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package basichost
import (
relayv2 "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/p2p/protocol/circuitv2/relay"
libp2pwebtransport "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/p2p/transport/webtransport"
logging "github.com/ipfs/go-log/v2"
ma "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr"
madns "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr-dns"
manet "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr/net"
msmux "github.com/multiformats/go-multistream"
// addrChangeTickrInterval is the interval between two address change ticks.
var addrChangeTickrInterval = 5 * time.Second
var log = logging.Logger("basichost")
var (
// DefaultNegotiationTimeout is the default value for HostOpts.NegotiationTimeout.
DefaultNegotiationTimeout = 10 * time.Second
// DefaultAddrsFactory is the default value for HostOpts.AddrsFactory.
DefaultAddrsFactory = func(addrs []ma.Multiaddr) []ma.Multiaddr { return addrs }
// AddrsFactory functions can be passed to New in order to override
// addresses returned by Addrs.
type AddrsFactory func([]ma.Multiaddr) []ma.Multiaddr
// BasicHost is the basic implementation of the host.Host interface. This
// particular host implementation:
// - uses a protocol muxer to mux per-protocol streams
// - uses an identity service to send + receive node information
// - uses a nat service to establish NAT port mappings
type BasicHost struct {
ctx context.Context
ctxCancel context.CancelFunc
// ensures we shutdown ONLY once
closeSync sync.Once
// keep track of resources we need to wait on before shutting down
refCount sync.WaitGroup
network network.Network
psManager *pstoremanager.PeerstoreManager
mux *msmux.MultistreamMuxer[protocol.ID]
ids identify.IDService
hps *holepunch.Service
pings *ping.PingService
natmgr NATManager
maResolver *madns.Resolver
cmgr connmgr.ConnManager
eventbus event.Bus
relayManager *relaysvc.RelayManager
AddrsFactory AddrsFactory
negtimeout time.Duration
emitters struct {
evtLocalProtocolsUpdated event.Emitter
evtLocalAddrsUpdated event.Emitter
addrChangeChan chan struct{}
addrMu sync.RWMutex
filteredInterfaceAddrs []ma.Multiaddr
allInterfaceAddrs []ma.Multiaddr
disableSignedPeerRecord bool
signKey crypto.PrivKey
caBook peerstore.CertifiedAddrBook
autoNat autonat.AutoNAT
var _ host.Host = (*BasicHost)(nil)
// HostOpts holds options that can be passed to NewHost in order to
// customize construction of the *BasicHost.
type HostOpts struct {
// EventBus sets the event bus. Will construct a new event bus if omitted.
EventBus event.Bus
// MultistreamMuxer is essential for the *BasicHost and will use a sensible default value if omitted.
MultistreamMuxer *msmux.MultistreamMuxer[protocol.ID]
// NegotiationTimeout determines the read and write timeouts on streams.
// If 0 or omitted, it will use DefaultNegotiationTimeout.
// If below 0, timeouts on streams will be deactivated.
NegotiationTimeout time.Duration
// AddrsFactory holds a function which can be used to override or filter the result of Addrs.
// If omitted, there's no override or filtering, and the results of Addrs and AllAddrs are the same.
AddrsFactory AddrsFactory
// MultiaddrResolves holds the go-multiaddr-dns.Resolver used for resolving
// /dns4, /dns6, and /dnsaddr addresses before trying to connect to a peer.
MultiaddrResolver *madns.Resolver
// NATManager takes care of setting NAT port mappings, and discovering external addresses.
// If omitted, this will simply be disabled.
NATManager func(network.Network) NATManager
// ConnManager is a libp2p connection manager
ConnManager connmgr.ConnManager
// EnablePing indicates whether to instantiate the ping service
EnablePing bool
// EnableRelayService enables the circuit v2 relay (if we're publicly reachable).
EnableRelayService bool
// RelayServiceOpts are options for the circuit v2 relay.
RelayServiceOpts []relayv2.Option
// UserAgent sets the user-agent for the host.
UserAgent string
// ProtocolVersion sets the protocol version for the host.
ProtocolVersion string
// DisableSignedPeerRecord disables the generation of Signed Peer Records on this host.
DisableSignedPeerRecord bool
// EnableHolePunching enables the peer to initiate/respond to hole punching attempts for NAT traversal.
EnableHolePunching bool
// HolePunchingOptions are options for the hole punching service
HolePunchingOptions []holepunch.Option
// EnableMetrics enables the metrics subsystems
EnableMetrics bool
// PrometheusRegisterer is the PrometheusRegisterer used for metrics
PrometheusRegisterer prometheus.Registerer
// NewHost constructs a new *BasicHost and activates it by attaching its stream and connection handlers to the given inet.Network.
func NewHost(n network.Network, opts *HostOpts) (*BasicHost, error) {
if opts == nil {
opts = &HostOpts{}
if opts.EventBus == nil {
opts.EventBus = eventbus.NewBus()
psManager, err := pstoremanager.NewPeerstoreManager(n.Peerstore(), opts.EventBus)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
hostCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
h := &BasicHost{
network: n,
psManager: psManager,
mux: msmux.NewMultistreamMuxer[protocol.ID](),
negtimeout: DefaultNegotiationTimeout,
AddrsFactory: DefaultAddrsFactory,
maResolver: madns.DefaultResolver,
eventbus: opts.EventBus,
addrChangeChan: make(chan struct{}, 1),
ctx: hostCtx,
ctxCancel: cancel,
disableSignedPeerRecord: opts.DisableSignedPeerRecord,
if h.emitters.evtLocalProtocolsUpdated, err = h.eventbus.Emitter(&event.EvtLocalProtocolsUpdated{}, eventbus.Stateful); err != nil {
return nil, err
if h.emitters.evtLocalAddrsUpdated, err = h.eventbus.Emitter(&event.EvtLocalAddressesUpdated{}, eventbus.Stateful); err != nil {
return nil, err
if !h.disableSignedPeerRecord {
cab, ok := peerstore.GetCertifiedAddrBook(n.Peerstore())
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("peerstore should also be a certified address book")
h.caBook = cab
h.signKey = h.Peerstore().PrivKey(h.ID())
if h.signKey == nil {
return nil, errors.New("unable to access host key")
// persist a signed peer record for self to the peerstore.
rec := peer.PeerRecordFromAddrInfo(peer.AddrInfo{
ID: h.ID(),
Addrs: h.Addrs(),
ev, err := record.Seal(rec, h.signKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create signed record for self: %w", err)
if _, err := cab.ConsumePeerRecord(ev, peerstore.PermanentAddrTTL); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to persist signed record to peerstore: %w", err)
if opts.MultistreamMuxer != nil {
h.mux = opts.MultistreamMuxer
idOpts := []identify.Option{
// we can't set this as a default above because it depends on the *BasicHost.
if h.disableSignedPeerRecord {
idOpts = append(idOpts, identify.DisableSignedPeerRecord())
if opts.EnableMetrics {
idOpts = append(idOpts,
h.ids, err = identify.NewIDService(h, idOpts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create Identify service: %s", err)
if opts.EnableHolePunching {
if opts.EnableMetrics {
hpOpts := []holepunch.Option{
opts.HolePunchingOptions = append(hpOpts, opts.HolePunchingOptions...)
h.hps, err = holepunch.NewService(h, h.ids, opts.HolePunchingOptions...)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create hole punch service: %w", err)
if uint64(opts.NegotiationTimeout) != 0 {
h.negtimeout = opts.NegotiationTimeout
if opts.AddrsFactory != nil {
h.AddrsFactory = opts.AddrsFactory
if opts.NATManager != nil {
h.natmgr = opts.NATManager(n)
if opts.MultiaddrResolver != nil {
h.maResolver = opts.MultiaddrResolver
if opts.ConnManager == nil {
h.cmgr = &connmgr.NullConnMgr{}
} else {
h.cmgr = opts.ConnManager
if opts.EnableRelayService {
if opts.EnableMetrics {
// Prefer explicitly provided metrics tracer
metricsOpt := []relayv2.Option{
opts.RelayServiceOpts = append(metricsOpt, opts.RelayServiceOpts...)
h.relayManager = relaysvc.NewRelayManager(h, opts.RelayServiceOpts...)
if opts.EnablePing {
h.pings = ping.NewPingService(h)
// register to be notified when the network's listen addrs change,
// so we can update our address set and push events if needed
listenHandler := func(network.Network, ma.Multiaddr) {
ListenF: listenHandler,
ListenCloseF: listenHandler,
return h, nil
func (h *BasicHost) updateLocalIpAddr() {
defer h.addrMu.Unlock()
h.filteredInterfaceAddrs = nil
h.allInterfaceAddrs = nil
// Try to use the default ipv4/6 addresses.
if r, err := netroute.New(); err != nil {
log.Debugw("failed to build Router for kernel's routing table", "error", err)
} else {
if _, _, localIPv4, err := r.Route(net.IPv4zero); err != nil {
log.Debugw("failed to fetch local IPv4 address", "error", err)
} else if localIPv4.IsGlobalUnicast() {
maddr, err := manet.FromIP(localIPv4)
if err == nil {
h.filteredInterfaceAddrs = append(h.filteredInterfaceAddrs, maddr)
if _, _, localIPv6, err := r.Route(net.IPv6unspecified); err != nil {
log.Debugw("failed to fetch local IPv6 address", "error", err)
} else if localIPv6.IsGlobalUnicast() {
maddr, err := manet.FromIP(localIPv6)
if err == nil {
h.filteredInterfaceAddrs = append(h.filteredInterfaceAddrs, maddr)
// Resolve the interface addresses
ifaceAddrs, err := manet.InterfaceMultiaddrs()
if err != nil {
// This usually shouldn't happen, but we could be in some kind
// of funky restricted environment.
log.Errorw("failed to resolve local interface addresses", "error", err)
// Add the loopback addresses to the filtered addrs and use them as the non-filtered addrs.
// Then bail. There's nothing else we can do here.
h.filteredInterfaceAddrs = append(h.filteredInterfaceAddrs, manet.IP4Loopback, manet.IP6Loopback)
h.allInterfaceAddrs = h.filteredInterfaceAddrs
for _, addr := range ifaceAddrs {
// Skip link-local addrs, they're mostly useless.
if !manet.IsIP6LinkLocal(addr) {
h.allInterfaceAddrs = append(h.allInterfaceAddrs, addr)
// If netroute failed to get us any interface addresses, use all of
// them.
if len(h.filteredInterfaceAddrs) == 0 {
// Add all addresses.
h.filteredInterfaceAddrs = h.allInterfaceAddrs
} else {
// Only add loopback addresses. Filter these because we might
// not _have_ an IPv6 loopback address.
for _, addr := range h.allInterfaceAddrs {
if manet.IsIPLoopback(addr) {
h.filteredInterfaceAddrs = append(h.filteredInterfaceAddrs, addr)
// Start starts background tasks in the host
func (h *BasicHost) Start() {
go h.background()
// newStreamHandler is the remote-opened stream handler for network.Network
// TODO: this feels a bit wonky
func (h *BasicHost) newStreamHandler(s network.Stream) {
before := time.Now()
if h.negtimeout > 0 {
if err := s.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(h.negtimeout)); err != nil {
log.Debug("setting stream deadline: ", err)
protoID, handle, err := h.Mux().Negotiate(s)
took := time.Since(before)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
logf := log.Debugf
if took > time.Second*10 {
logf = log.Warnf
logf("protocol EOF: %s (took %s)", s.Conn().RemotePeer(), took)
} else {
log.Debugf("protocol mux failed: %s (took %s)", err, took)
if h.negtimeout > 0 {
if err := s.SetDeadline(time.Time{}); err != nil {
log.Debugf("resetting stream deadline: ", err)
if err := s.SetProtocol(protoID); err != nil {
log.Debugf("error setting stream protocol: %s", err)
log.Debugf("negotiated: %s (took %s)", protoID, took)
go handle(protoID, s)
// SignalAddressChange signals to the host that it needs to determine whether our listen addresses have recently
// changed.
// Warning: this interface is unstable and may disappear in the future.
func (h *BasicHost) SignalAddressChange() {
select {
case h.addrChangeChan <- struct{}{}:
func makeUpdatedAddrEvent(prev, current []ma.Multiaddr) *event.EvtLocalAddressesUpdated {
prevmap := make(map[string]ma.Multiaddr, len(prev))
evt := event.EvtLocalAddressesUpdated{Diffs: true}
addrsAdded := false
for _, addr := range prev {
prevmap[string(addr.Bytes())] = addr
for _, addr := range current {
_, ok := prevmap[string(addr.Bytes())]
updated := event.UpdatedAddress{Address: addr}
if ok {
updated.Action = event.Maintained
} else {
updated.Action = event.Added
addrsAdded = true
evt.Current = append(evt.Current, updated)
delete(prevmap, string(addr.Bytes()))
for _, addr := range prevmap {
updated := event.UpdatedAddress{Action: event.Removed, Address: addr}
evt.Removed = append(evt.Removed, updated)
if !addrsAdded && len(evt.Removed) == 0 {
return nil
return &evt
func (h *BasicHost) makeSignedPeerRecord(evt *event.EvtLocalAddressesUpdated) (*record.Envelope, error) {
current := make([]ma.Multiaddr, 0, len(evt.Current))
for _, a := range evt.Current {
current = append(current, a.Address)
rec := peer.PeerRecordFromAddrInfo(peer.AddrInfo{
ID: h.ID(),
Addrs: current,
return record.Seal(rec, h.signKey)
func (h *BasicHost) background() {
defer h.refCount.Done()
var lastAddrs []ma.Multiaddr
emitAddrChange := func(currentAddrs []ma.Multiaddr, lastAddrs []ma.Multiaddr) {
// nothing to do if both are nil..defensive check
if currentAddrs == nil && lastAddrs == nil {
changeEvt := makeUpdatedAddrEvent(lastAddrs, currentAddrs)
if changeEvt == nil {
if !h.disableSignedPeerRecord {
// add signed peer record to the event
sr, err := h.makeSignedPeerRecord(changeEvt)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error creating a signed peer record from the set of current addresses, err=%s", err)
changeEvt.SignedPeerRecord = sr
// persist the signed record to the peerstore
if _, err := h.caBook.ConsumePeerRecord(sr, peerstore.PermanentAddrTTL); err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to persist signed peer record in peer store, err=%s", err)
// emit addr change event on the bus
if err := h.emitters.evtLocalAddrsUpdated.Emit(*changeEvt); err != nil {
log.Warnf("error emitting event for updated addrs: %s", err)
// periodically schedules an IdentifyPush to update our peers for changes
// in our address set (if needed)
ticker := time.NewTicker(addrChangeTickrInterval)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
if len(h.network.ListenAddresses()) > 0 {
// Request addresses anyways because, technically, address filters still apply.
// The underlying AllAddrs call is effectivley a no-op.
curr := h.Addrs()
emitAddrChange(curr, lastAddrs)
lastAddrs = curr
select {
case <-ticker.C:
case <-h.addrChangeChan:
case <-h.ctx.Done():
// ID returns the (local) peer.ID associated with this Host
func (h *BasicHost) ID() peer.ID {
return h.Network().LocalPeer()
// Peerstore returns the Host's repository of Peer Addresses and Keys.
func (h *BasicHost) Peerstore() peerstore.Peerstore {
return h.Network().Peerstore()
// Network returns the Network interface of the Host
func (h *BasicHost) Network() network.Network {
return h.network
// Mux returns the Mux multiplexing incoming streams to protocol handlers
func (h *BasicHost) Mux() protocol.Switch {
return h.mux
// IDService returns
func (h *BasicHost) IDService() identify.IDService {
return h.ids
func (h *BasicHost) EventBus() event.Bus {
return h.eventbus
// SetStreamHandler sets the protocol handler on the Host's Mux.
// This is equivalent to:
// host.Mux().SetHandler(proto, handler)
// (Thread-safe)
func (h *BasicHost) SetStreamHandler(pid protocol.ID, handler network.StreamHandler) {
h.Mux().AddHandler(pid, func(p protocol.ID, rwc io.ReadWriteCloser) error {
is := rwc.(network.Stream)
return nil
Added: []protocol.ID{pid},
// SetStreamHandlerMatch sets the protocol handler on the Host's Mux
// using a matching function to do protocol comparisons
func (h *BasicHost) SetStreamHandlerMatch(pid protocol.ID, m func(protocol.ID) bool, handler network.StreamHandler) {
h.Mux().AddHandlerWithFunc(pid, m, func(p protocol.ID, rwc io.ReadWriteCloser) error {
is := rwc.(network.Stream)
return nil
Added: []protocol.ID{pid},
// RemoveStreamHandler returns ..
func (h *BasicHost) RemoveStreamHandler(pid protocol.ID) {
Removed: []protocol.ID{pid},
// NewStream opens a new stream to given peer p, and writes a p2p/protocol
// header with given protocol.ID. If there is no connection to p, attempts
// to create one. If ProtocolID is "", writes no header.
// (Thread-safe)
func (h *BasicHost) NewStream(ctx context.Context, p peer.ID, pids ...protocol.ID) (network.Stream, error) {
// If the caller wants to prevent the host from dialing, it should use the NoDial option.
if nodial, _ := network.GetNoDial(ctx); !nodial {
err := h.Connect(ctx, peer.AddrInfo{ID: p})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s, err := h.Network().NewStream(network.WithNoDial(ctx, "already dialed"), p)
if err != nil {
// TODO: It would be nicer to get the actual error from the swarm,
// but this will require some more work.
if errors.Is(err, network.ErrNoConn) {
return nil, errors.New("connection failed")
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to open stream: %w", err)
// Wait for any in-progress identifies on the connection to finish. This
// is faster than negotiating.
// If the other side doesn't support identify, that's fine. This will
// just be a no-op.
select {
case <-h.ids.IdentifyWait(s.Conn()):
case <-ctx.Done():
_ = s.Reset()
return nil, fmt.Errorf("identify failed to complete: %w", ctx.Err())
pref, err := h.preferredProtocol(p, pids)
if err != nil {
_ = s.Reset()
return nil, err
if pref != "" {
lzcon := msmux.NewMSSelect(s, pref)
return &streamWrapper{
Stream: s,
rw: lzcon,
}, nil
// Negotiate the protocol in the background, obeying the context.
var selected protocol.ID
errCh := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
selected, err = msmux.SelectOneOf(pids, s)
errCh <- err
select {
case err = <-errCh:
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to negotiate protocol: %w", err)
case <-ctx.Done():
// wait for `SelectOneOf` to error out because of resetting the stream.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to negotiate protocol: %w", ctx.Err())
h.Peerstore().AddProtocols(p, selected)
return s, nil
func (h *BasicHost) preferredProtocol(p peer.ID, pids []protocol.ID) (protocol.ID, error) {
supported, err := h.Peerstore().SupportsProtocols(p, pids...)
if err != nil {
return "", err
var out protocol.ID
if len(supported) > 0 {
out = supported[0]
return out, nil
// Connect ensures there is a connection between this host and the peer with
// given peer.ID. If there is not an active connection, Connect will issue a
// h.Network.Dial, and block until a connection is open, or an error is returned.
// Connect will absorb the addresses in pi into its internal peerstore.
// It will also resolve any /dns4, /dns6, and /dnsaddr addresses.
func (h *BasicHost) Connect(ctx context.Context, pi peer.AddrInfo) error {
// absorb addresses into peerstore
h.Peerstore().AddAddrs(pi.ID, pi.Addrs, peerstore.TempAddrTTL)
forceDirect, _ := network.GetForceDirectDial(ctx)
if !forceDirect {
if h.Network().Connectedness(pi.ID) == network.Connected {
return nil
return h.dialPeer(ctx, pi.ID)
// dialPeer opens a connection to peer, and makes sure to identify
// the connection once it has been opened.
func (h *BasicHost) dialPeer(ctx context.Context, p peer.ID) error {
log.Debugf("host %s dialing %s", h.ID(), p)
c, err := h.Network().DialPeer(ctx, p)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to dial: %w", err)
// TODO: Consider removing this? On one hand, it's nice because we can
// assume that things like the agent version are usually set when this
// returns. On the other hand, we don't _really_ need to wait for this.
// This is mostly here to preserve existing behavior.
select {
case <-h.ids.IdentifyWait(c):
case <-ctx.Done():
return fmt.Errorf("identify failed to complete: %w", ctx.Err())
log.Debugf("host %s finished dialing %s", h.ID(), p)
return nil
func (h *BasicHost) ConnManager() connmgr.ConnManager {
return h.cmgr
// Addrs returns listening addresses that are safe to announce to the network.
// The output is the same as AllAddrs, but processed by AddrsFactory.
func (h *BasicHost) Addrs() []ma.Multiaddr {
// This is a temporary workaround/hack that fixes #2233. Once we have a
// proper address pipeline, rework this. See the issue for more context.
type transportForListeninger interface {
TransportForListening(a ma.Multiaddr) transport.Transport
type addCertHasher interface {
AddCertHashes(m ma.Multiaddr) (ma.Multiaddr, bool)
addrs := h.AddrsFactory(h.AllAddrs())
s, ok := h.Network().(transportForListeninger)
if !ok {
return addrs
// Copy addrs slice since we'll be modifying it.
addrsOld := addrs
addrs = make([]ma.Multiaddr, len(addrsOld))
copy(addrs, addrsOld)
for i, addr := range addrs {
if ok, n := libp2pwebtransport.IsWebtransportMultiaddr(addr); ok && n == 0 {
t := s.TransportForListening(addr)
tpt, ok := t.(addCertHasher)
if !ok {
addrWithCerthash, added := tpt.AddCertHashes(addr)
addrs[i] = addrWithCerthash
if !added {
log.Debug("Couldn't add certhashes to webtransport multiaddr because we aren't listening on webtransport")
return addrs
// NormalizeMultiaddr returns a multiaddr suitable for equality checks.
// If the multiaddr is a webtransport component, it removes the certhashes.
func (h *BasicHost) NormalizeMultiaddr(addr ma.Multiaddr) ma.Multiaddr {
if ok, n := libp2pwebtransport.IsWebtransportMultiaddr(addr); ok && n > 0 {
out := addr
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
out, _ = ma.SplitLast(out)
return out
return addr
// AllAddrs returns all the addresses of BasicHost at this moment in time.
// It's ok to not include addresses if they're not available to be used now.
func (h *BasicHost) AllAddrs() []ma.Multiaddr {
listenAddrs := h.Network().ListenAddresses()
if len(listenAddrs) == 0 {
return nil
filteredIfaceAddrs := h.filteredInterfaceAddrs
allIfaceAddrs := h.allInterfaceAddrs
// Iterate over all _unresolved_ listen addresses, resolving our primary
// interface only to avoid advertising too many addresses.
var finalAddrs []ma.Multiaddr
if resolved, err := manet.ResolveUnspecifiedAddresses(listenAddrs, filteredIfaceAddrs); err != nil {
// This can happen if we're listening on no addrs, or listening
// on IPv6 addrs, but only have IPv4 interface addrs.
log.Debugw("failed to resolve listen addrs", "error", err)
} else {
finalAddrs = append(finalAddrs, resolved...)
finalAddrs = ma.Unique(finalAddrs)
// use nat mappings if we have them
if h.natmgr != nil && h.natmgr.HasDiscoveredNAT() {
// We have successfully mapped ports on our NAT. Use those
// instead of observed addresses (mostly).
// Next, apply this mapping to our addresses.
for _, listen := range listenAddrs {
extMaddr := h.natmgr.GetMapping(listen)
if extMaddr == nil {
// not mapped
// if the router reported a sane address
if !manet.IsIPUnspecified(extMaddr) {
// Add in the mapped addr.
finalAddrs = append(finalAddrs, extMaddr)
} else {
log.Warn("NAT device reported an unspecified IP as it's external address")
// Did the router give us a routable public addr?
if manet.IsPublicAddr(extMaddr) {
// well done
// No.
// in case the router gives us a wrong address or we're behind a double-NAT.
// also add observed addresses
resolved, err := manet.ResolveUnspecifiedAddress(listen, allIfaceAddrs)
if err != nil {
// This can happen if we try to resolve /ip6/::/...
// without any IPv6 interface addresses.
for _, addr := range resolved {
// Now, check if we have any observed addresses that
// differ from the one reported by the router. Routers
// don't always give the most accurate information.
observed := h.ids.ObservedAddrsFor(addr)
if len(observed) == 0 {
// Drop the IP from the external maddr
_, extMaddrNoIP := ma.SplitFirst(extMaddr)
for _, obsMaddr := range observed {
// Extract a public observed addr.
ip, _ := ma.SplitFirst(obsMaddr)
if ip == nil || !manet.IsPublicAddr(ip) {
finalAddrs = append(finalAddrs, ma.Join(ip, extMaddrNoIP))
} else {
var observedAddrs []ma.Multiaddr
if h.ids != nil {
observedAddrs = h.ids.OwnObservedAddrs()
finalAddrs = append(finalAddrs, observedAddrs...)
finalAddrs = ma.Unique(finalAddrs)
finalAddrs = inferWebtransportAddrsFromQuic(finalAddrs)
return finalAddrs
var wtComponent = ma.StringCast("/webtransport")
// inferWebtransportAddrsFromQuic infers more webtransport addresses from QUIC addresses.
// This is useful when we discover our public QUIC address, but haven't discovered our public WebTransport addrs.
// If we see that we are listening on the same port for QUIC and WebTransport,
// we can be pretty sure that the WebTransport addr will be reachable if the
// QUIC one is.
// We assume the input is deduped.
func inferWebtransportAddrsFromQuic(in []ma.Multiaddr) []ma.Multiaddr {
// We need to check if we are listening on the same ip+port for QUIC and WebTransport.
// If not, there's nothing to do since we can't infer anything.
// Count the number of QUIC addrs, this will let us allocate just once at the beginning.
quicAddrCount := 0
for _, addr := range in {
if _, lastComponent := ma.SplitLast(addr); lastComponent.Protocol().Code == ma.P_QUIC_V1 {
quicOrWebtransportAddrs := make(map[string]struct{}, quicAddrCount)
webtransportAddrs := make(map[string]struct{}, quicAddrCount)
foundSameListeningAddr := false
for _, addr := range in {
isWebtransport, numCertHashes := libp2pwebtransport.IsWebtransportMultiaddr(addr)
if isWebtransport {
for i := 0; i < numCertHashes; i++ {
// Remove certhashes
addr, _ = ma.SplitLast(addr)
webtransportAddrs[addr.String()] = struct{}{}
// Remove webtransport component, now it's a multiaddr that ends in /quic-v1
addr, _ = ma.SplitLast(addr)
if _, lastComponent := ma.SplitLast(addr); lastComponent.Protocol().Code == ma.P_QUIC_V1 {
addrStr := addr.String()
if _, ok := quicOrWebtransportAddrs[addrStr]; ok {
foundSameListeningAddr = true
} else {
quicOrWebtransportAddrs[addrStr] = struct{}{}
if !foundSameListeningAddr {
return in
if len(webtransportAddrs) == 0 {
// No webtransport addresses, we aren't listening on any webtransport
// address, so we shouldn't add any.
return in
out := make([]ma.Multiaddr, 0, len(in)+(quicAddrCount-len(webtransportAddrs)))
for _, addr := range in {
// Add all the original addresses
out = append(out, addr)
if _, lastComponent := ma.SplitLast(addr); lastComponent.Protocol().Code == ma.P_QUIC_V1 {
// Convert quic to webtransport
addr = addr.Encapsulate(wtComponent)
if _, ok := webtransportAddrs[addr.String()]; ok {
// We already have this address
// Add the new inferred address
out = append(out, addr)
return out
// SetAutoNat sets the autonat service for the host.
func (h *BasicHost) SetAutoNat(a autonat.AutoNAT) {
defer h.addrMu.Unlock()
if h.autoNat == nil {
h.autoNat = a
// GetAutoNat returns the host's AutoNAT service, if AutoNAT is enabled.
func (h *BasicHost) GetAutoNat() autonat.AutoNAT {
defer h.addrMu.Unlock()
return h.autoNat
// Close shuts down the Host's services (network, etc).
func (h *BasicHost) Close() error {
h.closeSync.Do(func() {
if h.natmgr != nil {
if h.cmgr != nil {
if h.ids != nil {
if h.autoNat != nil {
if h.relayManager != nil {
if h.hps != nil {
_ = h.emitters.evtLocalProtocolsUpdated.Close()
_ = h.emitters.evtLocalAddrsUpdated.Close()
if h.Peerstore() != nil {
if h.Network().ResourceManager() != nil {
return nil
type streamWrapper struct {
rw io.ReadWriteCloser
func (s *streamWrapper) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
return s.rw.Read(b)
func (s *streamWrapper) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
return s.rw.Write(b)
func (s *streamWrapper) Close() error {
return s.rw.Close()
func (s *streamWrapper) CloseWrite() error {
// Flush the handshake before closing, but ignore the error. The other
// end may have closed their side for reading.
// If something is wrong with the stream, the user will get on error on
// read instead.
if flusher, ok := s.rw.(interface{ Flush() error }); ok {
_ = flusher.Flush()
return s.Stream.CloseWrite()