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package dht
import (
kb "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-kbucket"
ks "github.com/whyrusleeping/go-keyspace"
const (
// optProvIndividualThresholdCertainty describes how sure we want to be that an individual peer that
// we find during walking the DHT actually belongs to the k-closest peers based on the current network size
// estimation.
optProvIndividualThresholdCertainty = 0.9
// optProvSetThresholdStrictness describes the probability that the set of closest peers is actually further
// away then the calculated set threshold. Put differently, what is the probability that we are too strict and
// don't terminate the process early because we can't find any closer peers.
optProvSetThresholdStrictness = 0.1
// optProvReturnRatio corresponds to how many ADD_PROVIDER RPCs must have completed (regardless of success)
// before we return to the user. The ratio of 0.75 equals 15 RPC as it is based on the Kademlia bucket size.
optProvReturnRatio = 0.75
type addProviderRPCState int
const (
scheduled addProviderRPCState = iota + 1
type optimisticState struct {
// context for all ADD_PROVIDER RPCs
putCtx context.Context
// reference to the DHT
dht *IpfsDHT
// the most recent network size estimation
networkSize int32
// a channel indicating when an ADD_PROVIDER RPC completed (successful or not)
doneChan chan struct{}
// tracks which peers we have stored the provider records with
peerStatesLk sync.RWMutex
peerStates map[peer.ID]addProviderRPCState
// the key to provide
key string
// the key to provide transformed into the Kademlia key space
ksKey ks.Key
// distance threshold for individual peers. If peers are closer than this number we store
// the provider records right away.
individualThreshold float64
// distance threshold for the set of bucketSize closest peers. If the average distance of the bucketSize
// closest peers is below this number we stop the DHT walk and store the remaining provider records.
// "remaining" because we have likely already stored some on peers that were below the individualThreshold.
setThreshold float64
// number of completed (regardless of success) ADD_PROVIDER RPCs before we return control back to the user.
returnThreshold int
// putProvDone counts the ADD_PROVIDER RPCs that have completed (successful and unsuccessful)
putProvDone atomic.Int32
func (dht *IpfsDHT) newOptimisticState(ctx context.Context, key string) (*optimisticState, error) {
// get network size and err out if there is no reasonable estimate
networkSize, err := dht.nsEstimator.NetworkSize()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
individualThreshold := mathext.GammaIncRegInv(float64(dht.bucketSize), 1-optProvIndividualThresholdCertainty) / float64(networkSize)
setThreshold := mathext.GammaIncRegInv(float64(dht.bucketSize)/2.0+1, 1-optProvSetThresholdStrictness) / float64(networkSize)
returnThreshold := int(math.Ceil(float64(dht.bucketSize) * optProvReturnRatio))
return &optimisticState{
putCtx: ctx,
dht: dht,
key: key,
doneChan: make(chan struct{}, returnThreshold), // buffered channel to not miss events
ksKey: ks.XORKeySpace.Key([]byte(key)),
networkSize: networkSize,
peerStates: map[peer.ID]addProviderRPCState{},
individualThreshold: individualThreshold,
setThreshold: setThreshold,
returnThreshold: returnThreshold,
putProvDone: atomic.Int32{},
}, nil
func (dht *IpfsDHT) optimisticProvide(outerCtx context.Context, keyMH multihash.Multihash) error {
key := string(keyMH)
if key == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("can't lookup empty key")
// initialize new context for all putProvider operations.
// We don't want to give the outer context to the put operations as we return early before all
// put operations have finished to avoid the long tail of the latency distribution. If we
// provided the outer context the put operations may be cancelled depending on what happens
// with the context on the user side.
putCtx, putCtxCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Minute)
es, err := dht.newOptimisticState(putCtx, key)
if err != nil {
return err
// initialize context that finishes when this function returns
innerCtx, innerCtxCancel := context.WithCancel(outerCtx)
defer innerCtxCancel()
go func() {
select {
case <-outerCtx.Done():
// If the outer context gets cancelled while we're still in this function. We stop all
// pending put operations.
case <-innerCtx.Done():
// We have returned from this function. Ignore cancellations of the outer context and continue
// with the remaining put operations.
lookupRes, err := dht.runLookupWithFollowup(outerCtx, key, dht.pmGetClosestPeers(key), es.stopFn)
if err != nil {
return err
// Store the provider records with all the closest peers we haven't already contacted/scheduled interaction with.
for _, p := range lookupRes.peers {
if _, found := es.peerStates[p]; found {
go es.putProviderRecord(p)
es.peerStates[p] = scheduled
// wait until a threshold number of RPCs have completed
if err := outerCtx.Err(); err != nil || !lookupRes.completed { // likely the "completed" field is false but that's not a given
return err
// tracking lookup results for network size estimator as "completed" is true
if err = dht.nsEstimator.Track(key, lookupRes.closest); err != nil {
logger.Warnf("network size estimator track peers: %s", err)
if ns, err := dht.nsEstimator.NetworkSize(); err == nil {
// refresh the cpl for this key as the query was successful
dht.routingTable.ResetCplRefreshedAtForID(kb.ConvertKey(key), time.Now())
return nil
func (os *optimisticState) stopFn(qps *qpeerset.QueryPeerset) bool {
defer os.peerStatesLk.Unlock()
// get currently known closest peers and check if any of them is already very close.
// If so -> store provider records straight away.
closest := qps.GetClosestNInStates(os.dht.bucketSize, qpeerset.PeerHeard, qpeerset.PeerWaiting, qpeerset.PeerQueried)
distances := make([]float64, os.dht.bucketSize)
for i, p := range closest {
// calculate distance of peer p to the target key
distances[i] = netsize.NormedDistance(p, os.ksKey)
// Check if we have already scheduled interaction or have actually interacted with that peer
if _, found := os.peerStates[p]; found {
// Check if peer is close enough to store the provider record with
if distances[i] > os.individualThreshold {
// peer is indeed very close already -> store the provider record directly with it!
go os.putProviderRecord(p)
// keep track that we've scheduled storing a provider record with that peer
os.peerStates[p] = scheduled
// count number of peers we have scheduled to contact or have already successfully contacted via the above method
scheduledAndSuccessCount := 0
for _, s := range os.peerStates {
if s == scheduled || s == success {
scheduledAndSuccessCount += 1
// if we have already contacted/scheduled the RPC for more than bucketSize peers stop the procedure
if scheduledAndSuccessCount >= os.dht.bucketSize {
return true
// calculate average distance of the set of closest peers
sum := 0.0
for _, d := range distances {
sum += d
avg := sum / float64(len(distances))
// if the average is below the set threshold stop the procedure
return avg < os.setThreshold
func (os *optimisticState) putProviderRecord(pid peer.ID) {
err := os.dht.protoMessenger.PutProviderAddrs(os.putCtx, pid, []byte(os.key), peer.AddrInfo{
ID: os.dht.self,
Addrs: os.dht.filterAddrs(os.dht.host.Addrs()),
if err != nil {
os.peerStates[pid] = failure
} else {
os.peerStates[pid] = success
// indicate that this ADD_PROVIDER RPC has completed
os.doneChan <- struct{}{}
// waitForRPCs waits for a subset of ADD_PROVIDER RPCs to complete and then acquire a lease on
// a bound channel to return early back to the user and prevent unbound asynchronicity. If
// there are already too many requests in-flight we are just waiting for our current set to
// finish.
func (os *optimisticState) waitForRPCs() {
rpcCount := len(os.peerStates)
// returnThreshold can't be larger than the total number issued RPCs
if os.returnThreshold > rpcCount {
os.returnThreshold = rpcCount
// Wait until returnThreshold ADD_PROVIDER RPCs have returned
for range os.doneChan {
if int(os.putProvDone.Add(1)) == os.returnThreshold {
// At this point only a subset of all ADD_PROVIDER RPCs have completed.
// We want to give control back to the user as soon as possible because
// it is highly likely that at least one of the remaining RPCs will time
// out and thus slow down the whole processes. The provider records will
// already be available with less than the total number of RPCs having
// finished. This has been investigated here:
// https://github.com/protocol/network-measurements/blob/master/results/rfm17-provider-record-liveness.md
// For the remaining ADD_PROVIDER RPCs try to acquire a lease on the optProvJobsPool channel.
// If that worked we need to consume the doneChan and release the acquired lease on the
// optProvJobsPool channel.
remaining := rpcCount - int(os.putProvDone.Load())
for i := 0; i < remaining; i++ {
select {
case os.dht.optProvJobsPool <- struct{}{}:
// We were able to acquire a lease on the optProvJobsPool channel.
// Consume doneChan to release the acquired lease again.
go os.consumeDoneChan(rpcCount)
case <-os.doneChan:
// We were not able to acquire a lease but an ADD_PROVIDER RPC resolved.
if int(os.putProvDone.Add(1)) == rpcCount {
func (os *optimisticState) consumeDoneChan(until int) {
// Wait for an RPC to finish
// Release acquired lease for other's to get a spot
// If all RPCs have finished, close the channel.
if int(os.putProvDone.Add(1)) == until {