#!/bin/bash # # A simple script help to maintain AutoProxy gfwList easily. # # Function: # Update local svn repository; # Commit decoded changes(by others in your team) to local git repository # with decoded message and authors name; # Update "Last Modified" time; # Update "Checksum"; # Commit your changes to local git repository; # Commit your encoded changes to remote svn repository with encoded log. # Usage: # Initialize: # $svn checkout https://autoproxy-gfwlist.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ gfwList --username your-google-user-name # $cd gfwList # $git init # $base64 -d gfwlist.txt > list.txt # $git add list.txt # $git commit -a -m "init" # Normal Usage: # edit list.txt as usual; # $./sendGFWList.sh "say something about this edit" # Note: # 1: You can use "git" to show, diff, log...what's you want; # 2: "gfwlist.txt" is a fake file, do NOT commit "list.txt" to svn server; # 3: Do NOT use any unicode character in the list, there is a known bug. ############################################################################### # dependence for cmd in sed date base64 gawk svn git do which $cmd &> /dev/null; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Depends on $cmd, please install it first."; exit 1; fi done # get current revision number oriLang=$LANG; export LANG="en_US"; curRevNum=$( svn info | gawk '/^Revision:/ { print $2 }' ); export LANG=$oriLang; # save local modification git diff > temp.patch && svn update && # get formated author and log information log=$(svn log -r $curRevNum:HEAD) && log=$(echo $log | gawk -v RS='------------------------------------------------------------------------'\ 'NR > 3 { if (NF > 10) printf "%s:%s;", $3, $NF; }' ) && # convert from base64 i=0 && convertedLog="" && while [ "$log" != "" ] do if (( $i%2 == 0 )); then # author temp=${log%%:*}; convertedLog+=$temp; convertedLog+=":\""; # discard used string log=${log#*:}; else # log, decode it temp=$( echo ${log%%;*} | base64 -d); convertedLog+=$temp; convertedLog+="\"; "; log=${log#*;}; fi ((i++)); done # replace last ";" symbol to "." convertedLog=$( echo $convertedLog | sed 's/;$/\./' ) && if [ "$convertedLog" != "" ]; then # modified by others, commit to local repository. # log format: author1:"message1"; author2:"message2"... base64 -d gfwlist.txt > list.txt && git commit -a -m "$convertedLog" && # apply local modification git apply temp.patch; fi # update date and checksum sed -i s/"Last Modified:.*$"/"Last Modified: $(date -R -r list.txt)"/ list.txt && ./addChecksum.pl list.txt && # save self change to git git commit -a -m "$*" && # commit to remote svn server base64 list.txt > gfwlist.txt && svn ci -m $( echo "$*" | base64 ) && rm temp.patch;