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440 lines
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// Copyright 2020 The LevelDB-Go and Pebble Authors. All rights reserved. Use
// of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
package tool
import (
//go:generate ./make_lsm_data.sh
type lsmFileMetadata struct {
Size uint64
Smallest int // ID of smallest key
Largest int // ID of largest key
SmallestSeqNum uint64
LargestSeqNum uint64
Virtual bool
type lsmVersionEdit struct {
// Reason for the edit: flushed, ingested, compacted, added.
Reason string
// Map from level to files added to the level.
Added map[int][]base.FileNum `json:",omitempty"`
// Map from level to files deleted from the level.
Deleted map[int][]base.FileNum `json:",omitempty"`
// L0 sublevels for any files with changed sublevels so far.
Sublevels map[base.FileNum]int `json:",omitempty"`
type lsmKey struct {
Pretty string
SeqNum uint64
Kind int
type lsmState struct {
Manifest string
Edits []lsmVersionEdit `json:",omitempty"`
Files map[base.FileNum]lsmFileMetadata `json:",omitempty"`
Keys []lsmKey `json:",omitempty"`
StartEdit int64
type lsmT struct {
Root *cobra.Command
// Configuration.
opts *pebble.Options
comparers sstable.Comparers
fmtKey keyFormatter
embed bool
pretty bool
startEdit int64
endEdit int64
editCount int64
cmp *base.Comparer
state lsmState
keyMap map[lsmKey]int
func newLSM(opts *pebble.Options, comparers sstable.Comparers) *lsmT {
l := &lsmT{
opts: opts,
comparers: comparers,
l.Root = &cobra.Command{
Use: "lsm <manifest>",
Short: "LSM visualization tool",
Long: `
Visualize the evolution of an LSM from the version edits in a MANIFEST.
Given an input MANIFEST, output an HTML file containing a visualization showing
the evolution of the LSM. Each version edit in the MANIFEST becomes a single
step in the visualization. The 7 levels of the LSM are depicted with each
sstable represented as a 1-pixel wide rectangle. The height of the rectangle is
proportional to the size (in bytes) of the sstable. The sstables are displayed
in the same order as they occur in the LSM. Note that the sstables from
different levels are NOT aligned according to their start and end keys (doing so
is also interesting, but it works against using the area of the rectangle to
indicate size).
Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1),
RunE: l.runLSM,
l.Root.Flags().Var(&l.fmtKey, "key", "key formatter")
l.Root.Flags().BoolVar(&l.embed, "embed", true, "embed javascript in HTML (disable for development)")
l.Root.Flags().BoolVar(&l.pretty, "pretty", false, "pretty JSON output")
l.Root.Flags().Int64Var(&l.startEdit, "start-edit", 0, "starting edit # to include in visualization")
l.Root.Flags().Int64Var(&l.endEdit, "end-edit", math.MaxInt64, "ending edit # to include in visualization")
l.Root.Flags().Int64Var(&l.editCount, "edit-count", math.MaxInt64, "count of edits to include in visualization")
return l
func (l *lsmT) isFlagSet(name string) bool {
return l.Root.Flags().Changed(name)
func (l *lsmT) validateFlags() error {
if l.isFlagSet("edit-count") {
if l.isFlagSet("start-edit") && l.isFlagSet("end-edit") {
return errors.Errorf("edit-count cannot be provided with both start-edit and end-edit")
} else if l.isFlagSet("end-edit") {
return errors.Errorf("cannot use edit-count with end-edit, use start-edit and end-edit instead")
if l.startEdit > l.endEdit {
return errors.Errorf("start-edit cannot be after end-edit")
return nil
func (l *lsmT) runLSM(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
err := l.validateFlags()
if err != nil {
return err
edits := l.readManifest(args[0])
if edits == nil {
return nil
if l.startEdit > 0 {
edits, err = l.coalesceEdits(edits)
if err != nil {
return err
if l.endEdit < int64(len(edits)) {
edits = edits[:l.endEdit-l.startEdit+1]
if l.editCount < int64(len(edits)) {
edits = edits[:l.editCount]
err = l.buildEdits(edits)
if err != nil {
return err
w := l.Root.OutOrStdout()
fmt.Fprintf(w, `<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
if l.embed {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "<style>%s</style>\n", lsmDataCSS)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"data/lsm.css\">\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "</head>\n<body>\n")
if l.embed {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "<script src=\"https://d3js.org/d3.v5.min.js\"></script>\n")
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "<script src=\"data/d3.v5.min.js\"></script>\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "data = %s\n", l.formatJSON(l.state))
fmt.Fprintf(w, "</script>\n")
if l.embed {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "<script type=\"text/javascript\">%s</script>\n", lsmDataJS)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "<script src=\"data/lsm.js\"></script>\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "</body>\n</html>\n")
return nil
func (l *lsmT) readManifest(path string) []*manifest.VersionEdit {
f, err := l.opts.FS.Open(path)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(l.Root.OutOrStderr(), "%s\n", err)
return nil
defer f.Close()
l.state.Manifest = path
var edits []*manifest.VersionEdit
w := l.Root.OutOrStdout()
rr := record.NewReader(f, 0 /* logNum */)
for i := 0; ; i++ {
r, err := rr.Next()
if err != nil {
if err != io.EOF {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", err)
ve := &manifest.VersionEdit{}
err = ve.Decode(r)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", err)
edits = append(edits, ve)
if ve.ComparerName != "" {
l.cmp = l.comparers[ve.ComparerName]
if l.cmp == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%d: unknown comparer %q\n", i, ve.ComparerName)
return nil
l.fmtKey.setForComparer(ve.ComparerName, l.comparers)
} else if l.cmp == nil {
l.cmp = base.DefaultComparer
return edits
func (l *lsmT) buildKeys(edits []*manifest.VersionEdit) {
var keys []base.InternalKey
for _, ve := range edits {
for i := range ve.NewFiles {
nf := &ve.NewFiles[i]
keys = append(keys, nf.Meta.Smallest)
keys = append(keys, nf.Meta.Largest)
l.keyMap = make(map[lsmKey]int)
slices.SortFunc(keys, func(a, b base.InternalKey) int {
return base.InternalCompare(l.cmp.Compare, a, b)
for i := range keys {
k := &keys[i]
if i > 0 && base.InternalCompare(l.cmp.Compare, keys[i-1], keys[i]) == 0 {
j := len(l.state.Keys)
l.state.Keys = append(l.state.Keys, lsmKey{
Pretty: fmt.Sprint(l.fmtKey.fn(k.UserKey)),
SeqNum: k.SeqNum(),
Kind: int(k.Kind()),
l.keyMap[lsmKey{string(k.UserKey), k.SeqNum(), int(k.Kind())}] = j
func (l *lsmT) buildEdits(edits []*manifest.VersionEdit) error {
l.state.Edits = nil
l.state.StartEdit = l.startEdit
l.state.Files = make(map[base.FileNum]lsmFileMetadata)
var currentFiles [manifest.NumLevels][]*manifest.FileMetadata
backings := make(map[base.DiskFileNum]*manifest.FileBacking)
for _, ve := range edits {
for _, i := range ve.CreatedBackingTables {
backings[i.DiskFileNum] = i
if len(ve.DeletedFiles) == 0 && len(ve.NewFiles) == 0 {
edit := lsmVersionEdit{
Reason: l.reason(ve),
Added: make(map[int][]base.FileNum),
Deleted: make(map[int][]base.FileNum),
for j := range ve.NewFiles {
nf := &ve.NewFiles[j]
if b, ok := backings[nf.BackingFileNum]; ok && nf.Meta.Virtual {
nf.Meta.FileBacking = b
if _, ok := l.state.Files[nf.Meta.FileNum]; !ok {
l.state.Files[nf.Meta.FileNum] = lsmFileMetadata{
Size: nf.Meta.Size,
Smallest: l.findKey(nf.Meta.Smallest),
Largest: l.findKey(nf.Meta.Largest),
SmallestSeqNum: nf.Meta.SmallestSeqNum,
LargestSeqNum: nf.Meta.LargestSeqNum,
Virtual: nf.Meta.Virtual,
edit.Added[nf.Level] = append(edit.Added[nf.Level], nf.Meta.FileNum)
currentFiles[nf.Level] = append(currentFiles[nf.Level], nf.Meta)
for df := range ve.DeletedFiles {
edit.Deleted[df.Level] = append(edit.Deleted[df.Level], df.FileNum)
for j, f := range currentFiles[df.Level] {
if f.FileNum == df.FileNum {
copy(currentFiles[df.Level][j:], currentFiles[df.Level][j+1:])
currentFiles[df.Level] = currentFiles[df.Level][:len(currentFiles[df.Level])-1]
v := manifest.NewVersion(l.cmp.Compare, l.fmtKey.fn, 0, currentFiles)
edit.Sublevels = make(map[base.FileNum]int)
for sublevel, files := range v.L0SublevelFiles {
iter := files.Iter()
for f := iter.First(); f != nil; f = iter.Next() {
if len(l.state.Edits) > 0 {
lastEdit := l.state.Edits[len(l.state.Edits)-1]
if sublevel2, ok := lastEdit.Sublevels[f.FileNum]; ok && sublevel == sublevel2 {
edit.Sublevels[f.FileNum] = sublevel
l.state.Edits = append(l.state.Edits, edit)
if l.state.Edits == nil {
return errors.Errorf("there are no edits in [start-edit, end-edit], which add or delete files")
return nil
func (l *lsmT) coalesceEdits(edits []*manifest.VersionEdit) ([]*manifest.VersionEdit, error) {
if l.startEdit >= int64(len(edits)) {
return nil, errors.Errorf("start-edit is more than the number of edits, %d", len(edits))
be := manifest.BulkVersionEdit{}
be.AddedByFileNum = make(map[base.FileNum]*manifest.FileMetadata)
// Coalesce all edits from [0, l.startEdit) into a BulkVersionEdit.
for _, ve := range edits[:l.startEdit] {
err := be.Accumulate(ve)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
startingEdit := edits[l.startEdit]
var beNewFiles []manifest.NewFileEntry
beDeletedFiles := make(map[manifest.DeletedFileEntry]*manifest.FileMetadata)
for level, deletedFiles := range be.Deleted {
for _, file := range deletedFiles {
dfe := manifest.DeletedFileEntry{
Level: level,
FileNum: file.FileNum,
beDeletedFiles[dfe] = file
// Filter out added files that were also deleted in the BulkVersionEdit.
for level, newFiles := range be.Added {
for _, file := range newFiles {
dfe := manifest.DeletedFileEntry{
Level: level,
FileNum: file.FileNum,
if _, ok := beDeletedFiles[dfe]; !ok {
beNewFiles = append(beNewFiles, manifest.NewFileEntry{
Level: level,
Meta: file,
startingEdit.NewFiles = append(beNewFiles, startingEdit.NewFiles...)
edits = edits[l.startEdit:]
return edits, nil
func (l *lsmT) findKey(key base.InternalKey) int {
return l.keyMap[lsmKey{string(key.UserKey), key.SeqNum(), int(key.Kind())}]
func (l *lsmT) reason(ve *manifest.VersionEdit) string {
if len(ve.DeletedFiles) > 0 {
return "compacted"
if ve.MinUnflushedLogNum != 0 {
return "flushed"
for i := range ve.NewFiles {
nf := &ve.NewFiles[i]
if nf.Meta.SmallestSeqNum == nf.Meta.LargestSeqNum {
return "ingested"
return "added"
func (l *lsmT) formatJSON(v interface{}) string {
if l.pretty {
return l.prettyJSON(v)
return l.uglyJSON(v)
func (l *lsmT) uglyJSON(v interface{}) string {
data, err := json.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
return string(data)
func (l *lsmT) prettyJSON(v interface{}) string {
data, err := json.MarshalIndent(v, "", "\t")
if err != nil {
return string(data)