifests.
func (w *WorkloadCollector) copyFiles() {
defer w.mu.Unlock()
// NB: This loop must hold w.mu at the beginning of each iteration. It may
// drop w.mu at times, but it must reacquire it before the next iteration.
for !w.copier.stop {
// The following performs the workload capture. It waits on a condition
// variable (fileListener) to let it know when new files are available to be
// collected.
if len(w.mu.pendingSSTables) == 0 {
// Grab the manifests to copy.
index := w.mu.manifestIndex
pendingManifests := w.mu.manifests[index:]
var pending []string
pending, w.mu.pendingSSTables = w.mu.pendingSSTables, nil
func() {
// Note the unusual lock order; Temporarily unlock the
// mutex, but re-acquire it before returning.
defer w.mu.Lock()
// Copy any updates to the manifests files.
w.copyManifests(index, pendingManifests)
// Copy the SSTables provided in pending. copySSTables takes
// ownership of the pending slice.
// This helps in tests; Tests can wait on the copyCond condition
// variable until the necessary bits have been copied.
w.mu.tablesCopied += len(pending)
for idx := range w.mu.manifests {
if f := w.mu.manifests[idx].sourceFile; f != nil {
if err := f.Close(); err != nil {
w.mu.manifests[idx].sourceFile = nil
if f := w.mu.manifests[idx].destFile; f != nil {
if err := f.Close(); err != nil {
w.mu.manifests[idx].destFile = nil
// copyManifests copies any un-copied portions of the source manifests.
func (w *WorkloadCollector) copyManifests(startAtIndex int, manifests []*manifestDetails) {
destFS := w.config.destFS
for index, manifest := range manifests {
if manifest.destFile == nil && manifest.sourceFile == nil {
// This is the first time we've read from this manifest, and we
// don't yet have open file descriptors for the src or dst files. It
// is safe to write to manifest.{destFile,sourceFile} without
// holding d.mu, because the copyFiles goroutine is the only
// goroutine that accesses the fields of the `manifestDetails`
// struct.
var err error
manifest.destFile, err = destFS.Create(w.destFilepath(destFS.PathBase(manifest.sourceFilepath)))
if err != nil {
manifest.sourceFile, err = w.config.srcFS.Open(manifest.sourceFilepath)
if err != nil {
numBytesRead, err := io.CopyBuffer(manifest.destFile, manifest.sourceFile, w.buffer)
if err != nil {
// Read 0 bytes from the current manifest and this is not the
// latest/newest manifest which means we have read its entirety. No new
// data will be written to it, because only the latest manifest may
// receive edits. Close the current source and destination files and
// move the manifest to start at the next index in w.mu.manifests.
if numBytesRead == 0 && index != len(manifests)-1 {
// Rotating the manifests so we can close the files.
if err := manifests[index].sourceFile.Close(); err != nil {
manifests[index].sourceFile = nil
if err := manifests[index].destFile.Close(); err != nil {
manifests[index].destFile = nil
w.mu.manifestIndex = startAtIndex + index + 1
// copySSTables copies the provided sstables to the stored workload. If a file
// has already been marked as obsolete, then file will be cleaned by the
// w.config.cleaner after it is copied. The provided slice will be mutated and
// should not be used following the call to this function.
func (w *WorkloadCollector) copySSTables(pending []string) {
for _, filePath := range pending {
err := vfs.CopyAcrossFS(w.config.srcFS,
if err != nil {
// Identify the subset of `pending` files that should now be cleaned. The
// WorkloadCollector intercepts Cleaner.Clean calls to defer cleaning until
// copying has completed. If Cleaner.Clean has already been invoked for any
// of the files that copied, we can now actually Clean them.
pendingClean := pending[:0]
for _, filePath := range pending {
fileName := w.config.srcFS.PathBase(filePath)
if w.mu.fileState[fileName].is(obsolete) {
pendingClean = append(pendingClean, filePath)
} else {
w.mu.fileState[fileName] |= capturedSuccessfully
for _, path := range pendingClean {
_ = w.cleanFile(base.FileTypeTable, path)
// Start begins collecting a workload. All flushed and ingested sstables, plus
// corresponding manifests are copied to the provided destination path on the
// provided FS.
func (w *WorkloadCollector) Start(destFS vfs.FS, destPath string) {
defer w.mu.Unlock()
// If the collector not is running then that means w.enabled == 0 so swap it
// to 1 and continue else return since it is already running.
if !w.enabled.CompareAndSwap(false, true) {
w.config.destFS = destFS
w.config.destDir = destPath
// Initialize the tracked manifests to the database's current manifest, if
// the database has already started. Every database Open creates a new
// manifest. There are two cases:
// 1. The database has already been opened. Then `w.atomic.curManifest`
// contains the file number of the current manifest. We must initialize
// the w.mu.manifests slice to contain this first manifest.
// 2. The database has not yet been opened. Then `w.atomic.curManifest` is
// still zero. Once the associated database is opened, it'll invoke
// onManifestCreated which will handle enqueuing the manifest on
// `w.mu.manifests`.
fileNum := base.FileNum(w.curManifest.Load())
if fileNum != 0 {
fileName := base.MakeFilename(base.FileTypeManifest, fileNum.DiskFileNum())
w.mu.manifests = append(w.mu.manifests[:0], &manifestDetails{sourceFilepath: w.srcFilepath(fileName)})
w.mu.fileState[fileName] |= readyForProcessing
// Begin copying files asynchronously in the background.
w.copier.done = make(chan struct{})
w.copier.stop = false
go w.copyFiles()
// WaitAndStop waits for all enqueued sstables to be copied over, and then
// calls Stop. Gracefully ensures that all sstables referenced in the collected
// manifest's latest version edit will exist in the copy directory.
func (w *WorkloadCollector) WaitAndStop() {
for w.mu.tablesEnqueued != w.mu.tablesCopied {
// Stop stops collection of the workload.
func (w *WorkloadCollector) Stop() {
// If the collector is running then that means w.enabled == true so swap it to
// false and continue else return since it is not running.
if !w.enabled.CompareAndSwap(true, false) {
w.copier.stop = true
// IsRunning returns whether the WorkloadCollector is currently running.
func (w *WorkloadCollector) IsRunning() bool {
return w.enabled.Load()
// srcFilepath returns the file path to the named file in the source directory
// on the source filesystem.
func (w *WorkloadCollector) srcFilepath(name string) string {
return w.config.srcFS.PathJoin(w.config.srcDir, name)
// destFilepath returns the file path to the named file in the destination
// directory on the destination filesystem.
func (w *WorkloadCollector) destFilepath(name string) string {
return w.config.destFS.PathJoin(w.config.destDir, name)
type cleaner struct {
name string
clean func(vfs.FS, base.FileType, string) error
func (c cleaner) String() string { return c.name }
func (c cleaner) Clean(fs vfs.FS, fileType base.FileType, path string) error {
return c.clean(fs, fileType, path)